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Fandom Avengers: Next Generation

"Conversations don't normally end with people falling through windows." I reply. "Someone start talking, here, because I KNOW someone here attacked him."
National said:
Marko looks at Blur. He notes his fast fist. The same superspeed like Dimitri. Marko mouths to the man "There is nothing wrong here, just a conversation"
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Ivory climbed back up to the top floor, his sides were killing him....Maybe literally, "Marko....You fucking idiot..." He stood up slowly, wincing as he did so, the many rips in his costume had extended and a large chunk of his mask near his eye had fallen off, "I'm trying to stop....The public from hunting us down...So please....Stop being a bully and shut the fuck up!"
"Exactly my point." I say, standing besides Jack. A single spark of kinetic energy can be seen in my eyes, meaning I mean business here, as my fist continues to vibrate.
Marko looks at him, wanting to say something. He angrily writes a note throwing it at Ivory, the note saying "HOW DO I SHUT UP IF I DIDNT TALK IN THE FIRST PLACE.WANT ME TO TALK?"

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National said:
Marko looks at him, wanting to say something. He angrily writes a note throwing it at Ivory, the note saying "HOW DO I SHUT UP IF I DIDNT TALK IN THE FIRST PLACE.WANT ME TO TALK?"
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Ivory's barley visible childlike grin faded right then and there, he suddenly got serious, "Wait...You're not kidding?" His eyes widened, "Marko you know what I meant, please don't, if you talk half the city goes with me!"
I stare at Marko, then back at Ivory. "...Was 'Marko' the one that attacked you, webhead?" I ask. I eyeball Marko, the kinetic energy in my eyes crackling. A loose spark or two comes off of my fist.
Marko thinks to himself "Great. Another Sonic the HedgeHog is gonna attack me" he quickly writes a note and tosses it to Blur "Look, it is not what it looks like"

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I turn towards Ivory, energy still crackling. "Alright, wall-crawler, explain what happened." I say to him. I then continue to eyeball Marko.
National said:
Marko thinks to himself "Great. Another Sonic the HedgeHog is gonna attack me" he quickly writes a note and tosses it to Blur "Look, it is not what it looks like"
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Ivory swallowed the lump in his throat, he reached for his comm but cursed when he remembered he threw it in frustration, "Look, there's allot of hate in this room, just remember where we are...One wrong move and half of the city is gone, another wrong move and the public hates us, there isn't many ways this ends well." Ivory turned to the Blur, "Look guy, you want to help? There's three places I need you to go, first there's a group of people at Stark Tower, get them tell them what's happening here, then there's a girl and a robot about 10 miles south of here, get them, tell them what's happening. And lastly..." He picks up one of Marko's crumpled notes and scribbles something on it, "This is the address of a friend(Dimitri), go to him last and tell him what's going on, I'll give you the full story later."
"...I've already met with the Stark Tower people...I helped with the support beams on repairs...I'll get them first." I say. I start dashing towards Stark Tower, to tell them what's going on.
Marko nods at everything Ivory was telling Blur. Marko takes a deep breath. Ivory was right. One wrong move and the city would have been gone. Thankfully, he was able to hold it back.

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National said:
Marko nods at everything Ivory was telling Blur. Marko takes a deep breath. Ivory was right. One wrong move and the city would have been gone. Thankfully, he was able to hold it back.
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As Blur left Ivory turned back to Marko, ""Now Marko lets take this moment to calm down, and think about a way to make this better for us..."
Marko nods and writes "I apologize for that. Harry was really pressing my buttons, dwelling in my last. Don't put web stuff in my mouth again. At least make it taste good"

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"I don't think that's possible Marko" he said walking towards him "and you guys sure I don't need to kill him just one chop and it'd be over" he said
National said:
Marko nods and writes "I apologize for that. Harry was really pressing my buttons, dwelling in my last. Don't put web stuff in my mouth again. At least make it taste good"
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Ivory nods alright so here's what we do..." He turned around, "Savage, scorpion tail." A large tail broke from the back of his costume, he pointed it at Harry, "Marko, you and Jack leave, when your out just run to Stark Tower, I'll keep pretty boy here while you go."
Marko shakes his head and hands a note to Ivory "We don't need to fight him. Didn't you just say we need to protect our image? I came in here first, and I am leaving last. I just need to talk to Harry, not kill him"

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((I lol'd at "At least make it taste good"))

I arrive at Stark Tower, get right in front of Hel, and start telling her everything. "HEL! HEL! HEL! THERE'S A SITUATION AT OSCORP! HARRY OSBORN...MET WITH THE HEROES...ALMOST MADE MARKO...TURN AGAINST YOU GUYS...CRISIS...GET...OVER...THERE..." I am obviously out of breath from running from some random alleyway, to Stark Tower, to Oscorp, then back to Stark Tower.

National said:
Marko shakes his head and hands a note to Ivory "We don't need to fight him. Didn't you just say we need to protect our image? I came in here first, and I am leaving last. I just need to talk to Harry, not kill him"
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Ivory snapped his head back at Marko, "I'm not trying to fight him, I just want to talk, the reason you should go is because he presses your buttons, and the difference between me and you is that when someone gets me angry, I don't really risk blowing up the city!"
Marko grits his teeth. Ivory was right. All he would do is make the city go boom. Why do people need him here? He turns around and flies out the tower, grabbing Jack as he goes

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Ivory gave a sigh of relief as Marko and Jack left, he let the tail go back into the suit as the sound of bones twisting and snapping was heard. Once this was done Ivory gave an exhausted smile to Harry before once again sitting upside down in the chair and swinging his legs playfully, "So Harry, what did you think of the game last night?"

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