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Fandom Avengers: Next Generation

"Well, I haven't known your people for long too so how can I know if I can trust their word. I mean, one did attack us almost as soon as we met him." Amelia stated.

"That doesn't exactly create a trust." Liona said. @Kalin Scarlet
"I wouldn't if I were you. You don't exactly have integrity either. Some things you wouldn't want the world to know, much less the avengers."
"It gives us a bad name, and why should we get punished for something we haven't done. I only want you to tell the people the truth that is all. I am sure we can make a deal"

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"A deal? What have you to offer that I would want? Something I can't get otherwise?" He said, now intrigued.
Reaper said:
"I wouldn't if I were you. You don't exactly have integrity either. Some things you wouldn't want the world to know, much less the avengers."
Ivory slammed his comm down in frustration when no one responded, "Darn, looks like it's up to me." Ivory looked in the distance to Oscorp, "And that looks like a good place to start..."

Ivory walked to the front desk and looked to the receptionist, "Excuse me miss? Can I talk to mister Osbourne?"

(I now realize how horribly out of character I've been recently, Im changing that starting now.)
Marko bites his lip, hoping Harry would have an offer "I was hoping you would have an offer. I understand you're rich, but I believe I am the last inhuman alive from the Inhuman City. I am Black Bolts son" A secret not many know, but he was sure that Harry would hopefully keep it

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Kyuma sighed. "Well, I can't convince you, one way or another. I just hope you can trust me, if not the avengers..." He said, walking away. He went to the concrete bridge, punching the wall on the way out and causing it to crack.
"I'm sending you the files," Cassandra bended over and plugged the necklace into a nearby computer. After a minute of typing and, well sending she had a response. "I see, I'll tell the general about this," her commander said.
Amelia looked at the tower than at her squad. "Allison, I need you to do me a favor and go into the tower and gather some information." Amelia said.

"We can't just go steal their data!" Allison exclaimed.

"I need to know if I can trust them and who these people really are. You are the only one with complete stealth technology." Amelia stated.

"Alright, fine." Allison said defeated. She cloaked and climbed up to the part of the tower where the avengers stayed and busted through the window. "Ok, what am I looking for?"

"Anything useful." Amelia answered.
Allison heard Cassandra and remained silent. She began to move closer against the wall and watch Cassandra to see if she wod give any information or show her where she could get information. Allison became very nervous as well. If she were to be discovered, it could jeopardize her squad and her life.
Harry thought. "There might be something we could work out. Fun fact, did you know you're not the only inhuman on your team?"
Allison began trying to look through people's rooms to see if she can find anything. She looked more specifically for Cassie Stark's room. She thought that all she needed to know would probably be in there. @Pyosimros
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Reaper said:
Harry thought. "There might be something we could work out. Fun fact, did you know you're not the only inhuman on your team?"
Ivory was tossed to the curb by large hands, "OW! Okay thank you for your time!" Ivory got up and dusted himself off, "So much for the civilian approach." He went to a nearby alleyway and changed into his beat up costume, once he finished changing he began to crawl up the Oscorp building, stopping when he came to a floor where Harry Ousbourne and Marko were talking. Being as quiet as he could, he listened in.
Marko shook his head and wrote "I am sure of that, but I do not believe they were on my city. I am sure I would've known the citizens on the city my father ruled, unless they had the mist, than I would understand that

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Jack happened to be driving through town with his truck when he spotted Ivory. "What's he doing?" he wondered. "Recon mission perhaps?" he thought.
He smirked. "Oh the naivety. Connor Rodgers is on your team isn't he? I need a vial of his fathers blood. You get that for me, and you have a deal. I want nothing else. Understood?"
"You want it for his super human abilities. I cannot accept that. You almost killed Dimitri for your lust for power. If there is nothing else you want, you'll have to get it another way" Marko stands up to get ready to leave

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"Lust for power? You have no idea what my goal is, boy. My goal is to protect the earth at all costs by making us stronger. All of us. Extra terrestrials are so much stronger! Think about massacre! Think about your own father! We have to be ready! We won't get ready by playing by the rules. We just won't. We need someone to do the ugly thing, so that the rest of us can live."

(@Crono whatever!!!)
Reaper said:
"Lust for power? You have no idea what my goal is, boy. My goal is to protect the earth at all costs by making us stronger. All of us. Extra terrestrials are so much stronger! Think about massacre! Think about your own father! We have to be ready! We won't get ready by playing by the rules. We just won't. We need someone to do the ugly thing, so that the rest of us can live."
(@Crono whatever!!!)
Ivory had seen enough opening the window he stepped inside the room, "You're not doing the ugly you are the ugly!" He began to laugh and jump, "I DID IT I MADE A GOOD JOK- OW! My side, I forgot about that!" Holding his side he made his way to face Harry, "Calm down please, your getting a bit jumpy and its making me nervous, especially when you're clearly a physosiopath."
"My father died to try to protect the city. Yes, the city died along with him, but he had no intentions to turn himself into a monster." Marko didn't feel sure about his own statement. The infinity stone his father had, what did he need it for? Surely he didn't mean to use it to fight Thanos? That would drive him insane. But he pushed the thought aside. "And how do we know people won't die through this procedure? Steve Rodgers lived because he had courage far stronger than any normal humans"

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Marko writes again "We want less deaths. That is why the Avengers are here. And won't more super powered humans endanger themselves? Endanger there own population? More property damage, more riots, and much more. We, the Avengers, and other groups are here to protect the people from themselves and the threats up there" Marko points to the sky

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