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Fandom Avengers: Next Generation

"I'm the mentally insane symbiote by the way, unless it's you. Pretty much we killed a bunch of people and we blew up his tower," she explained it quickly.
Dimitri had a sudden realization. His earpiece was missing. In a panic he tried to grab his phone, but it was too far away.
Pyosimros said:
"I'm the mentally insane symbiote by the way, unless it's you. Pretty much we killed a bunch of people and we blew up his tower," she explained it quickly.
Ivory pinched the bridge of his nose, "Okay, let me talk to Cass, she owns a billion dollar company, she might have someone persuasion here." He changed the comms channel, "Cass! Cass! Are you there?"
"Alright, guys, I'm out of support beam pieces." The Blur says to his group. "I'm going out on patrol." The Blur adds before dashing away, to find real action.
He finally grabbed the phone and texted Marko. "Harry has my comlink. Don't say anything he doesn't know. In fact, you can use it to trick him."
Looking here and there, searching for some sort of excitement...Barry has had better days. This is one of the few days he's complained about there being no villains. "Maybe I should-" I sight something. An ordinary robber. No weaponry. Carrying a sack of cash. An alarm is coming from the bank a block away. "AHA!" I shout. I charge towards the robber at top speed. The robber smacks me with the sack of cash, and I get knocked down. I slide straight into the wall, feet first. "Sorry, Blur, but I don't think so." the criminal says. I try to get up, and end up pulling through, feet searing with pain, but luckily, not broken. "Point, robber..." I say. I then go for a speedy combo of punches, faster than the robber can dodge.

"You're...Not...Gonna...Get...Away!" I say as I perform the rapidfire punches. I think I'll call this move the "Gatling Punch," I think to myself. Eventually, the robber blocks with the sack of cash. I perform a leg sweep, catching him off guard and knocking him down. I then grab him and dash off to the nearest officer, turning him in. "Nice job, Blur." the officer, obviously a police chief, says. "Thank, Chief!" I respond before dashing off.
Marko picks up the phone and texts back "K I gotcha. I'll see if I can infiltrate his base" Marko gets up and starts to scout for Oscorp

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After having watched several of his friends walk through the building, Finn shrugged and decided to head home. Maybe they were just really busy, anyways he always had his earpiece on if they needed him. By the time he got home he was a little winded, having not done that much walking in a pretty long time. He flopped down onto his couch and turned on the tv, deciding that if they were up to something it would be on the news. The first thing to show up was a blazing Stark Tower and on the other side of the screen a blazing Oscorp Tower. He shook himself and blinked a few times to see if this was real or not before deciding that it was indeed real.

He was just about to get up and make his way back there when a clip of Harry Osborne flashed up onto the screen. He started blabbing on about how horrible the New Avengers were and how everything was their fault but to be fair Finn had kind of blocked him out. He quickly reached up and pushed the button on his earpiece. "Guys... Harry's blaming the New Avengers for whatever happened at Oscorp and something about a plane? What is going on here? And somebody better fill me in or I'm smashing someone." He grumbled at the end for good measure.
"Guys, Harry Osborne did a press interview saying that the Avengers attacked his tower and his plane killing the pilot." Liona stated. The rest of the girls looked at each other and then looked at the other avengers who were around them. Tanya looked nervously at Amelia.

"What should we do?" She asked.

"We be cautious around them for right now." Amelia said.

@Kalin Scarlet @Hel
"I see...well then, I think we can call it a day on repairs. This building wont fall in on itself, and all the destroyed stuff is gone. It will take some redecoration, though. But that's not my strong suit..." He glanced up at Hel, and the thought of how she looked pretty attractive caused him to look away. 'Nonononono, you already have a girl in mind...right? Wait, is she even single? Ugh, why do hormones have to make things difficult...' he said, hiding his face in his palm.


After hearing the girl's statements, he whipped around, looking at them. "That's not true!" he said, with neither the knowledge or evidence to support that fact.

@Pink Gorilla
"What the news thinks of the avengers is none of my concern. I have little to do with them, and honestly just hover around this place." Hel said. She nodded to Kuyma when he mentioned that they were be done.
Marlo looks around tirely for Oscorp and finds it. He goes to the front door and goes in to the front office, asking for Harry

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The elevator dinged open with Harry inside. He motioned for Marko to enter with him. "Come now young man. Let's hope you have better luck than the last one of you to enter my elevator."

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"Sorry if I don't take your word for it right away." Amelia said. "We don't exactly have proof that that you did or didn't do it. I have protect my squad." She said.
Marko nods and goes in. He writes to Harry "Hello, my name is Marko, and I have come to talk, not fight" Marko looks at Harry with a formal but happy smile. He was glad he didn't get shot right away

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As the Blur speeds through, he comes to a sudden stop, noticing some announcement from Harry Osborn, who is saying the New Avengers "attacked him and his plane, and killed his pilot". Yeah, right, like THAT happened. Barry thinks to myself. He chuckles a little at the thought of the New Avengers actually turning bad. He then speeds off, looking for any events of importance. "Come on...Is there anything exciting going on in this town?" He asks no one in particular. He continues speeding through. "Blah, blah, boring, boring..." I say as I look through the buildings. I sight Oscorp. "Well...There might be some problems, being how many people wanna take Oscorp out...Maybe I should stick around here." I say to myself, coming to a stop around a block away from Oscorp.
Harry was surprised by the lack of hostility. "I would rather not fight either. Especially considering your skill set and that we are in an enclosed space. Luckily the fire didn't reach my office, only the top few floors. We can speak there." When the elevator opened he walked to his desk and motioned for Marko to sit opposite him
Marko sits down, writing another note. "I think we both saw the news. It may cone to your surprise, but I am also a new avenger, and I have been given a lot of questions about me "attacking oscorps plane and killing the pilot". It has given me a bad rep, and we both know that isn't what happened" Marko slips the note to Harry

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"Oh but it is what happened! I was there! The whole thing still traumatizes me. Hopefully my petition will make sure no more of these... Incidents occur."
"You know this isn't true. We would have disbanded the avengers if that truly happened. I only come here to tell the public this isn't true" Marko slips him the note

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[QUOTE="Pink Gorilla]"Sorry if I don't take your word for it right away." Amelia said. "We don't exactly have proof that that you did or didn't do it. I have protect my squad." She said.

"Look, I may not have known these guys for long, but they're heroes. They help people! And when did we start taking the word of an Osbourne, anyways!?" he argued.

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