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Fandom Avengers: Next Generation

Kyuma took notice of the locket. "Was that a gift?" he asked, pointing at it as he began looking for something else to work on.

Dimitri rolled over and groaned. "Did they... Get... Necklace? Harry is... Trying to fr-frame us... Necklace... Prove... Innocent." He tried to reach for his cell phone on the nightstand but he couldn't stretch his arm that far.
He shook his head. "Give to Clair.. Or Cassie... Guard it with your life... It could be the end of us... Oh... And both of you... Thanks for s-saving my life."

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"All these villains...So many of them...I need to protect this city..." Barry Maximoff says to himself, in an alleyway. "I just have to grab my suit...And maybe...I can get to Avengers Tower, with my speed...It may be a bit late for the battle, but at least I can help with the cleanup work..." Barry grabs his backpack off his, well, back. Opening it up, he smirks at the sight of his suit, and his helmet, with built-in goggles. "Let's go." Barry says. He changes into the Blur suit in a flash, and dashes towards Avengers Tower. "Blah, nope, not the right one, that's not it..." The Blur says, looking at different buildings. "Where is it...?" The Blur asks himself, looking around. He finds himself dodging traffic for a few seconds, but he soon passed it. "The one thing I hate about this speed is that it's so hard to find what you're looking for, you usually run right past it." Barry says to himself.
[QUOTE="Steel Zinogre]"My chest...... It is damaged......" He said as he opened up his chest, many broken wires and misplaced gears. "I have done my job..... And that was keeping you all safe....." He said as hebstill held the wire from the helicopter, siphoning its power.

"Redd, don't move," Cassie said solemnly. She calmly replaced all of the gears that were out of place and repaired the broken wires with electric tape. "That should do until we get back to the tower.... If its still standing....."
Perry walked through the street without his costume. He didn't feel like being Spider-Man right now. Right now, he felt like taking a walk. He kept walking down the cold street of his neighbourhood, most of the time there was no crime. Until there was. A giant metallic fist punched him into a wall of a nearby house. He slowly got up, his invisible suit repairing his injuries. Though the hit jammed his ability to change into his costume. He needed to act like he was still injured. He slowed his pace, purposely getting hit by the villain at some time, and purposely dodging some hits, making it look like he had no fighing experience. Though this faking was over when Joseph grabbed him by the neck and held him up. "Hello, Spider-Man. Same you couldn't hide your secret identity was well as your father."
The Blur sights Avengers Tower in the distance. "Almost there..." The Blur says to himself. He dodges traffic, and within minutes, arrives. He then stops, smiling. "Finally made it...Didn't think it would take so long, I mean, I have super speed..." The Blur says. He then notices other people are there. "Hey...Need a hand with cleanup?" The Blur asks.
sitanomoto said:
"Redd, don't move," Cassie said solemnly. She calmly replaced all of the gears that were out of place and repaired the broken wires with electric tape. "That should do until we get back to the tower.... If its still standing....."
"Thank you....... For the temporary repairs." Redd said as he tried to get up, but the wiring in his legs was severed. "But I cannot move my legs...... How will I be of use to you?" He asked.
"Yeah, actually, my dad gave it to me. He's nice like that." She shook her head and turned to the kid that just appeared. "Sure, we could always use help around here, it seems. Maybe we can have it in passable condition when the others return? I can't fix the tech, but the building seems to be going well enough.

@Diamond655 @Kalin Scarlet
"Emergency over-ride! Passcode Omega Omega Epsilon Ten!" Perry shouted and his waldoes appeared out of nowhere and stabbed Joseph's chest. Perry quickly kicked him away and began calling Stark tower. "Come on... Pick up!" he shouted and he dodged another hit.
"Alright. I can get the supports back up." The Blur says, starting to get support pieces back into the building at super speed. It isn't the BEST speed he's reached, but it IS the best he can reach while carrying heavy supports.

@Hel @Kalin Scarlet
"Hey, can somebody take that call? I don't know how to work any of the tech in here." He said, continuing to move things into place, and taking away anything that was beyond saving. Luckily, that didn't include any bodies...

"Hel? Maybe you can get that?" he asked.

@Pink Gorilla


Hel nodded, and stepped over to the phone.

"Hello? Destroyed Stark tower, to whom am I speaking?" She asked, in a perfect secretarial voice. She nodded with a smile towards the speedy one who offered to help.
I smile back at Hel before continuing to work on the Tower. Maybe this goes here...No, I think it goes here...Maybe here...? I think to myself, trying to get a support piece in. Actually, I think it goes on the next column... I head over to the next support column and insert the piece in.
Ivory woke up groggily and saw Dimitri talking to Cassandra, he stood up and all the pain came rushing to him at once, "OW, OW! Okay, note to self, never go into burning buildings if all you're going to do is jump out of them and hurt yourself." He reached for his phone but couldn't find that! "Alright, other note to self, never fly without a way to keep your phone safe." He put his hand up to the part of his mask that help his comm, pices of the mask crumbling off as he made contact, "This is Ivory to all available, I have Dimitri, I brought him to his house, if anyone could provide transport to my house before my mom skins me, that'd be nice."
"Ivory... There's a motorcycle in my garage... No one uses it... Keys by the door.." He said pointing. "You can keep it... If you want..."
Reaper said:
"Ivory... There's a motorcycle in my garage... No one uses it... Keys by the door.." He said pointing. "You can keep it... If you want..."
Ivory shook his head, "Thanks for the offer Dimitri, but it isn't about how to get home,I need help because I did something stupid and messes up my leg and my ribs."
Perry heard Ivory through the comm system and he started calling him back. "Hey, Ivory I'm in the street near my house. There's some maniac that's trying to kill me, backup would be helpful!" he shouted and he got slammed into another wall. Perry was temporarily stunned by the blow which gave Joseph the chance to grab him again and he sliced off Perry's waldoes.
Pyosimros said:
Flash rolled over to the robot in his wheelchair. "Hey, cheer up. You can be like me!" he grinned.
"No, I cannot. For I could not change forms if a part of me is gone..... Then what purpose will I fulfill if I am useless?" Redd asked, feeling a deep depression inside. "If I cannot be functional, then I am nothing but a plaything......."
"No...... I must be completely together, or I cannot change form. You cannot simply just weld on new legs and call it done. I am designed to change forms, and I must be repaired completely, or I cannot function properly. @Pyosimros @sitanomoto
Ivory sighed in defeat when he got Perry's message. He stood up and winced, "No rest for the wicked I guess." He pointed to Cassandra, "Iron Spider's in trouble downtown, if you want to help come with." He waved bye to Dimitri as he limped off, "Get some rest alright?" He limped his way to the motorcycle in the garage and got on, each step was pain but he had to move. He began to drive downtown, talking into his comm as he did so, "Iron Spider I'm on my way, if anyone else on comms is available, there's a situation downtown, not all the details are clear though." He stopped the bike and got off with a wince, staring wide eyed at the villain in front of him...

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