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Fandom Avengers: Next Generation


Harry hopped off of his glider onto the top of a building back in New York. A compartment of the glider opened up with this normal clothes, so he changed and put the goblin suit inside. He pulled out his phone and put it to his ear. "David. I want a press conference called. The avengers just blew up my building and destroyed the plane I tried to escape in. Well yes, but we won't mention their reason, will we? Thank you." He hung up and put it away.
Reaper said:
Harry hopped off of his glider onto the top of a building back in New York. A compartment of the glider opened up with this normal clothes, so he changed and put the goblin suit inside. He pulled out his phone and put it to his ear. "David. I want a press conference called. The avengers just blew up my building and destroyed the plane I tried to escape in. Well yes, but we won't mention their reason, will we? Thank you." He hung up and put it away.
(OOOOO Fancy short time skip!)

Ivory putt Dimitri sown in his bed, he was exhausted, he started to walk away but doubled back when he saw something on Dimitri's computer, "What the hell is this?" he whispered. He tried to read the words on the computer but they began to blend together, his tired eyes made it difficult to read. He eventually fell asleep trying to concentrate for long enough to read the words.
Eventually, Kyuma had enough strength to stand up. When he did, he let out a burp, and a torrent of fire along with it. When he was done, he coughed. "Well, better out than in, I guess..."

Kyuma looked up at the steaming building and wondered how it could get destroyed so many times, and yet still remain standing.
Hel looked at Kyuma with disdain, and asked, "So, are you gonna help me put some of it back together or do your skills end with eating?" She asked.
Kyuma looked at the girl, with the shame expression of shock he'd given the boy earlier."I just extinguished an entire building on fire! A giant building! You could be a bit more appreciative...as for what I can do, If you can give me directions I can understand, It shouldn't be too hard to help." He said, sighing. "I'm Kyuma, by the way."
"Right, all by yourself. The water appearing and putting flames out throughout the building didn't help at all." Hel said sarcastically. The boy was certainly impressive, but she liked covering up 'impressed' with... well, whatever her usual sarcasm and disdain were taken as.

"As for instructions? Com with me to the building- you can take care of anything dead, or unstable. I'll work on teleporting the building back into place- windows, beams, supports, and whatever. I don't know how to build a building, but I;m sure I can fix one." She said with a shrug. "Teleporting is nice like that."
Amelia and the girls saw the fire at Stark and it go out. They decided to go see what happened. When they got their, they saw a guy and a girl outside. "What the Hell happened here?" Tanya asked. @Hel @Kalin Scarlet

(Sorry that it has been a while since I posted I haven't been feeling good all week)
Kyuma turned to the newcomers and shrugged. "Don't ask me. I was just the guy who got stuck cleaning up a mess he had no part in creating. Granted, a person I happen to like lives here, so I couldn't possibly let the place fall apart." He turned to Hel. "Do you know what happened?"


"I just got here, I have no clue. But I do know that if you all keep saying that, I'm going to be awful confused. Hel, by the way."
Cassandra finally got a grip of the plane and she ripped the door open. (Okay, this defies any law of whatever but whatever) "Dimitri?" she walked through the plane and she saw Ivory with him. They both look like that got ran over by a truck. "What happened to you guys!?" she ran over to them.

(Oh um... Pretend she followed them..?)
Hel said:
"I just got here, I have no clue. But I do know that if you all keep saying that, I'm going to be awful confused. Hel, by the way."

"Nice to meet you, Hel. Well, lets get started with repairs." Kyuma said, walking towards Stark Tower's entrance. He stepped inside, the sprinklers having finally kicked in and doused the building. Though it was still slightly warm, At least they didn't have to worry about burning themselves.
"I am Amelia." Amelia stated




"I heard that the Oscorp building was also set on fire. Is there a connection between the two incidents?" Liona asked.

"And what happened to the Avengers. "Are they all alright?" Allison asked concerned while Tanya gave her an odd look.

@Hel @Kalin Scarlet
sitanomoto said:
Cassie dropped like a stone towards Redd. "Come on buddy... Not you too. Not when I can save you." she opened a panel in his chest and removed a screwdriver from her arm. "Where are you leaking power from?"

Cassie was almost done fixing Redd, so she called Ivory and Dimitri. "Hey guys? How's Dimitri?"
"My chest...... It is damaged......" He said as he opened up his chest, many broken wires and misplaced gears. "I have done my job..... And that was keeping you all safe....." He said as hebstill held the wire from the helicopter, siphoning its power.
Pink Gorilla]"I am Amelia." Amelia stated "Tanya." "Allison." "Liona." "I heard that the Oscorp building was also set on fire. Is there a connection between the two incidents?" Liona asked. "And what happened to the Avengers. "Are they all alright?" Allison asked concerned while Tanya gave her an odd look. [URL="https://www.rpnation.com/profile/14665-hel/ said:
"Probably. I still don't know what was going on around here, but its safe to assume the avengers went to handle the problem....whatever it is." He said, stepping back outside. "Its nice to meet you all, as well. Its safe to head inside now, if you intended to." he stated afterwards.

@Pink Gorilla

"Right, well... Aren't there a lot of you?" Hel asked, she didn't much like crowds, but around here they seemed really hard to get away from. "Let's see if we can have the tower fixed up before the others get back from their 'important' stuff, hmm? It would be a shame for them to come back to a broken home. Plus, I've never fixed a building before- lets see what we can do, shall we?" With that, Hel headed inside of the building and started attempting to repair the structure of the building, if nothing else.
Kyuma headed back inside, and began moving irreparable items outside. Whenever Hel needed assistance with something, he'd run back to help, then return to clearing. His enhanced strength made it all easier for him, without a doubt.


@Pink Gorilla
The girls all decided to help, though not really sure why they should. Tanya moved heavy items with telekinesis while Allison used her tentacles to move the debris out of the building as well. Amelia started to scope out the intensity of the damage by flying up and inspecting the entire building on the outside while Liona checked the inside. "This place is a mess." Liona said over the radio.

"Tell me about it." Amelia said.

@Hel @Kalin Scarlet
Hel herself did most of what she could with teleporting. Sure, she was stealing nuts and bolts and anything that may need replaced from nearby stores and construction sites, but honestly who would notice? She was glad the others were helping out, it had been a long time since she felt useful, and honestly perhaps she could make some friends by helping rebuild their home. She missed her family, but still wasn't talking with her father for the time being- which meant that she hadn't seen any of them for several months now. Hel was starting to feel... lonely.
"Hey, you alright?" Kyuma said, walking over to Hel. He had taken a moment to check up on everyone else , just to see who might need a hand, when he came across her, standing around lost in her personal thoughts. Under normal circumstances, most people would have left her to her thoughts. However, Kyuma was prone to butting into others business...part of the reason he'd ever ended up in this place.
"Hmm? Oh, Yeah, I'm fine." Hel said, shaking her head and getting back to work. Her hand remained absently touching her locket, her fingers exploring it's ridges mindlessly. "I am always fine."

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