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Fandom Avengers: Next Generation

As the fire began to grow, everyone in the building began to evacuate screaming and the police as well as people on street level began looking up at the fire and destruction.
Ivory growled and was about to respond, but instead began to laugh his ass off as Cassie punched the guy in the face, "*Gasping for air* So...Funny...Can't....Breath!"
Clair fired up the gun again and set the co-ordinates for back to the avengers rooms. Landing there the portal closed behind her and she began coughing, clutching the necklace in her hand.


Before collapsing from Smoke Inhalation
Reaper said:
As the fire began to grow, everyone in the building began to evacuate screaming and the police as well as people on street level began looking up at the fire and destruction.
"BITCH!" Fenrir shouted as his nose began to bleed. He then glared at Phoenix, now pissed off. He used several Vectors to grab the robot before slamming it into the wall. "WE DON'T HAVE TIME FOR FUCKING ABOUT! WE NEED TO LEAVE NOW, THE BUILDING IS UNSAFE!"

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GimmickPuppet said:
"BITCH!" Fenrir shouted as his nose began to bleed. He then glared at Phoenix, now pissed off. He used several Vectors to grab the robot before slamming it into the wall. "WE DON'T HAVE TIME FOR FUCKING ABOUT! WE NEED TO LEAVE NOW, THE BUILDING IS UNSAFE!"
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Ivory stopped laughing but a few giggles came up in between his words, "What....What do you mean?"
"I mean that the building has sustained a fair amount of damage. I don't think it is very safe to be in here, plus we have problems on the street we need to sort out."

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GimmickPuppet said:
"I mean that the building has sustained a fair amount of damage. I don't think it is very safe to be in here, plus we have problems on the street we need to sort out."
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Ivory turned to Cassie, "Suggestion Cass? Get any suit you can as quickly as possible, then run." He turned to Fennrir, "Lead the way."
Cassie nodded, then ran to her lab. She grabbed a metal briefcase, her screwdriver, the helm, and her dad's mask. She quickly got into her suit and grabbed her data chip for Friday. She ran back out to the livingroom. "Sorry about punching you..."
The symbiote started getting more agitated. Cassandra had to get out. Dimitri and Harry already escaped. "CRAP!!!" She screamed and she punched a hole into the wall. The suit around her shuttered even more and it started to take a new form. She quickly calmed down before she lost control. At this point, the fire started cornering her. She jumped out onto the streets, looking at the destruction. She wanted to help the people evacuate but she would lose control if she did. "Clair, come in. Dimitri and Harry are both gone."

(They shouldn't be... And sorry for not being on I had to do something quickly)
sitanomoto said:
Cassie nodded, then ran to her lab. She grabbed a metal briefcase, her screwdriver, the helm, and her dad's mask. She quickly got into her suit and grabbed her data chip for Friday. She ran back out to the livingroom. "Sorry about punching you..."
[QUOTE="The Dragon Rider]Clair fired up the gun again and set the co-ordinates for back to the avengers rooms. Landing there the portal closed behind her and she began coughing, clutching the necklace in her hand.

Before collapsing from Smoke Inhalation

Ivory ran towards the concrete strip outside, but found a girl lying unconscious, he went to her side and shook her, the smoke finally filling his mask, "Hey are you alright?" He didn't bother with a response as the smoke got even stronger, he picked her up in a cradle position before running back out to where Cassie and the others were, "GUYS WE HAVE TO GO NOW!"
[QUOTE="Kalin Scarlet](Am I even still in this RP?)

(Yes, just pretend you traveled the U.S. or some crap during the two month time skip and came back, do whatever you will...)
"It's fine. I slapped you to wake you up." Fenrir shrugged as he approached the stairs, a large piece of rubble in the way. He quickly breaks it into pieces, before advancing down, ushering the others to follow.

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[QUOTE="Kalin Scarlet](But you guys are already doing some kind of fight again...)

(No we're actually just trying to not get burnt alive)

Reaper said:
(Woah then what happened to stark tower???)
(Ya know....Stuff)
[QUOTE="Kalin Scarlet](Okay, what /exactly/ happened? So I can be somewhat accurate.

(Well Cassie's secret sister Clair came and is currently acting like tech support for Cassandra and Dimitri as they fight Harry Osbourne while she stays at Stark Tower. This ultimatley turned out bad as Oscorp began to burn and Dimitri was captured. Ivory and Perry left to have a quick family reunion but it was inturuppted by Redd who's taking Ivory back to Cassie, once there Fennrir showed up and began to usher everyone out of a burning Stark Tower)


GimmickPuppet said:
"It's fine. I slapped you to wake you up." Fenrir shrugged as he approached the stairs, a large piece of rubble in the way. He quickly breaks it into pieces, before advancing down, ushering the others to follow.
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Ivory rushed to the boys side, struggling a bit under the heat as Savage began to get weaker and weaker, Ivory could hold the girl up with his own strength, but it would slow him down, he turned to the man, "Where to strange man?"
Redd gets himself off the wall as phoenix grabbed his plans. "Let's go my friends, the master's home is crumbling." Redd said as he grabbed phoenix, cassie, and allowed ivory to jump onto his back for more efficient transportation. "My arachnid friend, could you see if any threats are about?" Redd asked ivory. @sitanomoto @LokiofSP @GimmickPuppet

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