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Fandom Avengers: Next Generation

Marko looks down the building. He hurriedly takes out the blue infinity stone as the man with Black hair comes to him. Marko nods at him and opens the capsule, the Black haired young man in karate uniform studies it "And this is what we asked for, correct?" Marko nodded. Marko also pulled out a drawing if the entire Stark Building and gave it to the guy. The guy nods "Good Job Marko. justice and I are pleased by your job. Once our army is ready, we can start to invade Stark towers" Marko nods at this, his face very serious

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Harry finally arrived at his office with his assistant, David. He sat down at his desk as David looked out the window behind Harry, a wall of complete glass.

After a while David spoke. "I'll never understand why your science plan matters so much."

"Science is what got us out of the food chain. Science is the reason that the land we stand on speaks English rather than a Native American language.... Well science and disease killing 90% of them, but you get my point. We need to be prepared for when an extraterrestrial mayflower finds earth, or God help us all. These minds need to work together. Stark, Osbourn, Richards, Banner, Doom, Hammer. Why are we all fighting? Isn't it about time we realize we are on the same side?"

"Yes but... Super soldier serum? I could fill a Rolodex with the times its backfired, your own family included!"

"But this is no ordinary serum." He lifted a vial of blue liquid. "With my modifications, these soldiers will regenerate faster than any meta human this world could see. You could cut off one head and another would take its place..."

David's eyes widened. "Where did you... Get that?"

"Have you ever heard the saying, the ends justify the means?"

"Yes. People say it right before they do something horrible."

Harry scowled. "That type of thinking is the reason dad chose me to lead this company."

David walked to the door and opened it, "Dad taught me that brilliant business people exist, and mom taught me that horrible people exist. You taught me they aren't always mutually exclusive." He shut the door behind him.
Clair Jumped as Dimitri's entrance, she really needs to create some sort of lock on her door. Looking confused at him for his request she took the laynard from her pocket and threw it to him.

"Here take it, I have no need for it anyway since im staying here"

She looked suspicious at him

"Dimitri whats going on"

She picked up her coffee and went to join him as they left the room. Something was going on here and she would be damned if she was staying out of the loop again
"Well, I've been researching oscorp and I've noticed or of their funding goes to a project that they've had under lock and key for quite some time now. Norman Osbourn did it, Harry Osbourn The first did it, and now this guy. This coupled with the general mayhem what follows the company and logic dictates something is up."
Clair nodded as she walked with him. She had a bad feeling about Harry the minute he walked into her labs

"Well I did wonder how he get access to my labs in SHIELD since very few actually had that level of access"

She frowned to herself as she took a drink of her coffee, something was not adding up here but she could not figure it out

"And then he deflected all of my questions and tried to head hunt me"
"Then when Tony dies, he shows up here and wants to speak with Cassie or something." He looked at the lanyard. "I don't think I could pass for a... Clair."
Clair froze, she bit her lip and frowned, she should tell him what else she knew, it would probably be a game changer though

"There's um....one more thing. Tony Stark is... my father"

She gulped looking down at her wringing hands wanting nothing more than to sink through the floor and vanish

"His DNA was used without his knowledge in order to create a child with his intelligence for HYDRA and so I was born. My mother decided I was better off away from the kind of life HYDRA had in mind for me and she died because of that. I was given to a handler and my training and learning began. Its all I knew but when I was experienced enough I was able to hack their system and find out the truth and I just had to get out of there. Eventually I did and Fury found me"

She looked back up and took a shuddering breath.

"So now you know my whole story, the only person other than you that knows this is Fury himself, please don't let this get out"

She looked to you pleadingly.
His jaw dropped. After a moment he composed himself and walked to the elevators hoping she would follow. "Don't worry I won't tell anyone. But you should. These people you'll meet have a lot nastier secrets than yours. We all trust each other, and if you have those stark genes, we can use you."
Clair looked to Dimitri and shook her head

"It's best that it stays secret, if it gets out that I am a HYDRA experiment then people will think Stark is compromised, its best i stay out of this. Work from the background"

She looked to the laynard then back to Dimitri

"So whats the plan"

She asked as she finished her coffee.
He shrugged. "Well maybe you ARE compromised." He held up the lanyard. "If I could get clearance to each level, I could explore the facility fast enough so that no one can see me. Now that I have your lanyard it is possible! The issue is that I can only get info by sight. I can't use computers because they aren't fast enough, so we will see how this goes. When you meet everyone upstairs, you'll have to make up some sort of fake biography so good luck with that."
Clair tensed

"Leave my history to me, although most people just let me to myself and my work"

Reaching into her pocket she pulled out a necklace similar to her own and handed it to Dimitri

"Its a contact device. Just put it on the device you want to pull the information from and it will make a copy of everything on that device for extraction later on. I already have one and its what I used to compromise HYDRA and hand their information over to SHIELD hence the sudden rise in attacks and conflicts between them both, SHIELD now knows everything HYDRA has going on"

Clair also took out a small orb

"And this is a portable shielding device. It will create a bubble shield around you while your downloading the data from Osbournes computer system because lets be honest more than likely there will be an attack on you"
He took the orb and put on the necklace. "Thank you! How do I look?" He smirked. "Well then jimmy neutron, looks like you're already coming in handy." The elevator dinged and Dimitri stepped out. "This is where they all hang out and plan missions. Make yourself at home, even though this isn't mine so I really shouldn't say that..."
Clair nodded and stepped out before catching your shoulder and letting it go again with a soft blush

"Just....be careful yeah? and if you need any hacking done let me know"

She stepped forward and clenched and un-clenched her hands as she looked around. She would have to get her story straight.
"Will do." He said with a smile. He then ran his fingers through his hair. "I'll still be on cameras entering the building. I might need to dye my hair so that I don't stick out like a silver thumb."
Clair gave a smile and shook her head

"Whats this a shake down for my best gadgets?"

She smiled and gave a small laugh.

"Just make sure that before you go you come back to my lab, I am pretty sure I will have a few things useful for you."
"More like, the clone created by the Jackal to defeat me but turned good," Peter smirked and he walked over to the table.

"Okay, on my own now," Cassandra mumbled. Everyone seemed to be ditching now. She started growing impatient and decided to just ask Cassie so she could finally go to the helicarrier. She walked into the tower, and into the elevator. As each floor passed her she started to wonder if she even knew where both Cassie and her was. She opened the door and she say a clump of people there. What's with these giant groups of people these days? she though and she looked around the room. Nonetheless, there has to be someone who has proper clearance to the vehicles. "Hi everyone, does anyone have clearance to Stark Industries' planes?"
Pyosimros said:
"More like, the clone created by the Jackal to defeat me but turned good," Peter smirked and he walked over to the table.
"Okay, on my own now," Cassandra mumbled. Everyone seemed to be ditching now. She started growing impatient and decided to just ask Cassie so she could finally go to the helicarrier. She walked into the tower, and into the elevator. As each floor passed her she started to wonder if she even knew where both Cassie and her was. She opened the door and she say a clump of people there. What's with these giant groups of people these days? she though and she looked around the room. Nonetheless, there has to be someone who has proper clearance to the vehicles. "Hi everyone, does anyone have clearance to Stark Industries' planes?"
Ben smiled and began to slowly make his way to the table, gesturing to Ivory and Laura to come over, he hugged them both and laughed, "Never thought I'd see the day Peter Parker settled down and stopped the heroics."
"Well I did. Though compared to the other guys I'm not that old, I'm around ten years younger then the rest. Guess you are too," Peter sat down.

(Sorry I have to go so I'm making that short post)
Jack looked at Clair from above and slowly glided himself down from the ceiling like Perry would and stared at her waiting for her to turn around. "HYDRA huh?"

@The Dragon Rider
Clair gasped and turned before her eyes widened

"How much did you hear?"

She clenched her fists as she looked at him.
"Everything" he said scratching his ear due to an itch. "I wouldn't be a good assassin if I couldn't get information before taking care of my target" he said swinging on the rope now. "But you've got nothing to worry about I won't say anything, there's no reason to since your an ally"
Clair's hands were trembling and she shook her head

"They cannot find out I....I can't cause anyone anymore pain"

She turned away and spotting a liquor cabinet poured herself a drink before swallowing it in one gulp before sighing

"Anyone who gets close to me ends up hurt. Its why I avoid making emotional connections with people. Its not worth the pain"
"Hurt huh" he said landing next to her. "Well in case you haven't noticed I can't die so me being hurt is a pretty big understatement" he said. "Thanks author you;re" the best he said with a wink at no particular direction.
"Listen Jack. I know what you're like, and I know how horribly you keep secrets. But this is important. Don't tell a soul, got it?" Dimitri said before turning to Clair. "Your office here?"
Clair looked at him with a raised eyebrow at the peculiar behavior but made no comment about it.

"Anyway so this conversation stays between us right? as in me you and Dimitri?"

@The Regal Rper

Nodding to Dimitri she looked out the windows. She had a bad feeling about this.

"I have a few things I think can help, I'm not a genius for nothing"

She gave a small smile as she began to mentally go through what she had with her.


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