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Fandom Avengers: Next Generation

"No need to be defensive! My name is Harry Osbourn. I'm sure you've heard of Oscorp. Long story short, we could use someone like you. We supply weapons and technology to the government, the police, you name it, so working for my company really is fighting the good fight." He said, ignoring the questions of how he got there and how he knows her.
Clair's eyebrow raised, of course she knew of Oscorp but how had he gotten so deep inside the facility. This seemed way too unusual.

"Nice to meet you Mr. Osbourn, but you still did not answer my question of how you got inside a SHIELD facility"

She asked as her hands unfolded and rested at her hips. This seemed too good to be true so her defenses were up.
"My headquarters are in New York. If you could arrive there tomorrow, we could get on with this process." He handed her a lanyard with a keycard on it. "This will prove I sent you. And with that, I hope you have a good day, Dr. Grady." He bowed his head and turned on his heel to leave.
Clair looked down at the keycard in her hand. This went beyond suspicious. Putting her lab on lock down once she was sure she was alone she went to work hacking into Oscorps system. Some of the more senior agents had noticed the inherited hacking abilities when she had first started but did not bring it up.

"He is up to something but I do not know what"

Just as she was about to get into the system an explosion rocked the facility. Something was very wrong.

Getting up she scrambled to gather some of her gadgets as she synced her data from the computer to her necklace and purged her desk of any data. She would have to get out of here and fast
The explosion knocked Harry on the ground in the hallway outside the room she was in.

"The hell was that? Does this happen often? Freaking sheild...." He said as he got back to his feet and picked up his sunglasses. He opened the door to where she was again and called to her. "Come with me!"
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Clair gripped the side of the wall. She had left the lab and found herself facing Harry. She narrowed her eyes before storming to him and grabbing his shirt

"What the hell have you done!"

She shouted as she let go of you, her hands shaking slightly. Ever since getting away from HYDRA Clair was wary of anyone new in her life so when Harry appeared in her lab and shortly after leaving explosions went off around her, Clair had one conclusion in mind.
He grabbed her arm and began running to the exit. "I didn't do anything! Why would I blow up a building with me in it? Let's just get the hell out of here, you can be skeptical later." He began thinking of all shield's enemies and what motive they could have for destroying the facility.
Clair said no more but she allowed herself to be dragged along with him. If he did not compromise SHIELD then who did. Shaking her head she found herself in a car with him and looking back as smoke and fire rose from the facility.

"So what happens now?"

She looked to Harry for an answer.
He told the limo driver to step on it before turning to her. "It's possible that someone else has found your research to be dangerous rather than helpful. If there's even a chance, I need to make sure you're safe. The safest place in the city is... Well... Your sisters place."

After a while they pulled up to stark tower.

"I'm sorry, but this is where we part ways until tomorrow. Good luck."
Finn left the library and blinked up into the smoggy New York sky. He was a little cautious, it had been way too long since anything had happened, so he kept an eye out while he walked. Way off in the distance what sounded like an explosion caught his attention but he quickly shrugged it off. "Probably just SHIELD testing some new thing." He mumbled to himself. He couldn't lie though, he was missing the fast paced lifestyle he had grown accustomed to in the past little while. There was something great about fighting for the greater good.

He also understood perfectly well why his father didn't want to be a part of that anymore. The stress got to you very quickly as well as the losses heroes faced. There seemed to be a little party going on at the Stark place, and while he had decided earlier that the building was cursed he was missing his friends a little bit. He pushed open the doors and glanced around. "Friday? Do you reach this room? Where is everybody? Thought I would stop in to say hi."
Pyosimros said:
"Well that sucks. I'm guessing it didn't get better since your outside without anyone else that was inside?" she asked him.
Ivory shook his head, "It got better its just a bit... Akward between me and Cassie right now. I'm giving her space."
Clair froze and looked to Harry

"no way I am not going up there, Cassie does not even know I exist, nobody knows who my father is except me, fury and I guess now you"

Clair's hands shook, recalling memories of seeing her mother killed because of Clair's disobedience.

"I cannot drag her into my life its too dangerous anyway"
"I see, well this New Avengers thing that you guys are in will help the relationship more. Somehow," Cassandra looked up and he saw a little explosion in the gigantic SHIELD helicarrier. She stood up and stretched. "Well, hope it gets better. I'm going to request a helicopter to check what's going on up there. It's probably some idiot using experimental tech wrong but it's better to play safe," she started calling the general. "Come in, I'm requesting a helicopter sir. Something could be wrong with the SHIELD helicarrier and I would like to check it out." @Archangel Galdrael
Pyosimros said:
"I see, well this New Avengers thing that you guys are in will help the relationship more. Somehow," Cassandra looked up and he saw a little explosion in the gigantic SHIELD helicarrier. She stood up and stretched. "Well, hope it gets better. I'm going to request a helicopter to check what's going on up there. It's probably some idiot using experimental tech wrong but it's better to play safe," she started calling the general. "Come in, I'm requesting a helicopter sir. Something could be wrong with the SHIELD helicarrier and I would like to check it out." @Archangel Galdrael
Ivory nodded and smiled sadly, before he also noticed the Hellicarrier had gotten a hole blown in it, he listened as Cassandra requested pick up to go investigate.

"Alright Ivory here we go, lets go home now before mom skins us alive."

Ivory continued to look at the explosion with his hands tightening around his mask...

"We are going home Ivory?"

His eyes slanted with determination...


He put on his mask and looked at Cassandra, "I'm coming with, people might get hurt, just remember that while on patrol, my name is Savage. Alright?"

"Screw you universe and your constant need for heroes!"
"Sure Savage, just keep your anger in check so the symbiote doesn't cause more damage," Cassandra said to him. She didn't have much else to say after that since she would just be waiting now.
"Ms. Stark, now would you mind giving me a few upgrades...?" Red had asked Cassie as phoenix stood up, and stretched out his arms. "I feel incomplete without them.... And besides, I need to keep modernizing, or I will be obsolete." Redd added. "Mind if I help you?" Phoenix asked Cassie. @sitanomoto
Clair gulped and exited Harry's car. Stepping into Stark Tower she looked around. Going up to the front desk she had a keycard handed to her. Frowning at this she realized SHIELD must have had this setup as backup in case she had been compromised. Looking down at the card it red Dr. Clair Grady. Sighing she swiped her card in the elevator she went up to the R&D department.
Jack had went back inside to the tower and wqs just layinh down bored. The night before he'd been able to pass off his uneasiness as hunger but now he was sure that something from his past was coming at him. He just wasn't sure what though
Clair froze as she looked up from her desk. She had been assigned then all of a sudden some guy sauntered in and threw himself on the bed. Clearing her throat softly.

"Excuse me why have you come into my room?"

She asked as she stood watching you with a curious look in her eyes.
Clair frowned, She was a well organised person and any disruption to that set her on edge just like now.

"well....don't you think you should go to find your room then...?"

She crossed her arms looking at him, so disheveled she cringed just seeing your appearance.
Clair flinched, closing her eyes and taking a deep breath

"How considerate of you, now do I need to forcibly remove you or are you going to actually be polite and move for me"

She asked she clicked the pen in her hand. she had a few gadgets she could make use of if needed

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