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Fandom Avengers: Next Generation

"Lisssssten up, I have had enough drama for one day, and you will NOT MAKE IT WORSSSSE!" Phoenix shouted to ivory, pinning him to a wall. "You need to grow up and be a man, or the floorssss will run red when I am done with you." Phoenix said, baring his fangs. Redd started to feel the anger, which came out as steam through the sides of his head. "such savages, all of you." Redd said in a furious tone. "Your pointless arguments make me want to losey sanity." He said as he stabbed his sword into the ground, putting emphasis on how serious he was. "If you all do not act civilized, I will take disciplinary action. For it is my duty to keep order." He said as he grabbed his sword and sheathed it. @LokiofSP @sitanomoto @National @Reaper
Jack being the only calm one simply raised his hands above his head and said "Take it easy all of you I'm the one suppose to cause mayhem not you guys he said lpidly for them to hear"
Kaz opens his mouth and goes to whisper (Let's play "Will Marko whisper?)

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Phoenix felt his shirt being pulled as redd picked him up and set him down. "Leave him be, for this is making the situation worse." Redd said as he looked at ivory. "Please, you must regain control of yourself, for you are certain to lose yourself any moment. And never comeback into sanity." He said as he walked off, and went into the lab and stood next to Cassie. "Now, what has gotten you so upset?" He asked. @sitanomoto
Cassie had had enough. "ALL OF YOU!" she yelled a everyone in the room. "ALL OF YOU SHUT UP NOW!" she glared at everyone in the room, then deflated and sat on the couch, putting her head in her hands. "I lost both of my parents and now I'm losing my friends." she replied to Redd.

"Ivory.... Please don't leave..." she whispered to him.
Dimitri balled his fists and walked over to Cassie . He crouched down in front of her.

"Our fathers are gone for two months and we are over here eating each other. I don't know how they did it." He placed his hand on her shoulder.

"I know what it's like to lose a parent, hell I know what it's like to lose a family. But guess what Cassie? You have a new family now. That's us. Your father wanted you to lead us, so lead us. Be strong. I know you can. You're a stark."
Redd looked at her face, and saw distress in her face. "Maybe you should assert yourself, be a leader for them. And beside..... I never met my creator, which upsets me at times." He said, not knowing how she truly feels. "Wounds heal overtime, but scars remain, and those scars leave wisdom for you to share with others." He added wisely. @sitanomoto
Marko smiles and nods at everything Dimitri was saying. He turns to Ivory and writes him a note "Let's not bucker or fight. All of our parents are dead. Yours, mine, Cassie's, Dimitri, I don't even know if Jack had parents. But let's calm down. We're now all family" He smiles at Ivory as he gives him the note, and he sits back down and continues spray painting the vision he saw.

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"Look, Ivory I had the same as you did. In the war, I had my legs shot up by the enemy and I would probably still have my legs if I let my friend die. And when my legs had to get amputated, I felt the same way as when someone loses their parents. Except with me it was like parents who won't leave. Even when I went through Project Rebirth 2.0 I was injected with a ton of stuff though I learned to live through it. After all, the thought of getting blown up keeps a man's head in the game. And getting blown up was something that could happen in every mission I took," Flash explained to Ivory. Though after he said it he wasn't so sure if it was really advice.

(Wait didn't you say earlier that Ivory's parents were going to meet up with Perry's?)
sitanomoto said:
Cassie had had enough. "ALL OF YOU!" she yelled a everyone in the room. "ALL OF YOU SHUT UP NOW!" she glared at everyone in the room, then deflated and sat on the couch, putting her head in her hands. "I lost both of my parents and now I'm losing my friends." she replied to Redd.
"Ivory.... Please don't leave..." she whispered to him.
Ivory looked from Cassie to the window, he went to put in his mask and leave but found his feet stuck to the floor...Emotionally and physically...

"Ivory you asshole, don't do something you'll regret, I can see how you feel right now and you don't want to go. Please, do yourself a favor and go back."

Ivory felt the tendrils loosen and eventually leave, allowing him to walk. He looked down at his phone and saw another text from his mom, 'If I leave this is it, I'll do what I set out to do and bury my past life, live my second chance. But...' He looked back at Cassie and the others and felt terrible, 'I'll lose the one good thing that came from it...' He laughed and looked up to the sky, "You never make this easy do you guys upstairs?"He turned back and ran to Cassie, hugging her, "What would me leaving accomplish for anyone here?"


Pyosimros said:
"Look, Ivory I had the same as you did. In the war, I had my legs shot up by the enemy and I would probably still have my legs if I let my friend die. And when my legs had to get amputated, I felt the same way as when someone loses their parents. Except with me it was like parents who won't leave. Even when I went through Project Rebirth 2.0 I was injected with a ton of stuff though I learned to live through it. After all, the thought of getting blown up keeps a man's head in the game. And getting blown up was something that could happen in every mission I took," Flash explained to Ivory. Though after he said it he wasn't so sure if it was really advice.
(Wait didn't you say earlier that Ivory's parents were going to meet up with Perry's?)
(Yes I did, but first I must clean up this emotional mess!)
Marko finishes his spray painting and looks at Redd with a mischevious grin. "I really wanna spray paint this power ranger thing" he thinks to himself as he sneakily walks over to Redd.

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"Well at least they're making up" he stated ignoring Marko's comment on whether he had parents or not.

"I did not know that" he said to Perry
Connor turned to face Alex. "Your contradicting yourself. If your healing isn't working so well then you can't get us out of here. And if you...go back out there you'd be kidding yourself if you think I'd just stay here and watch you get yourself killed. Besides, you look like hell. So I doubt I'm in worse condition." Though he had to admit it didn't feel like he was in better shape. Between his twisted arm and his bashed to hell ribs, it always had to be the ribs didn't it? he was holding the nausea at bay.

"What kind of rescuers let the rescuee's do all the work?" The blonde rested his head against the bark of the nearby tree once again, his eyes staying on Alex.

(Connor sends good vibes and wants to hug you all!! xD )
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John walked into the room where everyone else was. I still have to stay on good terms with these people, he thought as he opened the door. "Hi everyone I just wanted to, well say hi," he looked over and Ivory was in the middle of a hug and the atmosphere seemed to be a mix of sad, happy, and that new metal smell. He looked to his right and he saw a giant robot. That explains a lot. "Hey is this a bad time to pop in?" he asked them all awkwardly.
Crono said:
Connor turned to face Alex. "Your contradicting yourself. If your healing isn't working so well then you can't get us out of here. And if you...go back out there you'd be kidding yourself if you think I'd just stay here and watch you get yourself killed."
(Connor sends good vibes and wants to hug you all!! xD )
(I just have this mental image of Conner mid-fight looking up from beating a HYDRA solider and saying, 'My Conner senses are tingling' and dragging Alex, Aden and Viktoria, flying back to New York and punching Ivory for hurting Cassie...Just me? Yes? Okay...)
Marko chuckled. He loved what he just painted on the roof. It was a 3d illusion that made it look like huge daddy long legs were crawling on the building. "That'll make a few pilots shit their pants" He thinks as he chuckles. He flies around and lands next to Jack, his landing soft and clumsy

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Cassie smiled at all of the positive things and encouragement she was getting, and the hug from Ivory and the hand on her shoulder from Dimitri were particularly helpful. Dimitri was right. It was time to woman up and be a Stark. "Thanks guys," she said.
sitanomoto said:
Cassie smiled at all of the positive things and encouragement she was getting, and the hug from Ivory and the hand on her shoulder from Dimitri were particularly helpful. Dimitri was right. It was time to woman up and be a Stark. "Thanks guys," she said.
Ivory backed away from the hug, "No problem, now if you excuse me, I have to go somewhere with Iro-" he noticed Perry had left and shrugged, "Never mind then." He turned back to Cassie, "Are you okay Cass? I'm sorry I exploded."

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