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Fandom Avengers: Next Generation

Marko pulls out the capsule carefully and stares out the window, looking at it. He cracks open the capsule a little and the blue glow of the stone illuminates his face. Marko doesn't touch the stone, not knowing what It can do. He twirls it around in its capsule. It wasn't a large stone, but it looked something powerful. Something ancient.

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sitanomoto said:
She looked back at Marko. "I have part of your mask done, but now might not be the best time to test it." she felt the phone hit her foot and then heard Perry. "Lets see...." she picked up the phone and her eyes went wide. She shot up like a bullet and rn over to Ivory's unconcious body. "Why didn't you tell me?" she asked quietly, gently putting him on the couch. "Oh, for goodness sake, Ivory..."
Ivory slowed slowly and woke to Cassie's face. His immediate response was to jump at the wall about how he couldn't breath, but after he had met his parents they taught him that all of that was mental, he yawned and smiled, "This seems kinda familiar..." He stared blissfully off into space for a few moments before noticing what was in Cassie's hands. His eyes bulged and he reached to snag it, "Woah that's mine Cass! I just got it!"
Jack simply put the broom back down. And watched the others from his corner. That uneasiness was bacj again and it had grown bigger this time. "Just what is this feeling" he thought to himself
Marko feels the power from the stone. It was scary. Not the thought of the power, but how badly he wanted to take it. Touch it. Consume its power. He slowly reached his hand over the stone

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Jack noticed the glow coming from where Marko sat. "That can't be good" he said rushing towarss Marko abd smacking the back of his hand. "Don't you read the comics you never touch anything ominous that glows" he said shaking his head.
Kaz almost drops the stone and clicks the capsule, the stone going back inside. Kaz rubs his head and grins. He shrugs at Jack. He wrote "I thought it was the exact opposite. Jk"

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Cassie held the phone away. "Why didn't you tell me?" she asked, feeling a bit betrayed. She heard Jack tell somethin to Marko and tapped the side of her glasses. Immediately two robot hands shot out from the ceiling of the lab and snatched the stone away, sealing it back into its capsule.

"Don't touch that," Friday's voice said coolly.
Redd watched jack as he swept ivory into the living room. "Is that how you clean a body! If so I can show you a better way of doing so." He said as a flamethrower ignited in the dragon head. "Nooo!!! You can't just roast unconscious bodiesssss!" Phoenix shouted as he stood in front of him. "Unconscious......? I thought he was dead....." Redd said as he facepalmed himself. "I have no vital sign sensors, so if it does not move.... It is dead to me." He added with a sad tone.
Marko snatches the capsule and quickly shoves it in his pocket. He writes "Sorry. I'll just keep it to myself. Its technically mine. Found it in my ruined city"

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sitanomoto said:
Cassie held the phone away. "Why didn't you tell me?" she asked, feeling a bit betrayed. She heard Jack tell somethin to Marko and tapped the side of her glasses. Immediately two robot hands shot out from the ceiling of the lab and snatched the stone away, sealing it back into its capsule.
"Don't touch that," Friday's voice said coolly.
Ivory stood there shocked and took off his mask once more, looking into Cassie's eyes, "Would you have listened to me if you knew that I got a second chance? Would you have taken my advice to heart if you didn't see me as someone who had lost EVERYTHING? No, you would have dismissed it as someone who was simply trying to make you feel better when they don't understand, the thing is I DO understand, and I would have told you, just after you had calmed down and took my advice seriously."

Cassie jumped at the commotion but smiled at Redd kindly, not at all angry. "I guess I'll have to install that in you, big guy." she turned to Ivory. "Yes..." she whispered. "I would have." She stood. "Apparently, there are still people who think it's still necessary to coddle me like the baby, immature girl that they think I am," she growled. She gave the phone back to Ivory and turned on her heel, starting to walk out of the room. She stopped and looked over her shoulder. "You hurt me, Ivory." she whispered, too soft to hear, then walked out of the room into her own, shutting the door gently.

((bad move, dude.))
"Is that what I think it is?" Dimitri asked from behind Marko, announcing his presence. He looked pretty bad, barefoot with a white t shirt and sweatpants. "I think that's one of the five-..... Please tell me Harry Osbourne the second is not behind me right now.."

Harry looked over his sunglasses at Dimitri. "And who exactly are you? An old homeless man with Benjamin button disease?"

"I am Mercury! Son of...." He stopped the introduction he was so used to performing. "Look. Whatever the reason is that you're here, no one is interested. Get your shit and get out."
Marko smiles in relief. Hengot the stone back. But he felt really bad for Cassie. But how could he help? He can't talk, so he can't really give her a pep talk. That's why people like Jack are here. He could talk enough for a country. He sits back down and starts to spray paint the floor, a painting of all the worlds colliding.

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Redd looks at Cassie, and then at his own hand, killing the flame inside the head. He then looked at the door that she had closed. "Why is she upset? she does not appear to be harmed." Redd said as Phoenix shook his head. "She is emotionally hurt....... Jussst leave her alone." Phoenix said, knowing better than to mess with her as she is emotionally hurt. "But I must help, for it is my duty as a guardian...." Redd said as he knocked on the door. "May I come in, master?" Redd asked, waiting patiently for an answer. @sitanomoto
Marlo looks up at Dimitri and tries to pull of his most innocent smile, as if saying "me? Have an infinity stone? What? No you're just crazy

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sitanomoto said:
Cassie jumped at the commotion but smiled at Redd kindly, not at all angry. "I guess I'll have to install that in you, big guy." she turned to Ivory. "Yes..." she whispered. "I would have." She stood. "Apparently, there are still people who think it's still necessary to coddle me like the baby, immature girl that they think I am," she growled. She gave the phone back to Ivory and turned on her heel, starting to walk out of the room. She stopped and looked over her shoulder. "You hurt me, Ivory." she whispered, then walked out of the room into her own, shutting the door gently.
(Most of what Ivory does is bad moves... That and being extremely childish)

Ivory was about to give chase when he realized something, just how much Cassie was pissing him off. It wasn't something that was instantly noticeable, but the more she talked the more pissed he found himself getting. The old Ivory upon feeling this would have buried this feeling and simply attempted to comfort her. But the old Ivory was immature and stupid, and the new Ivory had to take charge, so he began to laugh. "YOU THINK YOU HAVE THE RIGHT TO BE ANGRY WITH ME?! *hysterical laughing* I'M SORRY THAT I HURT YOUR FEELINGS WHEN I TRIED TO HELP YOU! SORRY THAT I MADE THE MISTAKE OF KNOWING WHO YOU ARE AND TRYING TO HELP YOU! AND YOU KNOW WHAT, I'M SORRY THAT WHATEVER FUCKING POWERS THAT BE THAT SEEM TO HATE ME, GAVE ME A SECOND CHANCE! YOU'RE RIGHT CASS, PEOPLE FEEL THE NEED TO CODDLE AND PROTECT YOU BECAUSE YOU NEED IT! YOU'RE TO SCARED TO FACE THE WORLD AND TRY TO MAKE LIFE BETTER, SO YOU HIDE IN YOUR ROOM AND LOOK FOR EXCUSES TO KEEP UP THE "I'M SO HURT AND SAD" ROUTINE! FUCK YOU CASSIE! *He begins to break down and cry* FUCK YOU FOR MAKING ME CARE, FOR MAKING ME FEEL BAD FOR GETTING A SECOND CHANCE THAT I DESERVE!"
Jack shivered. "Looks like someone's thinking badly of me again but of course who isn't" he paused seeing Cassie go to her room. "Hmm maybe ol' Jack will pay her a visit" he stated as he passed by Ivory he put duck tape on his mouth before sneaking into her lab undetected. Popping behind her he said "Top o' da Morning to ya "he said in a Scottish accent wearing a green hat he pulled out of nowhere .

Marko was silently praying he would stop acting like a kid. It was seeping into Marko's skin, getting him angrier and angrier, to the point where he might whisper

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Cassie heard Ivory's yelling and slammed her door open, tears streaming down her face. "Unlike you, Ivory, I will never get a second chance with those that I love. My mom. My dad. And now you." She glared at him with a sob. " Be glad that you have one."

((she loved you, dude.))
Marko glares up at the two. He liked them all, don't get Marko wrong. Ivory was a nice and interesting dude, and Cassie was a kind and nice girl. But bickering. Oh god did Marko hate bickering. He stands up and mouths at both of them in a warning "Both of you go to your rooms or I will speak" as if he was a mom

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Dimitri turned to Marko. "Seriously bro. People who have infinity stones... Well sometimes they go crazy and sometimes they get killed, but it's never good. You gotta put that somewhere safe."

Harry fixed his glasses. "So... This is a bad time then. Why all the preconceived ideas on me there, Mercury?"

He turned to Harry with a cocktail of anger and appreciation on being called Mercury. "I've researched oscorp. You're doing something secretive and destructive and when I find out what, you'll be in max security so long, Harry oscorp the 6th will be waiting for you."
Seeing the scene unfold before him Jack decided he'd try to help calm the two down. Walking over to Cass he patted her on the shoulder not like he usually would but in a gentle manner.
sitanomoto said:
Cassie heard Ivory's yelling and slammed her door open, tears streaming down her face. "Unlike you, Ivory, I will never get a second chance with those that I love. My mom. My dad. And now you." She glared at him with a sob. " Be glad that you have one."
Ivory went back into laughing in between his sobs, "You know the difference between my first parents death and your one? One, both of my parents died, and two, while you have a support system and a billion dollar empire, I had a cold lab were needles and literal other ENTITY'S were put into my brain." he curled into a ball at the memories, "I wanted to die most of the time... all I had was Savage but for years as the injections came in, he was sputtering gibberish." He shook his head and stood up to Cassie, "I'm not sorry I yelled because you need to learn that as terrible as you feel right now, others don't have friends or family to turn back to, and yeah I got a second chance, but in between the 6 or 7 years before, life was hell Cass."

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