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Fandom Avengers: Next Generation

Clair sighed and shook her head

"Fine take the bed for a few hours. but you snore then your out got it?"

She folded her arms before going back to her computer and continuing her work.
Jack had immediately resumed his position of laying on the bed the moment he heard "Fine". "So who are you anyway? And what are you doing here in Cass's tower?" he asked. He wasn't worried if she were a spy he'd just take care pf her
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Clair froze at the questions.

"I'm working for Stark Industries now on SHIELD's request"

She worked through her files from her necklace.

"And my name is Clair. Clair Grady"

She answered.
"Clair huh well nice to meet you . Just call me The Maniac. Or Maniac along those lines." he said as he took all his weapons off to get more comfortable
Dimitri walked in the room. "Jackie can I borrow some-...." He noticed the lanyard to Oscorp on Clair. "What is an oscorp employee doing here??? He was only here yesterday and this???"
Clair turned to the new person in the room and was becoming uncomfortable with so many new bodies.

"Ok look I was in a SHIELD facility with Mr Osbourne when the place was attacked. He got me out of there and per SHIELD protocols I was hired into Stark Industries for my own protection"

She sighed and folded her arms again as if to protect herself.
"Hey, magic man where did Jack run off to? We kind of let him leave by himself. Don't you have the power that lets you go places or to people?" Perry asked John. They both stood there in awkward silence for the past few minutes. "No, you idiot. My power is a feeling that I'm in the right place at the right time. And I don't think I can get any feelings from the location of Jack," John responded with an edge to his voice.
He folded his arms in response. "So she's a good friend of his! Hanging out at explosions and such. You should be ashamed of yourself. Keep an eye on her, Maniac." He said, leaving the room and stark tower to take a stroll.
Clair sighed, she really did not have enough mental prowess to deal with this.

She was an inventor, she worked better alone and in solitude but she wanted to help make a positive difference in the world.

She held her breath and released it slowly and nodded to herself. She would keep her last secret to herself.
Clair looked up, She had forgotten you were there

"It's...it's nothing just take your nap while I work"

She plugged her necklace into the Computer and began to sort through her files.
Cassandra looked over and she saw a familiar face. On his file at least. Of course before she came she was given information on every member of the 'New Avengers.' His name was Dimitri as she recalled. "Hey! Dimitri! Would you like to join us!?" She shouted over to him. She didn't expect him to know her but she expected him to know Ivory.
Dimitri approached the group. "Do I... Know you miss?" He said, before offering his fist to bump with ivory.
Reaper said:
Dimitri approached the group. "Do I... Know you miss?" He said, before offering his fist to bump with ivory.
Pyosimros said:
Cassandra looked over and she saw a familiar face. On his file at least. Of course before she came she was given information on every member of the 'New Avengers.' His name was Dimitri as she recalled. "Hey! Dimitri! Would you like to join us!?" She shouted over to him. She didn't expect him to know her but she expected him to know Ivory.
Ivory went to talk to Dimitri but was stopped by the buzzing of his phone, he paled but was soon filled with relief to find that instead of his mom, it was his dad...

"We're around the corner from your Uncle Peter's house, meet us there? ~Dad"

Ivory quickly texted back a, "On my way" before turning to Cassandra and Dimitri, "Sorry, I would have loved to talk Dimitri but I gotta go!" He quickly pounded the boys fist before calling out, "SPIDEY WE GOTTA GO NOW! THE RATS HAVE ENTERED THE KITCHEN! REPEAT: THE RATS HAVE ENTERED THE KITCHEN!" With that he jumped off the building and began to swing away...
Cassandra shook her head. "No, you don't. I've read your file though. My name is Cassandra Thompson, or Agent Mania. Nice to meet you," she greeted. She decided not to talk about his skill set or powers since it would just lead to a tunnel and she'd end up talking about her father. Instead, she would probably ask if he could join them in investigating the SHIELD carrier, since having a guy with superspeed is usually useful.

"Um, okay bye," Cassandra waved him off.

Perry heard a faint noise of shouted. The voice was Ivory's what he heard however was something about rats and him saying 'Spidey' once. "That's my cue to leave I guess, hope you find that gang leader that had the hostages earlier, bye," Perry said and he swung off as well.
"Nice to meet you... Are you sheild or what?" He asked. Perhaps sheild could help him with the Osbourn mystery.
(Wait Crono are you waiting for someone? And I should've took out the first wait but nahhhh)

"No, I work for the U.S. government though I should have proper clearance to the SHIELD helicarrier," Cassandra responded. She didn't know why he would ask that though she didn't really care. He probably asked because she was an agent or something.

(Okay I'm going to go off, I'll be on tommorow.)
Pyosimros said:
(Wait Crono are you waiting for someone? And I should've took out the first wait but nahhhh)
"No, I work for the U.S. government though I should have proper clearance to the SHIELD helicarrier," Cassandra responded. She didn't know why he would ask that though she didn't really care. He probably asked because she was an agent or something.

(Okay I'm going to go off, I'll be on tommorow.)
(Bye Neil Patrick Harris)

Ivory began to slow down his speed and turned to Perry, "It is now I realize I have no idea where your house is."
Perry pointed to a house nearby. "Well that's coicedental, it's right there. It's kind of like when writers just say something's there to be lazy," he said and he jumped down into the alleyway. Since there was no one nearby other then Ivory he turned his suit invisible so only his casual clothes remained. "Okay, come with me," he walked out of the alleyway and he walked to his house afterwards.
Pyosimros said:
Perry pointed to a house nearby. "Well that's coicedental, it's right there. It's kind of like when writers just say something's there to be lazy," he said and he jumped down into the alleyway. Since there was no one nearby other then Ivory he turned his suit invisible so only his casual clothes remained. "Okay, come with me," he walked out of the alleyway and he walked to his house afterwards.
Ivory jumped into the alleyway and quickly attempted to take off his clothes, that was a bit difficult considering that it was cloth and for most of his life Savage had provided clothing, in fact the only reason he wore it was because his parents felt nervous to have Savage doing everything for him. He watched as Perry effortlessly turned his suit invisible and had on his civilian clothes, "Show-off." He mumbled. He followed Perry to the door and when they opened it they found Perry's dad with his eyes as big as dinner plates as Ivory's dad stood there, just waiting for him to say something.

"How are you doing?" Ben seemed nervous, and in an attempt to ease the tension tested the waters with Peter by calling him, "Brother"
Dimitris eyes widened as an idea surfaced. "Hold that thought!" He zipped into Clair's room again. "Okay maybe we got off on the wrong foot, how much would you sell me that lanyard for?"
"Or actually...... You should get better acquainted with everyone else, and I will sssssstay and keep Cassie company." Phoenix said to redd, who simply nodded. "What a novel idea. I shall return when I am finished." Redd said as he walked out of the lab and into the livingroom. "Where is everyone? Have they gone away for business?" He asked aloud, until he heard jack, clair, and Dmitri talking. So he walked on over to the room and knocked on the door. "Hello! May I enter this room? I would like to introduce myself, as well as befriend you all." He said as hunched down, trying to get his head under the frame, to see the people occupying the room. @The Dragon Rider @LokiofSP @sitanomoto

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