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Fandom Avatar: Spirits Awaken

Tomoki smiled. "Sure." He said following him out. "Kavi. I understand you are going to be working on this trip, but make no mistake. I am gonna make you sit down and take a break for at least one day." Tomoki was set on making sure that Kavi took one day off. Tomoki knew the affects of what too much stress can do on the body and what it can lead to. He knew that Kavi was going to bring his daughter. It was almost a guarantee that she came. "If you need any help when it comes to anything from up there then don't hesitate to ask. I will help you out..." He put his hand on his friend's shoulder. "My Friend." He said with a smile.

Sogata opened his eyes. "I know." He said. "But she pushed me aside like I was yesterday's garbage..." He shifted his cooling metal hand. It was funny. "It's how I somewhat ended with this metal hand." He said it with a smile. "I've taken a lot of abuse... We both have." He said still laying their. "I don't know if you would accept it, but I'm sorry... I lost my cool back there..."
Ineiza pulled the boat close to the dock with water bending and pulled a couple of water drenched rope from the sides and secured it against the dock post. Solace stepped off the boat as it hit against the dock and kept his pace heading inland. His water bending sister stepped off the front, water churning around her small pale body below the surface and shooting her back up onto the dock, water sprinkles glistening as they dotted the dock boards. The two were serious, a face hardened over years of violence and crime but so cool and level headed that they could control it.

Solace looked to one of the captains at the dockside.

"You can have this ship, for half of what it is worth if you tell me where the strongest fighters are."

The captain grimaced in confusion before hesitantly reaching for his napsack. "Well we have a competition going on today."

Solace looked to his sister, and then to the captain - who by now fetched out a bag of gold coins.

Ineiza snatched the bag and felt the weight around some.

"Where is this competition." she demanded.

Hearing Opal thank her, Leandra absentmindedly nodded at her, missing the intensity of the thank you from Opal, and then glanced around to see the spirits raging a true war all around them. Feeling a bit anxious at the moment, Leandra shifted uneasily on her feet and turned away from Opal so she could face anyone who tried to attack the pair. Speaking to Opal over her shoulder, Leandra then said, "Don't be so quick to thank me just yet. Who knows what else could happen now."

Ronon was awoken to Kira who plopped into their bed. "Hey love." He said as he moved onto his side, and put his arm around her. "I was thinking that we could just hang out here in bed." He said as he kissed the back of her neck.

Kira accepted the arm drapped over her. SHe laughed when he said that he wanted to stay in bed. "Babe there is a fight going on downtown to see who's the best..." She felt Ronon move out of the bed. "How did I know that would get you out of bed that quick." She said as she looked over. Sure enough he was getting dressed.

"I can't win unless I have my girl with me." He said as he watched her get up. "I know I loved you say." He said as they left. They made their way downtown and saw all the teams there were a bunch of three group fighters, even a one person team but they were only a few teams made up of two people.

Ronon looked over to Kira. "Huh looks like a lot of pieces of cake."

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"I don't blame you for doing what you did, man. You had a lot of stuff going on, and I'm not gonna hold that against you, so...apology accepted." Jeng gave the firebender a faint smile before continuing on. "Just promise me that you'll work on that temper. I mean it, man; that isn't going to bring anything good to the table." On that note, the Avatar got up on his feet, assuming Sogata had sufficiently cooled down. "I trust that you're not gonna make me drag you out there?" Jeng joked, offering out his hand to him.

Sogata gave a faint smile when he accepted his apology. He even chuckled a little. "Yeah I will work on it while you and I work on teaching you the basics of firebending.... which reminds me, have you been practicing the techniques I showed you before I left?" He asked as he got up from the ground.
"Er, not exactly..." Jeng explained, rubbing the back of his neck nervously. "We got sidetracked by the attack on the base. Then there was a blimp crash. And then we got captured. It all seems so weird looking back on it. But on the bright side, my glassbending got a lot better!" Unfortunately, he didn't have any glass on-hand to demonstrate, but he'd have more time for that later. "Hopefully, there aren't any more distractions once we get back."
Sogata began to laugh. It was the funny kind of laugh. "Oh standby." Was all he said. "First we're gonna get out of this... Then we're gonna train." Sogata thought he told Jeng to keep with his training and to build some discipline, but apparently not. He had also been gone for a while and learned a couple things and thought up a couple things that could help Jeng out so much.
Opal opened her eyes, catching sight of the spirits whirling around them and fighting the guards. She forced herself up, clutching her stomach, but made it to her feet. She stood behind Leandra, who still looked battle-ready, trying to look better than she felt. Needless to say, she looked about ready to fall back over, and she was getting weaker by the minute.
"Of course, of course," Jeng assured. He started walking back into the hall towards the group, gesturing for Sogata to follow. "Well, come on, we need to catch up to the others." Jeng didn't want to be separated again, especially not with the previous circumstances. Nearly all he could think about was getting to someplace safe, and not be required to beat up smugglers for an entire day, or worry about whether his friends were okay. Jeng was in good enough shape to fight if necessary, but it looked like all the fighting was over. At least, for now anyway.

Koe the Protector

  • hetherev__forrest_hart_by_circuitdruid-d38235g.jpg

    Health Points:


    Special Abilities:

    Telekinetic constructs

    Enhanced senses.


    A gentle creature with extreme power. He does not enjoy battle unlike his brother Shi. However he has a job to prevent humans from entering his realm. He will no allow them passage.

"I have received acknowledgement now we will assist." Koe said as the spirits cheered and rushed down to the ship and entered into the ship attacking any and all remanning smugglers. They released the leftover spirits and distracted the other guards, turning their attention away form the Avatar and his friends. Sprits poured in from every wall and cranny of the ship they ripped and fought against every smuggler they could find. The weaker ones in the cages were helped to safety.

One spirit looked at Shin with sharp bee eyes and was about to attack, but saw the aura of the small water spirt and nodded. He looked at the boy and gave him a large toothy grin, before going to the smuggler Shin had been fighting and biting off his hand.

As the spirits helped in the assault against the smuggler ship, a large beat came down from the sky and landed on the ship. His antlers were long and tall and he was nearly 7 times the average human. The beast shrunk to the size of a large buck and found the avatar and his group. "Avatar Jeng. I am Koe." He gave a slight nod of respect to the Avatar and continued"I apologize for the sudden surprise. If you require transportation I will be happy to take you and your companions somewhere safe."

Koe's eyes glanced over the group and noticed the spirit Ina among them. He did his best to hide a smirk form the irony. Ina had been trying her best to stay behind the group and out of the conversation, she was focusing her power, tuning into all the wayward souls she could feel. Ina glared at the creature and hissed "Koe..." The deer looked at her his eyes full of disgust with a hint of sadness. "Ina." She glared at him and crossed her arms, "I thought spirits were not to interfere in the affairs of humans. Or was I the only one who needed to be punished?" Koe looked at her emotionless, "Spirits may intervene in the affairs of humans with word from the Emperor himself. You acted on your own and received your just punishment." Ina scoffed and turned her head away from him. Koe sighed and turned back to the Avatar."I am ready to take you anywhere at any time avatar. Is this everyone?"

(Sorry for not leading the mission.... So spirits are pretty much everywhere fighting every bad guy. Bon Appetit)

@jamaicanviking @Dakup @Peaceswore
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DreamBeat said:

Meifeng Xia


(Xia Meifeng)

As she sat on the roof of one of the homes, she thought back to the man she had met just a few moments ago. It was kind of waste. He had piqued her interest, yet she couldn't fulfill the curiosity of why such a feeling of determination had radiated from him. She even thought that he would lead her to more interesting people. It was.a shame.

Meifeng looked down from the school to look over the city. Within the somewhat busy crowd, she could see the man she had met before just wandering around.

He stands out, she noted. It was strange how he stood out among all the people. Meifeng wondered what he was still doing in the city.


After several scouts around the place, Ryo gave up. He wasn't going to find the girl. At least not today. He'd try again tomorrow start at some other place in the city. He was good at finding people that didn't want to be found. One of the things he learned from the old man that was going to take him to the southern water tribe. Of course, that old man almost lead him to his death, but he'd picked up some good survival skills on the way. Ryo began to head back to his home, the old abandoned jewelry store down in the ghettos. He had to stop by the market first to trade some of the items he...found...for food. That was his life for now. "Find" items, look for a way to get to the avatar, "find" more items, go to the market to trade for some food, and then go back home and start again tomorrow. To think his former friends were lapping it up in the presidents private guest house. Cowards.

Dakup said:
Tomoki smiled. "Sure." He said following him out. "Kavi. I understand you are going to be working on this trip, but make no mistake. I am gonna make you sit down and take a break for at least one day." Tomoki was set on making sure that Kavi took one day off. Tomoki knew the affects of what too much stress can do on the body and what it can lead to. He knew that Kavi was going to bring his daughter. It was almost a guarantee that she came. "If you need any help when it comes to anything from up there then don't hesitate to ask. I will help you out..." He put his hand on his friend's shoulder. "My Friend." He said with a smile.

"Thanks you Tomoki." Kavi wasn't exactly sure Tomoki knew how much his words meant to him, but they meant a lot more than a simple chat. He was thankful to have his friend beside him and that he wouldn't change for the world. "I'll be at lunch in a couple of minutes. In the mean time you could hang around Shizuko and tell her what you'd like for lunch. She makes an amazing shrimp stir-fry." Kavi lead his friend to the kitchen and made his way to the study which was just a few door down. Kavi locked himself in the room and pulled out several folders. Three names were written on each folder, two males and a female. "Firebenders. What a pleasant surprise. I'm sure it will make a great addition to their team." Kavi smiled and picked up the phone. "Hello...yes. He has until tomorrow to pick it up."


The girl gripped the side rails of the balcony tightly watching as her favorite pro-bending team was getting defeated. "Come on! You guys can do it!" It happened all the time. The team would start off strong in the first round, but by the second and third round they were too tired to pull their own weight. The team had lost so many championships because of that, but MiYun stayed a strong fan. She looked back to her guards who didn't seem to be enjoying the game as much as she was. "You two. I need a drink and some food, " she ordered, "Oh yeah...please!" MiYun smiled at the end remembering her manners. The two guards looked at each other confused as the girl turned back to see the game. "Glad this is our last day" one of the mumbled "Poor fellows who get stuck with her" the second one replied as he retreated to get MiYun some food and a drink.


He had managed to arrive at a small village not far from the smuggler's base. He'd found shelter with an old couple who claimed to know his sensei in exchange for chores. After debating that he wasn't anyone's maid to boss around, Riichi ended up at a market picking out the freshest fish for a stew the lady would be preparing that night. 'You should be thankful we're letting you stay and not throwing you out on the street' OH yeah! Well you should be thankful to have a firebending master in your home! Riichi thought sourly as the putrid smell of raw fish nauseated him. As he continued walking down the market he felt a tug at the edge of his shirt. "Excoos me sir. My name's Kenji! And I-" "Beat it kid." Riichi looked down at the tiny blue hair kid who had approached him. The kid's smile dropped and tears formed in his eyes. "But I...my daddy say evite people to ciwcus. I'm eviting you!" The smile returned back to the boy's face as he handed Riichi a flyer. "Look kid I don't have time for-hey that's Satoshi." The little boy gleamed at the sound of his father's name. "Yeah Sadoshi is my daddy! He owns a big ciwcus" He expanded his arms to show how big it was. "Daddy say "Kenji take fwyels and evite people!" Riichi ignored the kid and stared at the picture of his old friend on the flyer. "So this is were you ended up Satoshi. Entertaining the big crowds. Ha!" Riichi laughed smugly. "Kid let your father know an old friend will come to his show, so he better be good." Kenji's eyes brightened up at the sound of someone going to their show. "Yes! Yes! Yes! I'll tell daddy about fwiend! I'll tell daddy!" With so much joy he couldn't handle, the little kid took off running to tell his father the good news.
Tomoki smiled as he followed his friend down the hallway. His stomach did growl a little, and some food sounded really good right then. When he was introduced to Shizuko he bowed his head and kissed her hand. "It is a pleasure to meet you Shizuko, I am Tomoki." He said with a smile on his face. "So this is the face behind the amazing food that I have had every time I've come here. It's nice to put a face and name to the food that I get when you get here." He said as he took a seat at the side. "So how long have you been working for Kavi?"
Jeng winced at the abruptness of the spirit's intrusion, but was nonetheless pleased to see that they would be getting assistance. "We've still got.to pick up Opal, the twins and Shing," he explained as he hopped on the lead spirit's back. "Then we can get out of here." The earthbender was glad to be finally escaping, with his friends safe and sound; however, this was far from over. It was clear that this operation went deeper than the Masked Man, and Jeng had a feeling that this wouldn't be the last time they would encounter these men.
Koe nodded "very well, the spirits will prevent those villains from getting close to you. If you have a idea where your friends are I suggest you lead the way." Koe grew smaller and stepped to the side giving the group ample room to move.

Ina glared at the two of them and crossed her arms. "I don't like this one bit."
NessieAlways said:
After several scouts around the place, Ryo gave up. He wasn't going to find the girl. At least not today. He'd try again tomorrow start at some other place in the city. He was good at finding people that didn't want to be found. One of the things he learned from the old man that was going to take him to the southern water tribe. Of course, that old man almost lead him to his death, but he'd picked up some good survival skills on the way. Ryo began to head back to his home, the old abandoned jewelry store down in the ghettos. He had to stop by the market first to trade some of the items he...found...for food. That was his life for now. "Find" items, look for a way to get to the avatar, "find" more items, go to the market to trade for some food, and then go back home and start again tomorrow. To think his former friends were lapping it up in the presidents private guest house. Cowards.

Meifeng Xia


(Xia Meifeng)

Meifeng watched as the man disappeared from her view, into the crowd. Maybe they'll meet each other again. Unlikely, but possible. She shifted her view from the city to the blue sky. The sun was no longer high in the sky, but was beginning to make its way down.

Time to eat.

She stood up from her place on the roof and then jumped down from the roof, cushioning her fall with her air bending. After that, she weaved through the sea of people until she finally came out the other side. This was a place where rich people lived. Meifeng only stole her food from rich people. Who needed the money when they were already rich? She walked into a bakery store and snatched a loaf of bread before swiftly going back out before getting caught. It wasn't hard not to get caught. Nobody paid any attention anyway.
Kira and Ronon had finished beating one team to a pulp and decided that it would be good to get some food. They made their way to a nicer part of town and stopped at a bakers. Ronon bought a muffin, while Kira bought a cupcake. They were on their way out when they noticed a kid, the one that Ronon ran into earlier with Ryo. He noticed the stolen loaf of bread. He threw one of his throwing knives at the wall near her. "Didn't your mother ever tell you that stealing was wrong?" He said before walking over to her.

Kira walked over and smiled at her. "Oh calm down killer.... Come here and take a seat, and explain yourself to us." She said giving her a warm and inviting smile.

"Lets go. Find Jeng and Manjano." Opal said, as the spirits got the surrounding area under control. Jeng's order had been somewhere safe, and now that the guards were all taken care of, the safest place for her was by his side, and Leandra no doubt wanted to get back to Manjano. The fighter pressed a hand to her stomach, and started walking shakily back toward the hangar. Her progress wasnt as quick, or as graceful, as it usually would be, but she managed to get to the door without assistance. Stepping into the hangar entrance and leaning on the doorway, she called, "Jeng?" Her voice came out scratchy and rough, but recognizable.

@Lioness075 @jamaicanviking
Hearing Opal mentioning that they should head back inside now to find the rest of their group, Leandra didn't argue, as the spirits outside had the guards distracted for sure. Worriedly watching Opal, Leandra decided against helping her merely because the fighter seemed to be so determined to do this on her own. Instead, Leandra kept her guard up and continued to look around sharply for any possible enemies and for Manjano. Realizing they'd walked around tot he entrance as opposed to where they'd exited not too long ago, Leandra let out a small sigh, as she would have to hunt down Manjano now. Keeping her focus on Opal for now, Leandra then began looking around the hangar for any sign of Jeng, Manjano, or anyone really. It was becoming unsettling with how quiet the hangar seemed now.

"Opal?" Jeng called, looking for the source of the voice and finding it at the door. He rubbed the buck spirit's back, signalling to it that she was someone to pick up. "Thank goodness you're alright," he said in relief, making a silent sigh of relief. Thankfully, Leandra was there as well; one less person to account for. "Do you know where the others are?" he asked the duo, "We're just about ready to get out of here."
Opal smiled weakly when she saw Jeng, but she didnt move from the doorway. It seemed better to lean there instead of try to walk to him. When he said the word alright, she almost laughed outright. With her left cheek consumed in a bruise, a hand print and bite mark on her neck, a burn down one forearm, being fried with electricity, and undoubtedly internal damage, she felt and looked felt far from alright. But she was alive, so maybe thats more of what he meant. "Are you okay?" She forced out, sweeping her eyes over him for injuries.

Leandra nodded at Jeng when he approached the pair and she quickly responded, just before Opal asked her question, "Manjano is down one of the hallways in this hangar and his left foot and ankle have been badly burned so he can't put any weight on his left foot." Looking down at her feet in a worried manner, Leandra then thought about how bad the burns and skin had looked when she'd gotten a better view of it. Would Manjano ever heal from the injury? Would he have a permanent limp or something? It was no doubt going to scar for good.
Sogat walked out behind Jeng. "Hey guys. I'm alive too." He said a little jokingly, "But seriously I'm fine.... Jeng help Opal.... I'll help out Leandra and Manjano." He said as he rushed down the hallway to where Manjano was. "Hey what's up." Sogata said as he put Manjano's arm over His shoulder, to let him take some of the weight off of Manjano's legs. "Come on, let's get out of here before all of us get worse, or even dead." He said with a smile on his face.
Dakup said:
Tomoki smiled as he followed his friend down the hallway. His stomach did growl a little, and some food sounded really good right then. When he was introduced to Shizuko he bowed his head and kissed her hand. "It is a pleasure to meet you Shizuko, I am Tomoki." He said with a smile on his face. "So this is the face behind the amazing food that I have had every time I've come here. It's nice to put a face and name to the food that I get when you get here." He said as he took a seat at the side. "So how long have you been working for Kavi?"

The sound of a strange voice, made Shizuko squeeze a tad more mustard on the sauce she was preparing than she intended to. She frowned hoping it didn't change the flavoring too much before looking up at the man that had just walked in. It was Tomoki. They hadn't officially met before, but she'd seen him around the place with Kavi once in a while. Besides everyone in the house knew of Tomoki, the man who saved precious MiYun. Shizuko smiled at the man, "I know. Kavi's mentioned your presence at dinner a couple of times before." She blushed at hearing his compliment. "Oh please, I wouldn't be anything without my cooks." Shizuko pointed to two guys behind her. They helped her out in the kitchen. Shizuko gave the orders and they followed. They worked like a well oiled machine. "I've been here for a couple of years already. He kidnapped me from my restaurant back in Ba-Sing-Se." She smirked jokingly as she turned around to grab a tasting spoon. "That man is quite stubborn. Doesn't take no for an answer." She dipped the spoon in the sauce she was making and brought it to her mouth. "Needs salt" She reached over her shoulder and grabbed a small salt shaker and sprinkled a handful over the sauce. She tasted it again and smiled pleasingly. "Here try this."
"Please he's my best friend, you don't think I know that he's stubborn as hell. I tried to have him take a day off once and he still manage to work. He's going on a trip to my home and I am going to make him take a day off, even if I have to kidnap him to do it. He just pushes himself to the point where I worry about him stressing himself out. I might have to pull the doctor card out... Although I really don't want to." Tomoki smiled and took a sip from the spoon that she held up. He smiled with delight. It tasted like something his mother would make him. "It's amazing." He said. "My mother would make me this dish that would go amazing with this." He smiled at her. She was kind of cute. "Have you ever had baked seal with frost potatoes over rice?... It's to die for." He said thinking about his mother's best dish. "If you want I could make it, but you'd have to let me do the cooking, and it would have to be back at my place.
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