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Fandom Avatar: Spirits Awaken

The moment Shing unlocked her cage, Leandra was out and at his side. When Shing unlocked Manjano's cage, Leandra pushed past Shing and said over her shoulder, "I've got him. We need to get out of here before any kind of reinforcements show up to stop us from escaping."

Kneeling down at Manjano's left foot and ankle, Luness grimaced at the sight of the mangled and burnt skin. It definitely didn't look good at all. Sadly, Leandra had no cloth or bandages to wrap his ankle and foot with. With Manjano doing what he could to stay off his left foot and pushing off the bars, Leandra was able to help him up and then put one of his arms across her shoulders so that he was putting most of his weight against her. It wasn't like this was the first time she'd ever had to help him like this. They'd grown up on the streets together after all.

Shing sighed and tore off a bit of his shirt and wrapped it around Manjano's ankle carefully, knowing full well how bad an infection would be. "Let's go.... I need to find Crystal. She can heal that, and I promised her. For now let's meet up with Jeng and Opal." He said as he turn around and lead the way out. He kept his guard up incase some one tried to at the three of them.

"Opal, I--I'm not going to leave you again. Not like this..." If Jeng left, and if Opal got hurt again, he would never be able to live with himself. Adversely, if the others were hurt as well, then the exact same result would occur. He closed his eyes in thought for a moment, then reopened them, looking into the warrior's. "I...okay, I'll go. Just...stay safe, alright?" With that, he took a deep breath and ran back inside. Yet to his surprise, he found that the twins and Shing were already free from their captivity, and were coming his way. "You guys got out okay?" he asked, though the answer was apparent. "That's great! But we can't leave without Sogata." Jeng hoped that he had killed him already, so they could get out of here and never come back.
Manjano hissed in pain and rolled his eyes when Shing wrapped his left ankle and foot with a cloth, the pain making spots appear in his sight and a new wave of dizziness rolled over him, causing him to slump against Leandra temporarily. Leandra grimly held Manjano up, frowning at his obvious pain from the injury. That was definitely not good. With Leandra holding him up, the twins then followed slowly after Shing, Manjano hobbling along and keeping all of his weight off of his left foot. Hearing the mention of a healer, Manjano looked hopeful and Leandra nodded at Shing before saying, "A healer would be perfect." Manjano's injury would've taken weeks to heal on its own as it were. A healer would certainly speed up the process, especially if they were a waterbender with some healing water.


Seeing Jeng approach them and ask about their escape, Leandra nodded at him and then said, "Manjano is pretty badly injured in his left foot and ankle, but we're otherwise all good to go." Hearing the mention of Sogata, Leandra shrugged and then said, "I'm not sure where he is right now. We just left that area and it was a bit quiet. Perhaps he offed the guy already." At least, the twins both hoped he had. Manjano especially since that guy had been part of how he'd been so badly injured. His left foot and ankle would most likely have scars from the burn wounds considering how bad it all was.

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Dakup said:
Kira smiled at Kavi and bowed her head. "I promise I won't waste your time... Mr.Kavi you have been very kind to me and Ronon. We are young but we are also ready for the next step. We've been trying to start a family for a while but, we haven't had any luck. I was hoping that maybe you could give me just a couple days off of work to go home so I could seek advice from my family.... It wouldn't be more then three days to six days at the most... Please let me go so my family can get off the ground."
President Kavi

"So let me get this straight. Two criminals come and beg me to join the force. You gain my trust and prove yourself worthy of taking Officer Chen's place. I send her off on a mission. You two get the spot of Chief Officer, not one of your but both of you, and now you just want to leave. Just like that?" President Kavi looked over at his friend in annoyance before finding the soft spot in his heart and looking back at Kira, "You have a week to find two people who can replace both of you. I don't care if they're from the force or if their citizens. They must be as strong, brave, and clever as you both. If you don't find them your leave is not permitted, but if you do, you may take the entire pregnancy off." Kavi smiled at the end of his sentence. "You two will make great parents." Had he not been talking to an officer, Kavi would have gone up to the woman and given her a hug, but they weren't alone and he must keep his professionalism. "Find me your replacements dear."

Dakup said:
Ronon sighed. "Just get on with it boy." Ronon wasn't one to sussy foot around. His time was valuable and it was currently being wasted. "Listen if this in another one of your half baked ideas I swear to the spirits I will put you in jail for a month." He said shifting one of the blades on his forearms.
DreamBeat said:

Meifeng Xia


(Xia Meifeng)

Meifeng stood while Ryo assessed her, looking her over from head to toe. Her corner of her lips slight quirked into an amused smile. Instead of answering his question, she said with confidence, "I could take you anywhere you wanted in this city as long as it isn't heavily guarded." She was still standing with her hands by her side and looked at him in the eyes. Do you want go somewhere?"

(No need to be sorry ^.^)

He rolled his eyes at the comment the officer made. They always thought they were such hot shots. They saw everyone as inferiors and Ryo despised that. If he knew he used to be a great warrior back in his tribe. Ryo was probably a better warrior than he was. The officer had the teachings and techniques down, sure, but Ryo had passion and a reason, his sister was the reason and she was trapped in the spirit world. He had to save her. The blonde spoke up claiming she could take them anywhere in this city and he couldn't help but laugh. "Ha! You're cute. You actually think I need transportation here? I know these streets better than you silly girl." Ryo's expression fell and was emotionless once again. "The place I'm going to isn't in Republic City. It's in the Fire Nation."
NessieAlways said:

He rolled his eyes at the comment the officer made. They always thought they were such hot shots. They saw everyone as inferiors and Ryo despised that. If he knew he used to be a great warrior back in his tribe. Ryo was probably a better warrior than he was. The officer had the teachings and techniques down, sure, but Ryo had passion and a reason, his sister was the reason and she was trapped in the spirit world. He had to save her. The blonde spoke up claiming she could take them anywhere in this city and he couldn't help but laugh. "Ha! You're cute. You actually think I need transportation here? I know these streets better than you silly girl." Ryo's expression fell and was emotionless once again. "The place I'm going to isn't in Republic City. It's in the Fire Nation."

Meifeng Xia


(Xia Meifeng)

She looked on with an impassive face as the officer and the boy talked. Then, he turned to talk to her. She wasn't sure, but Meifeng guessed that he was being sarcastic when he said "You're cute." Maybe it's an expression, she pondered. She didn't really talk much other than taking people around town, so her street talk was not up to par. He said something that caught her attention. A mask fell over his face, preventing any emotion from being shown to the outside world.

Not in Republic City? Fire Nation?

She tilted her head in confusion. He said it with such passion blazing in his eyes. Like there was a reason he needed to get to the where he was going. Meifeng wondered if there was something precious to him attaching him to this earth. It wasn't her business. She never bothered with others' businesses, but he was the first one. He was the first one to give off a feeling of strong determination. Usually, all she felt from her clients was confusion and gratitude.This attitude was different. She was intrigued for some odd reason, and she knew that it was curiosity that led her to making him another offer.

"What would you say about flying to the Fire Nation?"
Ronon smirked. "You need to see the Avatar, don't you?" The boy was kind of obvious. "No one leaves this city without me knowing about it... You must have a good reason to go and see the Avatar... I don't want to know it..." Ronon looked at the sky and smirked. "Kira would pinch your cheek and say that she would help you out... Me I'm the hardass... Normally I wouldn't allow it, seeing as your very shifty, and I get a bad feeling about you, normally.... But I will make an exception for you this time."

Kira hugged Kavi back, but stopped for a second. "Um I think there is a misunderstanding. First is me and my husband aren't criminals, nor have we ever been criminals. We did bodyguard type work before you let up join..." She said before clearing her throat. "And second it's only me going. Ronon is still going to be around. I would only be gone maybe a week, but I did plan on coming back." She said before looking at Tomoki.

Tomoki laughed at his friend. "Kira I understand what you're trying to say. Go home and I will talk with Kavi." He said as he waved her off and began to walk away. He looked at his long time friend and smiled, and laughed a little. "Too much stress will kill you my friend, and that is something I can't treat." He said before entering the president's house. "You know even though I've worked in your house so many times I forget how big it is sometimes."

Sogata was standing over the man's body. It was burnt to a crisp. Sogata's fist was still engulfed flame. The flames were actually starting to engulf more and more of his body. The source of the flame was from his anger. He wasn't only angry about the way the man was treating Opal, but the fact that Opal was going out with Jeng. Sogata closed his eyes. The fire kept growing and growing. Pretty soon the whole room was illuminated the color green. "I.... Don't.... Give.... My.... Blessing...." He said under his breath. "No. I don't give my blessing." He said louder. The fire grew and grew.

@NessieAlways @jamaicanviking @Flutterby
Opal shook her head at first, pushing Jeng a little harder. But at last he gave and headed back for the others. She nodded distantly, moving to the nearest wall and putting both her hands on it to stay standing. She tried to continue down the hallway, toward the exit, but her knees were shaking and her head swam horribly. The fighter was distantly aware of shouting behind her, but she had to use all of her focus to move her feet. Even with all her effort, Opal only made it a few steps.
"I hope that bastard got fried," Jeng said as Leandra explained the situation. He was glad that his friends were safe and sound, and that also meant that they could go to help Opal. As he began to walk back to where she had been, however, he overheard a familiar voice echo through the halls: "I.... Don't.... Give.... My.... Blessing...." It was clearly Sogata, but...what did he mean? Blessing for what, and to whom? "Guys, go check on Opal. She's outside, but I need to go check on Sogata for a sec." Jeng ran to the source of his friend's voice, and came upon the scene of the firebender: he was standing over the charred corpse of the man with the metal limbs, engulfed almost entirely with green flame. "Sogata...?" he started, feeling a slight bit intimidated by the sight. "What blessing? What did you mean by that?"
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Sogata heard the voice. He looked over his shoulder with his eyes still closed. He heard his voice. The one who took Opal away from him. The flame intensified. He opened his eyes. "You... You took her away from me... You stole her." He said The flame on his right hand was growing. "I will burn you." Sogata's anger, and jealousy was getting the best of him. It was controlling him. He unleashed a wall of flame at Jeng. His anger was making him attacking his own friends. "Give her back." Was all he said.
"Stole her...?" Jeng reiterated. Before he could fully process what he meant by that, however, the firebender had already turned hostile to him. The Avatar quickly brought up a slab of concrete to protect himself from Sogata's attack, though he did not retaliate with one of his own. Instead, he spoke. "What the hell's the matter with you, man? I stole her from you?" Jeng did not wish to fight back against his friend, but something inside him had snapped, and he wasn't sure if Sogata was going to see reason. "I'm not going to fight you for her, Sogata. She's her own person, she can do what she wants." Jeng knew the wall wouldn't last long, but it'd be suicide to move out into the open, so he did thee only logical thing he could think of: he went down. He dug himself a small under the ground, covering up the hole he made; there were only two options, fight or hide, and he didn't wish to pick the former.

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Leandra nodded at Jeng and then helped Manjano hobble down the hallway, though Leandra abruptly stopped at the sight of Opal struggling on her own. The abrupt stop made Manjano hiss in pain, as his left foot bumped against the nearby wall by accident. Furrowing her brows at Manjano, Leandra then muttered a small apology before she continued helping Manjano along until the were near Opal. Speaking softly in hopes of not surprising Opal, who looked far worse off than any of the others, Leandra then said, "Opal, it's Leandra. Hey, I can't get both you and Manjano out at the same time..." As Leandra trailed off, Manjano suddenly took his arm away from her and began hopping on his right foot. Hopping over to a nearby wall, Manjano then leaned back against it and said to Leandra and Opal, "Go, get out of here. I'll distract anyone who follows." Leandra furrowed her brows and frowned at this idea, not liking it one bit. Still, they needed to get out of here before anything else happened. Walking up to Opal's right side, Leandra then gently reached out to take Opal's arm, intending to drape it over her own shoulders. "Here, I can support you until we get outside and find some safe place for you to rest," Leandra said after pausing in her movements to make sure Opal didn't suddenly get scared and push away Leandra's aid.

Opal had stopped to rest when Leandra appeared, with an injured Manjano in tow. She looked back at the two, her eyes focusing slowly on their faces. Leandra said something, but it didnt make it all the way to Opal's mind. "Where's Jeng?" She choked out, her damaged throat making it difficult to speak. Her eyes drifted between the two, watching them move around her. She wanted to draw way from Leandra, because she knew she intended to take her away from the place and she didnt want to leave without Jeng, but her body wouldnt respond; she just stood like a confused child. "We need to stay together." She said abruptly, but it was entirely unclear if she meant the three of them, her and Jeng, or the whole group. Opal didnt even know what she meant- she just knew she was terrified of being isolated again.

DreamBeat said:

Meifeng Xia


(Xia Meifeng)

She looked on with an impassive face as the officer and the boy talked. Then, he turned to talk to her. She wasn't sure, but Meifeng guessed that he was being sarcastic when he said "You're cute." Maybe it's an expression, she pondered. She didn't really talk much other than taking people around town, so her street talk was not up to par. He said something that caught her attention. A mask fell over his face, preventing any emotion from being shown to the outside world.

Not in Republic City? Fire Nation?

She tilted her head in confusion. He said it with such passion blazing in his eyes. Like there was a reason he needed to get to the where he was going. Meifeng wondered if there was something precious to him attaching him to this earth. It wasn't her business. She never bothered with others' businesses, but he was the first one. He was the first one to give off a feeling of strong determination. Usually, all she felt from her clients was confusion and gratitude.This attitude was different. She was intrigued for some odd reason, and she knew that it was curiosity that led her to making him another offer.

"What would you say about flying to the Fire Nation?"
Dakup said:
Ronon smirked. "You need to see the Avatar, don't you?" The boy was kind of obvious. "No one leaves this city without me knowing about it... You must have a good reason to go and see the Avatar... I don't want to know it..." Ronon looked at the sky and smirked. "Kira would pinch your cheek and say that she would help you out... Me I'm the hardass... Normally I wouldn't allow it, seeing as your very shifty, and I get a bad feeling about you, normally.... But I will make an exception for you this time."

"I'm not asking for your permission officer and what ever business I have over there is really non of your concern." Ryo spat at Ronon's words hating the attitude all officers seemed to come with. Sure they all had it easy. If you're in the system you're "taken care of" while the others who really need protection are rotting in the streets. Sure the city square was well off now and crime was low, but if you stepped into the ghettos, the place where Ryo was from, you'd see the true crime. The crime the city was too afraid to actually deal with. Pathetic. I don't need his help. He looked over to the girl once again, "Thanks cutie, but no thanks." His voice was sarcastic. "I've gotten all I needed here."

No matter how much he wanted to continue asking the girl about her flying method, Ryo knew he wouldn't be able to negotiate his travels in the presence of the law. He was technically a criminal. Having turned his back on the water tribe warriors was a crime in his tribe that's why he resided in the ghettos. In order to not get caught. He was a wanted man under Chen's rule, but with her gone most officers seemed to forget about him. It was a good thing though. That meant he could come out into the city without worrying too much, but that still didn't mean he trusted officers. "I'll be going now." He looked one last time to the blonde before walking away from the crowd.

Dakup said:
Kira hugged Kavi back, but stopped for a second. "Um I think there is a misunderstanding. First is me and my husband aren't criminals, nor have we ever been criminals. We did bodyguard type work before you let up join..." She said before clearing her throat. "And second it's only me going. Ronon is still going to be around. I would only be gone maybe a week, but I did plan on coming back." She said before looking at Tomoki

Tomoki laughed at his friend. "Kira I understand what you're trying to say. Go home and I will talk with Kavi." He said as he waved her off and began to walk away. He looked at his long time friend and smiled, and laughed a little. "Too much stress will kill you my friend, and that is something I can't treat." He said before entering the president's house. "You know even though I've worked in your house so many times I forget how big it is sometimes."
President Kavi

He looked at Kira unamused. She wanted time off and he gave it to her why was she still complaining? Over silly details and technicalities? One more word about the subject and Kavi was ready to just fire her and her husband. He wasn't in the mood for talking anymore. He had serious issues to deal with. Issues that neither Kira or Tomoki seemed to worry about. He'd been keeping a straight face the entire time, but in reality his city was falling to pieces. He'd manage to keep the media out of some recent attacks that had been happening in the outskirts, but it would only be a matter of time before the spirits made it to the city. As much as he wanted to keep them away, he couldn't.

Kavi ignored Tomoki's comments up until he reached the house and Tomoki complimented on the size of it. Kavi smiled, "Yeah it's a beauty. Tomoki, I'm sorry to cut our meeting short, but I've got some business to attend to. You can make yourself comfortable and I'll meet you up for lunch so you can continue telling me about your trip. I must look into finding a permanent replacement for both our chiefs." Kavi bowed before excusing himself and walking towards his study.

Meifeng Xia


(Xia Meifeng)

Meifeng looked slightly confused. His words took on a slightly more pronounced sarcastic tone, one she could distinguish as sarcastic. She didn't understand his use of sarcastic remarks. Despite her confusion, she nodded at his blatant refusal for her help in getting to the Fire Nation and stayed silent as he walked away. She then took a better look at Ronon, one of the men she had prompted to ignore while attempting to give the other man directions. He looked like trouble. She didn't like trouble. Meifeng ducked her head in a slight bow in a show of politeness and turned to walk off into the crowd.

She easily weaved her way through the crowded streets and was out of the sea of humans in only a few minutes. In front of her were many buildings, probably homes. There were homes, but there were no crowds unlike the previous place she had been in.

I don't like crowds, she said the obvious to herself.

The air bender tilted her headed up at the sky. It was the perfect shade blue. She wanted to be closer. Her face slacked for a moment, devoid of any emotion before she floated gently in the air. Meifeng flew onto a roof where she could watch the over the city. No crowds. She sighed with relief.

@NessieAlways @Dakup
Flutterby said:
Opal had stopped to rest when Leandra appeared, with an injured Manjano in tow. She looked back at the two, her eyes focusing slowly on their faces. Leandra said something, but it didnt make it all the way to Opal's mind. "Where's Jeng?" She choked out, her damaged throat making it difficult to speak. Her eyes drifted between the two, watching them move around her. She wanted to draw way from Leandra, because she knew she intended to take her away from the place and she didnt want to leave without Jeng, but her body wouldnt respond; she just stood like a confused child. "We need to stay together." She said abruptly, but it was entirely unclear if she meant the three of them, her and Jeng, or the whole group. Opal didnt even know what she meant- she just knew she was terrified of being isolated again.
Leandra didn't fully understand Opal's first question, though she did hear Opal say Jeng's name. As she carefully put Opal's arm across her neck, Leandra then said somewhat confidently, "Jeng is checking on Sogata and then he'll be joining us. Uh, Manjano will join Jeng and Sogata when the two finally leave. Don't worry about them." Inside though, Leandra's heart was pounding at the very idea of leaving her twin brother behind. What if something happened to him? He was already injured and he mostly used his feet for his bending. He was weak right now and someone could take advantage of that. Still, Jeng had ordered them to get Opal out of here and so that was what Leandra was going to do. After all, Opal was in the worst shape out of all of them.

Hearing Opal saying they needed to stick together, Leandra then nodded and said, "We will, don't worry. Well, you and I will be. Manjano will catch up once Jeng and Sogata show up." Glancing one more time back at Manjano, secretly for the reason that she worried she may not see him again, Leandra tried to confidently smile at him though it turned out as more of a grimace. Manjano nodded at Leandra and then said softly, "Don't worry about me, Lea. Get Opal to safety." Furrowing her brows, Leandra nodded back at Manjano and then faced forward, as she let Opal put her weight on her while they began to near the exit.

"Where is she?" Shing muttered having left the small group before Sogata started to attack his friends. He was currently in the base trying to find where they could have taken Crystal. 'She has to be here.' He thought doing his best to remain stealthy. He listened to what sounded like fighting but didn't care in the slightest about that. He silently searched through almost every room having a few close calls with being spotted. However after awhile he found the room he was looking for.

As he was hiding from another patrol of guards he hid in a medium sized room and to his surprise and disgust was filled to the brim in caged spirits. Of course these sprits were being guarded, there was a total of four guards and every single one of them noticed the teenager that entered the room. ".....You didn't....see me?" Shing said with a shrug before he had to step to dodge an slash from a sword. "Damn..... Note to self... I need to practice my fucking stealth."
Sogata's flame burned up his chi, and at the rate he was burning he was going to be done within minutes if not seconds. "I never got my chance.... But you di~" With that Sogata fell to the ground. The flame that had engulfed him was gone, and it left his body just a little burned. The arm that he took back from them man was bright red, and the tracker within was basically burnt out.


Ronon sighed. "No you don't need my help, but it would help you a lot better if you did have my help... One of the chiefs of police is here giving you a hand and you won't take it." Ronon shook his head and turned around. "And I thought I was a hardass." He mumbled under his breath. He walked away from them and went home. He was tired from everything that was happening that day. He went home and laid down in his bed. He took a nap.

Tomoki smiled at his friend. "Too much work and no play makes jack a dull boy." He said. He knew that his friend works hard for the city, but when was the last time he took some time off. "You're gonna work yourself to death... I understand that your job is not easy, but even the president of republic city, the hardest working man in the city, needs to take a break every now and then." Tomoki walked over to the door before Kavi could and stood in front of it. "Either you sit down... or I make you sit down." Even though Kavi was the president Tomoki could still make him sit down if he had to. "You can take one day off can't you?" He said knowing that Kavi was long over due for a day off.

Opal's eyes fluttered as she processed the information. Sogata and Jeng, isolated together, after Sogata had learned of her and Jeng and then confronted the man who had attacked her? Not good. "No. No, no, no," She mumbled, looking at little panicked. "Sogata.. so upset.. I made him so mad.. told him about Jeng.. and me." She said in short gasps, forcing the words past her damaged throat. They came out raspy and soft, but clear enough to understand. Her protest was heartfelt, but she was powerless as the girl began to prepare them to leave. She couldnt support herself well, so when Leandra took hold of her and began moving down the hallway, she couldnt make a physical show of protest, only follow at a weak pace toward the exit.
Leandra put on a fake, confident smile, as she said softly to Opal, "Don't worry, Opal. They'll be fine. Anyhow, I doubt Sogata would be able to do that much to Jeng if he were to attack. That, and Jeng would never do anything to actually harm Sogata. They're both fine, trust me." Leandra could hear distant shouting and even some fighting breaking out, but her main priority was getting Opal to safety. She couldn't go against the Avatar and possibly leave Opal to get hurt anymore so than she already was.

Soon enough, they reached the exit and Leandra gingerly pushed the door open while also supporting Opal. Once the door was open and Leandra's back kept pressure on it so it'd stay open, she then helped Opal through the doorway and then outside. If Leandra recalled correctly though, this hangar had been surrounded by a few guards here and there. Were the guards still here? Were they finally safe?


Inside, Manjano remained leaning against the wall of the hallway, frowning when he saw Leandra and Opal finally exit. He could only hope that Leandra would be able to protect the pair if need be.

Shifting his gaze back down the opposite end of the hallway towards the direction Jeng had left in not too long ago, Manjano wondered if he was okay. He'd heard some distant shouting and even some fighting moments ago, but Manjano wasn't too keen about hopping down the hallway to figure out what had happened just yet. He hadn't heard someone scream in pain or anything just yet, so surely everything was okay?
Jeng broke through the ground behind Sogata, ready to defend himself once more if Sogata tried anything again. But to his surprise, the firebender wasn't even standing. In fact, even the fire surrounding him had disappeared. He seemed quite incapacitated, so Jeng took this as an opportunity to talk some sense into him. He was afraid to touch him for fear of getting burned, but he knelt down close to him regardless. "Sogata, it's over. You have nothing to gain by fighting me. I get it, you're under an immense amount of stress right now, but this isn't the way to solve that." Jeng took note of the firebender's body heat; if they didn't cool him down soon, he might overheat. "Oh, crap...I need you to calm down, man. You're in bad shape, but there's no way to cool you down right now."

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Rescue Team

"It is time master. The humans have waited far too long. If they continue like this the smuggler will only grow stronger." They waited patiently for the right moment to strike. The moment were benders would be their weakest and they would be stronger. That moment had come. Lighting and thunder began forming in the air as a grey smoky cloud made it's way to the base. The perimeter guards stared at the cloud, stunned by it's massiveness and it's speed. When the cloud was above them, swarms of spirits raced down from the cloud to took the guards down one by one making it's way to the base. It was an invasion slash rescue mission. The spirits were here for revenge against the smugglers and to settle their terms with the humans who had rescued them. The cloud of spirits finally reached the base and hell broke lose.

@The Suspicious Eye Will be leading the rescue






DreamBeat said:

Meifeng Xia


(Xia Meifeng)

Meifeng looked slightly confused. His words took on a slightly more pronounced sarcastic tone, one she could distinguish as sarcastic. She didn't understand his use of sarcastic remarks. Despite her confusion, she nodded at his blatant refusal for her help in getting to the Fire Nation and stayed silent as he walked away. She then took a better look at Ronon, one of the men she had prompted to ignore while attempting to give the other man directions. He looked like trouble. She didn't like trouble. Meifeng ducked her head in a slight bow in a show of politeness and turned to walk off into the crowd.

She easily weaved her way through the crowded streets and was out of the sea of humans in only a few minutes. In front of her were many buildings, probably homes. There were homes, but there were no crowds unlike the previous place she had been in.

I don't like crowds, she said the obvious to herself.

The air bender tilted her headed up at the sky. It was the perfect shade blue. She wanted to be closer. Her face slacked for a moment, devoid of any emotion before she floated gently in the air. Meifeng flew onto a roof where she could watch the over the city. No crowds. She sighed with relief.

@NessieAlways @Dakup
Dakup said:
Ronon sighed. "No you don't need my help, but it would help you a lot better if you did have my help... One of the chiefs of police is here giving you a hand and you won't take it." Ronon shook his head and turned around. "And I thought I was a hardass." He mumbled under his breath. He walked away from them and went home. He was tired from everything that was happening that day. He went home and laid down in his bed. He took a nap.

He pressed himself on a wall carefully waiting for the officer to go away. He'd worry about them at some other time. All he wanted to do now was find the blonde and question her about the transportation he needed. When the coast was clear, Ryo returned to the scene and looked around for the girl, but she was no where to be found. Well shit. Ryo walked around the plaza for a bit wondering if he'd ever run into her again. If he didn't he'd have to start thinking of a different method of getting out of town. He'd even stoop as low as asking the officer for help if he needed to, but that was his last resort. He felt too uncomfortable around them so going to a different nation surrounded by guards was too out of his comfort zone.

Dakup said:
Tomoki smiled at his friend. "Too much work and no play makes jack a dull boy." He said. He knew that his friend works hard for the city, but when was the last time he took some time off. "You're gonna work yourself to death... I understand that your job is not easy, but even the president of republic city, the hardest working man in the city, needs to take a break every now and then." Tomoki walked over to the door before Kavi could and stood in front of it. "Either you sit down... or I make you sit down." Even though Kavi was the president Tomoki could still make him sit down if he had to. "You can take one day off can't you?" He said knowing that Kavi was long over due for a day off.
President Kavi

If he knew how much this city was struggling... President Kavi put a polite smile on his face. "I assure you my dear friend, I take too many breaks. If it makes you happy, I plan on taking a trip to the Northern Water Tribe for the next few days. Matters concerning the portal to the spirit world must be discussed between both water tribe leaders and myself. I know you just came back from seeing your family, but how would a trip back home sound?" Kavi still needed to secure his trip to make sure not a second was wasted and the meeting would go by quickly. "Those are the matters I must attend to at the moment. Can't take a trip without preparation."
Once outside with Opal in tow, Leandra froze in place and frowned at an incoming storm could, which was moving far faster than any normal storm cloud would.

When the spirits left the cloud behind and began attacking the guards, Leandra was surprised and gaped for a moment before leading Opal to a wall of the hangar nearby and helping her into a sitting position with her back against the wall.

Remembering Opal practically begging for everyone to stay together, Leandra then said softly to her, "I'm not going anywhere, just giving both of us some rest."

Adding with a teasing grin, Leandra then said, "Neither Manjano nor you are exactly the lightest people around so it's exhausting for me, you know?"

This was true after all, Leandra had begun to feel fatigue kicking in for her, especially after all the bending she'd done earlier as well. She was even breathing a bit heavily at the moment. At least the spirits were keeping the guards busy.


Meifeng Xia


(Xia Meifeng)

As she sat on the roof of one of the homes, she thought back to the man she had met just a few moments ago. It was kind of waste. He had piqued her interest, yet she couldn't fulfill the curiosity of why such a feeling of determination had radiated from him. She even thought that he would lead her to more interesting people. It was.a shame.

Meifeng looked down from the school to look over the city. Within the somewhat busy crowd, she could see the man she had met before just wandering around.

He stands out, she noted. It was strange how he stood out among all the people. Meifeng wondered what he was still doing in the city.

Opal tried her best to keep up with Leandra and not lean on her too heavily, but she didnt do too well at it. She could only watch and try to keep her feet going as the cloud broke and spirits attacked. The place was thrown into chaos. Luckily, Leandra had the wonderful idea of stopping for a moment. When promised she wasnt leaving, Opal nodded, and her eyes closed almost as soon as she was on the ground. She pressed a hand against her abdomen, wincing. She needed a healer, badly. But more than that, she needed to know Jeng was still in one piece. Opal smiled weakly at Leandra's joke, forcing her eyes open to look at the girl. "Thank you." She said, as strongly as she could, meaning the two words with every fiber of her being.

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