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Fandom Avatar: Spirits Awaken

The man smiled he opened the door to her cage and walked into her cage. He picked her up by the hair and gave her a dastardly smile. He was going to have some fun with her. He went to grab her face with his metal hand but was stopped.

Sogata was standing there, and the heat coming off of him was intense. He kneed the man in the head, all while holding onto the metal hand. With his hand back, Sogata was able to both arms with firebending. He attached his arm, which wasn't really painful except when it came time to connect the nerves in his body to the mechanics in the hand. Sogata looked at the man and Opal. "I will end you." Sogata said. The look on his face was that of a tortured person who had their last straw taken.

The man got back up and smiled. "Time for another fight?" He said laughing a little. He got back on his feet, but was tackled to the ground by Sogata. He brought the elbow of his flesh arm into the back of his head, then pushed him off. "Acting before you think... This will be easy." He said as he shot flames at Sogata.

He dodged and backed out of the cage. He didn't want Opal to be more hurt then what she already was. Sogata saw an Ice cage and thought. "Firebender." He stood in front of it and shot some blue flame at the man. He had an Idea but needed it to work.

The man followed him out and shot flames at Sogata in retaliation.

Sogata dodged and watched as the door was melted.
Shing felt something get closer to him....'heat?' He wondered as he backed away from the door. 'Odd.... Wh-...... Freedom!' He thought as soon as the door utterly melted. He barely waited for it to fully melt before running into the hall of wherever they were. His teeth still chattering and his lips still blue, but he let out a sigh of relief when he was hit with far warmer air then what was in that cage of his.

He looked around trying to see who could have melted the door and he saw the two men. '...... I know one guy... I think he was there when we got captured.... Who the hell is the other one??' He wondered as he tried to warm up his freezing body. "I-I-I-I d-d-d-don't know w-w-w-who the h-h-h-hell you are.... But t-t-t-t-thanks..... So after a w-w-w-warm up do y-y-you want m-m-me to help you beat t-t-t-this fucker up?" He asked as he breath blue flames into his hands.
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Sogata didn't even look at the guy he was focused on the man. "No." Was all he said at first. He was to focused on the man to do anything. "He's mine..." This man had tortured and belittled Sogata for the longest time. He was going to make sure that he would take him down. "Help the others... Get the twins down." He yelled out dodging the mans attack. It was a one handed attack so it wasn't as strong as a normal one would be.

The man laughed. "He's been in deep freeze he won't be able you that much, his bending will be weak."
Jeng hurriedly ran towards the source of the voices, rounding the corner of the hall with his molten glass in tow. As he arrived at his destination, however, he was surprised to see Sogata fending off the man that had captured them. At first, he was thankful that Sogata had been able to escape, but the look on the firebender's face wasn't one of elation; rather, it was one of pure, bloodlusted anger. Thankfully, the young firebender's adversary hadn't noticed him escape yet, which meant he hadn't noticed him escape, meaning he had the element of surprise. Jeng smirked; he was now surrounded in concrete instead of wood, and he took advantage of this fact. Taking his glob of molten glass, he hurled it at the man, hoping to at least distract him, and at the most severely burn him. The Avatar then took a large chunk out of the wall adjacent to him, and threw that at him too.
Manjano listened to the chaos and firebending occurring down below him, but he couldn't get a good view of anything besides the glow of the fire that lit up the room every so often. Glancing back at his sister, Manjano then shouted, "Lea, come on, get up! Rescue is here!" Leandra perked at the sound of rescue and gingerly pushed herself up into a sitting position with her back against then are of her cage, much like how Manjano was currently sitting. Now, all the twins could do is wait for the rescue to help them as well.
Shing nodded his body slowly started to warm up and the firebending going sure did help with warming up. "Deep freeze o-o-o-or not I can still kick y-y-your ass..... F-F-For now I'll l-let him do it." Shing chattered out as he moved away from the fight. He heard something above him and looked up seeing two cages rather high above him. '........ My guess that's were the twins are..... Now to get them down.' He thought as he looked around the room for something to lower the cages.
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Sogata was breathing hard. He had done a lot of bending, and had been beaten up pretty good so it was easy to say that he was tired. The hollering and screaming didn't help that much either. He watched the glass go for the man, but stopped it. "Thank you jeng. But this one... THis one's mine, and I don't want any help... Go help Opal she's gonna need you." He said mentioning the fact that the guy was kind of screwed with her mentally.

The man took notice of the glass and looked over to see that avatar. "Oh now we have a party." He said as he watched the avatar. His focus was brought back to Sogata when he was hit in the head with the blue flame. "You think you can take me on kid... Maybe I should go to a little store and meet a very pretty, pregnant woman."

With this Sogata's blue flames changed color. This time they were green. He was so angry that being within 4 feet of his would ignite anything on fire. "Touch my mother and I will burn all your skin off." He said as he shot a fireball at the man. It landed in the man's chest and he was instantly set ablaze. The fire engulfing him in seconds.
Jeng frowned at Sogata's command, not wishing to leave him to fend for himself against such a dangerous enemy, but as he turned his attention to Opal, his opinion changed in an instant. She looked like she had been through hell twice over: her clothing was in tatters, she was covered in numerous injuries, and looked almost...broken. "Opal!" he exclaimed, running towards the cage and wedging the cage bars apart with a pillar of stone. He ran his fingers through the warrior's hair, hoping to get her attention. "Opal, it's me, Jeng," he said quietly, on the verge of tears. "I'm gonna get you out of here, okay?"
The warrior last unmoving at the bottom of the cage as the fight broke out. She didnt move until she heard the cage open, and it was only a very weak attempt to get to the back of the cage and as far from the door as possible. But Opal only moved a few inches. She flinched away from the touch violently, trying to strike the hand away but barely raising her hand. When her golden eyes found Jeng, and recognized him through the haze, she did the only thing any sane person would do in this situation. After fearing for her life, and having worse done to her, only to find herself back in safe arms, she did the only thing that made sense: she cried.
Jeng hesitated for a moment, then held the girl tenderly, rubbing her back gently. "What the hell did he do to you, Opal?" he asked, a tinge of anger in his otherwise sorrowful tone. Though, he didn't expect even a slight answer. It was clear what had been done, and the thought of it made him sick to his stomach. He looked up at the sparring firebenders, his eyes bloodshot with sadness and intense fury, and watched them fight. The Avatar had half a mind to join Sogata in attacking that...monster, but he had more important things to attend to. Smashing the chains that confined the warrior, Jeng wiped away her tears and looked her straight in the eyes. "Opal, we need to get out of here. Are you able to walk?"
Shing was warming up rather quickly (though his lips still had a blue tint to it) as he looked for someway to get the twins down. "There." He mumbled as he made his way over to a lever that he figured controlled the cages. However before he could get to them he was cut off by a fire bender and a metal bender. "Hey.....I guess you won't just let me by?" He asked as he looked at the lever and then at the two benders.

The metal bender rolled his eyes and quickly bent metal attaching Shing's hands together and also aimed shakels at his feet. Shing was able to move out of the way in time to avoid the shakles to his legs, but not the one's to his arm. 'Great.... This makes things even.' He thought with a smirk as he ran toward the metal bender. The metal bender bent the floor to try and stop Shing, however as soon as he got in the stance to do so Shing let blue flames shoot out of his feet to give him a speed boast. Since he was still rather cold the flames were weak, but enough to send him flying right into the metal bender and...head butting him. "OW!!! That hurt!" Shing yelled once he backed up sadly unable to rub his aching head.

This attack was weak so even though he head-butted him in the head the man was still standing. 'I need to get those two down, my flames are two weak right now.' He thought before taking a deep breath and shoot out hot blue flames at their feet. The benders backed off and he used this chance to run forward and pull the lever.

Manjano frowned when he heard the continued fighting below, but no attempts to rescue the twins. Deciding to take matters into his own hands, Manjano then cupped his hands around his mouth and shouted out from his suspended cage, "Hey, a little he-" Yet, he was cut off when he heard something metallic click below and then their cages began to lower themselves, though they were only going down a foot at a time and so the progress was slow. At first, the cages both jerked and consequently this surprised Manjano and resulted in him jerking his left foot, bringing jolting and sharp pains form both his left foot and ankle, as they were burned badly from the fire tornado before. Hissing in pain, Manjano screwed his eyes shut tightly, as he waited for the twins' cages to finally reach the ground once more.

Leandra let out a surprised yelp when their cages suddenly began to lower and she soon was at her cage's bars, and shouting down below, "We still have makeshift handcuffs on our wrists and ankles! We'll be useless unless we can get them off of us." Now that the twins were finally being rescued and her hope was renewed, Leandra felt confident once more. They were going to get out of here finally.

Opal quivered even as her sobs stilled. Jeng spoke, wiping at her tears, but it took a long moment for any of his words to register. Walk. Could she walk? Logically, she thought no. Her physical injuries were numerous and getting very close to severe. Her body had been fried with electricity, for spirit's sake. And emotionally, she didnt feel able to lift a finger. The man may not have broken her defiance, but he had broken something in her spirit, something that might never be repaired. Even though everything in her mind told her there was no way she could walk out of that cage, she mutely nodded to Jeng and began to stand, even though her legs felt weak as soon as they were underneath her. The fighter's balance was sorely off- she had to reach for Jeng to stop from tipping over like a drunk. But Opal walked toward the door, albeit slowly and shakily, until she more or less stumbled out of the cage.

Dakup said:
Tomoki smiled. "I guess we could start our conversation." He said as he walked out the door. He made his way outside with the president in toe. "Well I made it to the docks before I forgot I told Sayuri where I was going. So I sent her a note about me leaving to take care of my mother. By the time I had finished my note it was time for me to go depart... Being a waterbender I decided to take a boat." He stopped for a second and looked at the sky. "The voyage there was fun. It was a passenger ship so, there were families even a few single people. The people in the room next to me had a couple children. Believe it or not he family next to me had a child that was just a little sick. I told them how I was a doctor and that I could help. I took a look at the child. He was sick, but I caught his illness quick and he and his family should be doing better now." He said.
Kira had met up with Tomoki and The president. "Good afternoon sir... Tomoki." She said.

"Good to see you my dear." Tomoki said. "Other than a few broken bones and a couple cuts I didn't really work as much on my journey there...."

"Excuse me Kavi, I was wondering if I could talk to you about something just a little personal?" She asked with a smile on her face. She was always smiling, even if it was the wrong time either.

"Always a smile on your face..." Tomoki said. "I can talk to you later about what happened..."

"Oh no cause I could use your help as well." She said. "That's if you don't mind Kavi."
President Kavi

As the two men walked towards the dinning hall, Kavi listened to Tomoki's story intently. Just as Tomoki explained how he had healed a young child and his family Kira, one of his Chief officers interrupted. "Mrs. Blayde, this better be important. Can you not see I'm busy?" Kavi rolled his eyes, but seeing as the woman insisted and Tomoki seemed pleasant with her, Kavi accepted her request reluctantly. "Very well...what is it you need?"

DreamBeat said:

Meifeng Xia


(Xia Meifeng)

Meifeng was lurking around when she heard a particular conversation that caught her attention. Someone was looking for transportation. She stopped her walk to the food store and tilted her head slightly to the right as she looked at the two people looking at another person. He looked like a water bender. Another looked like a gruff guy who had no bending abilities. The other had blonde hair paired with ocean blue eyes and water tribe wear. Another water tribe person, it looked like. Although she usually didn't like interfering with people's business, she found pleasure in helping people find their way for some odd reason. Maybe because it was what her dad liked to do. Out of habit, Meifeng walked over to Ryo, Worozi, and Ronon. "Someone said they need transportation?" @National @Dakup @NessieAlways

Surprised by the girl's sudden appearance, Ryo's defenses went up again. He eyed the girl from head to toe. He wasn't sure if she was a bender or not, but Ryo could never been to sure anymore. The benders were doing a great job keeping cover nowadays almost as if they were in hiding. Ryo scoffed thinking about benders becoming submissive. Once again he eyed the blonde, "And I suppose you're my fairy godmother coming to the rescue?" Ryo crossed his arms over his chest. From all his time being in Republic City, he'd never seen this girl around. Is she new in town? Doesn't get out much? Stared trying to both establish his dominance and figure her out.

(Sorry for his behavior. Ryo can be...quite rude)
Ronon sighed. "Just get on with it boy." Ronon wasn't one to sussy foot around. His time was valuable and it was currently being wasted. "Listen if this in another one of your half baked ideas I swear to the spirits I will put you in jail for a month." He said shifting one of the blades on his forearms.

Kira smiled at Kavi and bowed her head. "I promise I won't waste your time... Mr.Kavi you have been very kind to me and Ronon. We are young but we are also ready for the next step. We've been trying to start a family for a while but, we haven't had any luck. I was hoping that maybe you could give me just a couple days off of work to go home so I could seek advice from my family.... It wouldn't be more then three days to six days at the most... Please let me go so my family can get off the ground."
As Opal got up from the ground, it was clear that the answer to his question was a resounding 'no.' Jeng quickly slipped his arm under hers for support, making sure that she didn't fall over her own weight. "Don't worry, I gotcha," he reassured, making sure to ease her burden as much as possible. Hopefully, the man would be too preoccupied fighing Sogata to take notice of the duo. I hope Sogata kills that son of a bitch, Jeng thought to himself as they walked out into the hall.
"And how am I suppose to help you with that!" Shing shouted as he dodged a fire attack from the bender. "My hands are cuffed as well and I'm fighting two assholes! A metal and pansy of a fire, so give me a sec!" He shouted as he got in a fighting stance and looked at his two opponents. He didn't make a move as he watched them carefully. The three of them didn't do a thing for a bit, but the metal bender moved a bit and Shing shot to the side of him to try and flank him.

The bender once again tried to encase his feet, but Shing jumped in the air and shot two blue flames from his feet at the metal bender. With the fighting warming him up tremendously, his flames were getting strong. The firebender stepped in front of the metal and shot his own flames at Shing's, but even with the counter the two benders had to back off due to the heat.

Shing then charged forward again only to suddenly shift to the side and zig zagging at random points making it harder to hit. The metal bender created two metal disk and sent them above Shing while the firebender shot flames at Shings feet giving him a choice to either jump or not to. He rolled to the side dodging both attacks and sprinted forward again, once he got close enough he kicked the metal bender in the head using his flames for extra power and speed.

As he delivered this powerful kick he got hit in the gut but a flamed punch to the side. He let out a small cuss as he was pushed back from it, but smirked when he noticed the metal bender was not looking to hot. 'This would be so much easier if I had my hands.' He thought.
The twins' both exchanged a look at Shing's response and shrugged, as he was right. What could he do for their handcuff situation? He probably couldn't even get their cages open. Soon, the twins' cages were on the floor again, though both were still stuck behind the bars of the platinum cages. All the could do was watch for now, as Manjano was still too injured to walk on his own unless he planned on hopping on one foot everywhere. The tightly secured metallic ankle cuffs only were making his burn wound worse, as blood was beginning to coat the cuff on the left side and was even making a small pool under the left foot. Gritting his teeth, Manjano remained where he was for now and watched Shing continue to fight the two guards.

Leandra used the support of the bars behind her back to push herself into an awkward standing position, as both of her feet were cuffed tightly together. She grimaced at the pain coming from the tightness of the metal, but shifted her focus on the metalbender nearby. Despite having both of ther hands cuffed together, she was still able to do small bending moves, especially with metal. When the two metal discs missed Shing, Leandra managed to stop them mid-air before they crashed against a wall. She then quickly shot them back at the two guards, aiming at the firebender since Shing had just struck the metalbender.

The firebender was caught by surprised from the attack and received a gash to one of his arms. However he dodged the second disk, though it did leave a cut on his face. The firebend was shocked by the sudden attack and looked over at the girl who he knew was a metal bender. "You bitch!" He shouted as he was about to send a flame punch right at her. "Haha! Thanks!" Shing shouted instantly using the opportunity to charged the firebender and deliver an powerful kick to his solar plexus making the bender bend down gasping for air. As he did this Shing kicked him in the face making him stand straight up but in a slight daze.

Before he could do anything else the metal bender sent a metal ball at Shing's head. Shing was able to dodge this one as well and sent a breath of flames at the bender making him create a shield to protect himself since the flames were too widespread to just simply dodge. With the metal bender busy Shing head butted the firebender hard probably breaking the guys nose. The bender let out a yell of pain and fell to his knees as he cupped his bleeding nose. Not giving two damns Shing raised his foot and slammed it on top of the bender head making his face slam into the floor hard, knocking him out.

With a smirk he looked away from the unconscious and bleeding firebender, turning his attention to the metal bender. Who's hair was slightly singed due to the heat of Shing's flames. The bender shot two disks along with a few chains at Shing. Shing ducked and one disk went over his head while the other scratched his thigh. This scratch made him stumble a bit and the chains wrapped around his torso encasing his arms even more and slowing him down a lot due to the weight.

Shing looked over at the Leandra and Manjano for a bit before sighing. "I bet I can finish him in a minute....one of you watch my time." He said with a confident smirk. His way of telling them he is almost done.

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Manjano remained expressionless while he watched the fight ensuing before him. Shing seemed to be holding his own until his arms were latched against his torso thanks to the chains. Raising an eyebrow at what Shing said, Manjano didn't reply and simply continued to wait for the eventual help. He was useless with his bad ankle and foot anyhow.

Leandra grinned when the firebender yelled at her and went to dodge his fire punch, but it never came. Looking back at the firebender, Leandra was pleased to see Shing had taken him down. Yet, when the metal wrapped around Shing, Leandra frowned and then concentrated, as she then struggled with her limited movement to bend the chains off of Shing's torso and arms. She couldn't control the object though, and so it collapsed onto the ground once it was off of Shing. Wincing at the twisting movements she'd made with her hands and wrists, Leandra looked down to see the metal was beginning to dig into her wrists and was even slowly drawing blood from her, resulting in droplets of blood beginning to roll down her wrists and hands.

Once they were clear from the fighting, Opal have Jeng a very weak push back toward the room. “Go help. I'm okay." She said, although her voice was so rough and cracked that it was hard to discern what the words were. The fighter tried to let go of him, moving instead to the wall, so that he could go back and help the others. The wall seemed incredibly far away, even though it was only a few steps.

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"Thirty seconds." Shing said once the chain was adjusting his time since he could now move a bit more freely even though his hands were still bound. The metal bender made the chain shot up actually trying to skwer Shing, but he dodge it and ran forward. The bender shot four balls at him and two disks. Shing did a sudden turn to the right avoiding most of the attack, but he did get hit in the ribs with one of the metal balls.

As he got closer the bender shot more chains at Shing. Shing rolled out of the way for the first one, but the second wrapped tightly around his right leg. However he refused to let that slow him down. He only had ten seconds left and he planned to beat the guy within that time. The bender tried bend something else, but before he could Shing blew blue flames at him making him back up and create another shield.

With the shield blocking the benders view Shing took the chance and flanked him from the side delivering a powerful flamed kick sending him crashing into the wall. The bender let out a shocked gasp as he slid down the wall. He tried to get up, but Shing was standing in front of him with a demonic look. "You have two choices. One, you take these cuffs off of me and those two. You also release them from the cage. Or..." He said as he steed on the man's knee and started to heat up his foot slowly starting to burn the man. "You choice?" He asked calmly.

The bender looked at Shing and sneered at him before tightening the chain around Shings leg cutting off the blood flow. "You don't have the gu- AHHHH!!" Before he could finish whatever he was going to say Shing had used his other leg to break the man's knee cap. "Sorry....wrong answer....try again. if you fail this one I think I'll burn off your fingers.... How does that sound?" He asked with a devious smirk even though he could barley feel his right leg.

The man muttered a bunch of cusses before he nodded. "Fine kid, but you just broke me knee, I can't do much now." Shing rolled his eyes before pointing at Leandra. "That girl helped me and she bound up tightly, I'm sure you are fine without one knee. Now hurry up before you go without two knees." The man glared at Shing before let out a his of pain as he stood on one leg. He preformed some bending moves and sure enough the cuffs fell off of the three of them.

Leandra grinned when her cuffs fell off of her wrists and ankles. Relief! She then walked up to the gate of her cage and glared at the metalbender before demanding, "Open our cages, now!"

Manjano let out a sigh of relief when the cuffs fell from his body. It still didn't help his burns too much though. He could now see where the metal had rubbed through the burnt and blistered skin, resulting in open wounds around his left ankle. His left foot was still badly burnt, top and bottom, thus preventing him from walking on it. For now, Manjano was still basically useless. He could bend with his hands, but being an earthbender meant he mostly used his feet in the end so he was temporarily crippled until he could be healed.


Meifeng Xia


(Xia Meifeng)

NessieAlways said:

Surprised by the girl's sudden appearance, Ryo's defenses went up again. He eyed the girl from head to toe. He wasn't sure if she was a bender or not, but Ryo could never been to sure anymore. The benders were doing a great job keeping cover nowadays almost as if they were in hiding. Ryo scoffed thinking about benders becoming submissive. Once again he eyed the blonde, "And I suppose you're my fairy godmother coming to the rescue?" Ryo crossed his arms over his chest. From all his time being in Republic City, he'd never seen this girl around. Is she new in town? Doesn't get out much? Stared trying to both establish his dominance and figure her out.

(Sorry for his behavior. Ryo can be...quite rude)
Meifeng stood while Ryo assessed her, looking her over from head to toe. Her corner of her lips slight quirked into an amused smile. Instead of answering his question, she said with confidence, "I could take you anywhere you wanted in this city as long as it isn't heavily guarded." She was still standing with her hands by her side and looked at him in the eyes. Do you want go somewhere?"

(No need to be sorry ^.^)
"You heard her. Open the cages." Shing said as he grabbed the mans head and heated up his hand slowing starting to burn him. "Tick tock." The man shuffled through his pockets and pulled out a some keys handing them to Shing. "Good, now you seem to be in a lot of pain....take a nap." He said before slamming the mans head into the ground twice, knocking him out.

He then walked over to the cages and unlocked them both. He looked over at the earth bender and sighed. "Come on I'll help you. There's no way you can walk on that."


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