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Fandom Avatar: Spirits Awaken

Ronan didn't like when ryo was around. He just got a vibe that gave him the "I'm up to no good" type vibe. "I'll listen but Kira has to go. She has a meeting with the president." He said before Kira had left. "Now what do you want?" He said.

A very familiar face walked into the presidents office and sat down across from him.
"Always busy for a good friend?" The person said. "Even if this person saved your daughter?" Tomoki said with chuckle. He hadn't been away for a while maybe a few days but he had returned for certain reasons.

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Uhm, Dakup just made a post. Not sure if jamaican has yet.
Sogata leaned against one of the bars in his cell, letting the light hit his face. The burses and open wounds looked atrocious on him. There was some dried blood along with some fresh blood running down his face. "Not as feisty as you normally are... What's changed. What happened to the girl that I wanted to go out with... She's changed."
Opal looked up and across the way at him, the look in her eyes making it clear how much her head was still spinning. But then again, he looked about a million times worse than she even felt. "She fought all day to free a bunch of spirits and defeat the big bad Masked Man, and just when she thought they were done, someone tripped an alarm and a man three times her size used her head as a punching bag." She said softly, struggling not to slur her words and wishing she was laughing so it was alright. "Remember Republic City? That doctor kid telling me not to get hit in the head again anytime soon? He would be very, very upset with me." She added, still trying, and failing, to joke about the situation. The fighter was beginning to feel nauseous, so she closed her eyes again and slid down, sitting next to the bars and leaning against them. Where the hell did they put Jeng? What if he's not okay?

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National said:
Worozi looks at the new comer. Worozi needed to fulfill this for his tribe. He needed to fulfill his northern water tribe pride "What do you need"
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Dakup said:
Ronan didn't like when ryo was around. He just got a vibe that gave him the "I'm up to no good" type vibe. "I'll listen but Kira has to go. She has a meeting with the president." He said before Kira had left. "Now what do you want?" He said.

Ryo smirked hoping he was going about this the correct way. He looked over at the officers standing by wondering if it was smart to talk in front for them...well officer since apparently one was leaving. After some thought Ryo was about to sum up his request with one word. He picked up his chin and looked into the Ronan's eyes. "Transportation."

Dakup said:
A very familiar face walked into the presidents office and sat down across from him. "Always busy for a good friend?" The person said. "Even if this person saved your daughter?" Tomoki said with chuckle. He hadn't been away for a while maybe a few days but he had returned for certain reasons.
President Kavi

The door to his office had opened once again for the fifth time after clearly instructing his guards to keep everyone away. President Kavi was preparing the next strategic move in his re-building of the city and needed absolute concentration. But when the face behind the door turned out to be his old pal Tomoki, he couldn't keep the frown on his face. "You know Tomoki, you can't use that line on me every time you want something. You've played the savior card for too long." President Kavi smiled at his old friend and greeted him into his office. "What can I do for you old man?"

Lioness075 said:
The twins both exchanged a look of worry when the stranger began sprinting towards the hangar, where everyone had been taken. He was going to blow their cover and alert everyone to their presence! Wasting no time, Leandra shouted out, "W-wait!" before she bended the metal out of her knapsack and then launched it at the stranger, intending to wrap the metal around his legs and then stop him in place. Meanwhile, Manjano bending the earth and then yanked his arms upwards, summoning a large earth wall in front of the stranger so he'd run straight into it in case Leandra's metal didn't stop him in place.

Had the girl not shouted, maybe she would have gotten away with hitting Riichi with her metal since he still hadn't fully recovered. But the chirpy "wait" was enough for him to sense the metals behind him and dodge them almost flawlessly. He jumped up into a shaky backflip and had a rough landing. The wall though he didn't see coming. The twin boy had been almost silent and his air time made it impossible to feel the ground moving beneath him. Taking another step back to inch away form the wall in front of him, Riichi spit to the floor. Riichi turned to look at the kids furiously. "Is there a problem kid?"
Tomoki laughed. "You need to remember your older then I am." He said with a chuckle. "But for what I am doing here. My mother was better then what my father had said... Plus it's that time of the year again. Is your daughter here?" He asked. It was the normal time of year where tomoki would give the presidents daughter her normal check up to make sure that her disease had not shown up. He doubted that it would show up. He got every last bit of the disease in her body.
Leandra was irritated to see her metal pieces miss and bended them back into her knapsack before walking up to Riichi until she was within a few feet of him. Glaring up at him, she then said, "Are you trying to get yourself captured with the rest of Team Avatar? Are you that dimwitted that you'd just charge blindly into combat and then assume you'll win in the end?" Manjano remained silent and kept himself in a bending-ready stance, watching Riichi warily the whole time. Leandra, in the meantime, added to her point, "We need to think of a plan, at least scout out the hangar and see what we're up against. These people captured the freaking Avatar, a spirit, and several other powerful benders. Are you so prideful that you believe yourself to be stronger than all of them and capable of handling this group on your own?" Now done with her tirade, Leandra crossed her arms over her chest and continued to glare at Riichi, while waiting for his response.

Jeng sat quietly in his cell, watching absentmindedly at the rusty-orange water dripping from the ceiling and creating a small pool on the floor. The guards had told him that that was going to be his source of water; the food would be the rats they caught. They were clearly trying to break him; being thrown into a wooden cage where he could not bend, unable to do anything...no. He wouldn't let them win. Not without a fight. But even then, what could he do? If only Sogata had taught me firebending sooner... Jeng thought to himself in frustration. In a bout of anger, he screamed and punched the cell wall, leaving a slight indentation in the reinforced wood.

He looked at his now-skinned knuckles, and subsequently rubbed them; throwing a fit wouldn't help anyone. Jeng looked around for anything he would be able to use: glass, a small stone, anything that would be even somewhat manipulable. There's gotta be something I can use...
President Kavi

He laughed at the reference of age knowing that Tomoki's comment was true. "I might be old, but I'm young at heart!" President Kavi felt relieved to know that Tomoki's mother was doing fine. It was a toll to know that his friend was going through a hard time and he couldn't leave his place in the city to go help especially with the plans he had been harboring. Hearing Tomoki mention it being time once again, Kavi frowned. "She's been fine. Her illness hasn't shown up since you cured her the first time, but if you must know, she's out with her guards at that bending game that's been so popular recently. What do the kids call it? Pro-bending?"



"Are you so insecure about your bending that you rather plan blindly and risk your friends' lives?" Riichi rolled his eyes. "I'm not going to waste my time with you all." Now that he thought about it, his entire "saving the others" scheme seemed stupid. Here he was trying to help and a couple of brats stop him thinking they know what was best. Repulsive! "You need to know what you're up against in order to plan. You have two options either stand behind and scout which will end up killing your friends, or get your act together, push away your fear, and go inside to see for yourself." Riichi just shook his head. "Have fun saving the Avatar." With that Riichi took off running the opposite direction dismissing all of his plans of helping and saving. Those kids weren't even grateful to have a master at their side.

Both of the twins frowned at Riichi's words. Was he so prideful that he wasn't willing to listen to anyone else? Sighing, Leandra let Riichi leave while she looked at Manjano and said,"Remember, these guys were strong enough to take Team Avatar and what appeared to be a spirit. Expect strong fighters and benders of every element. Now, I'll check out the front of the hangar, you run around the sides and back end to look for any hatches or vents that we could sneak through. Report back to me what you've found and then we'll make our move." Manjano nodded at Leandra and then let his earth wall fall back into the earth before he sprinted away from Leandra and quickly began to make his way to the right side of the hangar while manipulating the earth under his feet to soften his steps and make it harder to hear his approach. While he ran off, Leandra gave Riichi a fleeting glance, but decided she had more important matters to deal with. Finding a good hiding spot, Leandra peered out at the front of hangar and saw a good amount of guards in the area. If they'd charged in like Riichi wanted to, they no doubt would've been overpowered quickly. Meanwhile, Manjano had already quietly knocked out four guards and then hidden their bodies. Continuing on his way, Manjano began to search along the hangar for any kind of way for himself and Leandra to sneak in and free their friends.

Tomoki laughed. "Yes gramps that's what they call it. Pro bending." He said with a chuckle. "As for seeing her I know that here disease won't come back. But we still have to do these check ups. Cause this disease that she has can lead to other disease and I dontwant that to happen to her... If you wouldn't mind having and old friend over for dinner I could give her a check up after we eat?" He suggested. "Plus it would give us a chance to talk about my trip."
The man with the metal arm walked in. He had a few other people with him. He snickered. "Looks like our capture knows these. Oh this is gonna be even better..." He looked to the man to his left. "Get the transport crates ready.... and tell the masked man that we have them, and to get the mythrisdite ready..." He gave a very dastardly look at Jeng. "This one the boss wants personally." He said as if signing his death warrant.

Sogata yelled. "You bastard. I'm gonna kick your ass and get my arm back." He said almost huffing fire out as he breathed.

The man laughed. "Boy you want more don't you." He said The man walked over to his cage and grabbed Sogata by the neck and slammed him against the bars. "You want another burn boy?" He asked.
Opal forced herself to her feet as the men entered, looking at them carefully. Her golden eyes narrowed suspiciously as they began to speak. None of them seemed to notice her, which seemed like a good thing. But when Sogata spoke up and was punished for it, she couldnt help but draw attention to herself. "Hey. Get your hands off him, birdbrain." She said darkly, glaring over at the men as if she was the most dangerous thing in the world.
The man took notice. "Oh how cute. The girl is gonna protect the guy..." He said as he turned his head to look at her. "Thats so touching." He said as he took a step towards her.

Sogata screamed as loud as he could. "Touch her and I will kill you." He yelled.

The man laughed. "Oh I see it's the boyfriend protecting the girlfriend... Well I can take care of that." He waved at two of his men. "Get her out of that cage and lock her in the chains... and seperate her from the group..." He turned to walk away. "And put her in my office." He said as he started to walk out the door.

Two men walked over and opened her cage. She was badly beaten so she couldn't put up a fight, or could she?
The fighter didnt even blink as the man turned to look at her, and she didnt react to his taunting words. As the man turned to leave, and two men walked in to pull her out, Opal began to regret speaking up. "Jeng is going to kill me when he finds out I did this." She said, glancing at Sogata. "I forgot to mention, its kind of official between the two of us now. Even Terra approves. Is it too late to ask for your blessing as well? " She added, as the men came at her. Swallowing her fear, Opal turned to look at the guards again. Now was her chance to put up a fight.

When one of them put a hand on her arm to take her out, and she reached over and grabbed his wrist, placing her thumb in a sensitive spot and squeezing as hard as she could, hoping to cause as much pain as possible.
The man laughed. "Never send a boy to do a man's job." He said as he turned around and walked over to her cage. It was made out of platinum, a pure metal so no one could bend it. The man chuckled. The girl was a chi blocker. He could tell by the grip that she had on one of his men's wrist. "A chi blocker..." He chuckled. "You're not very useful against a metal arm." He said as he lifted his arms.

"We'll talk about that later.. but for right now kick this guys ass." Sogata said.
"Oh yeah? How about you ask Sogata about that?" She muttered at the approaching "birdbrain," jabbing the man she had a hold of harshly and letting him crumple to the ground. A dark light filled Opal's eyes, the light of sadistic defiance. She shifted her weight, moving into the middle of the cage. Fear was clawing at her stomach, but she ignored it fiercely. "Why not talk about it now? We might not get another chance." She shot back at Sogata, relaxing the muscles in her shoulders as she readied herself for the attack she was sure would come.
Sogata huffed. "...I don't give my blessing... I can't." He said. "... Because I am still in love with you... I fell in love with you ever since I first laid my eyes upon you... I don't care if Terra approves... I don't... I can't." He said as he watched the man laugh.

The man gave a very big grin and walked out of the cage. He locked the door. "Bring me one of the shock gloves." He said. One of his underlings grabbed him a glove. He smiled. He put the glove on and touched one of the bars on the cage. He laughed as the cage began to spark. "It's a good thing Platinum is conductive." He said with a smile. He knew that she wouldn't be able to last long. The shocks from the glove would put her down in a few minutes, if that.
Opal snapped her head to look at Sogata as he said the words I dont. She was completely confused, the last time she had seen him, they had been on a good note, all three of them. But as he continued, realization dawned. She flashed back to the day she met him, the way he had spoken and how she had rejected him almost instantly. Nimble and graceful, just like a dancer, and the fire of a Fire Nation fighter. You are something to behold... I dont have the patience for flings, or the time. Work is hard to come by. She had been too focused on the job, she didnt have time for a fling, she had said. And then Jeng came along, and made her feel the way Sogata must feel for her. Opal's face fell, and she glanced nervously between the man, who was leaving the cage, and Sogata, unsure of which was the lesser evil.

The man's voice drew her attention away from Sogata again. He locked the door, but came back wearing a "shock glove." Her heart sank, but she grew even more defiant. "Coward!" She spat, glaring at the man as his hand descended to the bars, stubborn to the last. As soon as his electric glove touch the metal, searing, white hot pain shot into her feet and into her entire body. She fell almost instantly, quivering violently as the current wracked her lithe form. The fighter gritted her teeth tightly, not allowing them the satisfaction of drawing a scream.
The man laughed. "Oh poor baby. But I want a scream." He said as he touched the bar again, and again it sent a shock through the platinum and all around. "I can hold the bar all night, but you on the other hand. There has to be a time when you fall." He said with a dastardly grin on his face.

"I still love you." Sogata said adding to the mix.
Opal got up, but only to a crouch, because she knew there was more coming. She gasped for breath as her muscles stopped twitching, catching it just in time to stare down her torturer. She didnt dignify him with a response, only tried to prepare for the next shock while responding to Sogata. "And I still cherish and stand by you, as a loyal friend." She said through gritted teeth, but the words were clear. It was then he touched the bars again and she fell to the side, shaking violently until he took his hand away. This time, a tense whine left her throat for the length of the shock, but it was almost inaudible. As the shock ended, the fighter's breath hitched in her chest in short, desperate gasps as she tried to push herself back up. But her limbs were too weak and shaking to be of any help. Tear leaked from her eyes, as her body panicked to recover.
The man laughed as he opened the cage again. A couple underlings walk in and grab her by the arms and legs and bring her out. "Don't worry about her... I'll make sure she's properly taken care of..." He said with a very sinister smile.

Sogata screamed out. "I'll kill you." and "Come back here." Were a couple of the things he said before he man the underlings and Opal was gone.

The henchmen moved Opal into another room and locked her in chains. The chains were made of platinum and so she couldn't move that much. The man grinned. It wasn't a good grin. "MMMMMmmmm." He said as he moved closer to her. With his flesh hand he felt her skin. It was soft, almost like a babies. If she tried to hit him the chains would stop her. "You and I are gonna have some fun."
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