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Fandom Avatar: Spirits Awaken

Manjano had finally found a small hatch into some kind of air duct system on the side of the hangar. After silently making his way back to Leandra, Manjano nodded at her to signal he'd found something and the pair returned to the location promptly. Double checking that no guards would see them nearby, Leandra then quietly metalbended the metal from the entrance to the air duct system off of the side of the building and lowered it to the ground against the side of the building. The twins then rushed to the metal entrance piece and Manjano earthbended the pair up to the air duct system. They both managed to squeeze themselves inside, while Leandra pulled up the rear. Pausing at the entrance they'd just crawled into, Leandra then quickly earthbended the column back down so nobody would see anything out of the ordinary. On top of this, she metalbended the entrance piece back up and into place on the air duct system. Tapping Manjano on the shoulder to let him know that she was all set, the two began to crawl through the system, while Leandra did her best to see what was inside of each room thanks to her seismic sense.

Sure enough, Leandra stopped Manjano when she recognized Opal's body in one of the rooms nearby. From what Leandra could tell, she was chained up and someone else was with her, though Leandra didn't recognize who it was. As the twins quickly crawled towards that room, Leandra then positioned herself at the entrance metal piece and promptly kicked the vent open before she dropped down to the floor in the room with a huff. Quickly looking up at the stranger in the room with Opal, Leandra summoned her metal pieces from her knapsack and sent them flying at the man, intending to envelop his wrists and ankles with the metal bits while also slamming him against the nearest wall in order to restrain him.

Meanwhile, Manjano quietly jumped down from the vents and jogged over to Opal, his brows furrowing at the sight of the platinum chains on her. As skilled as Leandra was in metal bending, there was no way she'd be able to bend those chains off of Opal. Feeling rather useless in the situation, Manjano turned around to see Leandra sending the metal towards the man and he quickly stomped on the ground, sending a small shockwave towards the man to trip him up so he'd be unable to avoid Leandra's metal attack.

What had happened in here while the twins had been finding a way inside?

@Flutterby @Dakup
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The man lifted his platinum hand and blocked the metal shards away for the most part. He chuckled. "Oh cute has the cavalry arrived." He said as he felt the shockwave knock him off some balance. He quickly regains his stance and goes to punch the kid in the face.
Manjano was surprised when the man suddenly lunged at him, causing Manjano to stumble backwards before he quickly swiped his hand at the man and sent a chunk of the floor flying right at the man's chest. In the midst of his stumble though, Manjano fell backwards and onto his rump. Meanwhile, Leandra saw the man attacking her twin brother now and narrowed her eyes angrily before summoning back her metal pieces, now redirecting them back at the man's legs now that he was lunging for Manjano. After all, if she missed, she didn't want to end up hurting her brother instead. Alas, she hadn't seen her brother fall in the midst of her launching her metal attack. Hopefully, the man wouldn't know the attack was coming, especially since Leandra had remained quiet about it.
Opal tried to struggle as they picked her up, but her body had given up. She was just barely conscious enough to hear Sogata shouting an feel herself being dragged from the room and chained up. Silent tears wet her cheeks, but she still wouldnt scream. The fighter refused to flinch away from his touch, raising her chin in defiance and closing her eyes stubbornly. She wouldve spit in his face, but he pulled away when someone burst into the room. Opal opened her eyes to see wo familiar figures now fighting the man. "Lea, Manjano." She choked out, coughing heavily before continuing. "Jeng. Run. Please." She sputtered between coughs, trying to make them understand they needed to get the Avatar and get out.
The man fliched a little when the metal shard cut his leg twice, but he's had worse. With his platinum arm he smashed the bolder and grabbed Opal by the neck. "Surrender or I break her neck." His metal hand and arm were strong enough to where it could snap it like a toothpick. "Think I'm kidding..." He said as he began to twist his hand and her neck.
Opal tensed as the cold metal touched her throat. She looked at the twins, her eyes begging them to do exactly the opposite of what he demanded. Run. Please, for the love of everything sacred run! Find Jeng and get out of here! She wished they could hear her thoughts, the desperation in them. As the man began to twist, she gasped, a soft, whimpering cry coming from her throat, like that of an injured young animal.
Leandra grinned with satisfaction when she saw her metal shards cut through the man's legs, but that still didn't stop him. She was trying to maim him so he'd be easier to restrain, but even the deep cuts on his legs didn't seem to faze him. Yet, before Leandra could make another move, the man hand his metal hand around Opal's neck and was threatening to snap it. Eyes wide, Leandra immediately stopped bending her metal pieces, as they clattered to the floor near the man. Manjano had just maneuvered himself so that he was on his hands and knees and ready to jump up and continue fighting, but he stopped his movements when he saw the man's hand around Opal's neck. Both of the twins flinched when the man twisted her neck and Opal let out a whimpering cry from the movement. Leandra immediately shouted, "Stop! Don't hurt her anymore! She's already had enough." Leandra's brows creased, as she gave Opal a concerned look while Manjano glared at the man, more than ready to make a move on him. Leandra then tried to subtly bend the man's arm, it was made of metal after all, and began trying to manipulate it so that he would remove his fingers from Opal's neck. Leandra could only hope his arm wasn't made of platinum as well.
Dakup said:
Tomoki laughed. "Yes gramps that's what they call it. Pro bending." He said with a chuckle. "As for seeing her I know that here disease won't come back. But we still have to do these check ups. Cause this disease that she has can lead to other disease and I dontwant that to happen to her... If you wouldn't mind having and old friend over for dinner I could give her a check up after we eat?" He suggested. "Plus it would give us a chance to talk about my trip."
President Kavi

Kavi frowned knowing Tomoki was right. As much as he wanted to ignore the fact that his daughter was sickly, he couldn't. An he had Tomoki there to remind him every time they met. It irked him a bit. Enough for him to want to escape with his daughter and just forget about the struggles of the world, but he couldn't do that. He had a city to run and no where to go, yet. "I suppose you can do your thing when she comes back. There's no harm in that." Kavi looked up from his melancholy state and offered a friendly smile to his old pal. "I'd love to hear about your trip." He stood up from behind his desk and walked over to the door holding open. "After you."
The man smiled. There was a creak at the door and some men walked in. The man gave a very crooked smile. "I would surrender. There's a lot of us and only two of you...." He tightened his grip just a little. "And I also have one of your friends by the neck..." He looked over to the girl and noticed that she was trying to bend. "If you're trying to bend my arm then I would give up, its platinum. A pure metal, not even the Avatar could bend such a fine metal... So give up or I snap her neck." He would, and could do it easy. "It would be easy, like snapping a toothpick."


Tomoki smiled. "I guess we could start our conversation." He said as he walked out the door. He made his way outside with the president in toe. "Well I made it to the docks before I forgot I told Sayuri where I was going. So I sent her a note about me leaving to take care of my mother. By the time I had finished my note it was time for me to go depart... Being a waterbender I decided to take a boat." He stopped for a second and looked at the sky. "The voyage there was fun. It was a passenger ship so, there were families even a few single people. The people in the room next to me had a couple children. Believe it or not he family next to me had a child that was just a little sick. I told them how I was a doctor and that I could help. I took a look at the child. He was sick, but I caught his illness quick and he and his family should be doing better now." He said.

Kira had met up with Tomoki and The president. "Good afternoon sir... Tomoki." She said.

"Good to see you my dear." Tomoki said. "Other than a few broken bones and a couple cuts I didn't really work as much on my journey there...."

"Excuse me Kavi, I was wondering if I could talk to you about something just a little personal?" She asked with a smile on her face. She was always smiling, even if it was the wrong time either.

"Always a smile on your face..." Tomoki said. "I can talk to you later about what happened..."

"Oh no cause I could use your help as well." She said. "That's if you don't mind Kavi."
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Leandra gritted her teeth when more men entered the room, though Manjano rushed to his feet to help defend his twin sister if need be. Yet, when the man announced that Leandra couldn't control his metal arm, Leandra huffed and then dropped her arms to her side. Glancing over at Manjano, Leandra shrugged, unsure of where to go from here. Neither of the twins wanted to be the cause of Opal's death, but they also didn't want to give up so easily. Tightening his fists at either side, Manjano narrowed his eyes angrily at the man with the metal arm, despite knowing he could do nothing without bringing pain to Opal. Leandra spat to the side angrily and then said in a low tone, "Stop hurting her." Letting out a small, frustrated sigh, Leandra then added, "We give up, okay?"
"Good." He said.They grabbed the both of them. "Take them to the others and lock them up in separate cages." He said as he motioned to Opal. He still had his hand around her neck. He even tightened his grip around her neck. He wanted to hear her whimper again. When his guards were gone he gave a very devious grin at Opal. He leaned in and smelled her hair. "MMMmmm dragon barries." He said. "And skin so soft." He kissed her neck. He put his other hand on her face. It was so smooth. "So young... So innocent..." He gave her a dastardly grin, and tightened his grip, just a little. "I can change all of that...."

... Fade to black...

The man walked away from Opal. He was done with her. He cleaned himself up. "Clean yourself up." He said as the chains let Opal go. He threw a towel at her. "I have no more uses for you."
Tears rolled slowly down her face the other two were captured and taken from the room. She let out another whimper as his grip tightened again, this one ending as a soft grunt, as her airway began to become constricted. She refused to flinch away as he sniffed her hair, but when he went to kiss her neck she could help it. As he voiced his intentions, she closed her eyes and bit her lip, holding back the sobs that were building up. She would not give him that as well.

...(Probably after the twins have been locked up)...

Opal fell from the chains, just barely getting her hands up in time to prevent herself from faceplanting. The towel landed in front of her, but she didnt move for a long time. At last she moved, and she picked it up slowly as she tried to stand. She stumbled, almost fell, but was caught by two guards. Letting her keep the towel, they more or less dragged her back to the cage, tossing her in unceremoniously.

Her clothes were askew and rumpled. Her neck not only had a clearly defined hand print around it, but a single bite mark that was quickly becoming a bruise. There was a streak of blood across her cheek, but it was impossible to tell if it was from her lip (which she had bitten until it bled) or elsewhere. Her body was shaking subtly, from the physical damage and the emotional wreckage. As the guards left the room, Opal began to shake harder as silent sobs left her. Even as she cried, she didnt make a sound. It was as if the screams and sobs had been held in too log and had fossilized, stuck inside her forever.
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Leandra and Manjano both immediately began to fight against their guards the moment they'd left the room with the man and Opal in it. Both refused to be separated from one another. Leandra tried desperately to summon any nearby metal to strike at her guards' heads while Manjano stomped on the ground, causing the ground to shake around himself and his guards so as to trip them up. Leandra's eyes were wide with fear at the mere idea of being separated from her twin brother. She couldn't be away from him, she couldn't! Manjano was beyond angry at this point. Ever since the two were orphaned at a young age and left to live on their own in the streets, Manjano had been looking after his sister. He couldn't let her be separated from him now.
More guards rushed over and swarmed the twins. Some of them had shock gloves so they only needed to touch them to knock them out.

Sogata watched as the guards threw Opal into her cell. "Opal?" He asked. Something seemed off about her. It was as if something in her had changed. "Opal... Are you alright?" He asked.

The man walked in. "Oh she's alright..." He said as he walked over to her cage. "Isn't that right... Love?" He asked with a sinister and snide grin painted upon his face. He walked up to her bars and got down to eye level. "Come now dear. I made you a women now." He said with a sinister smile.
Leandra managed to summon some metal pipe and she immediately bended it so that it swung at the nearest guard. Meanwhile, Manjano jumped away from his guards, who had seemingly tripped over themselves. Seeing the guards with the shock gloves, Manjano then stomped on the ground to summon a few, small clumps of concrete before he launched them at the first three guards he saw, hoping to land a lucky shot and knock one out, or at the very least keep them distracted for the time being.
Head in his hands, Jeng struggled to come up with a plan. His head jerked up, however, when he heard faint (yet still somewhat distinct) voices coming from quite a ways down the hall. He couldn't discern the male voices, but he did find one particular female voice quite familiar..."Opal?" he muttered quietly to himself, his brows furrowing in frustration. She was in clear distress, and it pained him greatly to hear her like that. "Dammit Jeng, you've gotta find a way out of here..." It seemed like he had searched his surroundings a million times, but he attempted once more to find something of use...but this time, he succeeded. There it was, fixed onto the ceiling outside his cell: a lightbulb. Looking outside his cell to see if there were any guards coming, Jeng finally took his cue to exit when it was apparent he was in the clear.

Smashing the lightbulb and drawing the shards towards him, the Avatar fused the pieces together into a makeshift ball, spinning it about rapidly; eventually, the ball heated up to a glowing red hot, and he applied the molten glass to the cage's wooden bars. It burnt through the wood like a hot knife through butter, and Jeng quickly went to work on the rest of the cage, eventually creating a large enough opening for him to crawl through. "I'm coming guys," he reassured, despite his friends not being able to hear him, and ran down the hall towards the commotion.
As the sound of the man's voice entered her ears, Opal used what was left of her energy to sit up and glare at him. There was a depth of hatred in her eyes that words and actions couldnt come close to expressing. But Opal did try to come close; she spat in his face, a little viciously. And even if she got punished for it, she would never regret it. To emphasize her point, she spat on the bottom of the cage as well, then wiped her mouth with the back of her hand. She wouldnt let this man see her break in person. He could watch it on the cameras she figured were set up in the room, but she wouldnt show weakness to his face.
The man chuckled. He held up the glove. "Would you like some shock.... Oh this would be better." He held up his platinum hand and touched the bars, and it started to glow. Platinum is a conductive that can transfer both electricity and heat. The cage began to glow. "I want to smell some burning skin."

A lot of guards began to show up. One bended fire, and another air and mixed them making a fire tornado. The fire tornado was about as big as the hallway that they were in. Both of them were aiming for both of the twins. They shot the tornado/blast down the hallway towards them. While that was happening a metal bender metal bent the pipes around them trying to contain them.
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"I-I-I-I-I-I h-h-h-h-hate thi-this." Shing muttered as he kept his knees to his chest and tried to warm up. "I-I-It's s-s-s-s-so cold..." He said as he breath weak blue flames into his hands and rubbed them together. "F-F-F-F-Fuck....... I-I-I-I-I-I h-h-h-have n-n-n-n-no p-p-p-plan in d-d-d-dying." He said as he shivered non stop. 'Damn it......I need to move...before I become an ice sculptor.....' He thought as he struggled to stand up.

After a few attempts he was able to stand but he still couldn't stop shivering. 'Ice prisons......whoever thought of them should be tortured.....healed , tortured again healed again, tortured again and then be ever so painfully be put to death.' He thought as he let his flame breath warm him up again.

He walked around in circles trying to keep his body warm and not to fall asleep, however after a bit he got tired and his body stared to tell him to hold still. Reluctantly he leaned against a wall and tried to stay awake. However this plan didn't work out well and soon his eyes closed and he passed out due to pure exhaustion and the cold sure as hell didn't help.

After who knows how long Shing jolted awake at the sound of some ruckus outside of his cell. 'What's going on?' He tried to move his very stiff and frozen body from it's awkward position. 'Did they break out?? It sounds kind of distance...... Will they get me? They don't plan to leave me right???' He wondered starting to get a bit distressed.

Using his new found energy from his nap Shing pushed himself up and moved to the door trying to listen in on whatever was going on out there. 'Stop shivering! Focus! If I can concentrate maybe, just maybe I can make my flame breath hot enough to melt the lock.... I really hope they don't leave me behind, that would suck......... I wonder if these guys know about my bounty...... Fuck.'
NessieAlways said:
Ryo smirked hoping he was going about this the correct way. He looked over at the officers standing by wondering if it was smart to talk in front for them...well officer since apparently one was leaving. After some thought Ryo was about to sum up his request with one word. He picked up his chin and looked into the Ronan's eyes. "Transportation."

Meifeng Xia


(Xia Meifeng)

Meifeng was lurking around when she heard a particular conversation that caught her attention. Someone was looking for transportation. She stopped her walk to the food store and tilted her head slightly to the right as she looked at the two people looking at another person. He looked like a water bender. Another looked like a gruff guy who had no bending abilities. The other had blonde hair paired with ocean blue eyes and water tribe wear. Another water tribe person, it looked like. Although she usually didn't like interfering with people's business, she found pleasure in helping people find their way for some odd reason. Maybe because it was what her dad liked to do. Out of habit, Meifeng walked over to Ryo, Worozi, and Ronon. "Someone said they need transportation?" @National @Dakup @NessieAlways
When both twins saw the incoming fire tornado, they froze for a second until Manjano tackled his sister to the side. His left ankle and foot were still caught in the fiery tornado though and he gasped at the sudden pain from the burns on his left ankle and foot. Both twins hit the ground in a heap, but before either could make a move, they were both suddenly wrapped in various pipes and unable to move. Gritting her teeth at this, Leandra then began to try and bend the metal off of herself despite her arms being held tightly against her body thanks to the very pipes she was trying to mentally bend off of her.

The firebender and airbender smirked. The other guards made their way over towards the twins. "Pain in the ass kids." One of them said. The metal bender bent some metal around the girls wrists, and feet. "This will keep them from bending... Lets take them to a couple of suspended platinum cages. SHe won't be able to bend them." The metal bender said before they lifted them. "Huh.... Damn kids need to stop eating." A voice said. They brought the two of them into the holding area with all the others. They split the twins up and threw them in a pair of platinum suspended cages so they couldn't have any ability to bend. "Try and get out of there now." The metal bender said as he, and a team of people began to hoist their cages up. They suspended them about 20 feet in the air.

The man smirked. "A stallion, no matter how stubborn can still be broken... I will break you, then make you even more screwed up." He said as he leaned in. he grabbed her by the hair and shoved his tongue in her mouth. "MMMMMMM." He said as he threw her back in towards her cage. He laughed his very sinister laugh. "I will break you."

Sogata screamed out. "You asshole... I will end you...." He was basically radiating heat. The heat was so intense that it started to make the cage glow from the heat. His left hand began to glow blue as fire began to encase itself in fire.
Leandra let out a small whimper when the metalbender tightened some metal around her wrists and ankles, as it felt a bit too tight.

Manjano hissed in pain when the metalbender did the same to him, the metal around his left ankle digging into the burns and blisters, only helping in aggravating the wound and even drawing some blood.

When the twins were separated, Leandra cried out and tried to struggle again, but it was pointless to even try at this point. Once Leandra was thrown into her cage, she collapsed into a heap and immediately went into a fetal position, shaking at the thought that she was now separated from Manjano.

When Manjano hit the floor of his cage, he gasped at the sudden and jolting pain from his left ankle and foot, which brought him to his hands and knees, though he still had the metal around his wrists and so he ended up falling on his side. Slowly pushing himself back up to a sitting position with his back against one of the four barred was of his cage, Manjano then looked to his right to see Leandra curled up on the bottom of her cage. Yet, before Manjano could say anything to Leandra, he suddenly heard the metal arm man nearby and soon enough heard Sogata shouting at the man. Yet, what could either of the twins possibly do to help now?
((I had deleted this bit but for continuity))

Opal braced herself for the threatened shock, preparing for the now familiar jolt of electricity.. but it never came. Instead, the metal under her began to grow hot. At first, it was a soft warmth, and it almost made her want to curl up and sleep. But the heat continued to grow, becoming uncomfortable. She got her feet under her, her boots providing a little protection from what would soon be searing hot metal. Her feet quickly began to sweat, but the rugged soles on her boots werent melting, at least not yet. The only problem with this strategy was her body was still shaking violently and she couldnt keep her balance. She tipped to the side, catching herself on her forearm, which hit the bottom of the cage with a sound similar to a steak hitting the grill. Opal hissed in pain, pushing back up and regaining her balance. Her forearm was badly burned, and it was excruciating. She panted with the heat and the pain, but she was too stubborn to save herself by breaking.

Opal gritted her teeth and hissed as he grabbed her hair, feeling some of it torn out at the roots. She held back to urge to bite down on his tongue, knowing it would only make things worse for her. She hit the cage heavily, smacking the side of her head. Her vision swam violently, and she knew there was no way she could get up. Opal laid there, barely feeling the heat on her skin, swimming in and out of blackness.
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Shing heard even more commotion, and it worried him that they actually did plan to leave. 'You got to be fucking with me.' He thought no longer capable of voicing his thoughts out loud due to his chattering teeth. 'I'm not going to freezing to death! I need to get out!' He thought as he moved to the hinges of the door. 'Please let this work....' He thought as he took a deep breath and blew blue flames at the hinges. Since he was so cold that his lip were turning blue and his body was incapable of holding still the flames were rather weak. 'Come on.....work damn it.' He thought as he tried to put more heat into his flames.

To his relief it was beginning to work, the hinge he was working on started to heat up and it was only a matter of time till he would be able to get out of this frozen hell.

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