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Fandom Avatar: Spirits Awaken

Worozi looks around as he ride Kogo into Republic City. He mounts off of the big bear dog, patting his head. "Good boy" He starts to walk around. Looking for the avatar team. He was sent by the Northern Water Tribe to help them, but first he needed to find them. He looks around, wondering where he could start to look for them (Where are the twins?)
"Yeah I was on my way, but I didn't get that far... I was at one of the ports in the earth kingdom when I was taken. I guess one of those chumps that were apart of the smugglers in Republic city remembered my face, and well I guess they wanted some payback..." There was a swoosh in a dark corner, and the sound of a box falling. "Oh I put up a fight." There was some chuckling in his tone of voice. "But when its 30 on 1 there is no real way to win. So I was brought here." There was a rustling near jeng. "Heh, I put up one hell of a fight." He stepped into the light. To be honest he looked like a bag of ass. One of his eyes was swollen, he had bruses and cuts on his face along with his whole body. His metallic arm is gone and all that's left is a nub, along with his leg too. It wasn't a pretty picture. " I don't know how long I have been here, a few days... No maybe a week." He said before he fell to the ground. "They didn't really feed me anything... I have been surviving on small animals and stuff I have found in the creates."

The loud, deep voice came upon the speaker. "Will you look at that, it looks like our friend found some more people to play with... Enjoy it while you can, cause its only going to get better." It said before the speakers clicked off.

"Why don't you come down here and give me my ligaments back." Sogata said trying to stand up. He fell back down. "Damn I'm weak."
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With her head resting against the wall, Opal could focus a little more on figuring out where she was. A familiar voice hit her ears, making her eyes widen. “Sogata? I thought you were in Bah Sing Se?" She said, carefully forming the words and making sure they were clear. “Just my head.. some behemoth used it as a punching bag." She added, pushing away from the wall and standing slowly. She walked catiously toward Sogatas voice, still struggling with the spinning world. “Where is everyone?" She callrd, wondering if she could reach any of them.
Moving extremely slowly, Opal made it to the side of her cell. Two of the sides were just walls, but the other two were bars. One had a small aisle between hers and Sogata, but in the dim interior, she couldnt see if the cage from across from the other side had someone in it or not. "Oh Sogata.. just stay down, before you kill yourself." She said softly, leaning her head on the bars and closing her eyes. Her knees were shaking, the left side of her face had started to swell and bruise, and her head felt ready to explode with pain already. She felt and looked bad, with her battered appearance and most of her dress covered in blood and cuts, but Sogata looked like he had been to hell and back, twice. "There is some good news, almost all the spirits are free now." The fighter clung to that knowledge. They had done some good at least. "Did you see where they put Jeng? I need to know he's okay." She said, worry taking over her voice. She looked up for the first time, catching Sogata's eyes with her own gold ones. There was desperation in her gaze. She didnt even try to hide it, not in this situation.

(Cab my character come in to rescue, or is that already planned out?)

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Southern Air Temple Region

Island south of Whale's Tail Island

"This is Air Nomad territory." The pirate cooed.

"The Nomads are a civilization not a police force like Ba Sing Se. Let's get what we came for and be on our way." The Captain returned.

The ship slipped past a large rock, and something caught the Captain's eyes.

A chunk of the rocks broke away into muddy water and seeped away the cover hiding an ice goddess. She knew the Captain had spotted her, he was much more cunning than she had planned. It was time for action.

Ineiza closed her eyes and pushed her arms out to capsize the ship to the other side, water churning it over. It took a great effort but it was only to throw the crew mates off balance and then cooling the water around the ship with thick ice.

Most of the ship mates slipped into the water and became frozen into an ice coffin. The remaining slipped around pulling at their weapons, one threw fire around at the ice and another freed himself from the water with bending. The water bending pirate pulled up an ice spear and ran up the ship to attack.

The pirate was met with a resistance of ice nailing him to the ship's side and without his limbs to free him, the tenacious Frost formed a water bubble around his head until he suffocated. The water bubble fell with his consciousness.

The pirates searched for the ice goddess, the sound of timid clacking ringing in their ears like a dinner bell. High heel ice shoes clapped along the rigged ice shelf, a short intimidating blue dress slimming up a small, thin frame up to a slim portrait face.

She rounded the ship's side where the pirates could see her, they turned to her - meeting her icy silver gaze. It almost turned their blood cold. They readied their weapons.

"I wouldn't do that." A gloomy, low voice boomed from behind the crowd.

They turned to see a fit, muscular young man sitting on the steps of the ship; angled with a fiery disposition. Medium blonde hair woven over a somber face and an even more docile stare donned by bright gold eyes.

Some of them drew their weapons at him.

"I wouldn't do that either." he stated bleakly.

They stood ready to attack.

His fingers rung against each other forming small sparks.

"Ship full of your mates... drenched in water... electricity has a mind of its own."

The pirates looked to their Captain in defeat.

"Lower your weapons." he ordered.


They left the pirates buried up to their elbows on one of the islands and set sail on their ship, Tigerseal Hunters painted on their clothing.

"Serves them right." Solace remarked, using hot air to set the ship off.

Their quest just beginning...
Lioness075 said:
Hearing the explosion behind them, the twins swiftly rejoined each other's sides and then silently crouch-ran through the shadows until they found the cause of the explosion. While they hadn't seen it, they could smell the gunpowder in the air and Lea instantly assumed the stranger was a firebender. Using her seismic sense so she wouldn't lose sight of the stranger, Lea kept her eyes closed while she and Manjano both stood upright and then cautiously approached the stranger. Had he been trying to help Team Avatar? Neither were entirely sure, but there was one way to find out. Upon nearing the stranger, Lea spoke up, saying, "Hey, what are you doing here? Who are you?" Manjano instantly took up a defense stance, ready to defend his sister if need be, even though Lea was more than capable of defending herself.

The female voice startled Riichi. He could have sworn he was the only person who hadn't been captured yet, but that was apparently not true. His eyes narrowed at the strange childish duo. "Who's asking?" He hadn't seen them with the rest of the team, so he wasn't completely sure if they could be trusted. Come to think about it, how can the team be trusted either? What if they were pairing up with the smugglers to lure him in. Nah they wouldn't have put up that much of a fight. Riichi looked around, but the coast was clear for now. He straighten up and looked at the twins with great threat in his eyes. Riichi wasn't in the mood to speak, much less babysit some kids.

National said:
Worozi looks around as he ride Kogo into Republic City. He mounts off of the big bear dog, patting his head. "Good boy" He starts to walk around. Looking for the avatar team. He was sent by the Northern Water Tribe to help them, but first he needed to find them. He looks around, wondering where he could start to look for them (Where are the twins?)

"You wont find them here."
Ryo approached the guy with his bear dog. He'd been keeping an eye on him for some time. It wasn't everyday you saw a massive bear dog running around town. Ryo had encountered the guy a few times on his search for a way to the Fire Nation. That's where the avatar was and after more than two distant encounters, Ryo guessed they were looking for the same thing. Ryo noticed automatically he was from a water tribe so his guard was down for a bit. A fellow brethren shouldn't be a threat. "I've been looking for them as well. They're not in the city anymore." Ryo reached out to pet the bear dog. It'd been a long time since he'd been around these furry friends. Nostalgia washed over him as he remembered growing up in the Southern Water Tribe.
Lea smirked at the attitude returned to her, but wasn't at all upset by it. Bravely meeting the man's eyes, Lea then said, "Name's Lea and this" she gestured at Manjano, who was silently standing beside her "is my twin brother, Manjano." Not sure who the man was or if he was involved with the smugglers, Lea then cocked her head to the side and asked the stranger, "Now, who are you?" Manjano continued to remain silent, his posture remaining stoic and calm, as he stared at the stranger, ready to defend himself and his sister if it came to it.

The guards didn't really know what to do with Ina unsure what her spirit abilities were they popped her into a wooden crate with scribbles of what they thought were charms against spirits. Here she had a good view of the other cells. Her snappy attitude was partly due to her re-encarceration and partly due to hunger. She couldn't stand much more of either, "so Avatar and company have you not a plan of attack? I assume we are still trapped here in order to take the chance to kill the masked man once and for all. However, I quickly tire of this waiting. What plan do you have in motion?" Her blue eyes glowed feom inside the cage and a wave of sparks grew from her tail with every flick. She looked very scary.


(Grumpy spirit is grumpy)

Kogo licked the mans hand. He smelled of water tribe, so Kogo thought of hin as no threat. Worozi jumped down "What a shame. I was hoping I could find them. I was sent by the northern water tribe to assist the Avatar team. Too bad they aren't here" Worozi smiles at the man and extends his hand" My name is Worozi. And this is Kogo. He's my big fluffy buddy" Kogo lucks Worozis face, and he laughs

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A female voice could be heard around Kogo. "But while your here I could put you to some use." A tall women said as she stepped out of the shadow. Kira looked very beautiful that day. She walked over to the bear dog and patted under his chin. " Who's a good boy?... Oh sorry where are my manners I am Kira.. one of the cities chiefs... The other one is out right now... OH your so cute." She said about Kogo. But there was a huge age difference. He was cute in the little brother. Kira was infatuated with littler kids as of late. Hell maybe she wanted kids.

Ronon appeared. He was bigger and scarier then her. He also had multiple blades on him. He was scary if you didn't know him.
"Ah new guy.Heh... Kira stop I know what you want but we need to have a talk with the president about your time off... Sorry... Wow that weird Im not the one who usually apologizes. Anyway if you need some work I could point you in the direction of some work."
Worozi grins and pats Kogos head. "nice to meet you. I'm Worozi. And work isn't exactly what I am looking for. What I am looking for is maybe leads to the avatar team. My tribe sent me out to go help them with what they need. I see you are interested in my little pup here "Worozi laughs as he ruffles Kogos head.

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Opal, resting her head against the bars, turned her eyes to Ina. "No need to be so condescending. You werent too keen on trying to fight your way out either, or you wouldnt be in here too. " She said, her voice taking on a slightly annoyed edge. In a situation like this, after fighting all day, the girl was in no mood to be sarcastically chastised by a haughty spirit, especially not one that she didnt know well. Man, did her head hurt. "Lets hear your plan."

@The Suspicious Eye @Dakup (and @jamaicanviking if Jeng is within earshot)
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Lioness075 said:
Lea smirked at the attitude returned to her, but wasn't at all upset by it. Bravely meeting the man's eyes, Lea then said, "Name's Lea and this" she gestured at Manjano, who was silently standing beside her "is my twin brother, Manjano." Not sure who the man was or if he was involved with the smugglers, Lea then cocked her head to the side and asked the stranger, "Now, who are you?" Manjano continued to remain silent, his posture remaining stoic and calm, as he stared at the stranger, ready to defend himself and his sister if it came to it.

He smirked at the two kids. "That is non of your concern." His tone was taunting. "Now are you going to stand there like deer in headlights or are you going to help the Avatar?" Without looking back to the twins, the firebender took off running in the direction of the smugglers. He didn't have a plan, mostly since he didn't know what he was dealing with. This part of the base was new to him and he'd have to be inside to formulate a plan.

National said:
Kogo licked the mans hand. He smelled of water tribe, so Kogo thought of hin as no threat. Worozi jumped down "What a shame. I was hoping I could find them. I was sent by the northern water tribe to assist the Avatar team. Too bad they aren't here" Worozi smiles at the man and extends his hand" My name is Worozi. And this is Kogo. He's my big fluffy buddy" Kogo lucks Worozis face, and he laughs
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Dakup said:
A female voice could be heard around Kogo. "But while your here I could put you to some use." A tall women said as she stepped out of the shadow. Kira looked very beautiful that day. She walked over to the bear dog and patted under his chin. " Who's a good boy?... Oh sorry where are my manners I am Kira.. one of the cities chiefs... The other one is out right now... OH your so cute." She said about Kogo. But there was a huge age difference. He was cute in the little brother. Kira was infatuated with littler kids as of late. Hell maybe she wanted kids.

Ronon appeared. He was bigger and scarier then her. He also had multiple blades on him. He was scary if you didn't know him.
"Ah new guy.Heh... Kira stop I know what you want but we need to have a talk with the president about your time off... Sorry... Wow that weird Im not the one who usually apologizes. Anyway if you need some work I could point you in the direction of some work."
National said:
Worozi grins and pats Kogos head. "nice to meet you. I'm Worozi. And work isn't exactly what I am looking for. What I am looking for is maybe leads to the avatar team. My tribe sent me out to go help them with what they need. I see you are interested in my little pup here "Worozi laughs as he ruffles Kogos head.
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Ryo's hand came off of the dog as soon as the two officers arrived. They didn't have to be in uniform so Ryo could recognize them. Their face was known all over the city. They had brought a new sense of safety that the citizens were very grateful about. Unfortunately for Ryo, he was in bad steps so it was people like Kira and Ronon that he avoided. He grew tense as the officers and Worozi conversed about job, keeping his eyes low and not making eye contact with either one of them. When Worozi mentioned he was also looking for the team, Ryo shifted his glance towards, him. "I know where they are." He finally looked over to Kira and Ronon, "But I need something from you guys first."
Worozi looks at the new comer. Worozi needed to fulfill this for his tribe. He needed to fulfill his northern water tribe pride "What do you need"

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Ineiza gleamed into the water, her focus entirely intact despite the lack of excitement.

"We'll need coin to barter for the maps." Solace calculated, surveying the horizon as he steered.

She turned softly, "We won't steal for it. Days of petty crime are beneath me."

Solace agreed with a single nod. They had put Southern Air Temple Islands in their rear view and made way for Republic City, somewhere where hey would find work and gold. Little did they know that the Pirates had friends there, powerful ones.
The twins both exchanged a look of worry when the stranger began sprinting towards the hangar, where everyone had been taken. He was going to blow their cover and alert everyone to their presence! Wasting no time, Leandra shouted out, "W-wait!" before she bended the metal out of her knapsack and then launched it at the stranger, intending to wrap the metal around his legs and then stop him in place. Meanwhile, Manjano bending the earth and then yanked his arms upwards, summoning a large earth wall in front of the stranger so he'd run straight into it in case Leandra's metal didn't stop him in place.

(Well, we're at the fire nation currently and I'm not quite sure how your character could just casually jump into the current situation, honestly)

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