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Fandom Avatar: Spirits Awaken

Shin grinned. Without opening his eyes, he bent the Earth back to its natural position. "I suppose you're right." He said. He opened his eyes and got ready for his journey back to the city with the others. "Y'know, this'll be my first time really staying a whole night in one place." He said, chuckling at the thought.
"Is that so?" Jeng said, raising an eyebrow curiously. "Well, I'm sure you have quite the tale to tell in that case." Patting Terra's back and telling him to move, their trip home was finally underway. "We should meet up with Lea and Manjano," the boy said, remembering that he had ordered them to sabotage the blimps. "They've probably been waiting hours for us." Changing direction towards the drydocks, the Avatar became curious as to how they would react. Sure, they might be quite angry with him and the others for leaving them out of the action, but then again, the "action" had almost gotten Jeng and his friends killed. Here's to hoping they had fun, Jeng thought to himself.

@Lioness075 @Samevi
Opal walked beside Terra, just in front of Jeng's leg. She listened quietly as he spoke, giving a quick nod as she reached up to pull her hair free. She ran her fingers through it, detangling it gently before pulling it back into a sleek, tight ponytail that brushed the middle of her back. “We've lost a few people since we left Republic City." She commented softly, frowning a little with a glance up at the Avatar.
Lea grinned with glee and satisfaction after she finished manipulating numerous screws and valves on the last engine of the last blimp. Placing the screws in her knapsack, Lea then whistled at Manjano, who had been waiting nearby to deal with any guards that possibly approached. Luckily, the twins had gotten through everything without raising suspicion and the blimps would all explode upon someone starting any of their engines with a domino effect. The twins opened the door to exit the blimp, but froze upon seeing the two guards staring down at them. There was a moment of silence and then Lea swiftly brought up her foot to slam a piece of metal into one of the guards while Manjano delivered a few swift punches and then a knee to the other guard's face. Wasting no time, the pair began sprinting down the hallway while an alarm began to go off in the blimp. Outside, it didn't take long for several guards to begin rushing towards the blimp that was blaring the alarm.
As he approached the blimps, Jeng jumped suddenly as he heard an alarm sound loudly. "Oh, perfect. More people to beat up." With a deep sigh and a crack of his knuckles, he slid off of Terra and continued forward on foot. Upon arriving at the source of the alarm however, he found that some guards had already beaten him to it. "A little late to be raising the alarm there, guys," the Avatar taunted, bending a sizable rock at one of the men and sending him flying. "Your boss is long gone, so why don't you make this easier on the both of us and surrender?" The smugglers, unfortunately, didn't wish to heed Jeng's warning, instead deciding to attack him.
Opal heard the alarm from afar, just as Jeng did. “I thought they gave up." She muttered grumpily, jogging toward the sound. There was a small number of guards, most of whom immediately went after Jeng. She danced around a few blows, landing enough of her own to down a man and halfway disable another.

Not only was it embarrassing for a group of kids to rescue him, it was more embarrassing that he hadn't done anything about carrying his own weight. When the fighting appeared to have come to an end, Richii scurried away from his rescue team and wondered around the perimeter he knew so well. His eyes searched for his floating companion, but his mind was elsewhere. Thoughts of how he could have possibly let himself been captured if he knew the grounds so well haunted him. He knew the movement around this place like the back of his hand so why was it that he had been caught? Had he only been more careful. Had he only waited one more day. Richii kept going back and forth on attacks and strategies he should have done instead to avoid being captured. Alas the only reason he had been in this mess was still nowhere to be seen. After covering a good majority of the perimeter, Richii turned back around furious. "Well Jingi, I came looking! If you don't want my help then so be it! I'm tired of being thrown under the bus for you! I shouldn't have come for you in the first place! Have a good life!" Stomping back to the group of kids Richii kept scowling and muttering under his breath how he was better off without a pest hovering over his shoulder.

As he reached the group he noticed they were on the move once more towards the blimp area. Richii tried to remember that place, but nothing seemed to ring the bell. Almost as if it was added after his capture. He didn't remember seeing blimps before, but maybe it was just the fatigue speaking. As Richii grew closer he couldn't help but feel on edge. There's something wrong...this isn't right. This wasn't here bef-Richii didn't even finish his thoughts when the ear shattering alarm went off. Richii's hand flew up to his ears as tried to muffle the sounds. What started off being a small group of smugglers going after the Avatar turned into a sea of guards ready to drown anyone in their path. In a matter of seconds the group was surrounded by guards and there was no way out he knew this scene too well. They had walked into a trap just as Richii had before.
Jeng was ready to fight the small group of smugglers, expecting to defeat them swiftly. However, the small group he had initially intended to engage soon transformed into a much larger one...one that even he knew they wouldn't be able to take down. He put up his fists ready to defend himself, but upon surveying his attackers he realized that they were far too outnumbered. "Out of the frying pan..." he mumbled under his breath, begrudgingly throwing his hands to his sides in surrender. "This was not what I envisioned happening after surviving a blimp crash."
Lea and Manjano swiftly and effectively fought through the guards on the blimp, Lea bending the metal to her will while Manjano focused on hand-to-hand combat since there was no earth readily at Manjano's epense. After delivering a sharp uppercut to a guard, Manjano turned to aid his sister, only to find a jagged piece of metal hovering in his face. Seeing the guard behind the metal, Manjano gulped and was about to think of a means of escape when the guard suddenly dropped unconcsious to the floor, his metal piece clattering down with him. Behind where the guard hadbeen standing was Lea, holding a metal bucket that she had just slammed into the guard's head. Satisfied that they had dispatched the guards onboard, the twins then sprinted off of it only to find their group surrounded nearby. Both of the twins ducked behind some barrels, hoping neither had been seen. This had gone downhill way too quickly. This had to have been a set trap for them...and the twins had set it off. Dismayed, the pair exchanged a look before tentatively peering over the barrels to see their companions surrounded by all of the guards. There seemed to be an endless amount, but surely the Avatar could dispatch all of them...right?
Seeing the guards, Shin jumped into the fray. Surveying them, he saw that they were about the size of a small army. "Great, just what we need, especially after the fighting on the blimp... I don't think I can bend too much more, after all that... I mean hey, I could probably make a small wall to throw at them, but..." Then Shin got an idea. "Hey Avatar! Think you can help me make a big enough wall to throw at them?" He yelled.
Shing muttered a few cusses as he looked at all the guards. 'Why did the avatar think everything would be easy here on out? Damn it...... Wait will these guys know about my bounty?? This is not good........' He thought as he stayed in a fighting stance showing no intention of backing down. 'Maybe I can use my lightning bending..... That would take care of a good amount of them.' He thought with a small smirk. He got in the right stance and was about to do it, but stopped when Crystal whimpered.

'.....I can't do it with her on me....she could easily get electrocuted, and being a water spirit....' He let out a small sigh as he relaxed and raised his hands in surrender. "They are going to take you for a bit.... But I'll get you back, I promise." He whispered to the semi unconscious spirit.
Ina watched the situation from the bak of the group, she could see easily in the dark and her sense of smell was great. She looked from one to the other and smelled the guards come closer. She could easily take them out but didn't trust these humans just yet. She took a step back and looked at her trappers. The situation was difficult, they would have to run. She put a hand on her hip "you guys give up way too easily. Fine." Her ears perked up and she crossed her arms. Looking at the guards she spoke up. "Hey filthy humans!" She smirked and looked around at the guards, "You really think you can take me on a second time? Ha! You must be joking."

(This sound good?)
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Opal kept fighting, even as more guards poured out and surrounded them. She was beginning to get truly exhausted, and her jaw ached fiercely, but she wasnt gviving up. But as soon as Jeng put his hands up to surrender, the guards had had enough of her. Several jumped forward and grabbed her, dragging her to the ground, where she struggled even harder. After a few long moments, the guards managed to hit her hard enough in the temple to make her see stars against a black sky. She cried out, a choked, pained sound as her vision swam and her balance disappeared. Face down and struggling to even get her hands and knees underneath herself, it was an unspoken agreement that one guard standing a few feet away would be able to handle the unruly fighter. This man, who looked like he lifted weights in his sleep, didnt even flinch at Ina's outburst, just smirked placed a foot on Opal's side and gave a small shove, sending her vision spinning out of control again. She wasnt even sure where the ground was, and she was laying on it.

A very deep voice, almost sounding like death could be heard. "My my... The avatar surrendering to me... The right hand of the masked man." His metal hand clanged against one of the railings. A man stepped into view. He had a third eye that helped him bend. "You must of thought that we were just a small time organization... Oh my boss is gonna be so happy when I bring you to him... Tie them up, and separate them... and put that one." He pointed to the Avatar. " Put him in special cage. The reinforced wooden one."
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The twins remained hidden from view behind the barrels on the dock and away from the crowd surrounding the rest of Team Avatar. They could hear the stranger approach the group nearby, but neither risked a look. Since Lea wasn't standing on any earth, she couldn't use her seismic sense to see where the stranger was. He definitely sounded like someone in charge. Still, it'd probably be their greatest bet if the twins could remain hidden and then try to reduce Team Avatar when someone wasn't paying attention.
Ina growled angrily and looked at the man. The words of a human wouldn't un settle her. She looked over to him and was about to yell at him before he mention leading them to the masked man. Well I could easily take this human down. But why not, let's have the work of hunting the masked man done for me. She grinned and took a step back. "Well I guess since we're surrounded there's no choice." She was happy that at this time she had no obligation to stay trapped. She looked over to the man and glared. As the men came closer to tie her up she snapped at one of them. The man took a step back. Her ears pointed back and she hissed at him.
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The Avatar narrowed his eyes at the stranger, clenching his fists until his knuckles were white with anger. "You tell your 'boss' that they're going to regret capturing us..." Jeng warned as one of the man's henchmen shackled him. And Opal, he added to himself as he averted his gaze to her; the site of someone so close to him in pain was torturous. But he needed to stay strong. She was going to be fine, but the rest of the group was going to be separated, and Jeng wouldn't be able to earthbend his way out if it were a wooden cage. Maybe I wouldn't need to earthbend at all, Jeng thought, looking to Riichi for a split second.
The men took all of them away. When they were all in the hanger a very familiar voice could be heard. "Come on you bastards.... You think your so cool cause you took my arm." It was sogata, and he was pissed. He started to firebend but the fire was not strong enough. "Damn if I only had my hand." He said before realizing his old gang was in there. "Jeng! Opal! Don't tell me you guys got caught to." He sighed. He was still hiding in the shadows so no one could get a look at his body.
While Team Avatar was moved out, the twins moved through the shadows in silence, a trait they had both learned while living on the streets of Republic City most of their lives. Keeping up with the group while also remaining concealed, they soon stopped following the group when they entered a hangar. Deciding to scout out the area for now, the twins separated and made their way around the area to get an idea of what they were dealing with here before they attempted any rescue attempts.

Seeing as the team got overpowered quickly, Richii hid behind several barrels of gunpower careful not to be seen. He was in no shape to fight a large crowd, so going in to help them would be like walking into a death trap. It was fight and go down or save himself at this point. Richii new exactly what he was supposed to do, but his sense for survival told him otherwise. He closed his eyes in desperation hoping the team would get through the mess so he wouldn't have to act. The sound of a man's voice yelling made Richii open his eyes. They were being put in cages. Fear struck Richii and in that moment his flight instincts beat his morals. Richii stood from behind the barrels and made a run for it. Heart pounding, Richii took a glance back and caught the eyes of the Avatar looking straight at him. Guilt struck him like a dragger to the heart making him stop cold on his track.

Cursing himself, Richii turned back around and ran towards the barrel. He pushed the large wooden container over making some of the silvery powder spill. With all the strength he had, Richii rolled the barrel closer to the battle grounds and with a kick he launched the barrel above a mob of guards and shot a small ball of fire through his hand. In his head, Richii had expected a steady flow of fire, but he was too exhausted and could only manage a ball at this point. Nonetheless his plan was successful. The fire ball hit the barrel and caused an explosion powerful enough to cloud the area with smoke and debris.

When the scene cleared Richii quickly looked around to see if anyone needed help, but everyone was gone. He had reacted too late. The men had managed to take the team away while he was rolling the barrel. Richii had been too caught up in the moment to realize the situation. Just one of the many lessons his master had warned him about.
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Ina's ears twitched as she heard the barrel explode from far off. Well someone is having a fun time. She swished her tail and looked back at the shady figure who seemed all to familiar with the avatar. She glared at him, her blue eyes illuminating. "Who are you to address the avatar in such a informal manner human?" She hatted informalities, it was so classless. Even with her title stripped from her, she still had the air and personality of royalty. Commoners, it's even worse that they are humans. Whatever, I just want to kill the masked man and repay my debt to the small spirit. If her wish is that I assist the humans It is my duty. Her nose caught the scent of two unfamiliar bodies following behind them, she was very much tired of the smell of human. How she missed the wide open forests. No I must keep my promise to the spirit. It is the least I can do.
The Avatar's head perked up as he heard someone address him directly. He could instantly recognize the familiar voice of Sogata, who had apparently been captured by the men as well. Ina, however, wasn't very happy with Sogata's rather abrupt introduction, but Jeng would set her straight. "It's alright, ina, he's a friend of ours," he reassured her, directing his attention to the silhouette his previously-lost friend. "Yeah, they got us. Just after we raided their base, too..." It was almost sobering how they managed to defeat them so easily, but that was in the past; now they needed an escape plan. "I don't suppose you have a way for us to get out of here, would you?"
Hearing the explosion behind them, the twins swiftly rejoined each other's sides and then silently crouch-ran through the shadows until they found the cause of the explosion. While they hadn't seen it, they could smell the gunpowder in the air and Lea instantly assumed the stranger was a firebender. Using her seismic sense so she wouldn't lose sight of the stranger, Lea kept her eyes closed while she and Manjano both stood upright and then cautiously approached the stranger. Had he been trying to help Team Avatar? Neither were entirely sure, but there was one way to find out. Upon nearing the stranger, Lea spoke up, saying, "Hey, what are you doing here? Who are you?" Manjano instantly took up a defense stance, ready to defend his sister if need be, even though Lea was more than capable of defending herself.

Shin, being thrown into a wooden cage as well, which he couldn't bend, was panting on the side of said cage, on the verge of being knocked out. He was too worn out from beating most of the Masked Man's henchmen, and from all the bending and fighting before that. He sat on the ground and did as the Badger-Moles of old did, in the caves. He sat down in the middle of the cage, closed his eyes, focused on the Earth, and meditated. He had to calm down and rest his weary body, of course.
Opal stumbled along between two guards. She couldnt keep her feet under her, so she was more or less being carried. She was dropped in a regular cage, no bells and whistles and stayed down for a long moment. The world was still swimming in and out in a confusing mass of darkness and pain. Finally, her brain settled on pain. She tried to sit up, but as soon as she tried to change elevation on her own her head protested violently. Instead, she pulled herself over to the nearest sturdy object and used it to sit up, leaning her head against it to avoid faceplanting. A soft string of swearing left her as zhe tried to look around and identify where they were and who was there.“Jeng?" She mumbled, waiting for her eyes to adjust and focus.
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