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Fandom Avatar: Spirits Awaken

"I'm fine, Opal," the Avatar reassured, sliding off the spirit and walking towards her. "I'm much more concerned about you. The sooner we can get out of here, the better." Jeng put his arms around her for support, gently helping her walk towards their 'escort'." Even if we get out of here, I'm not sure any of us'll be the same after this...Jeng contemplated the situation as a whole. They weren't going to be as gung-ho as they were when they first attacked...they'd need to be a lot more vigilant. Going in without help, even if they were good fighters, was foolish. He was foolish.
Opal accepted his claim that he was okay, for the moment. She was far too tired to argue. When he came to her, she gratefully used his support, as most of her focus was on not puking instead of balance. “When we get out, Manjano needs his ankle healed. And I.." She hesitated, not sure what to say about herself. Going into detail about meant acknowledging what had happened, what had been done to her, and she wasnt ready for that yet. She had already broken down in front of Jeng once, so for now she clung to the growing emotional numbness. And she didnt stop to think what would happen if she clung to it for too long. “I need to be looked at." It seemed like the best thing to say, given the situation. The fighter stared at the spirit deer, but didn't have the energy to question it. She just went with it, since there wasn't much else she could do.

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Leandra was about to protest against Sogata's help when he suddenly was off running before she could even say anything. Narrowing her eyes in irritation at this, Leandra sprinted after Sogata, but skidded to a halt in surprise when she saw Sogata helping Manjano up without even asking him if he wanted the help.

Manjano had been surprised when Sogata had shown up out of no where and was even more so surprised when he grabbed Manjano's arm without warning and tried to help him along. Ingrown instinct from living on the streets had Manjano instantly reacting by twisting under Sogata's arm and hopping back away from the man until Manjano's back was against a wall again. Narrowing his eyes at Sogata, Manjano then said quietly, "Ask before you touch me."

Luckily, Leandra had arrived just before Manjano did anything to harm Sogata beyond escaping from the man's help. Rushing to Manjano's side, Leandra instantly put her arm under Manjano's shoulder and then around the top of his other shoulder so he could put most of his weight onto her. Glancing over at Sogata, Leandra then said quickly, "Sorry, we grew up on the streets of Republic City and so we-he can be a bit defensive at times."

Silent now, Manjano regarded Sogata carefully, but otherwise said nothing, as Leandra began to help him down the hallway and back towards Jeng and Opal.

Glancing at Sogata, Leandra then added, "We should probably get back to Jeng now before anything else happens."

"Damn it.....why were there so many guards?" Shing muttered as he used the wall for support as he walked. He was bleeding heavily from his face and stomach, proof of a sword and arrow that had hit him their. His clothes were tattered as well and he was having a tough time walking as he struggled to stand up. Crystal did what she could to heal him, but he was badly injured and she was still exhausted from before.

Being unable to fully heal him she did what she could to support him in walking. Even though the sprits did help a lot in his fights he got ambushed as he was leaving the room with the captured spirits. There he was heavily injured barely able to get out of that scrap with his life. "This hurts...... I think my shoulder may be dislocated.....or broken.... Everything hurts." He muttered as he raised his uninjured arm to wipe his bleeding lip. Among his injuries was a cut that went from the top of his right eye to the left side of his chin, a black eye, a busted lip, a stomach wound he received from an arrow that was still bleeding, multiple bruises and cuts all around his body and he had a limp.

Being unable to see he had to trust Crystal into leading him to safety. And much to his luck she was able to do just that. After many painful steps he arrived in the hanger were Opal and Jeng were present. When Crystal saw them she let out a loud sound that sounded angelic ad soothing telling the two of their presences and need of assistance.


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Dakup said:
Kira and Ronon had finished beating one team to a pulp and decided that it would be good to get some food. They made their way to a nicer part of town and stopped at a bakers. Ronon bought a muffin, while Kira bought a cupcake. They were on their way out when they noticed a kid, the one that Ronon ran into earlier with Ryo. He noticed the stolen loaf of bread. He threw one of his throwing knives at the wall near her. "Didn't your mother ever tell you that stealing was wrong?" He said before walking over to her.
Kira walked over and smiled at her. "Oh calm down killer.... Come here and take a seat, and explain yourself to us." She said giving her a warm and inviting smile.


Meifeng Xia


(Xia Meifeng)

Meifeng was put her bread in her mouth and was about to delve back into the crowd to find a place to sleep, but was stopped by a commanding voice.

"Didn't your mother ever tell you that stealing was wrong?"

She turned her head to where the voice was coming from to see a man and a woman heading towards her. The man looked like a stern man, ready to enforce the law. The woman, on the other hand, looked softer but not any less authoritive.

"No. I'm an orphan," she responded to the man bluntly. While it was true at the moment, she wasn't telling lies. Her mother had died giving birth to her and her father had died by the hands of an unknown creature or human.

"Oh calm down killer.... Come here and take a seat, and explain yourself to us," the woman said kindly with a gentle smile.

Killer? Was that his name? Meifeng didn't ponder on it. His name was irrelevant to her. Maybe some other time, she would willingly go along with them... but at the moment, she didn't really feel like tagging along. So, she did what she did best. She ran. She ran in the sea of people and didn't bother to look back because she knew she could dodge most of the attacks that came her way. Evasion was her speciality afterall.

@Dakup (this is going to be my last post on this RP)
Opal looked up at a vaguely familiar sound. It was the water spirit that attached itself to Shing. Her eyes fell on Shing, who was in pretty bad shape, although it was hard to say which one of them was worse off. She nudged Jeng with her elbow, pointing to their teammate, who looked like he needed help.

Ina crossed her arms and looked at Shing, "Ugh great he's still alive." She shouted out to him, "I thought you died already! What are you doing still alive?" She grinned maliciously and scurried over to him her tail swaying with pride. "Well, well what do we have here? You look like the wrong end of a platypusbear. How are you even alive after all those injuries, you sure your human?"

Shing was pretty much blind right now as he looked at the ground with the cut and swollen eyes. Hearing Ina's voice he smirked before coughing up a bit of blood. "I think you underestimate me.... This is nothing..." He muttered as he took another step forward but his legs almost gave out on him right there. If it weren't for crystal (and his pure stubbornness) he would have collapsed. He was losing quite a bit of blood and really he should have passed out by now, but once again he was too damned stubborn. "So everyone having a good time? I had fun....but....I think I need a nap." He mumbled coughing a bit more blood up.

@The Suspicious Eye
Ina smirked at him and crossed her arms at the stubborn bastard. She saw the blood he coughed up and sighed. She went over to him and helped him stand. "You know you are a pretty stubborn human. Take a nap and I take your soul, come on you need to stay conscious." She wasn't doing this out of kindness, she wasn't! It was just that if she lost him, she wouldn't have anyone to banter with and then this whole situation would be boring. She wasn't being kind.... well maybe just a little.

"Take my soul? Damn.... I really wanted that nap." He joked as he gladly accepted her help to stand. "Careful.... Others may start to think you care for a lowly stubborn human...can't have that now can we?" He muttered coughing again taking a deep breath he lifted his head, up in an attempt to see what was going on and if everyone was here, but... "I....I can't see... Is everyone here?" His main concern was why were they still here and not somewhere safe. If they got in another fight soon the only thing he would be useful for is a good meat shield, there was no way he could fight. Though maybe that spirit army took care of everyone...he honestly hoped that was the case.

@The Suspicious Eye
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Dakup said:
"Please he's my best friend, you don't think I know that he's stubborn as hell. I tried to have him take a day off once and he still manage to work. He's going on a trip to my home and I am going to make him take a day off, even if I have to kidnap him to do it. He just pushes himself to the point where I worry about him stressing himself out. I might have to pull the doctor card out... Although I really don't want to." Tomoki smiled and took a sip from the spoon that she held up. He smiled with delight. It tasted like something his mother would make him. "It's amazing." He said. "My mother would make me this dish that would go amazing with this." He smiled at her. She was kind of cute. "Have you ever had baked seal with frost potatoes over rice?... It's to die for." He said thinking about his mother's best dish. "If you want I could make it, but you'd have to let me do the cooking, and it would have to be back at my place.

Shizuko listened as Tomoki expressed worry for his friend. It was admirable. He was a true friend. With a thoughtful expression Shizuko spoke, "I don't think he means to over exert himself. I mean with what recently happened, I'd be trying to regain control once again. He has a hard job taking care of an entire city, but I think his main concern is keeping MiYun safe." She smiled as Tomoki tired her sauce and gleamed with pride seeing his reaction. It was some random ingredients she had been trying out and was glad they came out tasteful. As he mentioned his mother's cooking Shizuko couldn't help but smile. She had in fact heard of that dish and made a pretty good one herself, but her take on it would not go well with the sauce of all. "I'd love to try it!" She said before his invitation to his place. Shizuko's smile dropped a bit. "I...I'm not sure that'd be a good idea. People might get...the wrong impression." Shizuko said trying to be as polite as possible. It wasn't that she didn't like Tomoki, but what would the rest of the employees think about her and the president's friend having dinner? Rumors would start, and she was definitely not a fan of drama.

Tomoki smiled at her. "I can understand. People want to make sure that their children are taken care of, and in the case of MiYun he has to work ten times harder wit everything that happened to her. But if he focuses every little drop of his time on someone else he could lose sight of who he is... Now don't take that the wrong way helping people can help that person find themselves, but sometimes it is beneficial to focus on oneself to bring to them self back into their view." His smiled kind of dropped when she didn't say yes to his invitation, but lit back up when he got an idea. "Then how about I make it for you, right here, right now." He said as he got up and made his way over to the stove. He was going to make this dish for her, even if she didn't want him to. He started out with the basic's some seal meat, some frost potatoes and rice. He started by forming a knife made entirely made of ice. He cut the seal up into a roast and set that aside. He took the frost potatoes and cut them up into chunks. He put them in a pot and bended some water into the pot. He turned on the flame and let that began to boil lightly. He went back to the roast and began to prepare that.


Sogata was a little sad when Manjano swatted at him to leave. He sighed but had to remember that they did grow up on the streets, and had to be at least a little jumpy. "Right lets get out of here." He said as he followed them down into the room with Opal and Jeng. Sogata didn't really look at Opal on account of how their last meeting went. How he didn't approve of her and Jeng going out. Just thinking of it was like pouring salt into an open wound.
With Leandra's help, both of the twins soon were back at the hangar's entrance and with Opal, Jeng, Sogata, and now Shing.

Manjano was already panting from the exertion of having to put all of his weight onto one leg and hop with the other one held up and Leandra was breathing a it heavily herself, as helping Manjano along certainly wasn't an easy task. Glancing over at Jeng worriedly, Leandra then said, "Jeng, Manjano's hurt bad. His left foot and ankle were both covered in third degree burns, blistering skin, and a good amount of blood, both fresh from moving around and dried from when the wounds first festered. Manjano's face was pale now from the intense wound and blood loss, and Leandra felt her heart constantly racing at the sight of Manjano in such a condition. Glancing over at Opal, Leandra realized that Opal wasn't doing any better than Manjano, neither was Shing when Leandra looked him over. In fact, Opal or Shing were probably far worse than Manjano, but they all still desperately needed medical attention. Focusing back on Jeng now, Leandra said urgently, "We need to find medical help for Manjano, Shing and Opal as soon as possible, Jeng. None of them will make it far in their current conditions."
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Ina glared at him, "yeah, whatever." She turned her head to Koe and barked loudly, "everyone is here, let's go already!" Koe looked around and saw that everyone was together at last. He nodded gracefully and spun around the group pulling them tightly together and then shot out of the ship and up to the sky. He grew into a large deerlike creature and ran through the air running towards republic city. "Do you mind if I drop you all off at republic city?"
Dakup said:
Tomoki smiled at her. "I can understand. People want to make sure that their children are taken care of, and in the case of MiYun he has to work ten times harder wit everything that happened to her. But if he focuses every little drop of his time on someone else he could lose sight of who he is... Now don't take that the wrong way helping people can help that person find themselves, but sometimes it is beneficial to focus on oneself to bring to them self back into their view." His smiled kind of dropped when she didn't say yes to his invitation, but lit back up when he got an idea. "Then how about I make it for you, right here, right now." He said as he got up and made his way over to the stove. He was going to make this dish for her, even if she didn't want him to. He started out with the basic's some seal meat, some frost potatoes and rice. He started by forming a knife made entirely made of ice. He cut the seal up into a roast and set that aside. He took the frost potatoes and cut them up into chunks. He put them in a pot and bended some water into the pot. He turned on the flame and let that began to boil lightly. He went back to the roast and began to prepare that.

Watching Tomoki begin to gather the ingredients for the seal, she crossed her arms over her chest and smirked in amusement. "No wonder you two are friends. You don't know how to take no for an answer." Shizuko relaxed and walked next to him helping him cut some veggies up for a salad she would prepare. In her head she was already making out a balanced meal. Although President Kavi wasn't a calorie watcher MiYun sure was. Her diet was very rigorous. She wouldn't eat certain foods together, and there were several meals that she completely detested. Cooking for that girl had improved Shizuko's skill tremendously. That girl had been her toughest critique yet. She'd constantly look over to Tomoki to see what he was doing. She had to bite her tongue a couple of times in order to keep her mouth shut. Her head was spinning as she watched someone else cook in her kitchen and without her recipes. There too much of this. You put too little of that. Those two spices do not go well together. Are you really going to cook it like that? Shizuko just kept concentrating on her salad, deciding to put a bit of trust in this waterbender and his style of cooking. Who knew maybe by watching she could learn a thing or two from water tribe cooking.
Tomoki smiled at her comment about how both him a Kavi took no for an answer. "I guess sometimes people who are stubborn find themselves good friends." He said as he grabbed a pan and put the roast in it. He put in a few spices and stopped for a second. There were a few things missing. He pointed to the cabinet. "Could you grab me the frost rosemary?" He asked her. While she was turned around he bended some summer chardine from one of the bottles that she had in the kitchen, behind her back. He was being secretive about it. That was one of the things that his mother would add in, and it was a secret family recipe. But that wasn't the only alcohol he put in it. He put some Ice whiskey which gave it a little bit of kick, but not enough. There was one final ingredient that would push it over the edge. But first he needed that rosemary.

'This hurts..... I still have a body right? I feel like I'm floating....and it's cold....' Breath heavy Shing looked up at the sky, black dots covering his visions as he laid there his black eye half closed though he fought his hardest to keep it open. He was having trouble using his sense when so much of his mind was focused on the continuous pain that coursed through his body. 'I let my guard down....this is my fault...it hurts....damn it..... Republic City? Why so far? There is a village near by... At least I think so. They might not be away of that....'

Taking in a deep breath he painfully turned his had to the spirit that he was riding on and moved his mouth letting his hoarse voice escape him. "There is....a village...nearby..... You can *cough**cough* take us there...." With that he turned his head to look back at the sky, though with his messed up eyes he couldn't see a thing. "It's really...dark and cold........... Is it night?"

@The Suspicious Eye
Dakup said:
Tomoki smiled at her comment about how both him a Kavi took no for an answer. "I guess sometimes people who are stubborn find themselves good friends." He said as he grabbed a pan and put the roast in it. He put in a few spices and stopped for a second. There were a few things missing. He pointed to the cabinet. "Could you grab me the frost rosemary?" He asked her. While she was turned around he bended some summer chardine from one of the bottles that she had in the kitchen, behind her back. He was being secretive about it. That was one of the things that his mother would add in, and it was a secret family recipe. But that wasn't the only alcohol he put in it. He put some Ice whiskey which gave it a little bit of kick, but not enough. There was one final ingredient that would push it over the edge. But first he needed that rosemary.

Shizuko nodded and went towards the pantry to grab what Tomoki needed. This entire time, Shizuko had been looking at Tomoki wondering what concoctions he was putting together. Him adding rosemary was the first thing she agreed with. After a couple of seconds she returned with the freshest frost rosemary that could be bought in republic city. "Here you go!" Going back to her own work station, Shizuko couldn't help but keep glancing at Tomoki wondering what in the world we was doing and how the food would taste. The mixture of ingredient was something she'd never thought of before, proof that her culinary background was still lacking. When she was done with her portion of the meal Shizuko heard a buzzer go off. "Oh that must be Kavi." She headed to the back and answered his call. After a small conversation about what they were having for lunch and if Tomoki was enjoying himself, she returned. "The president is on his way. That seal better be ready soon. Kavi isn't very patient when it comes to food."
Tomoki laughed. "He can wait just a little." He said with a light chuckle. He took the rosemary and sprinkled it on top of the chicken. He only needed one more thing. He bended some water from the sink and bended it around Shizuko, and back around. He used the water to pick up the final ingredient, which was a secret. This was what his mother would do when she's cooking. He took the dish and put it in the oven. He set the timer. "So all we have to do is wait for about forty minutes and she'll be ready." He said leaning on the counter. "So, Shizuko, where are you from?"
A person sit in a dim lighted room. He bites his finger nervously, and occasionally shook his leg impatiently.

There is a telephone in a small table next to him, that suddenly rings.

The person quickly receive it.

"Everything is set in Zaofu. Smuggling them is not easy, but it sure will worth the payment we receive." The caller reported. "Tell your people to be careful there, Masked Man. I heard that some Republic City agents have been dispatched in Zaofu."

"They-don't-have-right." The person replied, word by word in a weird heavy voice. "Worry-not."

"Oh, so you could really speak." The caller laughed. "Maybe next you should take off your mask. There's rumor going around that you are actually very handsome."

The person did not answer, so the caller continue.

"Anyway, Masked Man. If you need anymore help just drop in a call."

And with that the call ended.
The masked man's right hand walked into the room he was in. He was missing his left arm. He fell into his chair with a thump. "They've gotten stronger." He said in his low gravelly voice. "But we got what we needed, and then some." He said before chuckling a little. "And don't think I let them get away because I could... I let them get away so our real plan can begin."
Dakup said:
The masked man's right hand walked into the room he was in. He was missing his left arm. He fell into his chair with a thump. "They've gotten stronger." He said in his low gravelly voice. "But we got what we needed, and then some." He said before chuckling a little. "And don't think I let them get away because I could... I let them get away so our real plan can begin."
The person nods, as he fixed his mask.

"Start." The Masked Man ordered. "Before... realize..."
The Masked Man proceed to take out a pack of envelope. It was nicely designed and looked expensive.

"For... the guest..." The Masked Man say, as he handed it to one of his most trusted man. He grinned beneath his mask. "Tell-'em... 'Joy the-show."

@jamaicanviking @Flutterby @too much idea @Peaceswore @Dakup @The Suspicious Eye @Orikanyo @Songbird500 @Guilded Clover @theunderwolf @Jinx

Fire Fountain City

What was once a blooming city under the rule of Fire Lord Ozai, is now a barely striving village living off of smuggles and trade. With the defeat of Fire Lord Ozai, Fire Fountain City citizens were outraged with the new fire lord. Although Fire Lord Zuko never changed the way of life of the citizens, they found any excuse to blame Zuko for their mishaps. If there was a drought, it was Zuko's fault. If there was an attack it was Zuko's fault. Tensions between Fire Fountain City and Fire Lord Zuko intensified until a war broke out. Rebels of the Fire Fountain city would gather up at Ozai's statue forming rallies and vandalizing the city. Zuko had no option, but to bring Fire Nation army into Fire Fountain City and restrain the rebels. At first, the scrimmages were just that, scrimmages. A person or two would attack a soldier and fights would break out. Citizens became enraged that the Fire Nation army had invaded the city, but with the rebellion still occurring Zuko didn't retreat. Groups of people soon turned into organized teams with one mission, bring down Fire Lord Zuko. Although their act fell under betrayal of the fire nation, Fire Lord Zuko would not declare war with one of his own cities. He would rather play defensive than openly attack his own people. Though the citizens fought hard, the Fire Nation army was stronger and in a matter of year, the citizens of Fire Fountain City brought forth their own destruction. The only people residing now in the remains of Fire Fountain City are those who's families, were victims of the battle and criminals who have found shelter hiding in the ruins of the city. The village is being run by an old couple whose parents were present in the war, Tadeka and Mayu Sama. Tadeka and Mayu look over the people of the village and make sure everyone has a bite to eat, especially those with shady pasts. The Samas believe everyone deserves a second chance especially their village so they tried to better the name of Fire Fountain City by bettering their people.

Several Days After the Attack

After the spirits rescued the Avatar's Team, they were escorted to a small village near the base. This village was once known as Fire Nation Capital. Once the team arrived Mayu Sama, one of the leaders of the village, approached the team and immediately began to treat them. There were no waterbenders in the village, but Mayu was skilled with non-bending healing. For the next couple of days, Mayu and Tadeka welcomed the Avatar and their Team into their home. Though it was a small hut, she managed to make them as comfortable as she could.


Since the Avatar and their Team had arrived to Tadeka's home, Riichi had left. He didn't want to be seen by the avatar especially after he had abandoned the team without helping. He wasn't completely sure if the Avatar would hold a grudge, but Riichi was embarrased by the situation, so he did what he did best, ignored it. Though he wasn't living with the Samas anymore he still did chores for Mayu as a thank you. Every morning, Riichi would wake up and head down to the market, a small circle of traders that gathered around what was once the fountaint of Fire Lord Ozai. All that was left from the fountain was the base and a foot. In the market Riichi would pick up some groceries for Mayu since she had to cook three times as much with the team in her home. After going to the market, he'd sneak into the house, drop off the food and head on about his day which usually involved him training and searching for his lost friend Jinji. It had been days since the release of the spirits and still no sign from his companion. Riichi was beginning to think something had happened to his friend. When he returned that night to wherever he had decided to spend the night he'd find a plate and a set of blankets from Mayu. It was a bit creepy how she knew where he would be staying even if he just chose the place minutes before he arrived.

This morning Riichi was already at the market trading some stones and pebbles for fish hoping that was what Mayu needed. As he finished off his trades Riichi was approached by a child. "You didn't come!" Riichi stared down at the brat with a confused face. "You said you'd come, but I didn't see you there!" Riichi pushed the kid away lightly and kept on walking towards that Samas home. "Hey! Meanie! I'm talking to you!" The little kid ran after Riichi and pulled on his shirt trying to stop him from walking. Riichi turned around annoyed. "What do you want punk?" The little kid stared up at Riichi with a very angry face. "Last week I invited you to my daddy's show and you said you'd come!" The light finally came on in Riichi's head. "You're Satoshi's kid aren't ya?" he said remembering the little blue hair twerp interrupting him last week inviting him to a show. "Yes Sadoshi is my daddy and I'm Kenji! You have to come to our show. We'll only be in the village for a few more days." Riichi bend down looking the kid straight in the eyes, "Hate to break it to ya kid, but not interested. Go give your flyers to someone else." With that Riichi walked away.

President Kavi

Just as Kavi finished his last order of business he headed towards the dinning room where he had agreed to meet Tomoki for lunch. As he walked into the room he was surprised to not only find it empty, but also hearing chattering in the kitchen. Curious about the ruckus, Kavi walked into the kitchen spotting Tomoki wearing an apron and Shizuko leaning on a counter casually speaking with Tomoki. "Erhm..."


Shizuko dropped her spoon at the sudden interruption of President Kavi. It was at the moment she realized how unprofessional she was being. Not only was someone in the kitchen, but she had been standing around and not working. "President Kavi, sir" Shizuko quickly straightened out and bowed respectfully. She looked around the kitchen noticing that the food wasn't ready to be served. Then her gaze fell on Tomoki knowing well enough that he shouldn't be here. "I...Mr. Tomoki wanted to surprise you with lunch. Him being your friend, I allowed him to. Forgive me for overstepping my boundaries." President Kavi waved Shizuko off and looked between her and Tomoki. "I'll be in the dinning room waiting to be served." Shizuko's heart pounded in fear. She had never made President Kavi wait for food. She was messing up one thing after another. "It'll be out in a second Mr. President." As President Kavi left, Shizuko let out a breath she had been holding in. She looked over at Tomoki and couldn't help but smile, "You're going to make me get fired."


His search for the mafia had gone wrong. Ryo had stumbled across some faulty information and had been jumped by another gang in Republic City. Who knew trying to follow the Avatar would be such a pain, but with little to no money, Ryo had to get creative. He'd heard the rumors about the Mayumis, the most powerful gang in Republic City and had gone out in search of them to seek help. Little did he know that the rumors were true, they couldn't be found unless they wanted to. Ryo had tried his luck with other gangs. Doing dirty work for them in return for an airship or boat, but those low life bastards disappeared before he could collect his reward. If he wanted to leave Republic City without the hassle of fares and travel cards, he had to go to the big dogs.


She didn't know how long she'd been roaming the spirit wilds with Dapi, Izumi's otter penguin who had followed her into the Spirit World, but she was starving by now and not exactly sure where she was. The idea of going to Republic City through the spirit world hadn't seemed like such a bad idea at the time. She'd just pop out of one portal and walk over to the next, but somehow in that walk she'd gotten lost. Almost as if the spirit world didn't want her to find Republic City. "Ugh we're going the wrong way!" Dapi looked up at Izumi confused. "We've see that spirit mushroom about three times now! We're just walking in circles." Izumi collapsed on the floor tired from walking. "We're never going to make it to Republic City." The thought of being lost in the Spirit World scared Izumi what if no one found her and she died here alone. "I should have listened to Niyok." At the mention of her tribe's healer, tears began rolling down Izumi's face. Izumi didn't usually cry. It was when she did, that people knew there was something wrong with Izumi and they needed to step in. Dapi wobbled over to Izumi snuggling under her arms trying to make her feel better, but the tears didn't stop and her faint sobs continued. "I just...want to go...home."
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Chen Fei - Fire Fountain City

Chen had heard about the city before, thanks to their infamous rebellion against the Fire Lord Zuko. Poor bastards, now there is nothing left in their home except for orphans and weak old people and what left of it. Ruins, destruction, pain and regret. Chen is in the city's market, filled with many stands made of four wooden poles plugged into the ground and a piece of cloth tied on top of the poles. The road is filled with people, those who wanted to buy and those who wanted to steal. Most of the quality of the items sold in the stand are not good, half rotten or surrounded by flies. But they are cheap and affordable.

Chen continued to push through the crowd, occasionally fixing her hoodie and grab that small bag of hers tightly. Inside the bag is her belongings, including her limited amount of money. If someone steal it, Chen will be having a hard time to return back to Republic City. Chief Chen Fei, the new head of the Republic City's police, occasionally looked around. She is hunting for someone, and this kind of city is the perfect place to run and hide.

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