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Fandom Avatar: Spirits Awaken

Yushi had wings again. That was how she figured out it was a dream. She had not yet spent enough time without them to not feel the sting of their absence. That she thought was one of the biggest drawbacks of the human form she was stuck in. Dreaming might be the other biggest one. Spirits didn't dream. They didn't really sleep either but Yushi liked that part. But dreams...dreams were awful. She dreamed of the past mostly, a past she'd like to forget. But no. She had wings again. She was a mighty serpent soaring through they sky. Her sky. The skies of the spirit world were hers again. And she was fully powered. Spirits were no match for her. Most of the King spirits couldn't take her on. But that didn't stop some. Someone was flying through her sky. A bird spirit, flying desperately through the upper layers of wind. Too high little spirit. Her past self grinned in savage anticipation. Yushi grimaced calling out to the spirit. "Fly lower you fool! Don't come near me!" But what was done and dream Yushi turned away as old Yushi tore the poor spirit apart.

Never again She thought as she awoke in the shaded branches of the tall tree she had spent the night in. SHe was close now. She had sensed it a week earlier, a presence. it almost felt ridiculous to even think. But she felt Someone important was near someone she felt compelled to meet. She was near it now. It was in the city ahead. Fire fountain or something.She stood and cleared her mind, then took to the skies. She missed her wings but at least she could still fly.

She landed in the branches of another tree outside a home in the city. It was modest home. One that felt like, a home. it was the spirit in her talking again. She didn't quite see the house, it was mundane but she could sense it was a home, and a very old one. She was musing on this when and earth-nation boy walked by the window. His appearance... she recognized him. Se'd never seen him before, but she recognized him. Odd. It vexed her. Who was he? How dare he?! but he wasn't alone. She needed to confront him alone. He probably knew...something.. So she reached out and felt for the win, which happily rose to her touch like a happy dog. As far as she'd heard. Dogs tended to run away from her. She reached out a hand and the wid slipped through the window and grabbed the boy. Gently. Subtlety was important. She gave him a little tug and waited. Hoping he would take a hint. "Probably won't" She muttered, "He looks as thick headed as a mountain spirit."

Terra Ashwood

Outskirts of Fire fountain City

After walking over the next ridge Terra was able to see the remnants of Fire fountain city. She both smiled and sighed, she had finally made it after her long trek. Terra was used to jumping from city to city village to village following underground fighting rings but this journey had really take it out of her. She'd heard that the leaders of Fire fountain city welcomed all so was relieved to know she'd possibly have a good night sleep and some food in her belly, other villages were not so welcoming and Terra had learned to deal with both kinds of people. Terra continued walking towards the so called city which was nothing more than a shadow of its former self, tightening her grip on her backpack she heard although the leaders were nice others in fire fountain were not so and would attempt to swindle some money out of you or just downright steal it. Terra started humming to herself while keeping a sharp look out for anyone looking to make a jump on her before she'd even entered the city, this is what Terra now lived for. The more on edge she was the more sharp and vibrant the world looked again and it was almost like the trees were smiling at her because of it. Terra had now reached the outer layer of fire fountain city and quickly looked around,taking in her surroundings. She smiled to herself again, this might not be too bad actually.

After the battle he had faced in order to escape, Shing had been badly injured. Now most of his wounds were gone, but he still had the scars from the fight. He had one long scar that ran from the top of his right eye all they way down to his left side of his chin. He was also permanently blind in his right eye and his right had terrible vision. His other scars including his stomach wound was hidden by his clothing. This fact actually scared him a bit (not that he would admit it) barely being able to see he felt exteremly vulnerable.

He had spent most of the resting period...resting. He hadn't even bothered once to see if any of his petty wanted posters were around town. Currently he was sitting outside meditating as he tried to decide what to do. With his current state he wasn't sure if he was ready for a fight... He didn't think he could help the avatar and he was almost certain since he failed to get go check the bounties sooner or later the avatar would learn of his crimes. Taking a deep breath he tried to relax as he zoned out almost everything. His spirit Crystal was curled up around his neck like a scarf and she was sleeping peacefully which Shing found very relaxing. "... I don't know anymore." He whisper to himself though anyone around may have heard him.


Takeo Mayumi

Takeo was leaning against Gantz in the center of avatar Korra's park basking in the sunlight and enjoying this calm before the storm. He had recently got a report that the avatar was actually hiding in Fire Fountain City. A city that his family had a very good grip on as they had many smugglers residing there. When he learned that the said team was heavily injured after the fight he had already formed a plan to meet him.

Letting out a yawn he stood up and looked at the German Shepard sized wolf spirit. "We need to get some supplies, then we will head off." He said with a friendly smile. If one were to be looking for him the only way to actually know who it is, is if you got a reliable tip about him always having a spirit wolf. if it weren't for Gantz Takeo looked just as normal as any citizen...With his easy to approach demeanor it would be near impossible to assume he was a Mayumi since the family name was feared and the family it's self avoided.

Gantz let out a yawn and did a stretch before nodding. With that he started to trot to the shopping district with Takeo in tow. As the two walked Takeo accidently bumped into Ryo almost knocking him down. Stopping in his tracks he looked at Ryo and smiled. "Sorry about that. I got distracted by the nice day and the intresting future... Though you seem like a tough fellow so I'm sure a simple bump didn't wound you... If it did then woops, the hospital is over there." He said with a small laugh before he once again started on his path without a second glance to the water bender.

Tomoki laughed. "Really. I don't think you're going to get fired for having some fun." He took the seal out of the oven. "But if you really think you're going to be fired because of that, then I will talk to Kavi about it." He said as he walked out into the room. "Took you long enough to get your paperwork done." He said as he set the seal down on the table. "I give you a old family recipe, family seal." He said as he took a seat. "Is it just you and me, or is MiYun joining us?"
Cal'vina - Fire Fountain City - Ozai's toe

"Mrow!" "Mew." "Purr purr purr." the various cats that had accumulated across Cal'vina's resting body let out their various sounds and calls. Cal'vina himself, made but a single sound, a sound that could be heard for a good while off, the sound of obnoxiously loud snoring. Indeed, a strange choice of bedding the large metal toe of a long dead fire lord but as one who can not help but fall asleep wherever he just happens to pass out, and considering the current city he is in, the giant toe of a murderous dead lord bent on conquering the world is most likely the more safe of the possible places a drunk man could catch some shut eye.

The mid day sun beamed down upon him as he and the cats enjoyed the opportunity to bathe underneath the warm welcoming sun, until the snoring came to an end that is, the sleeping drunk woke up slowly, his eyes fluttering and adjusting to the new sight before him, for it was not great blue sky he saw, but the under belly of a cat. Of course he figured this was odd, but in no hurry to shrug off his sleepiness he plucked the kitty off his face and slowly sat up from his perch. "Hey kitties, I gotta go now... can yea move for me?" he asked the cats sitting across his lap and around him... did he draw every stray cat in town or something?

Figuring he could just lay sleeping cats lay for abit he reached into his back pocket for his morning medicine, life was tough, and when you have a evil spirit in your forehead it just gets tougher- "CAL! CAL! The cats! Do you see them! their softness! touch them for me! Touch them all in the name of your mighty master!" here he goes... taking a deep swig of his medicine he gave a heavy sigh. "I just woke up and your already barkin' orders, why can't you wait till breakfast is had?" "But the cats Cal'vina! Stroke their purring bodies! Look at their adorable faces! You know nothing of my plight! being unable to touch or feel anything! I spent over 100 tousand years in that prison and-" and there he goes, hopefully he turns back to white noise soon enough, its like having a back seat driver in your body... yea he can grasp faint concepts of feelings while in me, doesn't mean he can control me damn it!

Of course, to everyone else it looked like a drunk man had just woken up and started to talk to himself, by this point, he was used to the odd stares of folks. "Whelp, nothing to do but go searching for food I guess, if you'll excuse me kitties.. kitties no, stop, get off cats! your gona knock me off!" and as the cats finally abandoned the man he fell off the toe, rolling along the rounded side of the metal colossal foot and crashing into the ground with a graceless flop. "See what happens when you don't listen to me?" "Shut up."

@Everybody~! or anybody who wants to met up at the foot.
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When Ina landed with the others in Fire Fountain City her fur stood up on her end. She could feel the death and negative energy running through the city the moment she got close. She could see wandering souls close to being dark spirits, she knew she had to act fast. Her instincts took over and the second her feet touched the ground she bolted down the streets of the city. Not to be heard from again.

She had collected nearly twenty souls while her week in the city. There were so many spirits that had passed on that were still roaming around. She had collected most on time and was currently running through the forest hunting one she had missed. It was a dark spirit now, and it was her job to get rid of it. She had already ran the creature out of the city so to limit the damage. She was fast chasing after the creature nearly at invisible speeds. She wasn't strong enough to be in her full spirit form but was strong enough to chase this dark spirit down.

The creature sensed a human near by and began to charge towards her with determination to kill. The creature was a dark purple with glowing yellow eyes and a long tail. The creature saw the human and leapt up hight to attack her. However Ina was faster, she created a small blade of soul energy and cut the dark spirit in half. She landed on the ground in front of the girl and looked at her oddly. To most people at first glance Ina looks like a boy and her raspy voice didn't help with that fact. "Hey. Watch where your going alright?" She gave her a boyishm half cocked smile and then ran back into the city. She climbed up a building and began roof hopping from place to place, scouting for more souls to take.



Her ears and nose caught onto something familiar and she followed it to where the others were staying. She had been avoiding it lately not really wanting to see her comrades still injured. However, here's a scene she couldn't help but intervene in. She saw Shing sitting outside in what seems to be meditation. Oh this is just too good to pass up. With a grin she slowly sneaked behind him and then slowly moved around. She motioned for Crystal to be quiet and then came up close near Shing's ear. Then taking a big breath she shouted.


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Opal woke with a ragged gasp, bolting upright on her bedroll. She held her breath as the nightmare slowly faded, and then let it out slowly, ignoring the shake in it. It had been several days since they had been rescued, and she hadnt been doing much other than trying to heal.The bruises on her face and body had begun to fade, leaving dark smudges on her jaw and neck. The bite mark, token of the worst she had endured while captured, had closed and would soon disappear without a trace. The contact burns on her arm and feet had been treated well and were healing nicely. What kept her in bed was not the injuries she had retained on the surface. The true damage dealt to her was much deeper than that, physically and otherwise.

Cautiously, she stood. She wobbled, taking deep breaths as the pain flared and then faded. A hand automatically pressed to her lower abdomen, and a grimace settled on her face as she made her way to the door for some fresh air, her eyes on the ground and ignoring her surroundings for the moment. The kind couple who were sheltering them were doing their best to ensure they all were healed and rested, and she couldnt have been more grateful. But the small hut made her feel trapped, especially when her companions looked at her. She hadnt spoken about what had happened, and didnt know if any of them had guessed. Their eyes made her wanted to scream about it and bury it forever at the same time. The fighter was so confused, and it felt like the fight had left her. The Masked Man's cohort had wanted to break her, and she was beginning to think he had succeeded.

@jamaicanviking @NessieAlways (and anyone in the hut)
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Shing was trying to focus on what he was doing and he had paid no heed to Crystal movement when she flew off his shoulder. "WHAT THE MOTHER F*CKING HELL!!!" He shouted in shock when he hear Ina yell in his ear making him fall back and away from her on initial response. Though moments after that on complete reaction he shot blue flames all around him...but they were exteremly weak and didn't even go four inches from his hands. Being pretty much blind he didn't see how weak the flames where, though he was also focused on Ina. "WHY!? WHAT POSSESSED YOU TO DO THAT!!" He shouted before he stood up and crossed his arms. "Did you run off? Seriously?" He muttered not able to see she was a few inches to his side.

@The Suspicious Eye
Jeng walked aimlessly on the dirt sidewalk, breathing a sigh and kicking along a small stone absentmindedly. He had a lot of baggage to handle right now, and the boy felt that taking a break outside would help get his head straight. Fortunately, the village the group had taken refuge in was rather quiet, which gave him enough solace to think without much difficulty; though from what he'd heard, the last time an Avatar had been here had almost been kidnapped, so that didn't exactly help matters. Oddly enough, as soon as the thought crossed Jeng's mind, he felt a slight tug on his clothes; he quickly turned around to assess the potential threat, though there was none there. Walking towards the disturbance cautiously, he looked around for any possible hostiles, but instead encountered a girl looking at him through the window. "Did you do that?" Jeng questioned, slightly annoyed that he had been jarred from his thoughts.

Ina's tail wagged happily at his reaction, she felt pride. She looked at the weak flames he produced and stifled a laugh. "Pfft, what was that?" She sat up and tiled her head at him, she saw scar and could tell that he couldn't actually see her well. However, she shrugged and got into his line of sight. "It was fun, the look on your face was priceless. Besides I didn't run off, I do have a job you know." Her eyes flickered blue and the 21 small white souls of the dead "See I caught a whole bunch of em and took down a ton of dark spirits too. These people really need to clean up their city." She grinned and poked his face. "You look like something I usually cough up. How are ya feeling?"

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Shing stuck out his tongue at Ina before sighing and smirking acting like he was pretty okay. "I didn't know you coughed up awesome firebenders, geez and here I thought I was one of a kind... Wait, you coughed them up so they are probably pansies... So I'm still one of a kind" He said in a joking tone before he sighed. "I'm doing fine, though seeing as you collected 21 souls in a week... I guess you are faring better." He said with a sigh as he scratched his head. Soon he felt a small weight go on his shoulders and listened to the soft purring sound of Crystal. "Oh thanks for the warning buddy. I hope you got a good laugh out of that." He looked at Ina as he petted Crystal. HIs look was slightly puzzled as he remember something. "What were you snickering about besides my face? What do you mean what was that?" He asked in a slightly confused tone.
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As her wind reached out Yushi observed the boy. Her limited knowledge of human emotions seemed to indicate he was...sullen. Thinking about too much probably. Yushi tried to make the expression but failed, she was bad at the whole body language thing. Very hard when your body for a thousand odd years was a giant winged snake. But practicing facial expressions could wait, he noticed her. Yushi harrumphed. He was perceptive at least. But that wasn't going to get him off the hook. Mr.Annoyingly-familiar was going to get grilled. With a burst of air she rocketed off her perch and hit the ground with a wumph and a cloud of dust. She stood up straight and jabbed a finger in his face. "You."She said in an exasperated voice, "I recognize you. Why? who are you?"

Ina put her hands on her hips and sighed, he was still dumb as ever. She scratched her head as she made the souls become invisible yet again. She flicked her tail and looked at him, "Well at least your sarcasm is fine." Since bring a sprit who derives her strength by the amount of souls she was completely healed and much stronger. She smirked, "I was making fun of your pathetic attempts at fire bending. You barely got a few inches away from your hand. You didn't realize it?"

Peaceswore said:
Takeo Mayumi

Takeo was leaning against Gantz in the center of avatar Korra's park basking in the sunlight and enjoying this calm before the storm. He had recently got a report that the avatar was actually hiding in Fire Fountain City. A city that his family had a very good grip on as they had many smugglers residing there. When he learned that the said team was heavily injured after the fight he had already formed a plan to meet him.

Letting out a yawn he stood up and looked at the German Shepard sized wolf spirit. "We need to get some supplies, then we will head off." He said with a friendly smile. If one were to be looking for him the only way to actually know who it is, is if you got a reliable tip about him always having a spirit wolf. if it weren't for Gantz Takeo looked just as normal as any citizen...With his easy to approach demeanor it would be near impossible to assume he was a Mayumi since the family name was feared and the family it's self avoided.

Gantz let out a yawn and did a stretch before nodding. With that he started to trot to the shopping district with Takeo in tow. As the two walked Takeo accidently bumped into Ryo almost knocking him down. Stopping in his tracks he looked at Ryo and smiled. "Sorry about that. I got distracted by the nice day and the intresting future... Though you seem like a tough fellow so I'm sure a simple bump didn't wound you... If it did then woops, the hospital is over there." He said with a small laugh before he once again started on his path without a second glance to the water bender.


The entire action was too quick for Ryo to react in time. He had been walking towards the docks when he collided with somebody. Ryo's instantly began fuming pissed at the ignorance of people. "Watch where you're go-" Only Ryo's reply was cut off by a very chatty guy. "Sorry about that. I got distracted by the nice day and the intresting future... Though you seem like a tough fellow so I'm sure a simple bump didn't wound you... If it did then woops, the hospital is over there." A concerned look crossed his face as he managed to comprehend how the guy could talk so much and so fast. Ryo was left speechless as the guy walked away almost immediately not waiting for Ryo to accept his apology, not that he was going to do so anyway. As the guy walked away a strange nostalgia hit Ryo as if he'd seen this person before. If he was hanging around this side of town, he must have certainly ran into him a couple of time, but the feeling was more than a casual encounter. Spotting the wolf spirit, he knew. "Hey, wait!" Ryo walked after the guy.

Dakup said:
Tomoki laughed. "Really. I don't think you're going to get fired for having some fun." He took the seal out of the oven. "But if you really think you're going to be fired because of that, then I will talk to Kavi about it." He said as he walked out into the room. "Took you long enough to get your paperwork done." He said as he set the seal down on the table. "I give you a old family recipe, family seal." He said as he took a seat. "Is it just you and me, or is MiYun joining us?"

He had been sitting at the head of the table, reading a newspaper about the stuff happening around the city. There had apparently been different stages of robbery throughout and none of the thieves had been caught. This upset Kavi, he would certainly have a word with his head officers about the matter. However city matters weren't really Kavi's concern at the moment. He skimmed to some pages finding the article he was looking for an started to read a cynical smile forming in his lips as his eyes scanned the page. Tomoki's entrance interrupted Kavi's reading and he was quick to put the paper down. "I give you a old family recipe, family seal. Is it just you and me, or is MiYun joining us?" Kavi looked up at Tomoki as he came out with lunch both elated that his friend was joining him, but a bit disappointed that it wasn't Shizuko's food. He'd grown quite addicted to her food in the time she'd been around. "She might arrive later on. Her guard have just informed me that she's waiting till the end of the pro-bending match to chat with that earth bending boy." Kavi chuckled at his daughter's actions, "Teens what are we going to do with them."

Songbird500 said:
Terra Ashwood
Outskirts of Fire fountain City

After walking over the next ridge Terra was able to see the remnants of Fire fountain city. She both smiled and sighed, she had finally made it after her long trek. Terra was used to jumping from city to city village to village following underground fighting rings but this journey had really take it out of her. She'd heard that the leaders of Fire fountain city welcomed all so was relieved to know she'd possibly have a good night sleep and some food in her belly, other villages were not so welcoming and Terra had learned to deal with both kinds of people. Terra continued walking towards the so called city which was nothing more than a shadow of its former self, tightening her grip on her backpack she heard although the leaders were nice others in fire fountain were not so and would attempt to swindle some money out of you or just downright steal it. Terra started humming to herself while keeping a sharp look out for anyone looking to make a jump on her before she'd even entered the city, this is what Terra now lived for. The more on edge she was the more sharp and vibrant the world looked again and it was almost like the trees were smiling at her because of it. Terra had now reached the outer layer of fire fountain city and quickly looked around,taking in her surroundings. She smiled to herself again, this might not be too bad actually.

It wasn't his custom to greet people into the village, he was usually out in the farms or around the forest collection supplies for the Village to use as trading goods. Though there was no currency set in place, the village had a good trading system. Tadeka would collect items outside of the Village since most were too afraid to get in trouble with the smugglers, then he'd trade them around for the stones and pebbles they used instead of money. It was a win-win, and if somebody didn't have enough to trade, the Sama's would provide them with materials to do so. Though they had gotten many fake requests from villagers in the beginning about "not having enough" soon the Sama's earned enough respect from the villagers that nobody wanted to do them wrong.

This Morning Tadeka had been out in the farms when he received a letter from Mayu saying that someone would be arriving soon and she needed his help greeting them. Since Mayu had been busy with the Avatar and his team, Tadeka had to do a lot of Mayu's duties including greeting people. As the young girl reached the edge of the village, Tadeka approached her with a forced friendly smile. "Welcome to Fire Fountain Village. My name is Tadeka Sama leader of the Village. We hope your stay were is pleasant. May I help you with your bag?" The greeting was very monotone and sounded too rehearsed almost as if Tadeka didn't want to be there. In reality, he didn't, but he loved his wife too much he was willing to help her out...in his own way.

Orikanyo said:
Cal'vina - Fire Fountain City - Ozai's toe
"Mrow!" "Mew." "Purr purr purr." the various cats that had accumulated across Cal'vina's resting body let out their various sounds and calls. Cal'vina himself, made but a single sound, a sound that could be heard for a good while off, the sound of obnoxiously loud snoring. Indeed, a strange choice of bedding the large metal toe of a long dead fire lord but as one who can not help but fall asleep wherever he just happens to pass out, and considering the current city he is in, the giant toe of a murderous dead lord bent on conquering the world is most likely the more safe of the possible places a drunk man could catch some shut eye.

The mid day sun beamed down upon him as he and the cats enjoyed the opportunity to bathe underneath the warm welcoming sun, until the snoring came to an end that is, the sleeping drunk woke up slowly, his eyes fluttering and adjusting to the new sight before him, for it was not great blue sky he saw, but the under belly of a cat. Of course he figured this was odd, but in no hurry to shrug off his sleepiness he plucked the kitty off his face and slowly sat up from his perch. "Hey kitties, I gotta go now... can yea move for me?" he asked the cats sitting across his lap and around him... did he draw every stray cat in town or something?

Figuring he could just lay sleeping cats lay for abit he reached into his back pocket for his morning medicine, life was tough, and when you have a evil spirit in your forehead it just gets tougher- "CAL! CAL! The cats! Do you see them! their softness! touch them for me! Touch them all in the name of your mighty master!" here he goes... taking a deep swig of his medicine he gave a heavy sigh. "I just woke up and your already barkin' orders, why can't you wait till breakfast is had?" "But the cats Cal'vina! Stroke their purring bodies! Look at their adorable faces! You know nothing of my plight! being unable to touch or feel anything! I spent over 100 tousand years in that prison and-" and there he goes, hopefully he turns back to white noise soon enough, its like having a back seat driver in your body... yea he can grasp faint concepts of feelings while in me, doesn't mean he can control me damn it!

Of course, to everyone else it looked like a drunk man had just woken up and started to talk to himself, by this point, he was used to the odd stares of folks. "Whelp, nothing to do but go searching for food I guess, if you'll excuse me kitties.. kitties no, stop, get off cats! your gona knock me off!" and as the cats finally abandoned the man he fell off the toe, rolling along the rounded side of the metal colossal foot and crashing into the ground with a graceless flop. "See what happens when you don't listen to me?" "Shut up."

@Everybody~! or anybody who wants to met up at the foot.

The little boy had been walking around the market very early in the morning doing his share of work, he was the marketing agent. "Come see the show! Last week in town!" he yelled over and over while waving colorful flyers around. Kenji had been instructed by his father Satoshi, to pass around flyers for his show. So every morning he was up and about listening to his father. Kenji had a great memory, so whenever someone said they'd go he expected them to show up. Recently everyone had met their end of the deal except for that tall man, the one who said he knew his father. He was very stubborn and Kenji didn't like him very much, but a customer was a customer. While most ignored him there were a couple people who took Kenji's flyers making him feel warm and bubbly inside. "Thank you! Look fowad to seeing you!" From the corner of his eye Kenji noticed a man crashing into the ground. With worry on his face he ran up to the man. " 'scuse me siw, Awe you okay?"

Flutterby said:
Opal woke with a ragged gasp, bolting upright on her bedroll. She held her breath as the nightmare slowly faded, and then let it out slowly, ignoring the shake in it. It had been several days since they had been rescued, and she hadnt been doing much other than trying to heal.The bruises on her face and body had begun to fade, leaving dark smudges on her jaw and neck. The bite mark, token of the worst she had endured while captured, had closed and would soon disappear without a trace. The contact burns on her arm and feet had been treated well and were healing nicely. What kept her in bed was not the injuries she had retained on the surface. The true damage dealt to her was much deeper than that, physically and otherwise.
Cautiously, she stood. She wobbled, taking deep breaths as the pain flared and then faded. A hand automatically pressed to her lower abdomen, and a grimace settled on her face as she made her way to the door for some fresh air, her eyes on the ground and ignoring her surroundings for the moment. The kind couple who were sheltering them were doing their best to ensure they all were healed and rested, and she couldnt have been more grateful. But the small hut made her feel trapped, especially when her companions looked at her. She hadnt spoken about what had happened, and didnt know if any of them had guessed. Their eyes made her wanted to scream about it and bury it forever at the same time. The fighter was so confused, and it felt like the fight had left her. The Masked Man's cohort had wanted to break her, and she was beginning to think he had succeeded.

@jamaicanviking @NessieAlways (and anyone in the hut)

"Morning dear!" Mayu's warm voice spoke as she noticed Opal sullenly walk towards the door. She had been preparing breakfast for her people so she hadn't heard Opal waking up. Although Mayu had her back turned, she could sense the sorrow in the girl. It wasn't common to see a young girl her age with such a heavy burden and though Mayu didn't know what that burden was, she didn't want it on the poor girl. Drying her hands off on her apron, Mayu walked over to Opal standing next to her silently as they stared out to the village. After a moment, Mayu spoke. "...just when the caterpillar thought the world was over, it became a butterfly." She looked over at Opal cautiously, "There's probably nothing I can say that will take away the hurt, but know that I will be here when you need it, dear." Though Mayu had only known Opal for a short time, her and her friends had become like the children she and Tadeka never had. As of now she hadn't questioned Opal's well being realizing it wasn't in her place to ask since she'd barely knows the girl, but seeing that days had gone by and she was still hurting, Mayu felt the need to finally speak up. "What's been troubling you dear?"
"Who am I?" Jeng parroted, confused as to why he was being interrogated so suddenly. "I'm Jeng. Avatar Jeng, technically, but I'm not really in the mood for formalities right now." He gave her a suspicious glance, then continued on. "More importantly, who are you?" Jeng supposed that she had simply seen him on the news, but one could never be too sure. For all he knew, she could've been an assassin, though typically assassins don't stop to chat with their marks.

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"Dont sound too happy to see me" Terra joked "Someone might think you want to be here" She continued. Terra's grip lessened on her backpack and everything around her started to fade and dull again. Unknowingly Terra's face stiffened, she always hated seeing the world in its "grey" form as she like to call it, it was almost like be surrounded by glowing and excitable life and then having it forcefully ripped away. Terra glanced one more time at her surroundings before placing her full attention on Tadeka Sama "Its alright, ill carry it. Im Terra by the way. Its nice to meet you"

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Shing gave Ina a questioning look. "Weak? I get it my flames are not as strong as your lost souls. But they are not pathetic." He said as he rolled his eye thinking she was joking about that. Though he was curious so he held out his hand and with that a blue flame leaped from it...only to be blown away in the next second from how fragile it was. "..... That's, not suppose to happen." He muttered before he did another attempt only for the same thing to happen, honestly with that one it seemed like it was weaker from his first attempt. "That... Really odd. I guess I just haven't fully healed yet." He said with a shrug as if he was simply brushing it off, though internally he was freaking out. "I have been in this hut for days on end... I think I'll take a walk or something." He muttered as he turned to leave, though after a few steps he stumbled on a stone he didn't see and almost landed on his face. Letting out a few cusses he once again attempted to leave though he was having obvious difficulty.

@The Suspicious Eye

Takeo sighed as he heard the man he bumped into call out for what he assumed was him. "Great. Think this guy wants me to pay his hospital bills?" He asked Gantz who shrugged. "I need to get ready to leave. I'm not in a mood to hide, but I don't want to be stopped... I guess if he catches up props to him. Though I'm not paying his bills." He said to Gantz before walking over to a vendor that was selling some food.

Zira Ishihara- Fire Fountain City

Zira sat in the carriage that was pulling into Fire Fountain City. The area around the village was nice, but the "city" was less than admirable. But she didn't care about that at the moment. The person next the driver spoke up once the town's buildings could be seen. "You know that your father wants you here on official business, right? No running off. There will be two guards watching over you. This town, while mostly friendly, is also very dangerous. Your family name is very famous and I would hate for you to get hurt." Zira nodded. That was Togai, Zira's PA and good friend of her father. She knew him since she was a girl and everywhere she's gone, Togai has gone with her. Of course she wouldn't be able to do anything fun. Even when she was away from home, it felt like her parents were still there.

The car kept on driving until they reached the center. A large statue of Fire Lord Ozai stood and looked out onto the town. Zira became unnerved when she saw the statue; she had learned many things about Ozai and the Hundred Years War from her tutors. The car stopped and the guards got out. One kept one of the car doors open so Zira could get out. Compared to the rest of the town, Zira was dressed very well. She was wearing her ceremonial robes with hopes of finding the Avatar and discussing business. The townspeople seemed to be staring at her, until Zira actually turned around to see a man talk to himself. He looked pretty drunk, but probably a nice guy. Togai watched with disgust at Cal'vina's actions. "Gross. Don't ever associate with anyone like that, Zira. It's not good for business," he began as Cal'vina fell from Ozai's toe and crashed to the ground. "My point exactly." Zira gasped and rushed over to help him and saw a little kid who was giving out flyers stand over him. "Goodness! Do you need help?" She held out a gentle hand.

@Orikanyo @NessieAlways

Fai- Spirit World

Fai walked through the wilds, keeping his senses up. He had heard form other spirits that there was a human here. He heard that it was lost and in potential danger. "Humans shouldn't be in these wilds alone like this." Fai spoke out loud. His soft voice got lost in the land surrounding him, so he kept quiet. As he was walking, a distant sound caught his ears. He immediately stopped to assess the sound: it was crying. He narrowed his covered eyes and continued walking slowly. Coming to a sort of clearing, Fai saw a human girl sitting by a giant spirit mushroom. She appeared to be crying. He could sense her sadness, but that didn't answer his many questions. Why was this girl here? Where did she come from? How has she not been attacked yet?

These questions pressured Fai to figure it out himself. Fai took a step from behind the trees, trying to be a quiet as possible. After a few more, it didn't look like the girl noticed him yet. He stood about two feet away and just stared at her. Though, she probably wouldn't know that at first glance since his eyes were covered by his bangs.

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Yushi froze and removed her finger when he said the word. Avatar.. the one who, helped her. Was a girl. And from the water tribe. "Avatar! " She exclaimed,"You changed your face! I didn't think you were supposed to be able to do that! You know how long I've been looking for you? You were all: Yushi go to the human world, journey and do good works as a human! I turned human for you and now when I finally track you down again you have no idea who I am and you've changed your whole appearance! AGH! Can you understand how much that pisses me off!" Wind was beginning to spin around her feet and kick up a miniature dust storm. Yushi realized she was having a bit of a tantrum but after 20 years of wandering the earth and doing good and not having the person that sent you even remember doing it, she felt it, if nothing else, justified.

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Opal paused, standing firmly and staring out at the waking village as Mayu spoke. Her chin raised proudly, out of habit, but the her expression showed her sorrow. She knew that Jeng had gotten up and was out already- she had purposely gone back to sleep when she heard him stir. There was a long heartbeat after Mayu posed her question where Opal did not move. Then, slowly, she turned her head so her golden eyes rested on the caring old woman. Her left hand, the undamaged one, pressed against her stomach. "I took pride in being able to defend myself. In being fierce, sometimes even intimidating to men. I had to be, to survive while traveling on my own." She blinked once, her lips drawing tight. "But that has been taken from me. Not by the fact that I was captured, or even being beaten and tortured. I feel broken and empty and like I have failed myself. Because I was-" The fighter had been speaking smoothly, as if the words were easy to say. But suddenly she stopped, and confusion, anger, and shame clouded her expression. She looked away quickly, taking a long moment and sighing in frustration before looking back at Mayu. "My father would tell me that time heals all wounds. But Im not sure if that is true of the ones I bear now. And Im afraid I cant keep it from my companions much longer, least of all Jeng." She spoke softly, sadness saturating her tone. The girl gave a small shake of her head, looking back out to the village again.

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"Changed my appearance...?" Now Jeng was really confused. In light of the discovery that she was a spirit, however, things started to piece together. "Oh, you mean one of my past lives. I'm...sorry, I don't have any clue what happened before my time." He felt rather guilty, after the girl had clearly spent some time looking for him, but there wasn't really much he could do. "I don't know what to tell you," Jeng said, shrugging apologetically. "If you want, you can tell me what you wanted to say anyway, though I probably won't have any clue what you're talking about."

"Past lives..." Yushi said slowly, "So you're Korra. But she died.... and was reborn as you. Avatar. OK I can deal with that." Yushi took a deep breath and backed away from Jeng. She looked him over. He reminded her of Korra. It was that humble power, she thought, the inner peace of an old soul. "Reincarnation, huh." She smiled, how appropriate."As for what I wanted to say its... complex. Do you have a minute. Of course you do I need to tell someone this. After twenty years of hiding it, I'm going to burst." She took a deep breath, "I am Yushi. As you've probably guessed by now I am a spirit. 25 years ago I swore an oath to avatar Korra to help her bring peace to the human and spirit worlds. So now I think that oath passes on to you if you'll take my help."

With a moan he ,pushed himself off the ground, shaking his head and coming up to his knees, a hand going up to his head to fix his head wrappings and the other pushing him back up to standing. "Ugh, that was a wake up call if i ever had one, nothin' like gravity to shake yea awake eh? hahaha! Oww, back." he winced as his hand went to rub the spot of impact. "Aye, all good, ain't nothin' to worry about, taken worse falls then this one I tell yea that much!" his mouth ran on as he shifted his clothing and in general corrected himself. His eyes gazed over the two people in front of him...

the first, a kid, hes seen the kid around a few times, showing off those flyers about a show he was planning on seeing... if he had the money that is. Shows were filled with fun, and hell, who knows who'd be there, he just might end up getting his ticket out of poverty! Or maybe some way to get his good watching buddy up stairs out of his head. The kid had a lisp, meant he lost, or is losing a few teeth, young... but helpful to the cause, if only all kids had that kind of drive.

The second, a lovely young woman, no doubt not from here telling by the fact she just ran up to him offering help... and the fact she has an entourage not far off. her clothing aswell told this since she looked like she belonged in a temple. perhaps a spiritual journey? maybe he could help her in this, he was looking for some spiritual help himself! though... no doubt they both had VERY different reasons.

"Still runnin' about kiddo? Good lad, helpin' out yer parents is a great lesson, also nets yea some extra money if your lucky." he gave another laugh as his attention turned to the woman. "Judgin' from yer garb yea ain't from here eh? I ain't either but I got a good eye for such things, the name is Cal'vina, wandering explorer, ruins delver and a proud big brother to nine, what can i call you lovely?" he gave her a smirk, his eyes trained more on the entourage she came with then herself, they didn't exactly look like a happy bunch.

@NessieAlways Kenji

@Guilded Clover Zira
Thankful that the girl had eased off of him a bit, Jeng felt a little less intimidated by Yushi's initial brashness. "So wait...all you want to do his help me?" He supposed the extra help couldn't hurt; they could certainly use it. Besides, having two spirits around would probably help with trying to calm down any of their rogue brethren, if any more of those came along. "Eh, fine by me," Jeng shrugged, smiling. "I'd have to speak to the other people in my group about it, but I get the feeling they'd be okay with it." With that said and done, Jeng turned to head back to the hut, gesturing for the girl to follow. "Welcome aboard, Yushi."

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Yushi nodded eagerly at the idea of her helping "No. I swore and oath to throw Wait that easy? Yushi thought, He didn't ask about who I am or what I do or why I made the oath. It was very odd feeling. But a familiar one. "Pretty stupid of you just to trust me right of the blue like that." She paused, "I guess you really are reincarnated Korra. Too trusting, too nice." Probably a trait I could stand to learn.

"But could you do me a favor?" She said a little timidly, 'I kind of have a... reputation among spirits so could you keep that part a secret? As far as everyone's concerned I'm a normal air bender. Please?" She looked pleadingly at him which stung a little in her head. She hated being nice.


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