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Fandom Avatar: Spirits Awaken

"Weak? I get it my flames are not as strong as your lost souls. But they are not pathetic." She grinned and shrugged, "meh that's by human standards. They start off subpar to spirits." Ina was never one tor resist making fun of humans. She watched as his fire was blow away from his hand like it came from a simple match. "..... That's, not suppose to happen." She looked at him curiously and crossed her arms, inspecting his form. She noticed that nothing was wrong with it and got worried quickly. She hated to admit it but he was a good fighter and it was a shame to see him loose his powers like this. Then he fell and she had to laugh, she was worried but still enjoyed the little thing in life.

Ina wagged her tail with extreme joy at watching him fall down. She grinned and made her way over to Shing and rested a foot on his back. "You are pathetic you know that." She stomped on him lightly, but didn't move her foot off her. With a dark grin she looked at him and looked at his soul. It was odd looking, she tilted her head "that's weird." She expanded her view to focus on his cores. They looked weakened in more ways than one. She looked at him sadly and then moved her foot from his back to under him. She kicked him up and grabbed him by his collar. "You're body isn't just injured your Chakras are blocked. Especially your fire chakra." She pointed to his stomach and grinned a little and dropped him on his feet. "You need help."

"Well, I guess I'm pretty stupid then," Jeng conceded with a chuckle. "Don't worry, I'll keep everything under wraps. The only things anyone'll know are the thing's you tell them yourself." Perhaps he was a bit too trusting, but something about the girl told the Avatar she was trustworthy. She seemed genuine, anyhow. Now that business had been taken care off, Jeng began walking back to the old couple's house. "Now, the place we're staying at is a bit small, so I'm not sure if we'll be able to fit you in. I'm sure we'll figure out something, though."

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Shing let out a low grunt as he was once again pushed onto the ground and stepped on. "You are pathetic you know that." Sighing he tried to get up but she kept him down on his stomach. "Thanks for the caring words." He muttered. Laying on the ground he ignored the first few words she said mainly cause he figured they would be more insults. Though his attention was returned when he received a kick making him groan in slight pain since it had hit a nasty bruise that had been starting to get better. . "You're body isn't just injured your Chakras are blocked. Especially your fire chakra." Raising a brow he looked at her before scoffing. "My chakras? What are you talking about? I'm fine. Well I will be... When you stop kicking me and using me as a door mat." He grumbled before he was set back on his feet.

You need help." Shing blinked a bit and rolled his eyes. "If that is your way of saying I need to see some sort of therapist, its not happening. I'm fine... I'll just shake it off. My fire is probably just resting like my body is. I did do a lot of bending, far more than usual back there." He said with a shrug. Though he was keeping his cool on the outside, internally he was freaking out. This had never happened to him not even when he got in a huge fight with a bandit camp that happened to be near his cave. And that fight required a lot of bending and a really close near death experience.

"I'm fine." He said for the third time though this time he seemed to be trying to convince himself. "I need to take a walk, my fire will come back when I'm fully healed." He said with a shrug before he turned his back to her and started to walk out. He tried to leave without help, but Crystal had to guide him since his vision was so poor.

@The Suspicious Eye
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"Ha!" Yushi barked, "Your words not mine Avatar! But thank you for keeping my secret. Seriously." She paused. "Oh yeah and I totally expected the royal suite when i'm staying with the avatar. Seriously don't worry about me. I don't take up much space. I don't need to eat, and Ill just sleep on the roof. Or in a tree if its raining. I like to be in the wind, it makes me feel like home. Buildings? Not my thing." They walked in silence for a few minutes, Yushi noticed her steps were a little quicker then his. She was getting antsy. She flew places. Walking was... slow and tiresome. In order to distract herself she decided to interrogate the Avatar more. "So you said others?" She asked, "What kind of strange menagerie have you accrued?"
Foolish human. He afts as if his bending is a amount. She was about to disagree with him when her fur bristled. She turned her head to see a small dark spirit that looked like a squirl scamper off in the opposing direction. Shw looked from Shing to the spirit and pouted as he walked off. She stomped her foot in exasprration. "Fine! When you can't bend anymore don't ask me to help you!" She stuck her tounge out at him and then ran off out of sight. Stupid jerk is going to get himself killed with such a simple attitude. Ugh why do I even care? She shook her head and focused on the hunt at hand.

She chased the dark spirit down the streets with unbelievable speed. She was running across the walls to avoid the humans. The spirit dashed between legs and wheels the ugh the crowded streets. Ina tried to find and vlear opening to attack, bit three simply wasn't one. They both turned and sharp cone heading towards a group of people. The dark sprit lept upwards and Ina pounced.

She flew across the stretch and tackled a Stanger onto the ground. She held the dark spirit in her mouth and grinned. "Mh, nwf ha gerrr ahhh! (Ha, now I got ya!)" She bit fown on the spirit until it vanished. She fave a small prayer to the created and then stretched out. "I am do awesome at my job." Completly ignoring the man she was sitting on she looked up at the other two. She stared at them with uninterested eyes. Giving them the what's up nod she said "hey." He boyish voice and gender neutral appearance males it hard for people to pick out her gender off the bat. To be true she rally doesn't have a gender, but says she's female.

@Orikanyo @Peaceswore
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Shing walked through through the villiage with no aim in mind as he held onto Crystal's side with one hand. She lead him through the crowds making sure he didn't run into anything with his poor vision. ".... Crystal... Why can't I bend properly?" He asked quietly as he held up on hand in his line of sight and tried to practice his flames only for it to be just as weak as before. "It's barely lighting! Damn it!" He growled as he tried harder but failed at this.

Letting out a groan he refused to give up and as he was guided to who knows where he kept trying to make a strong flame surround his hand. As of now the strongest he got survived one breeze of wind only to be blown out in the next. Muttering a few curses under his breath he accidently ran into another person. "sorry." He muttered before he looked at eth person to get a good look of who he ran into wondering if he should bother to pickpocket him. "... Hey... Aren't you that old guy that I helped in the slavers cave? Riichi I think... Or are you some other old man? I can't really tell" He asked as he tried to get a good look at him.

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Zira chuckled. "I am Zira Ishihara, but you can call me Zira," she started. "I'm glad your not seriously hurt or anything like that. Yeah, I'm not from here; I am from Republic City. My father sent me here on official business." She looked down at her clothing and began to feel embarrassed. "I really am out of place here aren't I? So, where are you from?" Her cheeks were getting more red with each passing second. She coughed and looked at the little boy. "What are those flyers for? May I have one?"

Right when she said that, a spirit came out of nowhere and tackled Cal'vina to the ground. She gasped loudly and staggered backwards. The two guards rushed over to the group and stood close to Zira. "Uhh, hello," she said with shaky breath. The spirit had fox-like features and an androgynous figure. The guards were ready with their weapons. Zira stood in disbelief that she was actually looking at a spirit. Then again, Zira, with her special training of sensing spirits, wasn't too surprised that she would see one here.

@Orikanyo @NessieAlways @The Suspicious Eye
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"It's a rather small group, really. There's 5 of us right now: me, Opal, Shing, Sogata, and Ina. Well, 6 if you count the old guy, Riichi. Opal's my girlfriend, and Shing and Sogata are my two other friends. Ina's the only spirit in the group, besides you, and we rescued Riichi from a smuggler compound. A real stubborn guy, but he's alright. Oh, and there's my pet badger mole Terra. He loves new people." Come to think of it, it's rather surprising that the group got as large as it did. When he started, Jeng never imagined that he'd be travelling with such a motley crew, but they were great companions to have regardless, and he was grateful to have them. Suddenly, a thought crossed his mind. "I suggest that you keep your cool around Ina; honestly, she scares the crap outta me, and I really don't think she'd take kindly to you if she found out you were a spirit. Especially not after what you told me."

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"Zira eh? A pleasure to meet yea, I'm from the road, yea its weird to say but don't really got a single place to call home, home is wherever I am, be it the toe of a tyrant, the ditch on the side of a road or a cozy house of a welcoming frien-" he never finished that sentence as a rocket propelled person slammed him once more into the ground, the familiar taste of dirt once again filling his mouth for the second time today... "...Watcher... not on the ball today are yea bud?" he thought to his partner as he looked up towards the woman...man? Either way the person was rather... foxy... hehehehe, certainly was running fast, probably was TAILING somebody hehehehe. Of course he kept these jokes silent, but no doubt the person was spiritual in nature and was indeed the object that was currently pinning him to the ground.

Seeing how he couldn't spot this new person so easily from his face down position, he closed his eyes and let the power take effect. his perception now taking a different angle, facing towards the face of the person atop of him and the other two. "...Can't tell sex... but whoever this person is... so cute~! Those fluffy ears!" he thought as he sling shotted his perception back to his own two eyes as the fox spoke atop of him. "Oi, cutie, get off my back would yea? I already hurt from my first fall today... and yea nearly spilled my medicine." he scorned lightly as he snuck in another quaff of the liquid in question to keep sickness at bay... as his eyes stared above at the wondrous sight before him... the tail of that fox woman...man? Hell if he knew... but it was.. GLORIOUS! it looked so soft... swaying within, then out of reach almost as if it was teasing him, characteristic of it's owner no doubt... teasing with its wondrous luxury and softness... something one would only simply dream of touching, and even then, the dream would end just before skin would meet fur...

He must plan this carefully.. should he screw this up the fox will run... what can he do to get even the smallest touch of it he wondered.

(reference, non-bolded dialogue is within the mind.)

@The Suspicious Eye

@Guilded Clover

Sogata was asleep. The last thing he remembers was flying away on a spirit after he passed out. Some of them were badly beaten, but Sogata was beaten so much that he was passed out for the seven days that they were there. His eyes fluttered open, slowly. "Ahhhh." He said as he leaned up. He saw Opal, who was talking to some old lady. "Damn, Next time remind me to fall asleep somewhere that has more padding." He said with a chuckled. "Hahaha ahhhh." He said holding his side. "Damn, I never thought it would ever hurt to laugh." He said as he smiled. He felt good enough to train, but that was it. He couldn't do any real fighting.

He got out of bed, and was covered in bandages. "Wow." He said as he looked at him. "Am I mummy?" He asked as he chuckled. "Haha AHhhhhh." He said again. "Forgot, hurts to laugh." He grabbed a coat and covered himself. He looked up and saw that Opal was talking to an elderly lady. "Are you the one that's been watchin over me?" He asked her.

@Flutterby @NessieAlways
Yushi was hopping and skipping and eventually just hovered a foot above the ground. Opal was his girlfriend? Ok... the way he blushed a little indicated romantic attachment. "So being the Avatar is getting results in your personal life? Good for you." She was grinning, that would be fun to observe. Observe only of course. She would never mess with someones relationships. That would be wrong. "They sound interesting to me-" She started then froze when she fully processed what he said. "Ina?" She questioned feet hitting the ground with a small wumph of released air, "I only know one spirit named Ina.. or rather whose name starts with Ina and well...It's a biggie. You seem to attract powerful spirits Myself including myself of course. It'll be interesting meeting her. All of them really. Sounds like a fun bunch."
Jeng chuckled, "We seem to attract a lot of strange things, really. Not just spirits." As they rounded the block and approached the small home, the boy thought it important to note one last thing. "Hey, uh, Yushi? Make sure you take it easy around us, most of all Opal. We've been through a lot as of late, especially her, so additional stress wouldn't be a good idea." Arriving at the hut, Jeng announced his presence as he opened the door with a brief "I'm back!" before entering the room. "I brought a guest, if that's okay," he added, flashing the three Fire Nation natives a smile. Jeng turned to Yushi, nodding slightly towards the small group and saying: "Well, introduce yourself."

@theunderwolf @Dakup @Flutterby @NessieAlways
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Ina looked at the young girl that was quite cute. She tilted her head and then guards suddenly rushed up next to the and they pointed their weapons right at Ina. Insulted and way too cocky for her own good she completly ignored the guards and focusedon the girl for a moment. "Well you must be important girly, your guards came up in a flash." She grinned and her golden eyes flashed an intimidating glare ad if to egg them on. Then she shruggedand leaned back, still sitting in the poor guy, "not like those wimpy human weapons can really hurt me. I am amazing afterall." She looked at the girl and smiled giving a dissmissive wave. "Don't worry I'm not going to hurt you. For now." She grumbled, "stupid avatar and his no killing humans rule." She scratched her head and continued. "But don't get on my bad side, I am a well respected spirit and very powerful."

Ina could feel a odd tingle crawl up her back as she felt like she was being watched. She growled with anger recognizing the feeling as 'the watcher.' She used to be like him, but he saw everything including spirits which just freaked her out. Her tail snapped strait and she looked down at the guy underneath her. She looked at his soul and then hopped off him quickly. "Ew! What the heck? What are you?!" Every hair on her body stood up as she looked at the man.

@Orikanyo @NessieAlways @Guilded Clover
"Take it easy? Ok." Yushi said, "I'm good at not being stressed. Have you considered naps. Let me tell you, I didn't need sleep in my old form, but naps? Naps are the best thing about being human." She shrugged and took a deep breath as she entered the hut. The first thing she did was look around and feel the air. It was an interesting feeling. There was one guy who was covered in bandages for some reason, he obviously wasn't hurt enough to stop being so energetic. The girl was taller then her, which didn't bother Yushi st all. And from the way Jeng looked when he saw her, this was Opal. And their hostess was in the room, a sweet looking old lady. "Hey everyone! I'm Yushi. Airbender, here to help." She tried to introduce herself then leaned into jeng "Was that ok? Was that appropriately not stressful? I'm not sure."

@jamaicanviking @Flutterby @Dakup @NessieAlways
Zira took a breath and focused on the spirit for a second. To my father, I'm like a national treasure, she thought. The spirit seemed to be quite cocky, but powerful. She nodded and said, "Don't worry. They're not going to hurt you. Plus, you're too cute to get hurt." She turned to the guards and said that everything was fine. After some resistance, the guards obliged and went back to Togai. She chuckled and put a hand over her mouth.

She understood a spirit's hostility. Zira was able to sense the presence of spirits and to her, it was both a blessing and a curse. It was odd that she would be able to feel so close to a spirit, but not be one herself. Now that she was thinking and feeling for spirits close to her, discomfort set over her. The presence was everywhere and unending. However, it didn't seem to be watching her. Zira jumped up when Ina hopped off of Cal'vina. She shuddered at the feeling of being watched. "Do any of you guys feel that?"

@The Suspicious Eye @Orikanyo
"Eh? feel strange? ain't nothin' here but us and the kid." Cal'vina yawned as he once more took to his feet for the second time today.. third if you count waking up. but now they were starting to ask questions... great... just great... questions suit none at this moment, hell he wasn't in the mood for talking about his predicament at the moment either. Scratching behind his head he gave a heavy sigh and and looked skywards. "What am I? Well i'm a human male, no real nation of birth if your askin' fer that." "Cal'vina, the she fox sees me, take her eyes so she sees no more!" the watcher hissed and glared at the unwelcome viewing... for a creature that sees all things, doesn't like to be watched much. Cal'vina gave another sigh as he thought to his annoying companion "i will steal no eyes for your sake. Now saty silent and hide."

"Eh? mid-day already? Sorry folks but I got something to do today, gotta hunt me down some otherworldly advice, no offense to present company but I'd like to see my other options before I choose to ask the one who used me as a perch, toodles cuties." he began to walk off... well.. waddle off anyways, to escape the conversation about the sudden presence... and the fact the spirit out right saw the aura anyways. "Have a wonderful day, don't let any bad men or women cheat yea outa somethin' Zira, place ain't all flowers and sunshine."

@Guilded Clover

@The Suspicious Eye

(Feel free to pursue, he ain't goin far.)

At got mad at the fact that the guy wasn't turning. He debated on following him for a second, but the thought of the guy baiting him crossed his mind. Ryo stopped walking letting the guy go. He wasn't about to get lured into some shady place and get jumped again. However, Ryo began to trail the guy staying a good enough distance behind so he would be seen by him or his spirit dog. Although he wasn't exactly sure how long he could fool a spirit, he was sure the guy wouldn't see him coming, unless he had some crazy senses. Ryo was good at following people and hiding out from others, so he just kept a good eye on the fellow and a proper distance. If he was corret, this might be his chance of getting to the Fire Nation.



Tadeka just narrowed his eyes at the girl. He was trying to be polite and she wasn't accepting his offer. "Alright, then you can follow me. Do you have a place to stay? " Without waiting for the Terra to respond, he began walking towards the village. "There's not much to do in this village, but we do have some great local cuisines." He began talking giving Terra a small tour of the place. "Over there is Kona's Kitchen. Good food, just stay away from the dumplings." Next he pointed to a medium sized building that was build from stone. The place looked like it was falling apart. "That's our inn. If you don't have anywhere to stay, just 3 stones a night. Although many people prefer the alleys. Not sure why. I'd offer our house, but it's currently full at the moment." The last sentence Tadeka said had an angry tone to it. It wasn't that he didn't enjoy helping out people as much as his wife did, he just preferred if they stayed away from his personal space, but how can he turn away the Avatar and his friends especially when his wife was so insisting. Tadeka was a grouchy old man, but he loved his wife. As long as she was content, he'd be willing to greet teenage girls and give them tours around the Village.



Mayu listened carefully as Opal talked. She saw a lot of herself in the girl. Putting up a strong front for everyone to see was not easily especially when everyone had certain expectations from you. She noticed Opal clutched her stomach. She wasn't sure what the reason for the action was, but felt it was something that should be left unsaid for the time being. As Opal finished Mayu already had an idea of what had happened. There was an initial shock and urge to hug the girl, but Mayu restrained herself. "Strength doesn't come from how long you can keep things bottled up, but by accepting it and choosing to move on." She looked at Opal with a sincere look on her face. "All wounds heal over time. Some might take longer than others, and some night re-open over the years. It's just a part of life, but healing is a process. The first step to overcoming a situation is accepting the truth and reality of it."

Mayu joined Opal in staring off into the village when they were joined by Sogata. He seemed very enthusiastic and Mayu couldn't help but smile. "Yes dear, I'm Mayu Sama leader of the village. Glad to see you're finally awake. We were afraid...well that doesn't matter now does it." They were soon joined by the Avatar and a spirit Mayu had felt arrive this morning. "Good morning Avatar Jeng." She turned to the spirit greeting her as well. "Ms. Yushi" It was beginning to get late and Mayu had several errands to run. "Breakfast is ready. There's bread and jam set on the table and warm tea on the stove. Please help yourselves." Though it wasn't much, it was all of what Mayu had to offer. A small part of her felt terrible of not being able to provide the Avatar with a decent breakfast. Mayu retreated inside to pick up the breakfast she would be delivering this morning.

As she walked into the market people began to gather around her making friendly conversation while she passed out loaves of bread and tiny jars of jam. From the corner of her eye she spotted a woman in a hoodie lingering around the crowd. With a friendly smile, Mayu walked up to her. "Would you care for some breakfast dear? "

@Flutterby @Dakup @jamaicanviking @theunderwolf @too much idea


The little kid looked at Cal 'Vina wrinkling his nose from the bad alcohol smell. He smell's worse than cleaning up after an armadillo lion. "What's a gwab?" He looked over at the girl who had also joined in asking if Cal'Vina was okay. Unlike Cal' Vina, she smelled nicer so Kenji began to inch closer to her. "Hi Zira!" As soon as she asked about the flyers Kenji's eyes sparkled, "Yes of couwse you can has one!" Kenji handed over a flyer to the girl, "I'm Kenji. Nice to meet- Woah!" Just as a spirit jumped on Cal' Vina Kenji ran behind Zira as if she'd protect him. As Kenji got a good look of the spirit, he became thrilled with it's tail and ears. He touched his own head wondering if he could grow some ears. His sister had ears, but she wasn't a spirit. She was just weird. They're a gift from her mother, his father had said, but he didn't really know what he meant by that. Kenji slowly walked over to the spirit as it talked careful not to make himself noticed. He wanted to touch that tail. Once Zira's guard eased up Kenji was already behind the spirit smiling at how close he was to the furry tail swishing from side to side. "Do any of you guys feel that?" As soon as Zira spoke, Kenji jumped towards the spirit's tail and hugged with with all his might loving the way the soft fur felt on the palms of his hands and cheeks. "So soft!"

@Orikanyo @Guilded Clover @The Suspicious Eye


The blind kid bumping into him was not expected at all. He thought he was alone on the outskirts of the village practicing his bending, so when the guy shoved into him, Riichi lost control and send a ball of fire into some bushes. They lighted up almost instantly. "Shit! Watch were you're going!" Riichi ran over to a bucket of water he had carried with him just in case, something his master had though him, and dumped it on the bush. When the guy asked if Riichi had been the guy at the smuggler's cave, he froze unsure if he wanted to answer that question. "Depends...who's asking." Riichi debated if he should own up to his mistake of leaving and just get the guilt off of his chest, or avoid humiliation and keep that secret to himself. For now seeing as the guy he was talking to was partially blind, he decided to figure out what his motives were before revealing anything about himself.



The rustle of the bush nearby made Izumi jump to her feet. "Who's there?" Back when Maka, a friend that had followed her into the Spirit World, was here, Izumi had only been approached by spirits once. She was doing a good job at hiding from them when she heard noises. But now, she was exposed and the only place to hide was the one making the noise. "I'm a high skilled warrior!" she warned although it wasn't exactly true. Saying, however, made her feel safer as if that would scare away the threat. Izumi looked at Dapi who had jumped behind her almost instantly. She could feel him trembling in her leg. She had to be brave for him. "Who's there?" She asked again not really sure if she wanted to know the answer, but that was the only thing that came to mind. "Show yourself!" Izumi opened her stance ready to fight whatever came out of the bush.

@Guilded Clover
Takeo remained ignorant of the fact he was being tailed after all with all the people in the bustling market it would be hard for him to notice. He spent his time buying a good amount of supplies as well as getting his special glider fixed up a bit. "Let's see. Fixed glider, check. Enough cooked meat to last a long trip? Check. Some veggies cause mother will hurt me if I don't eat them. Check. Some saddle bags for Gantz to carry. Check." Takeo muttered as he headed back to Korra's park now going over the items he had. "Let's see... I think we got what we need. Can you think of anything else?" Take asked his wolf spirit who shook his head at that. "I guess I should say bye to the family." He said with a sigh before looking at Gantz with a straight face only to burst out laughing with him. "Pffffffffff Hahahahahaha!! Oh! That was funny, that was pretty funny." He said as he shook his head.

When he had stopped laughing he petted his friend on the head before rolling his shoulder. "Okay let's get ready. If you would turn to your other size." Takeo asked to which the wolf let out snort as he moved away. Every step he took he got bigger and bigger till he was no longer the size of a German Shepard, but instead the size of an adult air bison, possibly slightly bigger. When he got that large Takeo started to load up still unaware of the tail since he had no reason to be on guard at the moment.

Shing saw a blast of flames go by him and now knowing the other was a fire bender he was pretty certain that it was in fact the man he had helped. Sighing Shing crossed his arms. "Well sorry, I'm not having the best luck in the seeing department so woops if I stepped on your toes." He muttered before he thought about something. "Anyway the one asking is the guy that helped you get out of the freezing cell. If you don't remember me then you have a worse memory then a senile geezer. I doubt you are that old...right?" He asked doing horrendous in the manners department. Uncrossing his arms he took a small breath and started to scratch his head. "You are obviously a firebender so I figured you may know something. Has your fire, ever...just stopped? Like one battle it is working fine and the next it's moment it's refusing to light?" He asked figuring he should see if this is a common thing. He didn't know if this was bad or not seeing as he had lived in a actual cave for most his life and therefore doesn't know a thing about blocked chakras.

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Ina looked at the man darkly she didn't like the fact that the watcher was inside her. She swished her tail with a great fury as she looked at the man. Never seeing any spirit inhabiting a human before it severely freaked her out. Under her breath she gave a low hiss, "Watcher." She remembered him from the sprit world, it was much older than her and it creeped her out. Him watching everything and everyone all the time it made her fur bristle and tail twitch. She glared at him as he walked away, staying very still.

So focused on the man leaving she didn't even notice the kid. Ina nearly jumped out of he skin. She gave a loud yelp and spun around pulling the kid along with her. "WHAT THE-? YOU KID LET GO!!" She began to spin her tail around and then flick it up and down trying to get the kid off her tail. She climbed a wall and shook the kid off her tail before jumping off and hiding behind the girl who called her cute. She seemed nice and she smelt really good. Ina hid behind the girls legs and hissed at the boy like a cat. "Don't touch my tail human!!" She stuck her tongue out at him and pouted.

@NessieAlways @Guilded Clover
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Sogata looked at the food and felt his mouth salivate. Being out cold for seven days made a guy starving. His stomach let out a big "GRRAAAAAAAHHHHHH" He took his tattooed arm and ran it through his hair and chuckled. "SLeeping for seven days straight makes a guy hungry. He sat down and started to eat. He amassed a giant collection of food. Before he ate he looked at Jeng. "After breakfast you and I are going to train..." He took a bite from his plate..."Dis twaining 'ill beh esway." He said with food in his mouth. He swallowed his food. "You have the physical aspect of discipline, now we train you mind." He said as he started to eat. He scarfed down his food, showing that he had little to no table manners. After he was done he patted his full stomach and looked at the sky.
NessieAlways said:

At got mad at the fact that the guy wasn't turning. He debated on following him for a second, but the thought of the guy baiting him crossed his mind. Ryo stopped walking letting the guy go. He wasn't about to get lured into some shady place and get jumped again. However, Ryo began to trail the guy staying a good enough distance behind so he would be seen by him or his spirit dog. Although he wasn't exactly sure how long he could fool a spirit, he was sure the guy wouldn't see him coming, unless he had some crazy senses. Ryo was good at following people and hiding out from others, so he just kept a good eye on the fellow and a proper distance. If he was corret, this might be his chance of getting to the Fire Nation.



Tadeka just narrowed his eyes at the girl. He was trying to be polite and she wasn't accepting his offer. "Alright, then you can follow me. Do you have a place to stay? " Without waiting for the Terra to respond, he began walking towards the village. "There's not much to do in this village, but we do have some great local cuisines." He began talking giving Terra a small tour of the place. "Over there is Kona's Kitchen. Good food, just stay away from the dumplings." Next he pointed to a medium sized building that was build from stone. The place looked like it was falling apart. "That's our inn. If you don't have anywhere to stay, just 3 stones a night. Although many people prefer the alleys. Not sure why. I'd offer our house, but it's currently full at the moment." The last sentence Tadeka said had an angry tone to it. It wasn't that he didn't enjoy helping out people as much as his wife did, he just preferred if they stayed away from his personal space, but how can he turn away the Avatar and his friends especially when his wife was so insisting. Tadeka was a grouchy old man, but he loved his wife. As long as she was content, he'd be willing to greet teenage girls and give them tours around the Village.



Mayu listened carefully as Opal talked. She saw a lot of herself in the girl. Putting up a strong front for everyone to see was not easily especially when everyone had certain expectations from you. She noticed Opal clutched her stomach. She wasn't sure what the reason for the action was, but felt it was something that should be left unsaid for the time being. As Opal finished Mayu already had an idea of what had happened. There was an initial shock and urge to hug the girl, but Mayu restrained herself. "Strength doesn't come from how long you can keep things bottled up, but by accepting it and choosing to move on." She looked at Opal with a sincere look on her face. "All wounds heal over time. Some might take longer than others, and some night re-open over the years. It's just a part of life, but healing is a process. The first step to overcoming a situation is accepting the truth and reality of it."

Mayu joined Opal in staring off into the village when they were joined by Sogata. He seemed very enthusiastic and Mayu couldn't help but smile. "Yes dear, I'm Mayu Sama leader of the village. Glad to see you're finally awake. We were afraid...well that doesn't matter now does it." They were soon joined by the Avatar and a spirit Mayu had felt arrive this morning. "Good morning Avatar Jeng." She turned to the spirit greeting her as well. "Ms. Yushi" It was beginning to get late and Mayu had several errands to run. "Breakfast is ready. There's bread and jam set on the table and warm tea on the stove. Please help yourselves." Though it wasn't much, it was all of what Mayu had to offer. A small part of her felt terrible of not being able to provide the Avatar with a decent breakfast. Mayu retreated inside to pick up the breakfast she would be delivering this morning.

As she walked into the market people began to gather around her making friendly conversation while she passed out loaves of bread and tiny jars of jam. From the corner of her eye she spotted a woman in a hoodie lingering around the crowd. With a friendly smile, Mayu walked up to her. "Would you care for some breakfast dear? "

@Flutterby @Dakup @jamaicanviking @theunderwolf @too much idea


The little kid looked at Cal 'Vina wrinkling his nose from the bad alcohol smell. He smell's worse than cleaning up after an armadillo lion. "What's a gwab?" He looked over at the girl who had also joined in asking if Cal'Vina was okay. Unlike Cal' Vina, she smelled nicer so Kenji began to inch closer to her. "Hi Zira!" As soon as she asked about the flyers Kenji's eyes sparkled, "Yes of couwse you can has one!" Kenji handed over a flyer to the girl, "I'm Kenji. Nice to meet- Woah!" Just as a spirit jumped on Cal' Vina Kenji ran behind Zira as if she'd protect him. As Kenji got a good look of the spirit, he became thrilled with it's tail and ears. He touched his own head wondering if he could grow some ears. His sister had ears, but she wasn't a spirit. She was just weird. They're a gift from her mother, his father had said, but he didn't really know what he meant by that. Kenji slowly walked over to the spirit as it talked careful not to make himself noticed. He wanted to touch that tail. Once Zira's guard eased up Kenji was already behind the spirit smiling at how close he was to the furry tail swishing from side to side. "Do any of you guys feel that?" As soon as Zira spoke, Kenji jumped towards the spirit's tail and hugged with with all his might loving the way the soft fur felt on the palms of his hands and cheeks. "So soft!"

@Orikanyo @Guilded Clover @The Suspicious Eye


The blind kid bumping into him was not expected at all. He thought he was alone on the outskirts of the village practicing his bending, so when the guy shoved into him, Riichi lost control and send a ball of fire into some bushes. They lighted up almost instantly. "Shit! Watch were you're going!" Riichi ran over to a bucket of water he had carried with him just in case, something his master had though him, and dumped it on the bush. When the guy asked if Riichi had been the guy at the smuggler's cave, he froze unsure if he wanted to answer that question. "Depends...who's asking." Riichi debated if he should own up to his mistake of leaving and just get the guilt off of his chest, or avoid humiliation and keep that secret to himself. For now seeing as the guy he was talking to was partially blind, he decided to figure out what his motives were before revealing anything about himself.



The rustle of the bush nearby made Izumi jump to her feet. "Who's there?" Back when Maka, a friend that had followed her into the Spirit World, was here, Izumi had only been approached by spirits once. She was doing a good job at hiding from them when she heard noises. But now, she was exposed and the only place to hide was the one making the noise. "I'm a high skilled warrior!" she warned although it wasn't exactly true. Saying, however, made her feel safer as if that would scare away the threat. Izumi looked at Dapi who had jumped behind her almost instantly. She could feel him trembling in her leg. She had to be brave for him. "Who's there?" She asked again not really sure if she wanted to know the answer, but that was the only thing that came to mind. "Show yourself!" Izumi opened her stance ready to fight whatever came out of the bush.

@Guilded Clover
The old lady kindly invited her for dinner... But is it really safe? This old lady could be a part of a gang of thieves who trap traveles. But deducing from how the townspeople have some sort of respect to her, maybe she's simply a kind old lady. Since this town doesn't have a good hotel, maybe Chen could stay in this old lady's house until tomorrow.

"Really, mam?" Chen smiled under her hood, accepting the lady's invitation. "Thank you for helping a stranger like me."
Zira Ishihara

Zira took the flyer and studied it for a moment. She looked back at the kid and smiled. "Kenji is such a cute name! A cute name and a cute face." She waved goodbye to Cal'vina, who seemed to stumble away. Such a weird guy, but nice though. Zira jumped back at the sound and sight of Ina running around with Kenji literally on her tail. Zira covered her mouth so no one would notice her laughing. Once she stopped, she assessed the current situation. She took a step forward towards Kenji to help him up. "Goodness, Kenji, you shouldn't jump on tails that don't belong to you. That's very rude and you can hurt yourself. You're not in trouble, but you should apologize." Seeing that nothing truly bad happened to Kenji, Zira turned her attention to Ina. "And you shouldn't fling small human children around like that. They could get killed from that. You're not in trouble either; I just hope you know that."

She paused to realize what she was saying. "Wow, I really sounded like my mother there for a second." She stood there in silence for a second before continuing. "I hope you two can become friends and move past this." Like there was anything to put behind. Zira gave a large smile to the both of them until she heard a familiar voice. "Zira! We must leave immediately. We do not have time for this foolishness!" Togai stomped over to her and looked at the ones around her. He scoffed at Ina and looked indignantly at Kenji before grabbing Zira's arm. He took another look at Ina and backed up a little. "What is that?" His face turned to disgust. Zira narrowed her eyes. "That is a spirit, Mr. Togai. She's not going to hurt me and she will not hurt you if you don't attack her." Her voice got a bit harsher. She hated it when her father or Togai or anyone was being rude towards spirits or anyone in general; it made her skin crawl. Togai quickly got an idea. "Well, maybe this spirit knows where the Avatar is," Togai stepped over to where he could see Ina. "Spirit, where's the Avatar? Come on, we don't have all day."

@NessieAlways @The Suspicious Eye @Orikanyo


Fai tilted her head at the sight of the girl. "She looks so helpless. Confident and brave, but ultimately helpless." He spoke softly to himself before carefully making his way out of the brush. He wanted to go slowly so the girl won't try to kill him. He rarely ever showed himself to a human anymore, but this time, it felt necessary. It took a while before his whole body was visible. Fai was so much taller than Izumi; he practically towered over her. He stopped and looked at the girl. "Hello."

Opal accepted Mayu's wise words in silence, solemnly bowing her head. She jumped slightly at the sound of Sogata's voice, her gold eyes flashing with intense guilt, although a note of anger hid beneath. "Morning." She greeted, voice tight. It wasnt until Jeng's voice sounded that she relaxed slightly. He burst in with a happy greeting, bringing a smile to her face. As his guest was introduced, she gave a small nod before moving to the stove and retrieving the tea. She poured everyone a cup, her movements less deft with the bandages on one hand. When she handed Jeng his, she leaned close and gave his cheek a very soft peck, making quick but needing the contact. With that, she sat and served herself, taking delicate, cautious bites of the food. "The two of you shouldnt train physically for a few days more. And you, Sogata, need to be careful with anything. Its not a good sign that you were out for so long."

@jamaicanviking @Dakup @theunderwolf
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theunderwolf said:
She tried to introduce herself then leaned into Jeng "Was that ok? Was that appropriately not stressful? I'm not sure."
"You're doing fine," Jeng muttered in reply, sitting down at the table shortly after (and subsequently receiving a small kiss from Opal, eliciting a slight pink blush from his face.) The food looked quite good as well, despite being rather simple; then again, Jeng was never one to turn down food anyway, so perhaps he was biased. Adding He was about to take a bite out of a slice of bread when Sogata suddenly brought up continuing his training. The group had been out of commission for so long that hearing about it was almost foreign to him. That wasn't to say he wasn't still eager to learn, however; the sooner he learned firebending, the sooner they'd be able to get back into the fight. That is, unless the fight came to them first. "More fussing over keeping a flame lit?" Jeng joked, sipping from his cup of tea.

@theunderwolf @Flutterby @Dakup
Ina sat down and tried to straighten out her tail. Ugh now it's all messed up from that human grabbing onto it. A human on MY TAIL!! She shook her head as she finished putting it back in place. She remembers how her younger sisters/underlings would constantly try to climb on her and pull her tail. "And you shouldn't fling small human children around like that. They could get killed from that. You're not in trouble either; I just hope you know that." She looked up when Zira scolded her, she caught her name from the boy Kenji, "Bah! Tell the boy not to mess with a spirit like I'm some kind of pet. I am not a babysitter or a play thing! He's lucky he hasn't angered me." She tossed her head up in defiance. However she glanced at the boy and was somewhat, mildly, just a small microscopic bit relieved he was alright.

Suddenly she sensed another human arriving behind her and she turned around quickly. There was a older man who grabbed onto Zira quite tightly. Ina quickly got up to her feet and hissed at the man, she didn't like his smug attitude. "That is a spirit, Mr. Togai. She's not going to hurt me and she will not hurt you if you don't attack her." She appreciated, Zira defending her at least although she certainly didn't need it from a human. She stood up and dusted off the dirt from her clothing as the man spoke. "Well, maybe this spirit knows where the Avatar is. Spirit, where's the Avatar? Come on, we don't have all day." Ina didn't move a inch for the man as he came over, she looked at him up and down, then at his soul, and smiled. She tilted her head at him and her eyes flashed a blazing blue. She punched him square in the chest with enough force to knock the wind out of him, but not kill him. She scoffed and looked at the man, crossing her arms she spoke. "I don't know if you are dumb, ignorant, mentally impaired or just stupid but you don't talk to me like that." She kicked him, "We spirits are stronger and better than you in every way, and we don't take commands from filthy unappreciative humans like you." She spat a blue flame onto the ground and looked down at the man, her eyes filled with dangerous hate. "Now tell me what your business is with Avatar Jeng and I might help you if you beg for it. Or maybe I should just kill you here and now? I actually like that plan a lot more." She gave him a cold look, unfeeling as she took another step towards him.

@Guilded Clover @NessieAlways

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