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Fandom Avatar: Spirits Awaken

"Name my price?" Takeo asked as he jumped off of Gantz and strolled over to Ryo. He circled him twice once going clockwise the other going counter clockwise. ".... You have nothing on you worth taking. Well built, water jugs ready to bend at any time... You would be perfect as a body guard. I can tell you are a strong man... Shame I don't need one." He said with a shrug. Before he walked over to gantz and jumped back on. "I don't think this guy has anything I need or really want." He said, now turning his attention to his faithful companion.

The wolf snorted as it lay down on the grass half asleep in the comfortable park. "....... Hmmm Actually! I know something you can do!" Takeo said with a grin as he turned to face Ryo now sitting in criss cross position. "I forgot to get something very important! If I don't have it, my journey will be a million times harder." He said his cheerful expression growing serious as he narrowed his eyes at Ryo. "Across the city there is an inn, called the Four Benders. I need you to go behind this inn where you will find a sewer, go in there. Take two rights, a left and then go through the middle tunnel. When you get there you will find a small shop, pass this shop and take the second left passing one tunnel. Here there will be a small alcove with a desk and a few...different, items, don't look at the merchandise and don't ask what they sell. There should be an old women there, tell her I sent you before saying the secret code. Which is Mooooo, yes you must moo like a cow, no I'm not joking. After you do that she will hand you a huge package. Don't ask what it is, don't open it, and ignore the smell. If you bring that back to me I'll give you a lift." He said in a dead serious tone before grinning. "And don't fret I won't leave as soon as you go... I'll wait one hour before leaving. This is the only thing I want from you, if you don't do it you will have to find another way to the fire nation. Your choice~"

Shing crossed his arms and looked at Richii. "Not telling you? You are keeping who you are from me as well. I said a cave not a base by the way." He said as he narrowed his eye at the older man. "As for what happened... I was being completely awesome. Sure I got caught, but when I got out I helped a few team mates and then procceded to get Crystal here." He said with a smirk before it faltered a bit. ".... Though things did get a bit hetic when the spirit army arrived, nothing I couldn't handle of course!" His smirk once again returning, but his body actually tensed a bit when he talked that sentence. "And what do you mean inside me? Besides my wounds and my temporary terrible vision I feel fine." He said with a shrug not really getting it.

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Terra continued smiling at Mayu and considered her question carefully. Despite how Tadeka had actually treated her Terra felt like there was no need to bring it up in conversation. It wasnt like she hadnt been treated similar to that before so instead of expressing feelings Terra felt Mayu was expecting she just shrugged her shoulders and said "He was nice and yes. Thank you by the way for all of this" Terra took another glance around and stopped shortly on Mayu's house, trying to ask as delicately as possible Terra begin with "I dont mean to intrude but your husband mentioned you had a full house ?" Before stopping to see if Mayu would be more open with answers than her husband.

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Ina twitched her tail furiously as the man threatened her. She gave him a toothy grin, "if you think the fire nation scares me than you deserve to die." She had been hunted by worse than simple humans, she isn't afraid of any nation. The more she looked ar the man the more he angered her. Ina hated humans who seem to think that spirits should care about human classism. She was about to follow up in her threat when Zora stepped in front of her.

Ina's eyes shifted from their blazing blue back to gold and looked at the girl. She liked her more than the other humans, the girl knows respect. She listened to the girls reason for wanting to meet the avatar with a open mind. Zira seemed sincere and Ina respected that. As the girl left Ina overheard her talking to the boy about being at the circus tonight. When she left she decided to bring Jeng there so they can meet.

Ina turned and looked at the odd box that ran off after Zira's carriage. She was tempted to chase after it but followed the boy, Kenji. She chased after him and grabbed the boy off the street leaping high into the air. "Don't freak out kid." Then she jumped from rooftop to rooftop till she Landed in the vourtyard where Jeng and the others were. She hoisted the kid over her shoulder and walked in. "Jeng!? Geez where are you?" She slammed open every door until she found a group of people including someone she didn't know. She plopped Kenji on the ground and looked at the woman, "who's she?" Her tail twitched, as Ina started getting territorial. She didn't like new people.

@Flutterby @jamaicanviking @too much idea @NessieAlways
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Yushi watched the proceedings with no little boredom. She was ready explode. She was a wind spirit! She should be running about! Flying! Punching people! But her boredom was immediately relived by the harried looking women who burst in the door. Yushi watched the exchange with a bored interest. Apparently the women was a police chief in republic city and was on the trail of some smugglers. At the mention of those Yushi leaned forward in interest. She'd run into smugglers before and they were a bad bunch, and lately she'd heard rumors of smugglers who abducted spirits. "Finally some action, she muttered, "I want a shot at this guy." She was interrupted when she felt something coming. Some powerful spirit. Yushi tensed and started spinning the wind around her, ready to attack. She relaxed when the spirit entered. She leaned over to Jeng and whispered, "you weren't kidding, that's the freaking Inari Hi no Tama Aburagae Koemonbi Ushionibi how the heck did you get her?' But to spirit she said, "I'm Yushi, friend of the Avatars, airbender. It's Ina right?"

@Flutterby\[/uSER \]@jamaicanviking @too much idea @NessieAlways@The Suspicious eye
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(Hope this is okay? But I was planning on being a somewhat antagonist at first since that's the best way I can find myself fitting into this Rp)

It was a new day and Tremki woke up feeling a lot fresher than normal, before even getting out of bed his awakening had been interrupted by his mother who had then gave him a piece of paper simply stating "It's for you." before walking out of his room the piece of paper seemed to be a written letter rather than a picture this time, the details of the letter seemed somewhat encrypted as if it were only meant to be read by one or two people. Tremki read aloud to himself when in bed as he read the letter "If you have read this far it means you've already accepted this mission, I've gotten word that a group of benders have made their way to Fire Fountain City. Your mission as you may be wondering is to make sure that whatever these benders want they don't get; There are currently two other fire benders who would be willing to help, I'd like you to also take them into consideration when completing the mission. Make sure no one knows of the details on this letter or who you got it from. Gray" Tremki sighed and rubbed the back of his neck after reading "What a drag, well maybe these other two fire benders may be interesting.." he told himself curiously bouncing out of his bed and placing what clothes he needed on, telling his mother he'd be leaving for a few days Tremki set off to Fire Fountain City.


(Hope this is better)
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Zira Ishihara

"Spiritual problem?" Zira couldn't speak very well. "Like spirit possession?" She backed away from him. She was a little frustrated, but she thought she could at least try to help him. "Well, yes, I am looking for the Avatar, but I don't know where he his. However, I might be going to the circus," she pulled out the flyer and showed it to Cal'vina. "Who knows? Maybe Avatar Jeng will be there. He might be the type who likes things like that." Zira looked back at the car and saw the guards look at her cautiously. "Don't worry, he's safe."

She turned back to Cal'vina. "Do you want to go to the circus with me? Or us, shall I say?" She looked back at the car and saw Togai's eyes almost about to pop out. She gave him a big smile and held up the flyer for the circus. Togai immediately shook his head. "Hold on a second." Zira walked to the passenger side window and showed the flyer again. "No. We don't have time for a circus. We need to find the Avatar." Togai scoffed at her. "Maybe the Avatar will be there," Zira put on her puppy dog eyes. "Please? Pretty please?" Togai shot a quick glance at Zira before responding with, "No. Get in the car. We're leaving." Zira sighed and looked at Cal'vina. She retreated back to him and sadly shook her head. "I guess I can't go... Wait!" She leaned in closer to him, like she was about to tell him a secret. "How about I sneak out? I could leave the tent while everyone is asleep and go to the circus myself? And you can help me. So, how about it?" She smiled at Cal'vina.



Fai stopped in his tracks. "Of course you know that there are spirits who hate humans right?" His eyes narrowed as he thought. She probably isn't fond of spirits. "If they find you, they will try to kill you here. Or anywhere they see you. But not all spirits are like that. Not me." He put his hand down. "I will help you. But first, you must trust me. I am not very strong, but I am fast. You may not know the way out, but I do. Trust me on that." He lowered himself down to Izumi's height. "This place is not safe."

Ren gave off a daemonic smile as heavy rock flew straight into his zone. The rocks gave off a whizzing sound, and the very air could be seen blowing around the cursed thing. Ren pulled out his arms, and captured one of the three disks to shield himself from a blast of raw flame. .87 seconds, so close for a penalty, but did they pay 'em off? Possible... dual Firebenders with a Waterbender. Ren roared out, "Tyrant-3!" Ren and his team tossed out their stone disks like a arcade scattershot, one straight at the foe and two seemingly at the audience. The benders formed their attacks to defend against the attack, but Ren stated bluntly, "Engage..." The disks flew in another direction, slamming the chest of the waterbender and knocking the wind right out of his body. The Dual firebenders were knocked head over heels, but most of their inertia went forward. Only the waterbender was knocked down a level. This was going to be a long match...
It was a long walk for Tremki, he often preferred travelling by foot and taking any carriages for other transport by now he was pretty good with his geography and new where to go most of the way just from memory, once reaching Fire Fountain city it wasn't hard to hear the commotion already going on 'A fight? Already?' he was somewhat confused, he was expecting to be dealing with the group alone but it seemed someone already beat him to it 'This is going to be a long day..' he thought to himself as he entered the city and made his way towards the commotion.

Ina turned to the Airbender who she hadn't noticed until now. She never really paid much attention to Airbenders they never had any discarded souls and they were pacifists. However, this one was different. It was the air around her, it felt somewhat familiar to Ina. She knew that prescence and that name. That name is so familiar.... it reminds me of that spirit, that waged war in the skies. I hated that spirit. Her thoughts trailed of as she stopped caring about the past.

Not being one to ponder she raised a eyebrow at the girl and looked her over. She looks normal. Then she sniffed the air around the girl, catching the various scents. She smells weird. It's to muddled to tell. Accepting the girl for now, she gave her a small nod "yes I am, although my name is Inari Hi no Tama Aburagae Koemonbi Ushionibi i simplify it to Ina for humans." She looked into the girl's eyes, she was too tired to look into the girls soul. If she had, she would have seen the spirit for what it was. She spoke in a callous tone. "Your name is quite odd for a human." Her tail swayed a little as she spoke, still not trusting the newcommer.

Ina stepped on the tails of Kenji's shirt to keep him from running. "And you. You're not going anywhere runt. Not until you take us to the circus." She crossed her arms and glared at the kid. Looking to Jeng she added, "there's someone who wants to see you, there."

@jamaicanviking @theunderwolf @NessieAlways
Jeng raised an eyebrow at the mention of the word 'circus'. "Wait, what? We're going to a circus?" He hadn't expected to go anywhere today, but he wasn't going to turn down an excuse not to do candle exercises. Besides, it would be a good distraction from the group's various injuries. Jeng moved his attention from the fizzled candle to the young boy, whom Ina had decided to drop off here for reasons not yet apparent. "I haven't been to one of those in a long time," the Avatar said with a smile, kneeling down to the child's eye level. "I'd love to come, actually! I just hope it doesn't get too crowded if the news spreads that we're stopping by."

@NessieAlways @The Suspicious Eye
A Few Days Before.....

With his traveling gear equipped and supplies on person and with a few parting words, Ivan left home for the wide open world. He has traveled before but that was when he was little, he could barely even make a flame on his pinkie at the time. He sighed as he looked to the sky and mumbled to himself "Here I go...." And off he went down the street heading towards the way outside.

Present day

He had arrived at Fire fountain city not too long ago. He hasn't been keeping up to date on the place for awhile now so he has no clue on what's happening but he has heard something about a circus by gossiping locals. He wondered if it would be nice to see one especially since he's older now...... He shrugged and went off to go buy a ticket if they weren't sold out.
Tremki entered the city and was quiet impressed with the place "Woah! This place looks great!" he said with joy as he rushed to the center of town, it wasn't long before he came across the word 'circus' and now that he actually payed attention, most of the city was talking about the circus showing in the city it came to his mind that perhaps these guys looking for the Avatar might try starting here besides Circus's are amusing to watch anyway.

Tremki headed towards the circus and bought himself a ticket, his image seemed to stand out within the crowd as he went to get himself a ticket he decided to skip that part and walk straight in despite two men trying to stop him it didn't take much for Tremki to slip his way through the crowd and being lost in it before anyone could do anything further, Tremki made his seat in the middle row making sure he got a good view of the stage and stadium that they were standing on.

Ryo's eye twitched as the guy talked through the instructions he had to follow. He was too familiar with the inn and sewer as many of his past trades had been done in the general area, though he'd never ventured into the sewer. The plan was sketchy. Going into a dark tunnel to a secret shop was not what Ryo had in mind for payment. He had robbed, captured, stole and even beat up a person, but he wasn't expecting going into a secret hide out. Guess that's the type of jobs the Mayumis are into. Secretive missions so they don't get caught Ryo thought about what he had to do. It was simple go retrieve a package and be on his way. The tricky part was making it on time. An hour wasn't nearly enough time to cross the city and reach the Inn let alone come back. That was, if he wasn't walking into a trap. Ryo's mind was racing. He could either take the a risk and hope this wasn't a trap, or turn around right now and come out alive. Ryo groaned, "Just an hour? It's half way across town. I need more time."



"Well if you're fine then I guess you'll have no problem bending." Riichi smirked instantly jumping in the air and blasting flames with kick towards the boy. Though he was careful not to hit him since his blindness put him at a disadvantage, Riichi hoped it would be enough to provoke the guy to fight. He wanted to know just how bad his current bending was. For some reason, Riichi hoped that it was just the guy being too blind to see his bending and that his chi wasn't actually blocked by something deeper. It'd be easier to help him see again than it would be to unblock his Chi. Without hesitation Riichi landed from the jump and instantly threw two beams of fire from his fist. "Let's see how good you are."



The lady laughed at the mention of a full house. "Ah yes..." She leaned closer to the girl. "The Avatar and his friends are actually taking residence in my humble home while they recover from a terrible incident" Mayu returned to her normal position. "I'm thinking about holding a feast in the evening. Would you care to come?" Mayu smiled brightly at the girl. She had already invited enough people to the dinner she might as well just make a dinner party. That meant she had to pick up extra things from the market in order to make a decent meal.



"I'm flying!" Was Kenji's initial thought at being suddenly lifted into the air. His flyers flew all over the place as he lost his balance at being bolted into the air. Although when he realized his new power came with the fox spirit attached to his back, Kenji began to squirm and wiggle. "Let me go mean spiwit! Let me--umph" Kenji was hoisted into the spirit's shoulders as she searched for a person named Jeng. Kenji didn't know who this Jeng person was, but if he was friends with the spirit he didn't want to meet him. "I don't weally want to be spiwit food you know and I weally need to -umph" Once again Kenji was back on the floor sitting in front of a weird looking group of people. A lady introduced herself as Yushi before calling the spirit that had kidnapped him Ina. So she has a name... As Kenji looked at the airbender he couple help and notice how pretty she was. Kenji was a realy ladies man. Out of nowhere there was a tug at the back of his shirt and Ina began yelling at him again. "You didn't have to take me away to go. You could have gone by youwself mean spiwit" Kenji stuck his tongue out at Ina. The boy of the group began speaking expressing his excitement over the circus. A gleam of light crossed Kenji's eyes. "I can have daddy give you all special seats! Fow a little bit extwa of couwse!" Though the kid was small he was quick in making business and if special seating was what the spirit's friends wanted then he could do that for a price.

@The Suspicious Eye @jamaicanviking @theunderwolf


The spirit, now at her height, seemed amiable. Izumi lowered her guard tentatively wondering if this spirit was actually good. If she weighed the pro's and con's of the situation, the pro's beat out the con's although the con's seemed a lot more dangerous. Izumi made a new friend, Pro. Friend was a spirit, Con. Izumi wasn't being attacked, Pro. He might like to play with his food, Con. Izumi could actually get help from someone who knew there way around the spirit world, Pro. He lead her to a group of spirits and she died, Con. She'd finally see her brother, Pro. She'd stay in here forever, Con. She took in a sharp breath, "Fine! You can follow me if you'd like.But no funny business. " Izumi knew that was not the case. If anything she'd be following him, but she couldn't let herself seem weak or in need. The stern look left her face and Izumi smiled. "I'm Izumi and this is my buddy Dapi."

@Guilded Clover


She had been sitting with her guards in the presidential suit looking over the game. MiYun grabbed hold at the edge of her seat as she cheered on the teams though she wasn't familiar with them. Going to the pro-bending matches had become a daily thing for MiYun as the championships approached. She had planned on seeing every game possible and keep score to see who would make it to the championship. The winner would become MiYun's new favorite team. As the game went on Miyun jumped out of her chair cheering as the Earth bender from the left side knocked back the waterbender from the right "Yes! Go get him!" Since the right side had two fire benders, MiYun had found herself cheering on the opposite team more, though she had to admit the fire benders had pretty sick moves.



"Hi there!" The cat girl sneaked up behind two men. "You too look like smart fellows. Are you smart fellows?" She was speaking fast paced with a wide smile on her face. Keiko jumped above them landing right in front of their faces. They towered her greatly, but that didn't' scare her perkiness away. "The name's Keiko. Care for a tour?" Without waiting for the men to answer, Keiko linked her arms with each one and began to walk. "It's a wonderful place we've got here, ya know? Got a little kid, let him have a ride in our flying bison. Not a fan of heights, we've got camephalant's eager to take you around! Like the adrenaline life? I'm sure the goat gorilla's will make it worth your money." Keiko went on and on advertising the wonderful animals of the circus as she walked around the tent with the men who had just arrived. They gave an entire walk around before ending up right were they had started. Keiko let go of the men she had given a quick tour to and smiled confidently. "So what da ya say fellows? Interested in buying a ticket to our wonderful circus?"

@Archdemon @Sinister Clown
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Ren and his team like a phalanx line slammed their small disks together, and let them float around each other like a shield. The disks flew out to help intercept fire blasts, but they were running low on disks. Why did they have to be regulated, when those damn firebenders could just do it whenever they wanted to? Plus that waterbender, water was moving straight up from the near lake they were standing above into those tiny metal gratings. Essentially, they had much more resources then Ren and his team. Chou, the disciplined female fighter of the group, nodded her head to the right, trying to signal a movement. After calculating for a few seconds, Ren got interrupted by multiple blasts of flame from the firebenders. They were tired of waiting apparently!

Ren skid back, using the flimsy disk that was becoming brighter and brighter. They were burning it into brick at this point! They kept on fighting as he kept on blocking, but Ren decided that it was time to kick it up a notch. As he blocked a final shot from the firebenders, he spun and transformed the glowing hot molten disk all the way. The disk, still holding its shape from a thin casing, flew straight at the waterbender. Click, the small shutters opened and the next wave of disks popped out. The onslaught began once again, flames, water and many, many disks flooding the air. Ren snarled as he got smacked straight in the leg, slamming him down to a knee and then getting blasted down all the way back to third zone. Ironically, this is what he wanted to happen... as he lifted up his entire supply for the next half a minute, 9 entire disks.

Ren added a spin to the disks as he tossed them, plus with the addition of a small curve it would hit the side of the left firebender square in the rib cage as he tried to dodge one of Hitomi's attacks. He was hit straight back onto the disk, and almost carried straight off the platform. 1:30 seconds, one down, two to go. Correction, one to go! While Ren was helping with that combo dish drive Chou had already taken out the waterbender. No one was left in zone one, so Ren and his entire team moved up.

Chou was at the hostile first zone, Ren at second, and Hitomi at the first. Two disks flew out to sweep the legs out of the last firebender, while Ren was unleashed a marksmen rifle pace of attacks, bang-bang-bang-bang! However, that lasted for a few seconds until he began to gather a massive swarm. This would be his final move here. Chou and Hitomi were nipping the firebender, but he was still breaking through the stone with ease. Ren shot out four disks, two to either side before rebending them back, smashing them into the arms and legs of the Firebender. He yelped in surprise as two disks sent him falling into the abyss. :27 seconds, they won with only 4 moments left. Ren smiled up to the crowd, he felt bad that his team always tried to win by a total knockout but eh, it was the best way to win!
(oh my phone, so all dialogue is external, can't easily edit to bold : ( )

Cal'vina gave her a small look of surprise... maybe she wasn't so much of a goody two shoes after all! but quickly gave a large shrug and a nod. "Well, guess that's settled, I'll steal you away princess, don't you worry."

Looking around he chuckled a slight bit. "Should I dress as a dragon as well? Await a hero to come rescue you from my clutches? I'm not much of a fan of being slain you should know... Bah, I'll come to yea in the circus, be there anyways why not make some fun!" he laughed, turning from the woman with a slight wave.

"Excuse me as I go find somebody else to pester for awhile, circus ain't to far off but I'd rather spend time with friends instead of alone yea know." he dismissed himself from the area, ultimately accepting her offer to "kidnap" her. He wondered why she wanted this... Freedom? Possibly, things get stuffy if your treated like a porcelan doll... a porcelan doll with a leash on more like.

Regardless, he had work to do, people to see, all in due time. The circus tonight is is his goal, so he shall venture.

@Guilded Clover

(Cal will now wait till the circus whenever folks are ready for it.)
Takeo let out a groan at this laying down on Gantz back he sighed. "Consider it a work out... Fine! An hour and a half, if you can't get it within this time line I may as well go myself... Oh and once you get the package make sure no one takes it." He said with a yawn before waving his hand absent mindedly in the air. "Well? Go on then your time starts.... Now." Takeo said with a grin having no plans in giving him more time.

Shing had moved to the side when he saw the first attack come at him. "What are you doing old man!" He shouted as Crystal flew in front of him ready to attack. Though as Shing thought about it a smiled appeared and he petted Crystal. "It's fine girl, maybe a fight is what I need to get my flames working again. Nothing like adrenaline to make one stronger." He smirked and got in a fighting stance just as the next attack came. Moving to the side he dodged the flames and ran to Riichi's side to flank him. When he got there he sent two powerful kicks meaning to shot powerful jets of blue flames...but little happened. Flames left him, but they didn't even go four inches from his body. Gritting his teeth he backed away and threw a punch only for the same thing to occur to him. He looked at his hands in disbelief, but believing he didn't have enough adrenaline he ran forward to deliver a regular punch to Riichi's face.

Opal listened silently to the chatter now filling the small home, as more and more people, friends and strangers, began to fill up the place. taking her tea in small, slow sips, the fighter was uncharacteristically quiet, her golden eyes flicking back and forth between those speaking.
Ina glared at the kid, she really hated children. It wasn't like she never was one, she was young once, but even then she hated kids. She grinned as the kid tried to pull money out of them. Truth be told she was a litthe impressed, but she would t let any kid panhandle her. Grabbing his head tight she rubbed his head hard, leaning down to him she grinned a scary grin. "Now kid is that how you want to the Avatar? I think greedy kid should be punished. Maybe I should eat you whole." She snapped at that rear hehe kid's nose, just closely missing before letting go and laughing as she walked away.

She walked over to Opal and sat down next to her. Ina just stared at Opals boobs for a while and then looked up at her, "I can see why the avatar likes you." She said with and grin before continuing. "Your soul is very centered and stable. Even if you have no bending your chakra's are all aligned and strong. I can see it." She said motioning to her eyes. Then she leaned low ro th geound and whispered, "have him meet a girl named Zira at th circus. She claims to have important information for the Avatar. I might not be able to come with you when you go." She glanced at Yushi and then out the doors, "I have something to do here."

@Flutterby @NessieAlways @jamaicanviking @theunderwolf
Opal was acutely aware of Ina as soon as she sat down, but her eyes didnt move to the spirit immediately. When they did, she found Ina staring at her chest. Internally, the realization instantly made her feel intensely sick. But her face remained neutral. Ina's comment and grin were met with a raised eyebrow, almost as if she was amused and trying not to show it. In truth, she was revolted- not by Ina's apparent attention, by her own body. But the next words the spirit spoke surprised her. She had always been accused of being a wild soul by her parents and instructors, because her passion often overshot her skill. She inclined her head slightly. "I'll take that as a compliment, Ina. Thank you." Her ears caught the whispered words perfectly, and she gave another small nod. The fighter watched Ina go, both extremely unnerved and reassured.

@The Suspicious Eye
Ivan just blinked as out of nowhere a cat person basically dragged him around the circus showing him all the interesting stuff trying to convince him to buy a ticket. He looked at her and sighed slightly "Um..... I was gonna....... Buy a ticket until you pulled me away from the guy who sold the tickets.... Um thanks for the tour though!" He smiled as he walked back to the ticket guy. After receiving his ticket he walked inside and sat at the middle area but just a bit lower kinda like the second set of seats. He had to slightly adjust since the seats aren't exactly the most comfortable thing in the world and he sorta felt embarrassed since he pretty much stood out from everyone else with his metal chest plate and robes and pink hair.... But hey it's a circus what could go wrong!

@Sinister Clown

"Hey, leave the kid alone Ina," Jeng scolded, glaring at the spirit antagonizing the poor boy. That girl ain't right sometimes, the earthbender thought to himself, we aren't going to get anywhere if she just scares everyone. He turned back to the kid with an apologetic smile, hoping he wasn't too rattled by the experience. "Don't hold it against her, she's just...mean like that. But we can't really afford any special seats or anything, little man. Do you think your daddy can give a discount or something to the Avatar and his friends?" Jeng didn't want to sound like a cheapskate, flaunting about his position like that, but it was the truth: things were really rather tight on the monetary front, and he didn't want to start asking the old couple for anything more (despite them being as hospitable as they were.)

@NessieAlways @The Suspicious Eye
Tremki tilted his head at the small circus girl who showed them around before offering them a ticket 'What an odd girl..' he thought to himself scratching his head and accepting the ticket "Oh how kind, thankyou~" he said in a childish tone rushing into the circus waving to the others as he entered, he noticed the taller man who also appeared to be a firebender as he entered but decided to try not make any commotion as he searched.

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Terra's eyes widened at the mention of the Avatar and she couldnt help but turn her head towards Mayu and Tadeka's house in the hopes of seeing him and the rest of his group. Terra had heard about everything that had happened back in Republic city and was disheartened by the fact that she'd not been there to see it but she had already left to follow an underground fighting tournament. Turning her attention back on Mayu Terra returned her smile "If its not too much trouble" As much as Terra wanted to meet the Avatar she didnt want to put out Mayu and her husband anymore than she already had.

Sogata was sitting with the candles. He wasn't noticed, that was fine, he had training to do. He calmed his breathing down to a point where his heart beat slowed down to where it beated fifty times per second. He was focused on the flame. He took a breathe in, then out. "Burn bright, like a single candle flame within the darkness." He thought as the flame grew brighter and brighter. If you weren't closing your eyes the flames intense brightness would start to shine into your eyes. With each breath he took the flame got slightly bigger. This happened a couple more times. After the tenth time doing this process, the flame stopped. It flicked out. Sogata opened his eyes. The intense burn of his ember eyes flicked as he opened his eyes. "Oh shit." He mumbled under his breath.

He got up and walked over to the group. "A circus." Oh that was going to be fun. Fire nation circuses were the best. They had so many animals and interesting things to see. "I'm game for a trip to a circus... Hell it would be a good way to relax." He said as he dropped his hood. He had always had that hood. It felt good to let his face show, and let his hair hang down.

@Flutterby @jamaicanviking
Ina was tuning into the souls around her searching for ones she could claim. She found something that troubledher in the distance, a wavering soul on the brink of darkness a few miles away. Ina got up quickly and leapt onto Jeng's back. She grinned at him, "I'm just badass like that. Later!" She hoped off his back and dashed on all fours out the door.

She ran down the streets of the city towards the lost soul. Passing the sign reading circus she made her WY to the outskirts of town. There she stood for a moment sniffing out the lost soul. The scent of decay wad faint so she moved to her soul sight. A few meters away there was s small, hole in a tree, there the soul was waivering it's body slowly becoming dark. In ran over as fast as she vole till she was a few paves away she slowly stood up and took a step or to towards the spirit. "Hey there little one." The soul jolted and turned a soft shade of yellow. Ina raised up her hands and spoke in a soft feminine voice. "Oh don't be afraid, I won't hurt you. I just want to talk. Would you like to talk?" The soul returned to a pale blue and Ina continued, "I can see that you were left behind by the others. I know how it feels to be discarded especially by family. Don't worry, you're not alone. But this world is scary and sometimes we think we can't handle it. We get scared and angry" the spirit slowly grew black again. Ina added quickly, "but turning into a creature of anger will only cause you pain. It's not worth loosing yourself." She extended her hand and gave a soft smile, "you are not alone." The other souls Ina had collected appeared behind her, "we all understand your pain, we can help. Come with us." The soul tetered a little and then slowly floated towards Ina. She smiled and embraced it as it glowed in her chest. "Welcome to your new home Chihiro."

After meditating for a moment, she stood up and felt a little stronger. She looked back remembering passing the circus on the way here. Standing up she was about to go back to the city, when she felt a prescence behind her. The large dark spirit grabbed her and flung her into the city wall. There was a crunch as her body hit the wall and she fell to the ground. Spitting out some black blood she looked up only to smacked by the spirit again flinging her deep into the city. She landed near s group of shoppers, her body making a imprint on the ground. Ina stood up only to be slammed down by the dark spirit. Thus one was stronger than the others it's been around for a while. She glanced at the pedestrians, I have to get away from them or at least kill this thing now! The spirit opened its mouth wide and bared it's treeth into Ina's back and neck. She couldn't reach her holder and cursed in fustration. "Let me go!"

@Songbird500 @NessieAlways

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