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Fandom Avatar: Spirits Awaken

Opal glanced at Jeng with a small frown. They were struggling, the group of them, to come up with funds. But a circus sounded like such a nice break from everything..

The fighter pondered that for a moment, only interrupted by Sogata returning. He dropped his hood, and for a long moment she only stared at his face before dropping her eyes with another frown. Too much to think about there. She set down her now empty tea cup and retrieved her pack. Out of a tiny, hidden pocket, she withdrew a tiny pouch and tossed it onto the table. "That should be enough to get us into the circus. But if we use it, there goes our emergency fund." She said, before turning to the nearest mirror and beginning to braid her hair. It was difficult with her injured hand, but it kept her from looking at the pouch on the table, brown with gold lettering of 'Opal Gien'.
Yushi felt Ina's scruitny but sensed the spirit was tired and not able to quite make out what she truly was. Good. Just in case though, she swirled the air around her, dispersing her scent. Try smelling me now stupid fox. She thought meanly. But still it bothered her. Ina was powerful. If the fox couldn't smell past her now, she definitely would be able to later. And from the looks of her, the fox had definitely put some of the peaces together. Maybe I can Ignore it? Yushi thought, Let it happen when it happens. But then UGH. "I' can't damned think in here!" She muttered then stood and jumped from her seat. With a burst of air powered speed she ran out the door and jumped into the winds. She flew upwards like a rocket and floated a while. Wind in her ears. Flapping at her clothes and hair. She finally felt at peace. The air was nice but something was wrong. She felt it earp like it was trying to get away from something. Dark spirit. Her lip curled in distaste and she dove for it. Then stopped.as she saw Ina being punched through the wall. Well crap. Find me out or no. She's a friend of the avatars... and that dark spirit needs to go down. Not hesitating for another second, Yushi spun in the air and gathered a tornado around herself. She dove like a hawk and slammed into the spirit with the full force of the wind behind her. The spirit flew back into a wall and left its own little imprint. Not hesitating for a second, Yusi moved the maelstrom to her hands and spun it at at the dark one. The tornado hit it, making it scream in pain as th wind forced it back through the wall and even drilled a spiral pattern on its chest. "I don't think this is the time to be resting on the floor , Ina of the annoyingly long name." Yushi said with a fierce grin, "I don't think it's dead yet."

@The Suspicious Eye
"Wooot! yea! Kick its butt you two! Fight fight fight!!!" Cal'vina shouted from not far from the ruckus those three spirits were causing. Mind you he hasn't witnessed much, just that dark spirit ambushing the foxy lady, or was it man?, and the air head blowing it away like it was paper... now that he thought about it, that was actually the whole situation now wasn't it? So he really was here since the beginning.

Sitting down and getting comfy, he took another swig of his medicine. "First one to kill it gets a prize! Whats the prize? Well you'll have tah kill it and find out wontchyea!? HAHAHAHAHAH!" he shouted towards the two spirits, more as a joke then an actual thing... he could let them at his spare bottle of spirits.... hmmm.... a drunk spirit though... that would be a sight no doubt, enough of one to warrant the loss of his spare! Well, one of at least...

"Well dark thing? hurry up and stand back up, we don't got all day to wait, the contestants are waitin'~!" he shouted brashly towards the discombobulated dark spirit, which seemed to be recovering from it's last bottle of hurt, courtesy of Yushi. "Oh here he comes again loves, hurry up and claim that reward wouldchyea? I'm just burning to award it to you~!"

@The Suspicious Eye


(And now it went from an ambush to a game, wonder how this shall change things I wonder?)
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Ina fell back to the ground as the spirit was slammed back into the wall. She looked up to see the airbender she met before holding her ground against it. She glared at her, this is no ordinary human. In the background was the voice and scent of a familiar human that she had met earlier. HE was drunkenly shouting ridiculous banter. She didn't have time to worry about that now, she got up and growled to at Yushi. "Bite me," she said before dashing towards the spirit with lightning speed. Long blazing blue claws formed from her hands as she slashed at the spirit, tearing it to shreds in a instant. She didn't stop until the entire creature was gone body and all. She hated when things got the drop on her is made her aggravated to no end. Ripping and tearing at the body she grinned a little maliciously, "I guess this means I win."

What was left of the spirit vanished and Ina turned around to stare at Yushi. This time she was going to peek at her soul to see what made this air bender so strong. Instead of seeing a human soul with their respective chakras she saw Yushi's original form. Her tail bristled with anger, "so that's what makes you so strong. I knew you weren't a normal human. But hiding in that form.... I should have known it was you." She crouched down low to the ground ready to fight. "You'd think I recognize the name, but seeing you as you truly are well I'd know you anywhere. Yushi the Sky Beast. You terrorized a lot of spirits, back in the day. Including killing my childhood friend, I swore when I found you again I'd kill you. I thought when I was banished to this world I wouldn't get the chance. But I guess it's my lucky day." She glared at her eyes blazing blue, "Make your move, monster." Ina was going to fight Yushi here and now, she didn't care about what she had to say, she was going to kill her, right now.

@theunderwolf @Orikanyo
"We were competing? I wasn't aware." Yushi sighed then froze as Ina snarled. She listened in intently nodded. Shrugged and sighed, "So many things Ina.Though knowing you, You really don't care." Yushi sighed and started gathering the wind around her. Waves of air started coalescing around her. "First. The emphasis in that should be BACK IN THE DAY." Yushis voice took on a thunderous tone.. The air froze like the calm before the storm. Perfect stillness. Everything was silent for a split sec. ond. "Second.." Yushi started then moving so quickly she seemed to vanish, Moving faster then sound, Yushi grabbed ina by the coat and launched into the air, "I don't know who ths friend was, because I have killed a lot of spirits. A lot. But MAYBE IF YOU TELL ME I CAN PROPERLY APOLOGIZE AND ATONE FOR HER DEATH LIKE I'VE BEEN DOING FOR THE PAST 20 F@#$%&@ YEARS!" She flew over fire fountain city to the edge of town, where there was no one to be caught in the crossfire. "And finally..." Yushi said as she threw Ina at the ground,"If you still want to kill me after hearing all that. Lets keep it away from the humans and do this fairly." Yushi landed and took up a defensive stance, "So are you going to act like the ancient, wise spirit I know you are, or are we going to fight?"

@The Suspicous Eye

((Sorry I threw you around a bit, go ahead and smash Yushi though a few rocks if you feel like it))
yande.re 163607 sample animal_ears nanako_(shirogane_usagi) shirogane_usagi tail thighhighs.jpg

(Lol it's fine, let's get this road on the show.)

Ina was mad. Not only had she been thrown around this thing didn't know squat. She landed on all fours as the ground crushed beneath her, she coughed a little and laughed. "Hehehehehe...." She slowly stood up and soul energy flew around her like flames, rising up and around her body until it was a condensed shield of aura. She wasn't as strong as she used to be, but it would be enough to fight her. Moving her hands down to the ground she slowly gathered the energy around her, she grew calm and focused. It was unnerving, her voice was dark and serious, "20 years? Of atonement? Please that is nothing.... you couldn't even atone for a fly with that pathetic amount."

Soul energy flowed into her fingers causing blue energy to strike up them and around her body. "You know nothing at all you stupid low level child. You shouldn't have even come near me let alone try to fight me." She looked up at the girl, "if yo think you'll get out of this without injury, you are gravely mistaken." She shot up in the sky and floated there for a moment before shooting after her and broke through the torrent around her and grabbed her throat. Her hand would burn with in measurable pain. She shot down to the ground and ran Yushi across the ground through the city yet again, destroying vendor stands and carts as they passed by. "You don't know pain and for your atonement. IT SHOULD BE DEATH."She raised a clawed hand and shot down towards Yushi's head ready to pierce her skull.

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Zira Ishihara

Zira and her posse stationed themselves a little ways outside the city. The guards had set up the camp with a small tent being where Togai and one guard stayed and the car being where Zira and the other guard stayed. Zira herself sat with her legs out of the car door watching everything get set up. She clutched her travel bag in her hand. It held everything: some money, travel clothes, her nightgown, small packets of food, and a sleeping bag. In the trunk, she had her gliding staff in case she needed to fly away. She had prepared for the moment to run away for a long time. And luckily, tonight would be the night. Just a few more hours and then freedom. She smiled to herself, but hid it when Togai came over to her.

"We will stay the night here and then proceed to search for the Avatar in the morning. Hopefully, no spirits will continue to ruin this search and everything will be peace-" his voice was cut off by a boom that seemed to come from all around. Zira looked up to see dust blown up in the air some ways away from where the camp was. "Wh-What was that?" Zira stuttered. She hoped that whatever got thrown into the ground wouldn't come back up and attack them. The ground shook with the sound of yelling and powerful bending movements that no human could make by themselves. "Spirits...," Zira shuddered as she felt the presence of two powerful spirits near her. "Spirits are fighting in this area." "What!?" Togai yelled. One of the guards hushed him. "If they hear us, we might be found and killed." Togai stared at Zira for a moment before quickly motioning her and the guards into the car. "We will be in here until it stops. They better not come towards us." Zira shook in her seat. Maybe I'm not ready for this.

@The Suspicious Eye @theunderwolf


Fai smiled back at Izumi. "My name is Fai. I have been alive for many years and I know this place well. Don't worry, there will be no 'funny business'," he glanced down a Dapi. "That is cute." He didn't see many pets in the Spirit World and he liked seeing animals. His smile faded as he took a few steps back. "I must scout the area. So quiet down." As he listened for any suspicious activity, he heard a rustle come from the brush. The presence coming from that direction wasn't very strong, but dangerous nonetheless. He was startled when a growl came from the brush. "Hmm." He grabbed Izumi and Dapi and leaped onto a tree branch. "Something found us," He whispered. "Don't make too much noise or else it will attack."


((I'll let you describe the spirit because I have no ideas.))
The hand around her thought burned but Yushi sure as hell wasn't going to show it. She just simply slipped away like a spring breeze, moving naturally out of Inas grip like the Fox had no hold at all. "20 years might be nothing." She said in a whisper,' But I've got my whole life to do good, AND I'M GOing TO LIVE A DAMN LONG TIME." She Gathered every bit of air in the area around her and started spinning it. 'You call me low level. You call me a child.Well let me tell you. I maybe weaker then I was, but you're Pathetic." She launched her tornados, which cirss crossed into a helix as they roared towards Ina. But before they hit she activated her speed again and rushed ahead of her attack. She reappeared and punched Ina hard while shouting "You swore you'd take revenge of me? That you'd kill me!?" The tornadoes smashed into Ina and plunged her into the ground the earth again making a round crater. A crater in the middle of some humans camp. Oops "Dammit. Why am I doing this." She sighed and smashed into the ground next to Ina. "You kill me." Yushi said sadly, she did want to fight and her bloodthirst was pumping for the first time ever and it felt good, "And you just waste another life that could've done good in this world. And that would make you just as bad as I was. You get that. You'd just be another stupid killer." She sighed and looked around at the humans, "I'd get out of here everyone. We're probably going to wreck this place. Then with a sigh of resignation she took a defensive airbending stance, ready for whatever counter attack Ina would throw."

@The Suspicious Eye @Guilded Clover

She let out a loud cheer as the guards startled awake. They looked over at the Arena relieved that the game was over and they could go home now. As the guards helped MiYun out of her chair and out of the suit she stopped them "Not so fast. I'd like to meet the members of the winning team. Take me to them." The Guards looked at each other annoyed. It was like MiYun to stay and congratulate the winning team, but having been going to the games every day for over a week was becoming tiring to the guards. Nonetheless they escorted her to the locker rooms where the winning team should be meeting up. When she arrived she cleared her throat, "Hello? Anyone there?"



There was a brief second of hesitation after hearing the word "now" before bolting away from the guy and towards the inn. Of all the times people could have chosen to stroll around town, they chose today. It was almost impossible to take two steps before bumping into someone. He needed a better way to get to the other side of town. He stopped for a minute to think of how he could travel faster and then he found it. The roofs. Ryo propelled himself to the roof of a coffee house and began traveling through the roofs. He was a bit sloppy at first losing valuable time, but after a block or two he got the hang of it. As he reached the Inn Ryo had more trouble getting off of the roof than he did getting up, but after landing on a poor man's cabbage cart, Ryo stood back up and ran for the sewer. He wasn't entirely sure how much time he had left, but he was going to keep on running. Besides if he didn't get to the guy in time, he'd at least be alone to open the package and see what was so important.



"Ha!" Riichi laughed at the boy's attempt to bend blue flames. "You can barely hold up a fight and you want to go blue?" Riichi dodged his lame attempts at blue fire, "I can go blue." He stood with his legs open and brought blue flames to the palms of his hands. It had been a while since he's used colored flames. He was a bit rusty, but going against this fellow would be a piece of cake. Riichi flung his arms forward sending two fire balls in the direction of the boy, but before he could retreat he felt a fist on his face. Riichi retreated with a smirk on his face. "So this is your low point? No more bending?" Riichi stopped extinguishing the flames from his hands. "There's nothing wrong with not bending, but why hold yourself back when you have so much power?" Riichi looked at the boy hoping to get something more than a few feet of flames from him.



"Avataw?" Kenji's mouth dropped and looked over at Jeng, "You're the Avataw?!" He grinned from ear to ear, "I'm suwe Daddy could make an expection." Kenji knew he would allow the Avatar in for free since his presence in the circus would draw in people, but he wasn't too sure about his friends. Maybe discounts? "You should come meet Daddy! I'm suwe he'd love to meet the Avataw" He turned to the rest of the people in the room. "...and his fwiends! Daddy loves fwiends!" Kenji grabbed the Avatar's hand and tugged it slighty. "I can take you! Come on! Come on! Come on!" Before he was able to make it out the door a girl came out with a small pouch filled with money. "I'll talk to daddy! Maybe he can do something about money" Kenji smiled before dropping Jeng's hand and running out the door shouting, "The Avataw is coming to my show! The Avataw is coming to my show!"

@jamaicanviking @Flutterby


"Oh of course it isn't honey! I must go run some errands, but you're welcome to go to our hut. The kiddos should still be there having breakfast. You can help yourself." Mayu smiled kindly before bowing and walking away from the girl and heading to some of the nearby stands to buy extra stuff for dinner.



Keiko frowned at hearing the first guy saying she had taken him away from tickets, but the frown dissappeared when both men bought a ticket. "Great! I'll see you both inside!" Keiko disappeared into the circus tent and went behind the stage to get ready for the show.

@Sinister Clown



In the small time that she had met Fai, Izumi already felt like she could trust him. Maybe it was because of how he carried himself, or the fact that he hadn't eaten her yet. What ever it was, Izumi was glad she finally found a friendly spirit. "I wonder if this means not all spirits are mean..." As the two continued to chat there was a sudden growl coming from the bush. Just as before, Izumi assumed a fighting stance ready to take down whatever spirit was in the bush, but Fai had a different idea. She suddenly found herself being flung to a tree branch. When she regained her balance, Izumi looked down at the floor and found a humanoid looking creature with large bat like wings. Seeing the spirit make Izumi gasp outloud. "What....is-that?" She asked Fai.

@Guilded Clover

Ren and his team slowly exited the arena while heading into the locker room. All three of them cleaned themselves off by earthbending the dust and muck away. Faster, cleaner, and you can still wear your clothes! It was a swell thing, but at the end Ren began to put on his armor. It was awkward and silent, for they knew what he was about to say. Ren just let it out in a way that made his teammates go for a spin, "...You both know that I am going to Republic City, but you don't know for what do ya?" Chou looked over and spoke with a little touch of Malice, "...Joining another team and leaving us in the dust..." Hitomi in her normal over the top way aimed a single finger and screamed out, "Yeah! Whats up with that?!"

Ren was about to respond when the knocking sound of Mi Yun popped in. Hitomi screamed, "I knew it!" Ren sighed, with Chou further accusing him, "You straight up get a new manager to show up?!" Ren pushed them back before stating, "I was going over to Republic City because I got a letter! I am wanted for a new Earth Rumble Tournament they are starting up because there are few Lavabenders. Thought that might spruce up the crowd with what could be said as a near dual bender other then the Avatar, see what I mean? Pays well, plus we have been doing this shtick for four years! I want to actually fight again..." Ren placed on his helmet before walking out of the room, wom Hitomi and Chou angrily escaped past.

Takeo remained on his back with his eyes closed as he hummed a soft tune to himself and Gantz. After some time passed he moved his hand up and looked at his watch. "He only has fifty minutes left... He better not touch the contents inside the package... And if anyone attacks him I hope he is ready to die to bring me it." He mumbled making Gantz snort a bit before letting out a yawn and going back to it's blissful nap

Shing glared at Riichi as he dodged his attacks. "Stow it! I'm just warming up!" He said as Riichi went blurry for a second before he became clear again. Shaking his head to fix his vision Shing got in a fighting stance before he ran straight at him. He suddenly stopped sprinting at him and sent to punches a few feet away hoping to send fire balls at him, but nothing happened. "........" He quickly jumped up and sent a flying flame kick, which only turned out to be a normal kick. He didn't address this problem as he backed up a bit his vision had once again gotten really blurry so he had to get it back to normal, though for some reason it took a bit for him to see clearly again... Well sort of clearly, things were still a bit blurry, but it wasn't too bad.

Shing took a step back and looked at his hands. Concentrating he tried to engulf his hands in flames, but all that happened was a small blue flame to leap out before disappearing again. "My flames.... They are getting weaker." He whispered as he took another step back running his hands through his hair. "What's going on?? They were fine! I swear I know how to firebend! Why...Why are they messing up like this!" He shouted as he took another step back. He was starting to panic, he didn't get why his flames were failing so badly and his vision wouldn't stay focused. He didn't know what to do, so he did the first thing that came into his mind and he ran. He looked at Riichi with fear as his whole world started to crumble apart before he turned to the side and bolted into the woods with no aim.

He didn't know why he was running or what he was hoping to accomplish by doing so, all he knew was that he needed to clear his head. 'My flames... They shouldn't be doing this... Why are they refusing to work!! He thought in his panic state. After a bit he stopped running because he crashed right into a tree as his vision had failed him for a moment. His forehead bleeding pretty badly from the crash Shing ignored it, as he sat on his knees and let out a yell of anguish as he grabbed both sides of his head and tried to think about what was going on. Too many, this type of response to his flames leaving may seem ridiculous, but honestly Shing was out right terrified about this situation.

After letting out that yell out he looked at the tree he had ran into and growled. Standing up he got into a fighting stance. "I will burn you." He said seriously before he ran up and started to punch the tree weak flames leaving him every punch, but they got all the weaker with each hit. "Come on! Burn!" He shout as he hit the tree his hands now starting to bleed since he didn't hold back in the force he was using. "Burn damn it!!" He shouted before sending another punch. "BURN ALREADY!!!" With that he threw another punch at the tree making it shake and a few leaves fell off of it, but no flames left his hand. Looking down he became dishearted and he fell to his knees. "Please work.... I need my flames" He whispered as he stayed on his knees one of his bleeding hands still in a fist as he kept it on the tree trunk.

@NessieAlways @Anyone that's in the woods and heard his yell
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(Didn't get any sort of notification)

A Circus. Yeah it'll be nice. She heard that fire nation have the best circus in the world, with their exotic animals and amazing fire dance. And it seemed that one of the boy Jeng befriended will help them getting the best seats of in the Circus. Perks of being a friend of the Avatar, Chen guessed. She dind't get the chance to introduce her self to the spirit who barged into the room. If that spirit is also one of Jeng's new companion, then Chen would probably meet her again in a few hours or dinner time. She can introduce her self that time, all right.

Chen took out her pocket watch, it is made of bronze and have a chain made of steel, decorated with beautiful carved ornament of the Earth Kingdom. Chen missed home whenever she see it, but it's not the good time to be feeling homesick. She is hunting someone, after all. She opened it and checked the clock, simply just to know the time, before putting the pocket back into her bag.
(The old post was better :P )

Ina's bones broke at the impact as she was thrown to the ground, creating a large crater. As the foolish creature tried to warn the other humans she slowly stood up. Her bones snapping back into place and healing like it was nothing. Which in fact it was. She had 'died' thousands of times the first one starting 430,000 years ago when her brother ripped her face off and shot her down to earth starting her life as a cleaner of souls. Of course her true 'death' never came and she learned quickly that it never could happen. She was a shadow of reapers and death'death's shadow, like death can never die.

It was entertaining to get to use a soul or two against someone so young and insecure. When she was a youngling, she had heard stories about the beast who had killed her friend. How she struck him out of the sky, without mercy. She used to be so afraid, but now this creature wouldn't scare a dark spirit. She was having fun, but the self-righteousness of this spirit was starring pissing her off. The creature was lacking some serious respect.

She contemplated for only a moment about using more than two souls to fight the spirit, but any more would be unfair to the creature. She summoned chains around Yushi's ankles that imbeded themselves in her skin, piercing right into the bone. The chaind came fron the spirits own energy and wrre unavoidable. She sped forwars at the spees of light and grabbed the girl's face, her hands bruning hotter than blue flames. "Your inflated ego is nothing but hot air child. Call me a killer, because I am and I'm going to kill more of your kind." She looked at her human face seeing the defeat in her eyes and laughed, "Come now child, death isn't so bad, I hear the place I send all you rotten spirits is lovely. Think of it as a end to your laughable penance. And when you get there, send a message to my brother. Tell him that I'm going to kill him too." In her free hand she summoned a blue soul sword. She was about to strike right through the girl's heart.

@Guilded Clover (might want to step in now.)

Zira Ishihara

Zira shook with fear as the two spirits landed in the camp. They were very close to the car. This may be the end of me. She looked at the human girl who spoke to them. That girl is really powerful and Ina is too. But why is she trying to kill that girl? Should I do something? When Ina got up and took out a sword, Zira panicked. "I...I have to do something," Zira told everyone in the car. "If I don't, that girl's going to die!" On instinct, Zira got out of the car and got into a defensive stance. "Ina, stop! What are you doing attacking a human!?" Sweat was pouring down from her head, her hands were shaking, and she thought she might faint. The power that came off of them was immense. "Answer me please!"

@The Suspicious Eye @theunderwolf


Fai took a look at the spirit. "It seems to be some sort of fire spirit. Very dangerous." He spoke softly. He looked around, trying to find a way out. "It can fly, so we have to be fast. We will go through the trees; it is our safest bet. But, we need to distract the spirit first. Do you have any ideas?" He turned towards Izumi and smiled. He didn't know why he smiled, probably to give confidence. The fire spirit screeched, making Fai cover his sensitive ears.

Yush idid the only thing she could.She laughed. Out loud. Hard. The "Defeat in her eyes" that Ina must have saw was her giving into the hilarity of the situation. The whole thing was just hilarious to her. "Chains?" She gasped as the burning hands, which tickled a bit, grabbed her." These hands, Hot air? HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA Lady. Of course I'm all hot air.I'm a goddamn wind spirit!" And with that she wrapped the wind around her and slipped her bonds, flowing like a wayward leaf out of them. "Though i would be more than n willing to carry a message to your brother, preferably by carving it into his skin by means of delivery, I really have other things to do. SO I'm going to go with ms human here too, lets just stop killing each other and talk. Who was your friend?"

@The Suspicous Eye

@Guilded Clover
Ina's ear twitched as Zira spoke up. She knew the girl didn't understand what she was doing. She was about to speak up when that stupid spirit had to open her mouth again. That sentire her off the edge, the more the merrier. She added two more Sould to her strength and the ground shattered underneath her. She hot up into the air and bit into Yushi's throat. Her teeth venomous to the human body with a Chakara blocker that paralyzed any and all living things. She wasn't one to talk when she was this mad. After biting the human spirit a few more time just to taste her blood she slammed her down onto the ground and stomped on her chest. "You may be a spirit, but that body of yours is human. As long as you are in there you're nothing but a pile of flesh." With every word she stomped harder pushing Yushi deeper into the ground.l, cracking thr girls' ribs. She glared down at her. "If you want to talk to me you better give me something worth my while. I don't deal with lower class citizens for nothing." She continued to stomp the girl deeper and deeper into the ground, Ina's strength only growing. She was slowly falling into a primal rage. Thoughts of spirits looking down on her after her unjust fall, she was stronger than all of them. They just were too blind to see, but she would show them, she would show them all. But her first task was killing this one.

@theunderwolf @Guilded Clover
Yushi started to feel her body crack. Her shell was breaking. Not good. Thankfully as she wasn't human Inas venom wasn't working but ist was causing her human form to splinter. Yushi saw bits of skin and flesh fly away and knew what would be under them. Scales. Looks like Inas prophecy was self fulfilling. Yushi was about to leave her flesh form and it would be incredibly difficult to get back in if she did. Weak as she was now she did the only thing she could. it was finally kill or be killed time. Yushi waited until Ina had settled comfortably on top of her then struck like he snake she was. "I have said multiple times, I I am done with this fight. This continues. and I kill you. She said as her body contorted unnaturally around Ina. "Even spirits need to breathe." Yushi aid with deathly calm as more of her skin fell off to show the scales beneath. You move in any direction and I suck the wind from your lungs then rip your chest open to make sure it stays out. I will keep doing that until you run out of lives. Alternatively you can listen to me because I just remembered something and If I'm right. I did not kill your friend. and both our deaths will be in vain."
Jeng smiled at the young boy's enthusiasm as he ran out the door, glad that he was able to brighten up the kid's day. Well that takes care of that, then, he thought to himself, standing back up. He turned to Opal and beamed at her, pointing to the fledgling pouch of money on the table. "Well, I guess we won't have to use up all of the emergency after all," he said, a tinge of relief in his voice. "It's a good thing, too. We'll probably need that later." Despite this, the Avatar still looked at Opal with gratitude, silently commending her for stepping up like she had. Always thinking of others, even in her condition. Warrior pride or something, I guess.

Miyun listened intently as the teammates bickered quite insulted that one of them had called her a manager. Did she look that old? "Aww how cute he actually thinks he's good enough to have a manager." Her eyes narrowed, "Learn how to dodge then we can talk about a manager," She said regarding their playing tactics. Though MiYun was no bender, she was a prodigy when it came to game rules and plays. If she had enough time and energy, she might have been able to coach a team to victory. The conversation soon turned to the earth bender of the team going to republic city for an earth bending tournament. MiYun frowned. She had heard about the tournament, but didn't find it appealing. In fact she found it barbaric especially with the addition of lava benders. Just as she was about to comment, the earth bender and his team walked past MiYun ignoring her. Her jaw dropped in shock and her guards rolled their eyes. "Oh no. Here we go."

MiYun stormed behind the earth bender, "Excuse me! Is that how you treat fans? Just walk away when they're trying to compliment you?" MiYun crossed her arms over her chest with a sassy expression. "Just wait till my father hears about this! You're arrival to republic city will be all but welcoming." She turned to her guards and barked orders at them. "Let's go. There's nothing worth my time here."



It seemed like a long while before Ryo reached the shop. By now he was panting, gasping for air with aching lungs. His nerves shot sizzling sensations through his burning legs with every step he took. He slowed to a fast walk allowing him to catch his breath and also to not draw attention to himself. The place has a musky smell and the dim lighting sent eerie shills through his back. What is this place? The place seemed ghostly with the occasional rat or insect scurrying around. As Ryo reached the tunnel, he spotted a man sprawled on the floor passed out drunk. Ryo grimaced as he carefully stepped over then man only to be stopped by a hand curling around his ankle. Ryo dropped to the floor hard scraping his hands and knees and biting his lip as the man stood up towering over him.

"Look at what the tide washed in Lu." Ryo rolled on the floor to look at the man and the old woman that had appeared. "My what a pretty young man. What brings you to my humble home young man?" the old woman spoke with a slight slur due to her missing front teeth. Ryo spat out blood that had mixed with his saliva, "I'm on official business." He replied coldly. The old woman cackled "And what business would a prissy boy like yourself have in this side of town?" Ryo's expression soured. He wasn't prissy. "None that concerns you hag." The old woman's amusement died and her expression turned deadly. The man who had tripped Ryo took a step towards Ryo ready to pummel him, but the woman placed a bony hand on his chest. "I see our guest lacks in manners." Her eyes were like daggers piercing through Ryo, "Let's teach him some." The hand that was on the man's chest turned and slowly rose.

Her fingers curled with the palm facing up. Ryo suddenly felt a jolt run through his body as if lightning had struck him and the a feel of needles prickling his skin. He tried to move, but his body was no longer responsive. "No..." The old woman smiled at Ryo realized what was going on and with a single flick of her wrist, Ryo bolted from the ground and slid over to her. She was blood bending him. Ryo cringed as his body involuntarily moved. He felt like he was being dragged across nails. "Now tell me. Why are you here?"



"Hey kid! Wait up!" Riichi ran after the guy as he bolted through the woods. There was panic written all across the boy's face. It was easy to read. Riichi let out a frustrated sigh as the guy zoomed through the woods. He was having a hard time keeping up. The guy was fast. "Running away isn't the solution!" The guy was no longer in sight, so Riichi slowed to a stop. He scouted the area hoping to see a sign of where the boy had ran off to. With no luck Riichi closed his eyes. Taking in a slow breath he widened is stance and cleared his mind. He began to feel his blood gushing through his body then he slowly exhaled sensing the warmth of his breath exit him and mixing with the cool air around him. He repeated his action once more, taking in a deep breath and exhaling letting the warmth of his breath paint a picture in his head of what was around him. By his third breath, Riichi began to sense the warmth of his surroundings. He felt the birds that flew above him, and the woodland creatures inside a nearby tree. As he kept breathing, his perimeter expanded letting him sense heat from animals about half a mile away. He concentrated hard to a particular source of heat, the guys. It wasn't long until he sensed a small burst of heat a several feet away. Riichi's eyes opened and the sensation of the heat surrounding him was gone, but he knew where the guy was now and began to walk his way.



"Fire? I'm a water bender! I can take it down!" Izumi whispered enthusiastically as Fai asked if she had any ideas. "I'll just splash water at it and burn it out like a candle." Though her idea could have worked, there wasn't enough water for Izumi to completely soak the spirit, nor did she have enough space to correctly bend the water to the spirit. She was good, but not good enough to bend without proper position. As the spirit screeched, Izumi shot her hands up to her ears to cover them, but the sudden movement made her lose her balance. Izumi rocked back from the tree branch. Her arms flung around trying to grab hold of something, but there was nothing to hold on to. She fell back a small bush underneath the tree slightly breaking her fall.

The rustling of the bush made the spirit turn noticing Fai on top of the tree and Izumi on the ground. It cracked a smirk revealing large pointed fangs. Izumi was probably the easier target, the Fai looked more delicious. The spirit jumped to the air and went for Fai.

@Guilded Clover
Ren heard it all, and it did not sit well in his stomach. He kept on walking until she said nothing here was worth her time. Ren stopped on the dime, and with so little movement made a wall of stone blocking Mi yun from her guards. Ren looked at her in his battle armor, aiming his spear at her and roared out in hatred, "Nothing here is worth your time? Nothing here is worth your TIME?!" Ren stomped closer, making the entire wall into raw lava that boiled the air before smashing it back into the Earth. Ren looked her in the eyes, and saw that little face. He stared into her eyes for a moment silent, before he realized that everything she was made him want to puke. He wouldn't hurt her physically, but by the Avatar he was going to scream at her!

Ren roared out, "Look at this world around you little miss high britches! Everything around you was build by the hands of Earthbenders! We build our land from fire and brimstone, the ashes and sand were all that we had and we build it up! We turned Hell into a pretty okay place, one where we can still have fun and love while beating each other's faces in. We made rules to stay safe, and now what part of all of that did you help with? Not a single god damn thing. I spent years in my craft, everyone here spent generations of their lives here, and this is what we show. What do you show? A spoiled little brat who can't respect the dirt or corpses she steps on because it was not hers. I could kill you here and now, no one would morn you. No one would remember you or what you did, cause nothing happened because of you. Republic City will move on, this world will move on, and the spirit world will spit on your ashes. You have done nothing better for this world, let alone your own house. So go on back to your city, go on and leave to whatever little paradise people made for you. I will go to the city me and my people made on our backs, and reap the rewards while honoring the past."

Ren finished it off while he turned his back to her, "We are worth the time, ya got plenty of it. But when you, a little impatient brat walks in and bad mouths about it because its not to your likin'? Well, that's a damned crying shame." Ren stomped on the ground, using stone to shape sand in the way of a cup. The stone turned to lava, burning and melting the sand into glass, before Ren stole all the heat with the lava. Ren lifted up the glass cup, one of a teal wine glass with ornate and delicate curves build into it, and tossed it to Mi Yun. Ren walked away, stating briefly, "You'll die forgotten child, you got everything from your bloodline and your ties. People curl up to you because otherwise they are forgotten even worse. I will be forgotten, but my impact on the world in love and art? No way in hell that's going away anytime soon."

Takeo sighed as he looked at his watch. "Jeez I figure a waterbender would be faster.... This is what I get for making people that look like muscle heads do a simple errand... Or did he try to run away with the goods? Hehe That would be a bold and exteremly stupid move." pushing up into a sitting position he did a stretch and let out a yawn. "I'm going to see if he tried to steal my stuff... Protect my body." Takeo said as he jumped off Gantz only to sit criss cross on the ground. Placing his hands together he closed his eyes and started to meditate clearing his mind completely. When he opened his eyes he saw himself and his spirit wolf. With a smirk he stretched a bit. "Okay time to check~" He hummed before flying off in the direction he had sent Ryo.

Only after a few minutes of flying he arrived at the location and dived into the sewers he then shot off again. Soon he came to a full stop and smiled. "Geez! You couldn't even get a simple package without getting in trouble? I figured you would be attacked after getting my item." He said keeping his smile as he floated over to Ryo and the women. When he arrived he smiled and waved at her. "Hello Lu! Looking young as ever!" Takeo said with a smile and a wave. "Ah! Could you please stop blood bending my errand boy? We are already behind schedule." He said as he now sat criss cross in the air with his arms crossed. "Oy! Errand boy! If you insulted her in some way I suggest you apologize! Or she's going to do things you didn't know were possible with blood bending!" He sad with a light chuckle taking this situation very lightly.

Shing was kneeling on the ground and was punching it with one hand making hit bleed heavily. Soon he stopped when water was splashed in his face. Looking up he saw it was Crystal with a very worried face on. Shing blinked and looked at his hands before letting out a hiss of pain. "Damn it... Usually my flames make it so I melt anything before it touches my skin... This hurts." He muttered as he looked down at the ground. Crystal gently grabbed one of Shing's hand and with that started to water bend on them to heal. Shing sighed as he sat there closing his eyes he shook his head. "What is wrong with me? My bending... Why is it gone??" He asked as he opened his eyes again only to be greeted with a blurry vision. "When is this eye going to get better? Everything is healed or healing...why is my eye taking forever?" He asked before looking at the ground. "What's going on.....?"

Opal glanced at Jeng with a sad smile, reaching out and taking the pouch back. Despite its small size, there was quite a large sum inside. Her father had slipped it into her hidden pocket along with a note explaining that it was, in some way, the closest thing to a wedding present he would ever be able to give her, after her mother had seen that she was now a warrior through and through. She held the pouch in her hand for a moment before tucking it away again, knowing it was the last thing from her household she would ever hold. She glanced at the people still in the hut, still holding her sad smile in place. "Im going to get some more rest. Wake me if you need me." She said, her eyes lingering on Jeng for the longest before she turned from the room and went to lay down, her mind whirling with thoughts.
Ina closed her eyes and let her rage grow she would not loose to some watered down spirit as this one. If only I had my divinity... if only I wasn't a death spirit. Ina came to a realization looking up she harnessed her strength. I am powerful as I am even without my divinity. Her eyes blazed blue and her body grew tall. Her flesh turned to battered fur, her hands into claws and souls appeared around her burning the snake. The flesh on her face melted off revealing the shining white skull that held her burring eyes in each hallow socket. She pushed herself from the coils of the snake and towered over the creature.

Looking down upon it her hallow emotionless eyes, glowed as she spoke in a intimidating tone. "Look at me and see me as I am a spirit of the dead. You cannot kill me child, not now nor ever. Dare you try to belittle me again. I will not show mercy." She put one paw out to the ground and all the plant life around them died instantly. "Look over your shoulder creature, for spirits like you can die as well." With that said a bolt of lightening struck Ina and she vanished from the area, leaving nothing but a scorch mark behind.

@theunderwolf @Guilded Clover

A few miles away Ina's powers quickly dwindled her stage performance quickly sapped what little power she had from her twenty two spirits. Shooting through the air with her reserve power she began to fall in the market where they began the attack. Falling downward she closed her eyes slowly loosing consciousness. As she fell she could smell a familiar scent getting closer to her. She mumbled, "creepystalkerWatcherguy," before crashing right for him.

@The Suspicious Eye

"Well damn, guess I lost em.... pity... the foxy one won the prize to." Cal'vina gave a small shrug as he shuffled along, the world in a slight haze but in truth he cared little, you get used to it after you've been spending most of your time drunk instead of sober... for medical reasons of course... In truth he calls it that, but its more to prevent himself from going absolutely insane, theres only so much all-mighty perception powers one can handle, seeing everything Isn't all to great!

I mean sure right now he can see everything about 2 or 3 feet around him, but thats just as much as he can do, perhaps... could he get used to seeing everything? CAN one get used to having the ability thats equivalent to a GOD? Not to mention he starts to get all dark and inky colored when it happens, ugh, feels horrible, like being covered in oil... he thinks atleast, hes seen oil, doesn't look nice, but hes never really.. been covered in it... So... assumption by proxy?

His thoughts were interrupted as something speeding towards him hit his 3 foot mark of view. his head swiveled towards it, time moving ever so slowly as the power examined the being.. the fox from before, flying fast towards you.... Of course there was little he could do to avoid it, however this wasn't the first, nor second time, something has flown towards him on a crash course.

Shifting his body towards it in just barely the nick of time he caught it with both arms and rolled the hit off as the two tumbled backwards a good few feet... Yea... yea it hurt... would've hurt more if he didn't absorb the blow as he did....

"Urrrrrghhhhh...... Seems like you fell for me once again foxy.... eh? You awake?" he poked the girl's cheek... then pinched it a little to sate the urge. "Wakey wakey.."

Ina groaned partly due to the immense drain on her body the other due to the pain of impact. Barely awake she frowned at the annoying pinching at her cheeks. Using het tail she swatted the hand and face "go away big brother I'm tired..." Then she sniffed the air, not big brother. She slowly opened her eyes, angry at the fingers pulling her cheek. In a flash she turned her head and choked down hard on the finger. She was tired, but humans know better than to bother a sleeping spirit.

Bearing down on the finger she followed the arm to see the creepy guy who has a spirit inside him. Great another spirit in human disguise. Out of spite she bit down harder, just to show her annoyance at him. Mouth full she mumbled "whar hoo hu hink hu har hu hooing?" (what do you think you are you doing)

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