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Fandom Avatar: Spirits Awaken

Shing eyes watched Opal and he remained silent for a time. When his hand was grabbed he didn't bother to yank it away as crystal wasn't there to heal him and his hand was hurting. He sat criss cross his eyes on his hand his mouth still sealed. At the last question he looked at Opal before looking at his other hand. "............. My flames." He said in a hushed tone. Holding out his uninjured hand away from Opal, he concentrated for a bit. With this a blue flame leapt from his knuckles but it was so weak that it couldn't cover his hand, it barely covered on knuckle. Though it only stayed alive for about a second before blowing out. "They aren't working." He stated his head down as he tried to understand why. ".... I don't know why though... Just the other day when we fought they were fine.... But now, nothing." He said as he brought his uninjured hand to his scarred face as he tried to get his vision to focus, but for some reason he could only see a blurry image of Opal. When he couldn't get a clear image he stayed quiet and his hand went in front of his face as he now tried to focus on that to get a clear image....though it remained very blurry.

The fighter listened silently for a moment as he spoke. While his words came weakly, she gently poured some of the pale green liquid over his torn skin. It could sting a little sometimes, but it would help stave off infection. Carefully, with practiced ease, she began to wrap his hand to protect it while it healed. Her golden eyes shifted from his hand, to his face, to his flameless fingers. She frowned as her hands wound the bandage firmly. "Probably your chi. It might be a simple problem and could go away soon with rest. But.. It could also be very serious." Opal's voice was soft and grave, concern etched into her features. She came to the end of the bandage and secured it well, returning his hand to him. Her eyes were soft and sympathetic when they returned to his face, but they sharpened with thought when she noticed the way he was looking at his hand, as if struggling to see it.

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Shing let out a sigh he put his hand to the side giving up on trying to see it clearly. "Rest? I hope that is all it takes." He said as he scratched his head and looked away from Opal. "I need my bending... Without it I'll be extra baggage for you guys to lug around..." He said in a solemn tone as he placed his bandage hand on his lap. "I need it... I haven't gone a day without my bending and having it like this. Makes me feel empty inside." He said before shaking his head. "Sorry I'm being depressing. There's a party outside isn't there? I think you may want to head back out before someone get's the wrong idea of what's going on in here." He said in a joking tone trying to lighten his own mood.

Opal watched Shing very closely for a long moment, trying to read him. But once again, she found it difficult. It would seem that he had as much practice at hiding things as she had at figuring them out. "You will never be extra baggage. Even without your bending, you are a strong fighter and a clever thinker. And, most importantly, youre our friend." She glanced back at the door, her lips pursed slightly as she considered. He was not going to come out, and she was not going to stay in. "We want to go to the circus tonight. You really should come, it'll be fun, help get your mind of things." The fighter gave him a small smile as she stood, and strode to the door. There didnt seem to be anyone else inside, so she might as well go back out. She opened the door and slipped out as quietly as she came in, hips swaying gracefully as she sought familiar faces in the crowd once again.

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Right after the dinner, they are all finally went to visit the circus. The tent is round and red and white striped and lit with what could be hundreds of lantern. It's quite big and crowded, for a circus in the middle of nowhere. A long line is formed in front of the ticket booth, with people old and young who are looking forward to watch the circus with their family and friends. Much to Fei's surprise, it's not yet open. As if telling people to go check out the other booth first before buying the ticket and went straight in.

"I'll buy the ticket. You guys can look around." Fei offered.

(Short post because i don't know much about the circus. Tagging everyone i remember)

@Peaceswore @Flutterby @Orikanyo @The Suspicious Eye @NessieAlways @Guilded Clover @jamaicanviking
"Sounds good to me," Jeng shrugged to Chen. Cracking his knuckles, the earthbender let out an audible sigh of relief as he looked on at the bystanders in the lines. "Finally, a chance to actually have some fun for once," he said. "Between almost getting killed by smugglers and almost getting killed by spirits, this is a welcome change. Unless we almost get killed by circus animals...given our luck, I wouldn't put it past us." As appealing as the prospect of being eaten by a platypus bear might be, he decided not to dwell on it, instead deciding to enjoy the experience for as long as he could.

@too much idea
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Orikanyo said:
@The Suspicious Eye
@Guilded Clover

*Spelling mistakes are intentional*

"And they said it wash foolish! I shaid otherwise, ain't nobody gona expect a box near a circus." Cal'vina announced to himself as he sat within the box with his faithful, and equally drunk, fox companion, it was abit stuffy in the box but was big enoguh to house the two with relative ease. Poking his eyes out of the small slot he created with a liberal use of his foot earlier he gazed out into the circus area, it was soon time for them to start the mission.. just as they planned it over the last few mouthfuls of the second bottle they drank.

"hey... hey cuties... You *hic* you *hic* think Zira will be happy to see us? Were like.. like.. two warriors, goin' to saaaave the princess right? Wait... wait do we *hic* need hroses or something? Maybe... maybe we could get one quick... I don't got money for one though... You smell cabbage? I.. I think theres some in the next box over."

Speaking in hushed(kinda) whispers the man talked to his foxy sidekick, trying to figure out what to do next... or atleast make conversation while they sit around for the show to start.
Ina hiccuped and chuckled surprisingly just as drunk as the human. She lifted her head and sniffed the air. "I don't smell any *hic* wabbages." Her senses were shot and all the rolled around in her mind was her past. She stretched as best she could in the box and smiled. "Me *hic* a hero?.....heh.... You can be *hic* a hero... it's not foe me."

She raised a clawed finger and waved it around dizzily. "You *hic*....ya...you, know I used to be *hic* a god... A GOD! *hic* but....noooooooooo*hic*ooooooooo" She shuffled over to the left pressing a boot onto her new friend's chest. "I...*hic*..and now *hic* I'm stuck in a box...." She wrapped her tail around her left leg and scratched her head. "Nawwwwww, I... *hic* I don't help... I...I'm no hereo"

She stretched best she could in the box and hiccuped. "Hey!! Do you think you have more booze. *Hic* I...think I'm sobering up..." She poked Cal and looked up at him. "Ya listening?!"
Opal ran her eyes over the crowd, a small smile on her face. She hardly heard Fei speak, but Jeng's voice drew a little more of her attention. Her golden eyes moved to him, and studied his movements as he relaxed into being a normal person again. Her smile grew a little, then dropped as he mentioned their luck. "Dont jinx us, Jeng." She said, her expression dead serious for a moment before she smiled again. "So, if youre ready to be a normal person, would you mind holding a pretty girl's hand? I hear she's got a bit of a crush on you, and I hear circus dates are a cool thing to do these days." Her smile twisted into a smirk as she teased him, hoping to draw a blush from him.

Jeng smiled sheepishly, his face turning an ever-so-slight shade of pink. “Well, if said pretty girl were willing to go on said circus date with me," he said as he took the warrior's hand, "I'd be happy to to oblige her." It was then that Jeng realized that he was, for the first time since he found out he was the Avatar, truly happy. Before, all he did was worry about the responsibilities he had to fulfill, the expectations people had of him. At the time, it was almost overwhelming. But being with his friends, about to watch a show full of bearded women and sword-swallowers and exotic animals, made Jeng remember that he wasn't in this alone. With that thought fresh in his mind, he led Opal to the cotton candy stand, ordering two unreasonably large sticks of the stuff for the both of them. "I've never actually had this kind of thing before, have you?"

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[QUOTE="The Suspicious Eye]Ina hiccuped and chuckled surprisingly just as drunk as the human. She lifted her head and sniffed the air. "I don't smell any *hic* wabbages." Her senses were shot and all the rolled around in her mind was her past. She stretched as best she could in the box and smiled. "Me *hic* a hero?.....heh.... You can be *hic* a hero... it's not foe me."
She raised a clawed finger and waved it around dizzily. "You *hic*....ya...you, know I used to be *hic* a god... A GOD! *hic* but....noooooooooo*hic*ooooooooo" She shuffled over to the left pressing a boot onto her new friend's chest. "I...*hic*..and now *hic* I'm stuck in a box...." She wrapped her tail around her left leg and scratched her head. "Nawwwwww, I... *hic* I don't help... I...I'm no hereo"

She stretched best she could in the box and hiccuped. "Hey!! Do you think you have more booze. *Hic* I...think I'm sobering up..." She poked Cal and looked up at him. "Ya listening?!"

"Any-any-*hic* anybody can be a hero love, yea jush... yea just.... Gotta believe in yourself!" Cal'vina poked the woman above the heart with a finger. and with a crooked grin he rummaged around in his pockets. "Always some to spare." he withdrew the flask, handing it to the woman he shared a box with.

"God huh? You a god of cutie foxshes? i wish i was..." he sighed wistfully as his eyes caught movement outside the box. "oh, things are happening, we gots to get in!" he stated as he looked to the open bottom of the box. 'Alright, lets get moving, help me pick this up so we can move it."

he pressed his hands on the top of the box lightly and pushed, he could do it on his own, but it was easier to do with another person.

They were already in the storage area, but they needed to get someplace better suited to slip into the crowd gathering, the closer they get, the easier it will be to find their target in the crowd.... wait... wait... what.. was her name again? "hey, ina, don't getchyerself down, your cool in my books, yea, hot headed and stuff but your fun! hell your doing this with me, ain't nobody willing, or drunk, enough to pull these shenag... Sehaniganagans... Seeenagins... Shenaiganaians with me." he stumbled his words out as he tried to cheer up the poor death fox.

"I don't care whatchyea say, your a friend in my books,don't you go think otherwise yea hear fluffy butt?"
Opal smirked triumphantly as his face took on a pink tinge, and felt her own face grow a little hot when he took her hand. "Any girl in her right mind woud be willing to go out with you," She said softly, letting herself be pulled along behind him. It was nice, to not be so tough and in charge all the time, and to have someone that gave her the opportunity to relax in that way. And it was good timing too; after what she had been through in the last week, she wasnt sure she could stomach taking charge and putting up a fight. The fighter resolutely pushed away those thoughts, and excitedly took the stick of cotton candy from him. She had a large bite in her mouth when he asked her a question, and she had to take a moment to swallow it. "Well, actually.. my father and I used to sneak off to whatever fun stuff was in town after my dance lessons whenever we could get away with it," Opal said, a nostalgia-tinged smile on her face. "Never a circus, specifically, but some carnivals and festivals. You didnt have stuff like that growing up?" She asked, as they wandered closer to the circus tents.

"Nope," Jeng said shaking his head, "we lived in the residential district. City was too crowded for anything like that." He picked off a piece of his treat and popped it into his mouth, the taste soliciting a surprised and pleased look on his face. "Oh man, what even is this?" He tore off a larger chunk and devoured it instantly, staring at it as if it were some anomalous object requiring study. "It feels like I'm eating clothes...but they're good-tasting clothes." Very scientific observation, Jeng, he thought to himself. Arriving back at the main tents, he was about ready to meet back up with Chen to enter, but something came across his mind that made him stop. "Yo Opal, did you notice that there aren't many animals around? I mean, I've never been to one of these, but...you'd think there'd be a few cages or a petting zoo or something outside before the show started, right?"

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"Hmm..." Men was on top of one of those things the humans call "buildings", overlooking something that seemed somewhat festive and extravagant in the distance. Apparently that was called a "circus". Clutching a human book in his hands, the spirit walked down the side of the building, covering his bare feet in shoes made of his barriers to stick himself to the wall. But still, he had to admit, humans have grown quite impressive. He always had a chance to catch a glimpse of the decor of a house or temple no matter the age when he was invoked through their prayers, but seeing it up close was a whole other story. Why hadn't he come through the spirit portal sooner? The spirit continued walking upon reaching the pavement, dispelling the barriers at the soles of his feet, "Circus..." he looked up to see the festive sight in the distance, mumbling softly to himself. It seemed great, except for the odd feeling he had, but he's had odd feelings ever since he returned to the corporeal realm. It wouldn't matter to him, it was time to understand exactly what a "circus" was.
Orikanyo said:
"Any-any-*hic* anybody can be a hero love, yea jush... yea just.... Gotta believe in yourself!" Cal'vina poked the woman above the heart with a finger. and with a crooked grin he rummaged around in his pockets. "Always some to spare." he withdrew the flask, handing it to the woman he shared a box with.
"God huh? You a god of cutie foxshes? i wish i was..." he sighed wistfully as his eyes caught movement outside the box. "oh, things are happening, we gots to get in!" he stated as he looked to the open bottom of the box. 'Alright, lets get moving, help me pick this up so we can move it."

he pressed his hands on the top of the box lightly and pushed, he could do it on his own, but it was easier to do with another person.

They were already in the storage area, but they needed to get someplace better suited to slip into the crowd gathering, the closer they get, the easier it will be to find their target in the crowd.... wait... wait... what.. was her name again? "hey, ina, don't getchyerself down, your cool in my books, yea, hot headed and stuff but your fun! hell your doing this with me, ain't nobody willing, or drunk, enough to pull these shenag... Sehaniganagans... Seeenagins... Shenaiganaians with me." he stumbled his words out as he tried to cheer up the poor death fox.

"I don't care whatchyea say, your a friend in my books,don't you go think otherwise yea hear fluffy butt?"
Ina brushed the finger away and sloggly took the took the flask. She didn't show it, but his words resonated with him. If was nice to have someone tell her she's worthy. It had been a very long time. "Feh.... her-hero....smhero.... and you wisssh I wuznt alllllwuz a fux...." She frowned and chugged all booze in the flask. Looking up at the man, Ina dropped the flask and stumbled to her feet. She pushed up against the box.

At first her strength was pretty lacking, but she tapped into her sprit straight and the lid easily came off. Ina hopped up onto the edge of the box, she teetered for a moment till she got her balance. As Cal spoke she crouched down and looked over her shoulder. Her fluffy tail swayed and flicked Cal's nose. "S-stop being so mushy...." she hopped off of the box's edge and landed on all fours.

Stepping for minute tsp looked back at him. "Annd dunt you call me fluffy butt." She stood up and smiled at him nodding toward a opening, "come on let's go human."
Opal nodded as if she understood, but she hadnt ever ventured that deeply into the Earth cities, so she had a hard time picturing a place too cramped to have a festival or two. Her eyes cast about the crowd around them, out of habit, but not really seeing them for once. She munched on the sugary treat, her eyes sliding back to Jeng as he did the same. His reaction caused her to first raise an eyebrow, then burst into bright laughter. It was the kind of laughter that came from deep in the gut. She was still chortling when they turned back toward the tents, and only grew serious when he spoke again. Opal glanced around them, struck by how unobservant she had been.

"Um.. Yeah, I guess there usually would be.. Maybe they want to keep it all under wraps for the big show." She said, but a suspicious feeling now settled in her gut. But what was there really to be suspicious of? The lack of trapped animals? Wasnt that a good thing?

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"Yeah, I guess you're right," Jeng said with a frown. He didn't sound too sure of it himself, but there was no point in ruining their fun on a gut feeling he had. Even still..."Hey, let's see how the chief's doing on those tickets, huh?" The Avatar said abruptly, hoping to change the subject. He looked over to the main ticket booth, seeing Chen waiting in line. "Yo, Chen!" Jeng shouted, making note not to announce her affiliation with the police just in case. "How's standing in line going for ya?"

@Flutterby @too much idea
@Flutterby @jamaicanviking

"I started to think that I should bend a chair out of rock and sit on it. And when the line move I could just slide the rock." Chen answered, taking a step forward as the line in front of her moves. The ticket booth just opened about five minutes ago, which feels like eternity for her. She know that the line moves forward, but when will she finally reached the front. Chen grinned and gave Jeng a nudge as she lean closer and whisper, "So? How is it going'?"
"It's going great," Jeng whispered back. "We ate this thing called 'cotton candy' and just..." the boy made an 'ok' gesture with his hands, "it's other-worldly, man. We aren't even in the tents yet and we're having fun." He contemplated voicing his concerns about the lack of animals, but decided against it as he didn't want to make Chen worry any more than she needed to. She was a cop, after all; they have enough on their plate as is. "Do you think they'd let us in early if I mention I'm...you know, the Avatar? You seem pretty bored here."

@too much idea
"You-We shouldn't abuse our power and position for something like this. It's okay, it's still better than lining up to pay something back in Republic City." Chen laughs. She's happy to hear that everything is going okay between him and Opal. "Now you go check out other stuff with your girl, 'kay? Don't mind this old lady. I'll look for you when I get the tickets."

Jeng nodded. "Will do, ma'am. Don't have too much fun now, ya hear?" He turned back around to Opal with a smile, wrapping his arm around her shoulder. "So, what do you want to do while we wait?" Unfortunately, most of the attractions were inside the circus they were trying to get into, so there wasn't a ton of things to outside. Hopefully, they wouldn't have to wait much longer than they already were.

@Flutterby @too much idea
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"Excuse me."

"Hmm?" Men looked to his right at a man who was halting him. People in the queue beside him were giving him odd looks as he tried to waltz in through the entrance.

"You're going to need a ticket." the man extended an open palm towards him, expecting a ticket. Well, a ticket? Men fished out the dictionary he had on him, his finger lingering over the word as he read its definition. Humans certainly came a long way. They would never need such things back before Wang sealed Vatu away. Well, he didn't know what it would take to buy a ticket.

"Okay. Bye then." he mumbled softly as he walked off, getting out of the guard's line of sight as he stuck to the edges of the circus. There's no reason for him to remain bound to human restrictions. Creating a barrier underneath him, he extended its height, turning it into an elevator that raised him above the circus walls, before he hopped over into the circus grounds. Men looked at all the empty cages around, unbothered and ignorant, before he continued towards the centre of the circus where all the buzz was going on.
"Excuse me, mam." One man, wearing the red-golden unifrom of the circus that screams "I'm a part of the Circus!" tapped her shoulder. Chen turned around and paused a while, before answering with a nod. There is no use to hide the Jeng's identity, anyone with a television or newspaper or visited a bigger town or city has probably seen his face at least once. And he's the Avatar, the top public figure. Everyone deserves to know his name and face. "And... Are you his escort?"

"Yes, i am. What do you want from him?" Chen asked.

"Oh! Perfect! The Ring Master recognized his face and ask me to bring him inside as our VIP for tonight!" The man gave her a very wide smile, as his face turned red with excitement. "I'll lead the way in!"

So much for not using their status and position.

"Give a minute... or two." Chen quickly left the line and looked for Jeng and Opal, and the rest of his band of merryfriends. She found the loverbirds nearby, probably still dicussing which stand they want to check out next. She placed her hand in both their shoulders and grinned. "We got to thank Jeng for giving us the premium Avatar pass! C'mon in, they're giving us the best seat in the house!"

@Flutterby @jamaicanviking
Shing didn't leave with the group right away, instead he waited till they left. He sat alone in the room he was in and spent a good half an hour trying to get a strong flame going before he gave up. Letting out an irritated sigh he left the room and stumbled about. However with the help of Crystal the two started to get through the blurry world and to the circus. It didn't take him long to get there and approach Chen, Jeng, and Opal. "Did I miss anything?" He said curiously as he stood there looking rather calm despite the fact he only saw very blurry figures in front of him.

@too much idea @jamaicanviking @Flutterby

Takeo was on his way to the little town fast asleep on his spirit wolf. He had left the republic later than he had intended thanks to a certain water bender. But after things smooth over and after he ditched him Takeo was finally able to head to the town the avatar was last spotted.
Jeng jumped at Chen's abrupt appearance, letting out a startled yelp as he did so. "Yikes, Chief, a little warning before you ambush us? Scared the crap outta me." Maybe he was still a bit on edge after all. "Wait, did you say 'the best seats in the house?'" Jeng's face went from that of slight annoyance to that of satisfaction. "Huh, I guess being a celebrity really does have its perks--" the Avatar was interrupted by the appearance of Shing, making him jump once again in surprise. "What the--IS IT JUST SNEAK UP ON THE AVATAR DAY TODAY OR SOMETHING?" He shouted towards the sky, shrinking a little after he realized he said that louder than he meant to. "Hey Shing," he said in a defeated tone, giving a small wave. "Okay, if everyone's done playing silent assassin, we should head inside. Yeah?"

@Peaceswore @too much idea @Flutterby
Opal followed along with Jeng dutifully, for once glad to let someone else take charge. She blushed deeply when Chen used the words 'your girl,' but didnt say anything. She tucked herself comfortably under his arm with a shy smile and they began to wander away and she tried to think about what she would want to do now while they waited. But before she could answer, Chen scampered back up and announced they were being given VIP treatment. Jeng about jumped out of his skin, and jumped even worse when Shing arrived. She smirked a little, knowing just how easy it was to accidentally sneak up on the Avatar. That was probably something he should work on..

With a laugh, Opal took his hand again and gave it a squeeze. "Come on, scaredy cat, lets go before the wind startles you," She teased as she started toward the big tent, smiling brightly.

@too much idea @jamaicanviking @Peaceswore

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