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Fandom Avatar: Spirits Awaken

Jeng began to say something in protest, but the ringleader was gone before he was able to do anything. As much as he disliked it, the man did have a point, and he couldn't just start breaking things because he disliked it; as far as anyone could tell, there was nothing wrong with the arrangement. Jeng looked on at the spirits flying about, staring silently before speaking. "They really don't look hurt," he observed, crossing his arms, "and I guess they don't really seem sad or anything." The Avatar looked more closely for any sign of foul play, but hard as he tried, he found nothing. Jeng closed his eyes, sighing deeply before opening them again. "I need some air," he said, heading out of the booth immediately. He walked through the left side of the aisle towards the exit, ignoring the hushed mutterings of people talking about him as he did so. He briefly caught eyes with a young boy on his way out, smiling at him as he walked past.

Walking out of the tent, Jeng sat on a nearby bench and rested his head in his hands, racking his brain to try and figure out how best to combat the situation.

He saw someone walking away out of the corner of his eye, and briefly turned to see who it was. He kept his gaze with the stranger, both meeting their eyes, when he finally realized who it was- the avatar! He'd heard he was in the Fire Nation Capital but he'd never suspected he'd meet him. He looked around and found his parents and sister were focused on the show, so he slowly got down off the chair and started crawling through the bleachers- luckily his growth spurt hadn't sprung him up too much and he was still lanky, so he could slip through the crowd's feet with general ease.

After he got into the isle between the rows of seats, he caught a glimpse of the Avatar going outside, and quickly ran through and outside. He found him on a bench, looking rather stressed, holding his head in his palms. He slowly walked up and casually sat down beside him. "H-Hi. You're the avatar, right?" He asked and looked at him, with a grin. The only way he kept it from spreading across his whole face was forcing himself to act cool, but it kind of made his lips wiggle.

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Shortly after finding her seat, a kind voice caught Rashiri's attention, and she turned toward the stranger whose foot she was sure she'd stepped on. "What to expect?" She repeated, ensuring she'd heard him over the commotion of the act beginning. "I'm not sure, really. I've not been to a circus since I was a girl. I'm also fairly new here, myself. I suppose it'll be a learning experience for the both of us?" She offered with a small smile that faded as she'd remembered the second part of his question. Anyone interesting? Her gaze followed her thoughts over to the VIP section where her eyes may or may not have deceived her in identifying the Avatar. She shrugged in response after returning her attention back to the stranger. "I suppose that anyone who gets to sit in the VIP section must be pretty interesting." She wasn't sure what she'd seen, or who she thought she'd seen, and didn't want to spread false rumors.

Crossing her legs, she settled in to watch the act. Dancers and acrobats, animals and... Even stranger animals. Are those spirits? Rashiri pressed her brows together as she watched the spectacle, tensing as she witnessed a performing bird go up in flames, and fall to the ground, injured. She clenched and unclenched her jaw silently as the injured creature was removed from the scene, and turned her attention to an angered voice coming from the VIP section. Good. She thought. Someone ought to say something.

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Jeng looked at the boy addressing him, chuckling in mild amusement. "Yup, that'd be me. Master of the four elements, bridge between worlds." He let out a loud sigh. "Though, I'm not really the first one yet, and I don't really feel like the second right now." He turned to face the boy directly, crossing his legs. "So, what's up kid? You want an autograph or something?" Jeng didn't mean to sound vain in saying this; back when he and his friends were recovering in the village, people would constantly come to the house asking for such things (much to the detriment of the residents inside).

He shrugged, unsure of what he wanted. Guess it was just neat to meet him. "So what's got you down?" He asked, something obviously going on he could tell, by his sigh and how he'd found him out in the first place.

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The music in the tent began to grow louder and higher, raising the audience's expectations until the climax of the act had passed. The spirits all lined up in a ring, as did the circus troupe on stage, and they all bowed simultaneously. Men watched as the spirits entered the crowd, playfully twirling around the children and their families before they disappeared, and the troupe members left the stage as quickly as they had appeared.

"That's all for today, folks! May we have a round of applause for the circus troupe! And another for the spirits who have joined our family!" the ringleader reappeared on stage as applause came from the audience. Bowing deeply, the ringleader continued, "And thank you, patrons, for making this circus a dream come true! Outside, you may meet and greet the various members of the circus troupe! However, most of the animals and spirits are tired, and will need rest. Parents, kindly keep your children from wandering the circus grounds and possibly disturbing our resting family, for both our and your safety. Have a good day, and do come again!" he ended his announcement with an enthusiastic tone, before he suddenly disappeared in a cloud of smoke. The audience began to shift and shamble outside, where circus troupe members greeted them with a smile and entertained the children, with their acts of eating fire and handstands and backflips.
Takeo gave a nod to the women as he looked at the VIP seats. "True, maybe I should look there." He muttered mainly to himself before he went on to watch the show while he petted Gantz head. He watched in silence, finding the performance to be mediocre at best, even with the spirits. Though when he thought about it, to average people this must be astounding to watch judging from the reactions many seemed to give it. Upon seeing the spirit get burned he didn't say a thing for a bit as he watched. From what he could judge the spirit was hopefully not too badly damaged. Though he didn't see why so many were suddenly getting mad at the ringleader. What happened was a job hazard, people have been known to die during risky performances so truly this incident didn't come to much of a shock for him. Sure he pitied the poor spirit that got burned, but he saw no reason to get pissed at the ringleader.

When the show was over Takeo leaned back in his seat and gave a half hearted applause. Putting his hands down pretty soon he let out a small sigh. "Well that was interesting." He said as he patted Gantz head telling him to get up. Which he did after letting out a yawn. Looking at the girl next to him he smiled. "Excuse me miss, I don't want to step on your feet so would you please get up?" He asked with a nice smile not trying to be rude.

[QUOTE="The Suspicious Eye]Ina rolled her eyes and looked around for any people. Making her way over to the exit flap she heard Cal say something. Turning her head she looked back, "what?" As he didn't respond she shrugged and continued to look around the room. Her ears perked up as the sounds of the performance began to blare. Turning back to him again as he spoke, she nodded. "Alright let's go."
Crouching down to all fours she poked her head outside the open tent flap. There was a lot of things here she didn't like, spirits, humans, metals and something she couldn't put a finger on. It set her on edge her fur bristled as she sniffed the air, trying to catch the scent. Something began to well up inside her and rise to the surface. Something big and ominous and... *Burp!!* Ina fell back falling onto her tail in surprise.

From the pain of landing on her tail she gave a staggered yip! Before quickly jumping up to her feet again. Her tail bristled up in anger and snapped at the ground. Growling angrily she stomped on the ground and sighed. Turning back to Cal she pouted, "don't you laugh!"

the man put his hand to his mouth, looking like he was just barely holding int a laugh at her expense. "Aww, poor thing got scared." he cooed happily, rubbing the top of her head playfully for a moment as he looked through a small opening in the tent. "hey, hey Ina... the crowds right there, i can see the whole thing from here." he stated as he pointed towards the tent flap, the circus going on before his eyes... Well... that was until he realized it was basically the end of the show anyways...

"I don't see that princess anywhere... damn... looks like she stood us up fluffy butt, Sorry to drag yea here... but, gotta say your a fun fox to hang with... lets get out of this tent, maybe we can find something interesting outside to do. Who knows! maybe we'll even meet the Avatar! heheh, yea, like he'd be at this backwater town right?' he patted her head once more and made for a edge of the circus tarp, opening it abit and looking outside.

Nothing was around yet, save for the people talking about how cool the show was, and stealthy as a drunken newt Cal'vina slipped underneath on his stomache and stood up once he was through, looking nothing more then one of the various visitors having taken a stop to grab a breather near the edge. "Well, that was a bust, coulda been better I guess." he stated as he was starting to speak more coherently, but maintained a mild buzz.

They could reenter the tent anytime of course, though Cal would rather be somewhere that wouldn't end them up with a night behind bars.. well... him behind bars, Ina was a foxy death spirit.
"Well, you know how there were all those spirits just a little while ago? I...don't know what to make of that." It felt weird, talking about himself to a kid he literally just met. But at the same time, it felt kind of liberating: sometimes, it helped to have an outsider's perspective on things. "Like, I'm the Avatar you know? I'm supposed make sure both humans and spirits are safe, but this..." he scratched his head as if to illustrate his point, "this blurs the line. And I don't know whether they crossed it or not, kid."

"Yes, I was a bit... confused... as well." He said, "After the bird-spirit caught fire, I wasn't sure what to make of it, but I kind of felt sad inside, as if the spirits were being forced." He looked up then, and his face turned stern as he pushed himself to a standing position. "What do you say we take a look, eh, avatar? See what they're doing with the spirits." He was a bit concerned with himself for being so reckless as to want to break into the circus, but he also felt confident and exhilarated at the thought of fighting with the avatar- if it ever came to that, that is.

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<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_03/c0918d1bebdb5f573d7d16af409e851c.png.7368d95729278b4858c0618b0dfc3d12.png" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="112654" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_03/c0918d1bebdb5f573d7d16af409e851c.png.7368d95729278b4858c0618b0dfc3d12.png" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Standing up after the show, Tsai would stand and walk out into the night air that'd send chills over his skin. Looking around he could hear multiple conversations talking about the show, things they could have done to make it better and so on so forth. Eventually, trying to get out of the crowd he'd make it past the thick wall of civilians and into a more open area where he could actually breathe rather then inhaling the next persons exhale. Looking around he'd attempt to find something interesting to occupy him for a bit longer until he'd head back to the Inn.



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Jeng raised an eyebrow at the boy's suggestion, a smile slowly growing on his face. "Are you sure your mother would want you skulking around with the Avatar, at night, in places neither of us should probably be in?" He had to admit, the kid was either quite brave, quite stupid, or quite impulsive. Perhaps all three. That said, he had meant to talk to the staff and see how things were going...

"Maybe..." He replied, "but do you think anyone would?" He cocked his eyebrow and grinned, nodding his head toward the circus tent(/building) in gesture.

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Opal glanced down at Shing, realizing that the problem with his vision that she had noticed earlier had gotten exponentially worse. "There are spirits in the circus, one of them hit a flaming ring.." She trailed off as the ringleader appeared behind them and chastised them for being concerned. Opal narrowed her eyes, but bit her tongue. She nodded mutely, and watched Jeng go with no small amount of concern. Reluctantly, she watched the rest of the show, but as soon as it was over, she stood. "Come on, Shing. Lets find Jeng." She said, grabbing hold of the now almost blind firebender and leading him out. Opal scanned the crowd for him, even almost running into a performer twirling batons lit on fire.

@Peaceswore @jamaicanviking
Shing was confused by everything going on till he heard Opal explained what was going on. When he heard the leader he looked at them confused but just went with it. After a small bit he felt Opal's hand in his and looked in her blurry direction as he listened to her. "Okay." He said as he stood up making Crystal fly up to his shoulder. "Is everything okay?" He asked as he followed her through the crowd not bothering to apologize to anyone he may have ran into as he kept a grip on her hand trying not to get lost. "Oh are the spirits fine? People sounded very distraught." Shing said before instinctively pickpocketing someone he accidently bumbed into.

"You can't go in there." a man standing Men's way stopped him from going deeper into the circus grounds. Beyond this point, he could feel the spirits' fear, and the truth felt as tangible as the murderous mood Men was exuding. An arm suddenly wrapped around Men lightly, bringing him in to the ringleader, who was practically right up against him.

"I'm sorry, dearest patron, but the spirits and animals are resting. It's nighttime after all, and the circus grounds will be closed soon," the ringleader said solemnly, before his cheerful attitude returned, "But, dearest patron, have you given my offer any thought at all? Your wacky effects are one of a kind, where'd you learn such a trick? Would you care to join our family?" he gesticulated in front of Men while he ushered Men towards the main path, which connected the main circus tent to the exit and the ticket booths, "Lemme tell you, this family is one of a kind! You'll never be welcomed as warmly anywhere else!"

"Then I'll do it." Men stated monotonously, to the ringleader's shock. He hadn't expected it to be this easy, especially with such a moody customer.

"Really? Well then, what are we waiting for, kiddo!" the ringleader suddenly got behind Men and started pushing him towards the inner circus grounds, "We'll get you started and introduce you! Soon, you'll meet the animals and the spirits, and ooh! You're going to love the acrobats--" his voice suddenly steeped low so that his words wouldn't be in earshot of anyone, and he bent down a bit to whisper in Men's ear,"--don't tell the clowns but the acrobats are way funnier than they ever imagine themselves to be." he straightened himself back up to continue directing Men towards circus grounds.


"Oh we're gonna get you a costume! We'll get you lookin' sharp! Those wacky effects of yours will be a grreeeeaat hit!" the ringleader's voice could be heard from even from where Jeng was. While the avatar was talking to a child, a cuboid barrier suddenly appeared beside them, with words engraved into it.

"Follow me. Remain unseen. Help me, Raava."
<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_03/c0918d1bebdb5f573d7d16af409e851c.png.438b6d976703ee7483a1af1bef23968f.png" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="112751" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_03/c0918d1bebdb5f573d7d16af409e851c.png.438b6d976703ee7483a1af1bef23968f.png" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Not paying attention he'd be swallowed by the crowd as they expanded outwards. Exhaling deeply he'd try to find a direction to go and move in that way until the way would clear, though, eventually, he'd seem to grow only closer to the carnival once more. Seeing the tent he'd exhale before turning away from it and bumping into a female holding onto a struggling male with enough force that if he'd caught them off guard they'd all tumble to the earth. "I'm sorry... I didn't mean to run into you! It's just hard not to when you have thousands of people pressing against one another ya know? My apologies, and to make up for it if there's anything I can help with let me know."

He stood at the two strangers at a total of 5'6ft with his normal attire on and his bo-staff on his back.



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"Well...I guess you wouldn't be too far from your mom if she came looking," Jeng reasoned, weighing the options. "And odds are there's nothing to see anyhow...fine, you can come along, but stay next to me the whole time. I don't need you getting lost on me, alright?" As he said this, an ethereal cube appeared, some cryptic instructions on the side: 'Follow me. Remain unseen. Help me, Raava.' It didn't take a genius to figure out where they needed to go, since the ringleader's boisterous voice could be heard from a mile away. "Looks like that's our cue. Follow me kid," Jeng said, gesturing for him to tag along.

The Avatar followed the ringleader's voice until they finally got to the inner grounds of the circus. He hid behind some crates within Mén's view, expecting the boy following him to stay hidden as well. Jeng gave the spirit a thumb's up, hoping that he'd understand the gesture.

@Otakuyaki @Coriandr
Men looked around, taking in the grounds filled with troupe members and personnel, watching them as they entered and exited shelters that seemed to resemble those things in the ports, things humans call "cargo". Except these ones had windows and doors. How odd that humans lived in boxes. Of course, he used to lived in a cave with cuboid barriers so he supposed he wasn't any better. While looking around, he spotted Jeng and the kid, and the other two figures with him in the booth earlier nearby with someone else((@Flutterby @Peaceswore @Runakei)). Good, they're here. He nodded like he was approving of the circus behind the scenes in Jeng's direction, ignoring the fear that was creeping up on him from a corner of the circus grounds. That must be where the spirits are... If all those lies about them being "family" were true, those spirits wouldn't be exuding such a dreadful feeling. He'll have to find a way to make his way over there while he distra-- the ring leader suddenly pushed him away from the source of the fear, into one of the metallic shelters, closing the door behind them.

"Before we introduce you to the other troupe members, we'll get you a costume and sharpen you up!" the ringleader gave him a hearty slap on the back, sending him stumbling forwards into the arms of a woman, with a face heavily caked with makeup, "So take care of him for me, Liu Wei." that's right. He talked about sharpening up earlier, but now he realised he was in a room with all sorts of odd things. There were tables with chairs in front of desks with lighted mirrors, and what looked like different varieties of blades lying in an array in front of the chairs.

"Sure thing, Yu Xi. Just take a seat, darling." Liu Wei placed her hands on Men's shoulders with ringed, bony fingers and practically shoved him into a seat, "What's your name, dear?" she asked as she grabbed a large white cloth and tied it securely around Men's neck.

"Men(?)." he replied stoically as his eyes followed the ringleader, who was perusing the rows of costumes behind them.

"Men? As in 'door'?"


For a moment, the Liu Wei and Men merely stared at each other.

"You really found someone odd, Yu Xi." Liu Wei sighed as she picked up a pair of blades connected by a screw.

"What are those?"

"Scissors, kiddo, you never heard of them?"


"Hey, who are you two?" three circus troupe members called out, having suddenly stumbled across the avatar with a kid, hiding in the bushes, "Wait aren't you the avatar? You shouldn't be here, these are the staff the grounds." it had been a few minutes since Men had entered that portable building, and circus troupe members had already stumbled across Jeng and Cornelius, "Come this way, you two, we'll escort you out of he--" a commotion suddenly came from the portable building, before the door suddenly burst open.


A man(or spirit, rather) stumbled out of the portable building door, before collapsing to his knees against the wooden rampart that connected to the door. He was dressed in a suit similar to the one the ring leader wore, with a large, red bow tie that constricted his neck. His hair was drastically shorter, and they had put something weird into it, making it stick up. That was a terrible experience. This was a terrible idea. Did all the spirits and animals they subjugate go through that same experience? He might commit more than murder tonight if they really did.

"Woah, Woah! Kiddo slow down." the ringleader called out from inside the portable building, groaning slightly. The inside had been completely wrecked, and costume racks lay broken with their clothes splayed across the floor, "And drop those things around you!" Men lashed a hand out in the ringleader's direction, sending a multitude of swords made out of barriers that floated around him at the ringleadrr, who narrowly dodged, "Security!" humans began to flood the scene as Men procured a barrier beneath himself to float on.

"Bring these two out of here." one of the three troupe members who has found Jeng and Cornelius motioned to the other two, nodding before she quickly ran towards the commotion, pulling up rock beneath her to hurl at Men, along with all the other fire and metal that was being thrown at him.


"Jeng! Follow me!" Men created a barrier beneath himself to propel himself into the air, spotting them while moving on a floating platform. An arrow-shaped barrier suddenly appeared in front of Jeng and Cornelius, which would lead them to the portable building where the spirits were being kept from prying eyes, much to the confusion of the two troupe members who were with them, "I'm fine!" he called out as he thrust a hand into the air, producing blades out of barriers that protected him and lashed out at humans.

((Written on mobile, may be unedited.))
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Orikanyo said:
the man put his hand to his mouth, looking like he was just barely holding int a laugh at her expense. "Aww, poor thing got scared." he cooed happily, rubbing the top of her head playfully for a moment as he looked through a small opening in the tent. "hey, hey Ina... the crowds right there, i can see the whole thing from here." he stated as he pointed towards the tent flap, the circus going on before his eyes... Well... that was until he realized it was basically the end of the show anyways...
"I don't see that princess anywhere... damn... looks like she stood us up fluffy butt, Sorry to drag yea here... but, gotta say your a fun fox to hang with... lets get out of this tent, maybe we can find something interesting outside to do. Who knows! maybe we'll even meet the Avatar! heheh, yea, like he'd be at this backwater town right?' he patted her head once more and made for a edge of the circus tarp, opening it abit and looking outside.

Nothing was around yet, save for the people talking about how cool the show was, and stealthy as a drunken newt Cal'vina slipped underneath on his stomache and stood up once he was through, looking nothing more then one of the various visitors having taken a stop to grab a breather near the edge. "Well, that was a bust, coulda been better I guess." he stated as he was starting to speak more coherently, but maintained a mild buzz.

They could reenter the tent anytime of course, though Cal would rather be somewhere that wouldn't end them up with a night behind bars.. well... him behind bars, Ina was a foxy death spirit.
Ina pouted as Cal rubbed her head. She hated being treated like an animal, but it did feel good. Following beside him she looked at him curiously. She poked her head out of the tent flap and looked around too. She saw the spirits at the end and her fur bristled with anger. Another group of spirits held captive. She clenched her fist with anger, but underneath felt an unspeakable urge. Power emanated from her as her claws began to elongate. Her eyes glowed honing in on the spirits.

She snapped out of whatever trance she was in when Cal patted her once again. "Huh?" She frowned and shook her head angrily. "He is here." Ina stretched and hopped along with him sneaking past the crowd and circling around Cal before standing up. Ina smiled and shrugged, "It's no problem we just need more booze. Something befitting a god of my stature." Grinning she looked around for any alcohol they could steal. In the back of her mind the urge to devour the spirits seemed to pulsate through her body, unable to contain it much longer.

Her nose began to tingle and twitch as she felt a searing burst of energy from the crowd. Ina's claws began extend once more as her tail began to whip from side to side more fervently. She looked to Cal, "I... I want to see the circus spirits. Take me to them!" Looking up with a mix between desire and anger in her eyes she clenched onto Cal's shirt.
Cori followed Jeng through, keeping his footsteps light as he could. When they were caught, he jumped from the surprise and almost propelled him in the air instinctively, but stopped his arm before it did any damage. Suddenly, a metal creak caught his attention as someone - wait, no, it was the floating guy from earlier in the circus, he realized, or maybe it was a spirit - stumbled out and before he knew it, he was attacking with some kinds of energy blades made from nothing! When the man yelled for the Avatar to follow him, he stopped holding back and sent one of the circus troupe flying in the air, from a rock he pulled up under him, and sent several pebbles to others, keeping a stance but ready to run with Jeng if he did follow the man/spirit.
Ina cringed every time he called her fluffybutt. She absolutely hated the nickname, especially since she does not have a fluffy behind. Her tail twitched angrily as she could feel the pull for a spirit's energy. There's something familiar there I know it... I just know it. She took a deep breath and tried to calm down. Her goal was to rescue the spirits she saw on stage. Just as she was trapped in a cage they have no right to be trapped in a cage. Ina growled as she esteemed and retracted the sharp claws coming from her nails.

She gave a half cocked grin, her canine teeth growing sharper, as Cal agreed to take her to them. "Good, and stop calling me fluffybutt. It's called a tail."She took his hand in her's and followed behind him. Crouching down beside him she noticed Jeng and someone else she didn't recognize. Giving a half hearted chuckle she shook her head, "at least I know we have some good back up." Curling her tail closer to herself she quietly passed the crowd following the others.

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_03/57a8c88b63dea_TsaiYang.png.4d901cd8093e0fc0409f6f64970de8bd.png" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="112851" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_03/57a8c88b63dea_TsaiYang.png.4d901cd8093e0fc0409f6f64970de8bd.png" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Realizing that maybe, just maybe perhaps these people no longer needed help; Tsai walked away and began to make his way in the same direction he was originally going in. Eventually, he'd end up in a nearby Chow Mein booth. Sitting on the stool he'd look at the owner and smiled before ordering his meal. "Surprise me, I'll eat anything ya' offer!" Realizing how gluttonous his statement sounded he chuckled softly before reaching forward to grab a set of chopsticks and a napkin just as a bowl of Lo Mein was being offered to he'd bow properly and begin eating.



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@The Suspicious Eye @jamaicanviking @Coriandr

Slowly making his way down the same path those two went down, not exactly thinking they might be... you know... thieves, murderers, any other type of ne'erdowell, he finally came upon them with Ina in tow, or atleast, angry turning into a demon fox Ina, taking a small look at them he softly "psst, hey." to call their attention, hopefully they knew where they were keeping the spirits...

"hey, you two... do you know where they keep the spirits around here?" he asked the older looking guy of the two as he kept an eye out for anybody else who might come upon them. "Kinda got a... angry fluffybutted fox who wants to see them." he patted ina's head for good measure... hopping in some way it might calm her slightly.. if only he had more for her to drink...

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