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Fandom Avatar: Spirits Awaken

Standing quiet as a mouse Cal'vina saw that the situation was all but solved! What joy! He can continue living for years to come! Husah! Husah!

And he has a bag of loot to!

Huash! Husah!

But of course, first he had to get out with it, or atleast have it go unseen by the folk around him, as they might start to ask questions... And he couldn't just say he brought this big sack of cash in WITH him. Or could he? ...no, that would be foolish.

"...wait... Police CHIEF!?" Cal stated as he looked to the three with sudden shock and worry in his eyes. "Erhm, umm... G-good work their folks! Just as I'd expect from our wonderful law enforcement! You all did absolutly wonderful and deserve all the praise in this world! As a citizen I thank you for your wonderous work and protection against the rampaging spirits!" the man started to lay on the praise as he slowly tried to look for a way out of the place with his totally not suspicious eyes scanning the room for an escape!

"That one also said avatar you fool!"

"Wait! What?! The avat-" So... that bratty kid who called him an old man is... is...

The dots finally connected.

Sneaking up upon on the man with a cat-like grin he wrapped his arm around Jeng's shoulder's. "Well done! Kiddo I knew you had it in yea! Well done!" he slapped him on the back roughly a few times. "Hey bud I got a bit of a question for yea later of the spiritual variety, Got a thing stuck in me head if you catch me."

@jamaicanviking @too much idea (anyone else who's wants to react to my shenanigans)
Jeng stood there in silence, letting Shing and the airbender boy do the talking. "We'll get 'em next time, Chief," he promised, smiling optimistically. "We always do." If nothing else, he wouldn't be causing trouble again; that much was reassuring enough. As he tried counting out the amount of collars he and Chen had amassed, Jeng was interrupted by the boisterous man from earlier, who was noticeably more sober than when they first met. The boy turned his attention to the man, mildly irked that he'd have to count all over. "I'm the Avatar, not a psychiatrist, old man. Whatever's in your head sounds like a mental issue, not a spiritual one."

@too much idea @Orikanyo
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@jamaicanviking[/URL] @Otakuyaki
Peaceswore said:
Takeo was taking a deep breath as he calmed himself after the fight, Gantz now at his side in his smaller form. "The ring master from what I saw ran like the coward he is." He said calmly as he looked at the people present. "I think another man went after him but whether he caught him or not I have no clue." Takeo pushed some of his chestnut hair out of his eyes and placed the glider/spear down so the tip was facing up. "Nice bending Avatar and police chief." He said with a grin.
Shing had been on the sidelines the entire time, unable to help in this battle in the least. He had to keep hold of Crystal to make sure she didn't get herself hurt, but by the end of it all he let her go as he used her to get to the others. Looking at them he sighed before nodding. "Yeah.... I think I felt someone run in the opposite direction, he almost ran me over. I didn't know who it was so I didn't stop him.....not that I would have been able to...."

@jamaicanviking @too much idea @Otakuyaki
Runakei said:

Tryed his best to hold the male down into submission, "Look, I'm sorry pal. But I can't let you just run away to restart that torture fun house in some other province... We're going back... We're going to let the spirits you captured and tortured decide your fate." trying to stand while still holding the male made it difficult to keep his grip as firmly on him as he struggled to bring both of them to their feet.
"Uuuuugh..." the ringleader groaned loudly as he watched the whole ordeal whilst struggling. Without a second thought, he immediately shouted, "Spirits, to me! Help me!" he kicked at the man holding him, expecting the spirits to come to him, but only a third of the spirits he had trained came. The rest were still rather frantic, but they were slowly calming down, with the only exceptions being a quarter of the spirits which had already turned dark and were beginning to crash into the circus tents and cages, ripping them apart, "Get him off of me!" the spirits he had called encircled the airbender behind him, but they were quickly beginning to realise their freedom, and quickly, they scattered, leaving the ringleader alone, his arms locked behind him, "Let me go, nomad! Liu Wei! Kyo! Maura!" he called out, to little futile. No one responded. Liu Wei had already run away from the scene, but the benders and the acrobats merely sat down, disoriented, watching the man who'd raised them get beaten by the avatar and his motley crew, "Nomad, you leave me no choice!" he quickly pressed his bracelet, which immediately flipped open with a click, revealing a blade in it, before thrusting backwards into the nomad who was holding him.

The man laughed at the guy's words with clear animosity to being brushed off, but then leaned in with a slight air of... anger; At being tossed aside like a wet rag. His fingers clenching tightly on the shoulder it lay upon as he began to clarify. "...If it was... i wouldn't be talking to the avatar...I wouldn't have talked to many people all across this damned world... just to get help... Revel in your victory kiddo, we'll be talk more about this later." he gave the guy one last final slap on the back and began to walk towards Ina, hopefully she could improve his mood...

Damn headache was coming back... Emergency supply was ready, so he didn't have to worry.

"Hey fluffy butt, you good?' he asked the fluffy fox woman, curious to how the tail thing was going, as he brought the emergency flask to his lips.

@jamaicanviking @The Suspicious Eye
<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_03/57a8c8cd6094b_TsaiYang.png.cb831cb6cca30a06974ee8e250436e0f.png" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="115155" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_03/57a8c8cd6094b_TsaiYang.png.cb831cb6cca30a06974ee8e250436e0f.png" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Would grunt heavily upon feeling the blade penetrate his the flesh of his side, thankfully it didn't hit any vital organs, though it did cause him to release his grip and fall to his knees. "You won't get away... I-I won't let you... The spirits, abused and hurt by your torture fetish will be allowed their revenge.... Do you hear me spirits! You are free and your captive stands with only a blade in hand... Take thy revenge!"



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"Uh... Who's that guy?" Fei whispered to Jeng, with a confused expression on her face. Another addition to the team? A stranger who befriended Jeng? Or a criminal? That person sure set off an alarm with his overreaction to things. After listening to what Shing said, and what's going on around here, Fei has the general idea of what's actually happening. Jeng tried to free the spirits, who are undoubtedly sold illegally and forced to work here. They are most definitely is smuggled here. With the Avatar right behind him, the ringmaster released the angered spirits while he himself is running away. "Now that the spirits are fine, we should chase the ringmaster before he escaped from the city."

@jamaicanviking @Peaceswore @Orikanyo @Otakuyaki
Ina looked back at the crazy human who looked like he kissed a porcupine. She smiled as she saw the scratches on his face. Inspecting it, she realized that her second tail put up a lot of fight. She turned to the direction that Cal was pointing in and saw her tail on Jeng's head. Doing her best to mask her presence she watched her second help him metal bend. With a furrowed brow her tail began to twitch quickly. More than anything she wanted that second tail, a step closer to the God she once was. Although she'll try to run again.

Turning back to Cal she tried to calm herself. Crossing her arms she gave him a cocky smile. "I'll have to be sneaky old man, but I think I'll catch my second tail soon." Winking she added, "with a little luck." Stretching she crouched down and be gan to stalk Jeng as she waded through the spirits.


The spirit gave a soft purr as the control collar was removed. "thank you young Ravaa." She gave a respectful bow and continued to stay on Jeng's head. Her ears perked up on something familiar, but the presence faded away. It must have been from the fighting. She looked to the other humans as the young Ravaa finished his deed. She still knew not of this avatar that they were talking of, but she learned much from their brief conversation.


Ina was close to the others hiding her presence well. That is until Cal shouted her name out alerting her to everyone. Ina's eyes shot up at her second tail. The cat turned to see her. Jumping up atop Jeng's head she hissed and buried her claws in his head. "You!! Murderer!!!" Ina growled and leapt for the cat jumping off Jeng's shoulders. The two fell to the ground angrily fighting.

Ina growled, "quit fussing and fuse back with me." The cat growled and kicked Ina with her hind legs. "No! You killed the mistress after all she did for us after our fall!" The cat jumped out of Ina's grip only to have her tail grabbed and pulled back in. Ina grunted and tried to pull the cat back "I didn't kill her stupid sister! I loved her just as much as you two did!! Now fuse!" The cat pouted and jumped out again this time running to Cal.

As the cat grew closer to Cal her body grew and changed until the cat became a small copy of Ina with very long hair. "No! I don't want to! I'm not your sister and I'm not you!!" The young girl stamped her foot and glared at her older twin. Ina growled "oh yeah what's your name?" The girl paused and glared again "fine, so we're one, but I won't be apart of you...you... you ruffian!!" Ina reached for the girl "stop being such a pest! Aren't you supposed to be the wise one?!"

The cat ran around Cal and kicked her, "spiritual does not mean wise! How many times do I have to tell you!" She stuck her tongue out at her and looked up at Cal. Tugging at his sleeve she looked at him apologetically "hey Mr. human. I'm sorry about all the scratches. I just didn't want to get caught by her." She glared back at Ina.

With a loud sigh of exasperation Ina groaned. "Come on! I didn't kill her it was someone else! Just fuse so I can become stronger." The second glared and put her hands to her hips, "No! Why should I?! You haven't changed at all these millenniums still selfish and rash as always." She shook her head, "even with the others you're the one who ultimately sealed our fate." Ina grew quiet and sighed, "helping should not be a crime. You out of all of us know that." Sitting down she pouted angrily crossing her arms.

@Orikanyo @jamaicanviking @too much idea @Runakei @Anyone else I forgot.
Cal kept a stiff upper lip for a moment as Ina... and her tail, started argueing. Well, first fighting, then arguing, but in anycase the second tail ended up turning into another absolutely cute Ina, well, look alike anyways. "Now you two, let's try to talk this out alright?" he asked the two with a barely stifling chuckle at the cutness he was beholding, a cat and a fox, two parts of a whole lot of cute. Now he must remain calm and centered, best not seem creepy either, lest the kitty run off... wait, hand NO!!

The arm being tugged on rose up and started to rub the cat tail woman behind the ears, he sighed abit annoyed at his own lack of self controll... Well... can't say it's not pleasing, theraputic in a way, he felt all the stress just float away as he scratched the kitty's head gently, but with enough to scratch that hard to reach itch.

"...hmm... How about we all talk this out over dinner huh? Obviously there a lot we don't know about this situation. And while you may not want to, you two are both parts of a hole, you do not need to fuse, but it is good to be able to work together to find out what happened. The ultimate goal, because it sounds to me that a criminal is on the lose, and two heads, technically three, are always better then one." Cal'vina gifted some sage advice through his slight haze. "I will not claim to know everything, but as a man who is brother to 12 sisters, not lieing, I understand the power of working together with those who are alike. So, kitty, fluffybutt, I propose we gather together the rest of the tails and find the culprit of that terrible event. Does that sound smart at all? Or do we have to get dinner and think over it?" he asked as he mentioned dinner again, honestly a good bit of food goes a long way in negotiations.

That and scratching one's weak point...

@The Suspicious Eye @Anybody else who wants to comment on Cal's sage advice.
Jeng cleared his throat, hoping to get the group's attention. "The old man's right, we can deal with this where things aren't so chaotic." He looked at the two spirits, "Once we catch the ringleader we'll talk this over." As he explained this, the boy caught the sound of quite a bit of shouting coming from behind him. "And I believe that'd be him." Jeng ran over to the source of the commotion, and as luck would have it, there the man was, being held in place by what seemed to be an air nomad. "Hey, jackass!" The Avatar shouted as he stormed over to them, "You've got a lot of explaining to do!"

@Runakei @Otakuyaki @The Suspicious Eye @Orikanyo @Everyone else
And who's that boy holding down the ringmaster? He looked like an air nomad, but seriously what's a nomad doing here? Oh well, she can ask later. First thing first, she got to clean up all this mess. Flashing out her badge (again. She's kind of addicted to it now), she's running behind Jeng. "Police! Stay where you are!"

Uh, that sounded cheesy. Like something out of soap opera aired back in Republic City.

@Runakei @Otakuyaki @Orikanyo @jamaicanviking

@The Suspicious Eye
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<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_04/57a8c8ef716fe_TsaiYang.png.b8084cd62e7cb7b08cc015885b0724f9.png" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="116411" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_04/57a8c8ef716fe_TsaiYang.png.b8084cd62e7cb7b08cc015885b0724f9.png" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Holding on with the best of his might as the blade remained in his side. "G-Grab him already!!" he'd continue to grip him as much as possible, though, his strength was faulting and it wouldn't be very much longer until his grip would fail altogether and the ringleader would be on his feet and running again. That idea alone caused his heart to beat stronger and faster from the anger that would have built inside of him towards the man who tortured innocent lives for mere entertainment.



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"Can do," Jeng said as he walked over, taking the ringleader from the nomad's grasp. The earthbender kicked the ground, creating a small hole in the ground for the man to fall through, and tossed him in, closing the opening around his arms so he couldn't climb out. Kneeling down in front of the culprit's head, Jeng flashed him a complacent smile and flicking his forehead. "Oh, man have you got some explaining to do, pal."

@Otakuyaki @Runakei
Shing just sat on the ground and listened to what was going on though he didn't look to be too happy for his own reasons of course.

Takeo stood next to the man with a smile on his face. "My forcing spirits for a performance? Have you no shame? You should be happy that the avatar got his hands on you and not some powerful angry spirit. I'm sure they wouldn't hesitate to rip you a new one~"

@Otakuyaki @Anyone neart the ringmaster
<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_04/57a8c8f09b782_TsaiYang.png.2471bbfd41dbb76f0325c8bc586e3297.png" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="116442" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_04/57a8c8f09b782_TsaiYang.png.2471bbfd41dbb76f0325c8bc586e3297.png" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Held his side as his hand and orange clothes became stained red with blood and his face grew pale. "I-I um... I... I think I need a little... uhh... hel-" having been bleeding for awhile without assisting the wound or cutting off as much blood circulation as he possibly could. Rather, he was too busy holding down a male he now truly resented right about now, especially since he'd gone to lengths of placing a blade into his side in order to get away. A soft smile came across his face before he fell forward and laid on the ground groaning half conscious to the world around him.

@Peaceswore @jamaicanviking @too much idea @Anyone else near ringleader



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Ina looked up at her second tail dejected. Ina hated this she hated being weak and 'helpless', she wanted her strength back all of it. She was once so strong, but now she can't even control her own fire. Looking up at the smaller version of her self she could feel the pull of her power, although weaker fro helping Jeng it was still very strong. "You know that," she repeated this time her eyes were clear with a aged wisdom. The small Ina let out a sigh, she really didn't want to forgive her first tail for everything. The first tail may not have killed their mistress, but she was dead and the first tail left soon after. About to scold Ina again, the small Ina stopped as the human began to scratch her ears. Feeling a warm calm waft over her she began to purr. Well I can at least hear her out. It's the least I can do. Besides all these years apart, I'v forgotten what it felt like to be one. The prospect of finding new strength intrigued her. Speaking in a soft purr she nodded, "fine. The elderly human does have some points. I will hear your proposal First. If it intrigues me I will return to you once again. But it shall be of my own choice."

Ina's ears perked up at the thought of her regaining her second tail. "Fine, sure whatever! As long as you think about it." Her tail began to sway with joy as she moved back and forth. Her head turned to Jeng as he mentioned the ringleader. Smirking at the old man joke she got up and cocked her head. "That guy's still around? Good, let's get him." She watched as the others leave. Looking back at Cal she smirked "I'm gonna go, don't feel bad if you can't keep up old man."

The tiny Ina rolled her eyes at her first tail's childish enthusiasm. She turned her attention to the avatar and nodded. "Very well young Ravaa." She gave a polite nod and watched as they ran off to fight Ina was about to follow behind when she stopped and looked at her second tail. "Are you coming?" The small Ina looked at her curiously, "of course not, I have no fighting abilities. I'd only get in the way." Ina growled "you wouldn't if we were one." The second tail shrugged, "wasn't meddling in human affairs what got us here in the first place. I'd rather stick to our previous role and watch humanity from afar." Ina clenched her fist and glared at her second tail, before turning away in disgust. "Fine have it your way!!" She stormed off to the others angrily looking for the ringleader, she needed to punch something and he sounded like a great target.

Making her way over to the group she saw that Jeng had the ringleader. Tisking she went to the fallen human and kicked his head, lightly. Looking down she inspected him. "Hey if you're dead, give me your soul. I could use a snack." She poked his face and herd him grunt. "Dang..." She put pressure on the guy's wound and looked for one of those water-benders. "Hey somebody come heal this guy he's hurt."

@Peaceswore @jamaicanviking @too much idea @Runakei
<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_04/57a8c8f24498f_TsaiYang.png.aa27bd1516fe61d583ce10f370fc1549.png" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="116499" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_04/57a8c8f24498f_TsaiYang.png.aa27bd1516fe61d583ce10f370fc1549.png" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Half conscious, he'd smirk upon being kicked, "I appreciate you belittle the human who went out of his way to capture the person who tortured your kind for mere entertainment as a 'snack'" that took the breath out of him as he just laid there after rolling on his back with a deep exhale.



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Opal, unable to do much to help when it came to spirits, stayed next the Shing and did her best to keep anyone, spiriy or otherwise, from roughing him up. She had long since figured out that he couldnt see a thing.

As the chaos died down, she watched the others rush away to the ringleader. Shing plopped down, miserable, so Opal darted over to the injured nomad. She couldnt heal him, but she could add a little bandaging to the pressure Ina was applying. With a smirk, Opal settled onto the other side and glanced at Ina.

"Long time, no see," She commented, and withdrew some bandages from her pack. She folded them neatly and pressed them onto the wound. "Glad to see youve not lost your dazzling sense of humor," Opal said, refering to the soul-snack comment, "But you mustve gone a little soft if youre letting people call you fluffybutt."

Opal looked around and frowned. "We are severely lacking in the healing department right now. Shing! Wheres Chrystal?"

@Runakei @The Suspicious Eye @Peaceswore
Shing looked in the direction he hears his name being called from. Only seeing a blurry mess he was quiet for a moment as he looked at the blurry blue spirit next to him. He petted her head a few times before sighing. "She's over here." He said calmly before petting her head a few times. "Go help whoever they are panicking over." With that the spirit nodded and flew over to the injured man. Flying in the air a bit she collected some moister from the air before placing it on the man's wounds. The water started to glow a and spin as it began to heal the man's wounds. Shing stood up and walked over in their direction the best he could (Stumbling once) before he stopped next to the guy. "...An air nomad?" He asked squinting a bit trying to make out the guy more but only let out a low growl when he couldn't so he turned away and crossed his arms as he waited for this to be over with.

@Flutterby @The Suspicious Eye @Runakei
jamaicanviking said:
"Can do," Jeng said as he walked over, taking the ringleader from the nomad's grasp. The earthbender kicked the ground, creating a small hole in the ground for the man to fall through, and tossed him in, closing the opening around his arms so he couldn't climb out. Kneeling down in front of the culprit's head, Jeng flashed him a complacent smile and flicking his forehead. "Oh, man have you got some explaining to do, pal."
@Otakuyaki @Runakei
Peaceswore said:
Shing just sat on the ground and listened to what was going on though he didn't look to be too happy for his own reasons of course.
Takeo stood next to the man with a smile on his face. "My forcing spirits for a performance? Have you no shame? You should be happy that the avatar got his hands on you and not some powerful angry spirit. I'm sure they wouldn't hesitate to rip you a new one~"

@Otakuyaki @Anyone neart the ringmaster
"Get your hands off of m-- auugh!" the ringleader yelped as he was sucked into the ground by the avatar, and he looked up at his captors with a venomous glare, "Kyo! Jiu Xian! All of you, make yourselves useful!" he hollered at the circus troupe members behind the avatar and his gang, but they didn't respond. The two earthbenders beside Kyo earlier were now beside her, attempting to console her as she winced at the ringleader's harsh orders, only to cry harder, "Filthy street rats." one of the earthbender's ears perked up, stomping his foot on the ground, causing a square of rock to jut out of the ground and hit the ringleader squarely in the cheek, leaving behind superficial scratches on his left cheek.

"We'll testify against you, Ba." the earthbender turned towards him with a glare that reeked of murder.

"Then do that." a cubic forcefield suddenly appeared to the ringleader's right, smashing itself into the ringleader's right cheek, before spinning furiously, tearing off a piece of skin and leaving a good portion of his right cheek raw, "Whoops, I intended to make your face symmetrical." Men walked into the scene, blades made of forcefields circling around him. The parts of Men that were corrupting in the maelstrom of terrified spirits earlier were still dark, making it quite obvious. Men was mad, and every blade pointed towards the ringleader. The ringleader's venomous glare immediately softened at the dooming figure towering above him, attempting to back away, a futile attempt for a man stuck neck-deep in the ground, "Are you some sort of guard?" Men spoke to the police officer, not breaking eye contact with the ringleader, "Will you give him to me?"((@too much idea))

For some reasons, Fei didn't try to stop them from hurting the ringleader. Maybe because she thinks that he deserve it, especially after intimidating them himself. A punch or a scar is alright, she could always find a good explanation. Like, they had to fight him to capture him and stuff. But something more that that?

"No. He's going to be judged by law and probably locked inside a prison for a decade or two." Fei replied, before turning toward the ringleader. "Now, I got questions for you. Like, where the hell do you get all these spirits? Who sell them to you? Is it a mute man wearing a bloddy red mask? Oh, and I'll have you know that I'm going to take a look around your office."
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Ina smirked at the human as he used the last of his breath to give him a snarky remark. She watched as he passed out, "yeah. Well I don't care much for my kind either, so yeah. Snack seems about right." Her ears twitched as familiar footsteps came by.

Ina turned her head to see Opal come by. Keeping her smirk she tilted her head at her. She listened until she heard that awful nickname. Her tail bristled, and she shivered a bit. "Yeah long time. Nice to see you haven't changed. But don't call me that." In a sense, she kinda felt like only the old man could. As Shing and the water spirit arrived she grinned and looked at him then back to the knocked out human devilishly. "So that's what the's this cocky guy is. Hmm, I don't remember the air nomads being so confident. Although I like the new ones. They might last longer." She kicked his head, gently,but not quite. Thinking about all the souls she had in that last genocide she couldn't help but smile. It was tragic, but they were in a better place. Besides, two hundred years is nothing to her.

Looking back at Shing she kicked his side. "Now where the heck have you been?!" Her ears picked up on the chief and the new man talking. Giving a small scoff as the woman said probably locked in a prison, she shook her head. Humans and their laws are flimsy and pointless. Just as all laws are. Everything has their exceptions... isn't that right brother? She looked down at Shing and put her hands on her hips, "well talk."

@Peaceswore @Flutterby @Runakei
<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_04/57a8c9060bdd8_TsaiYang.png.0aa3e063f9363d6eed55f5f92c3d84f2.png" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="117254" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_04/57a8c9060bdd8_TsaiYang.png.0aa3e063f9363d6eed55f5f92c3d84f2.png" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Just kinda lays there being kicked, since he's currently unable to do to much at the moment while his mind drifted into a dreamless sleep.



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Opal gave a snort at Ina's words. "Wasn't planning on it, considering Ive seen you go all fiery-fox-of-death," She murmured, pressing firmly on the bandage until Chrystal came. She gave the little spirit a grateful smile and took her hands away so the wound would be healed. Lucky they still had her around, or they would be up a creek without a paddle.

She wiped her hands and then checked the air nomad's pulse. It was a little faint, but steady enough. He would be fine, given a little time. Opal looked up as Shing began stumbling over. She scowled, and answered Ina's questions in a growl.

"Oh, he's just been moping around pretending he's fine when he's not." She gave Shing a glance and then added, "Shing, sit down before you trip over something and hurt yourself." It peeved her that his condition was so bad and he hadnt bothered mentioning it.

@The Suspicious Eye @Peaceswore @Runakei
Shing who normally would have defended against the kick barely saw it coming and just took the hit. He gritted his teeth and glared in Ina's direction. "Did you want me to burn these frighten spirts with my flames? No? Yeah I didn't think so, I couldn't do anything without hurting them so I sat this out." He muttered knowing full well his flames could barely even light, hell! He couldn't even see that well, Ina and anyone further than three feet were nothing more than blurry figures to him.

He then looked at Opal with the same glare before looking away his arms still crossed. "I'm not pretending, I'm just fine.... I didn't want to hurt the spirits so I didn't help out. Flames would have just made everything worse." He said as he shifted away a bit though not seeing a rock that was under his feet his heel hit this and before he could catch himself he found that he had fallen rather hard on his but catching himself with his hands having one hit an edge of a rock and cutting his hand. He silently cussed at this and gripped his hand as he looked at the ground. "I meant to do that." he mumbled under his breath feeling very irritated at this.

@Flutterby @The Suspicious Eye
Ina smirked "I don't give a crap about them. You're weak. Admit it and get stronger." She knew Shing could have easily dodged that kick. Something was off with him. Her ears pulled back in worry and aggravation. Something's wrong with him, I just don't know what. Ina frowned and looked at him as she watched him fall. "Sure you wanted to fall on your ass. What's wrong with you?" Ina put her hands on her hips and looked down at him. Her eyes glowed with anger.

The smaller Ina followed towards the group and looked at the boy who was on the ground. The younger Ina looked down at him and gave a worried smile. "Are you alright?" The tiny fox helped him to his knees and inspected his body. His chakra was stressed, but she was too weak to do anything about it. "Human child can you hear me?"


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