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Fandom Avatar: Spirits Awaken

Cori turned his head to the 'psst' and shrugged. Suddenly some guards appeared around the corner behind them, and blew large fire clouds from their fists. He instinctively pulled up a wall in their path, then pushed the wall back to make them run."We're looking too." He said after, and turned back to the fighting.
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Before the girl could respond Gantz sniffed the air before letting out a low growl. Noticing this Takeo looked at the spirit wolf with a raised brow. "Hungry already?" He asked before Gantz suddenly jumped onto the seats and over some people as he sprinted out of the tent. "Oi! Gantz!" He shouted before using his airbending to jump over the crowd with ease. He landed on one person's head for a mere moment before pushing off and jumping over the rest of the crowd. Landing carefully on his feet he looked around he saw the tail of his friend turn a corner and with that he rushed after him. As he ran he leaned down and picked up his spear/glider that he had hidden in the area.

Turning the corner quickly he came to a halt when two guards ran by him. Looking at them confused he looked ahead and saw a few interesting characters, his wolf only a yard in front of him. Looking at the people his eyes got caught on one of them...the avatar. He may not be able to see his face but he could tell from the back of his head (yes he studied the avatar so much he knows how he looks from the back of his head). "Gantz calm down. I don't think these guys are our enemies." He said with a small laugh, but the spirit wolf still growled angrily as it sniffed the air once more.

@jamaicanviking @The Suspicious Eye @Coriandr @Orikanyo
(Pretty far behind, just gonna start with him running lol)

Jeng watched the boy as he fought, following his lead and assuming a battle stance before more of the circus staff appeared. He was so preoccupied, in fact, that he didn't even notice that the drunkard trying to get their attention was with Ina at first. "Listen, old man, we can find the spirits after we--wait, did you say 'angry fluffbutted fox?'" Sure enough, there the spirit was, in all her intoxicated glory. "Ina? What are you doing here? And--" he sniffed the air for a moment-- "are you drunk?" Before he could get an answer, however, some more men accosted the group. Jeng kicked up a slab of rock, launching it towards two of the men and sending them flying backwards.

@Orikanyo @Coriandr @The Suspicious Eye @Peaceswore @Otakuyaki
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"...old man..." Cal'vina froze, a singular tear forming within his eye... "..now thats uncalled for man.. I'm not that old, I'm only 29 damn it! Or... wait... oh 30 in 4 more days, how lucky." he smiled again suddenly, forgetting what he was sad about... And thats when the fighting started. "She ain't drunk, atleast now, more like a pleasant buzz!" Cal'vina explained as he waited for the other folk to deal with the people coming forwards.

let the benders deal with the benders he says, he'll gladly stay back here with his fluffy friend. "don't worry folks, i'm right behind yea, i gotchyer back from over here, where its safe." the man cheered on the others like a proper coward would. "Go earth bender dude who knows ina, kick their buts! You to fire cloud guy!" he waved a fist in encouragement as he leaned on a nearby box, looking quite content to stay away from the fighting, even though condoning it.

@Coriandr @The Suspicious Eye @jamaicanviking @the rest o' yall.
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Ina followed behind Cal, her fur bristled as she got the attention of Jeng and the stranger. She slid to a halt on all fours as they stopped and talked to Jeng. As he noticed her she gave a cocky grind and a sluggish salute. "Whuzz up, Ava- *hic*...Jenng." She turned back at the scent she caught in the air. She hissed at the wolf spirit in the air, giving him a firm warning to back off. Glaring for a moment longer up at the spirit she turned back to Jeng and Cal. "Yeah, what Cal said." She snickered and her tail bristled. "I need to get to the spirits... there's one... I know." She clenched her hands into fists as she spoke again. "I need to see her."

She turned to the attacker and growled, "If you don't want them dead, you have five minutes to take them out before I do." Her eyes glowed yellow with rage as she honed in on the attacker. Their power familiar to her, although she couldn't place from where. Stomping off toward Cal she looked up at him and poked his nose, grinning. "Alright old man. We need another way in. Think you can use your wits to get us past this insanity? If I can sense her, then she can sense me. Sooner or later she's going to bolt. I won't let her get away again."

@Orikanyo @Coriandr @jamaicanviking @Peaceswore @Otakuyaki
[shiii missed quite a lot]

Chen pretty sure she watched most of the circus with her mouth opens, a bad habit that she always did whenever she is fixated or amazed on something. The acrobatics, how could they move like that without airbendings? The beastmasters comes in next, bringing all the exotics animal they have trained to do various stuff. She found herself clapping when the tiger jumps through the loop of fire and stopped as she realized that no one else in the group are clapping or feeling as amazed as she is.

And next, comes in the Phantom Troupe. The latest addition to the circus, it is spirits instead of human. It flies around the arena, going through obstacles like the animals before them. One of the spirit, a beautiful blue bird, accidentally put itself on fire and burned down. The ringmaster brushed it off, basically saying "Opps an accident just happened." That's all it takes to anger the spirit they just met and Jeng, the protector of spirits.

The ringmaster brushed it off, even have the balls offering Jeng's newly befriended spirit a business card and invited him to join in. Seriously? The circus ended with a tense atmosphere, the audience are still shaken by the 'small accident' and some children left still crying. The avatar team is just as shaken as they are, especially the spirits and particularly Jeng.

Chen's first priority after the circus is scolding their members who are in intoxication state since Raava-knows-when. She got the feeling like they might wreak some havoc. She took off her eyes for a moment and Jeng has disappeared from her sight. The spirit he just befriended, Men is his name if she recalled correctly, is gone too. Chen groaned, sensing that she might finish a stack of paperwork and do the cleanup job later. They must've gone to find out more about the circus's spirits, Chen's pretty sure that they are all smart enough to know that the spirits are most probably there against their will.

Walking around the circus, she sees Opal walking with Shing beside her.

"Opal!" Chen called out. "Have you seen Jeng?"

@Flutterby @Peaceswore
"I knew this was gonna be a bad day," Jeng sighed as he punched another one of his assailants in the nose. "Come on guys," he said nodding towards Mén, "Mr. Glowy Box Guy's showing us the way." He opened up some holes below the remaining attackers causing them to fall, then closed the holes and rendering them unable to move. You know, when I envisioned 'circus' I was thinking of people doing flips and riding animals, not getting assaulted by the staff, he thought to himself as he followed the ethereal arrow. Despite the seriousness of the situation, the Avatar couldn't help but notice that Mén's haircut had been turned into some sort of gelled-up abomination. "Mén, what the hell did they do to your hair?"

@Otakuyaki @Coriandr @Orikanyo @The Suspicious Eye
@The Suspicious Eye @jamaicanviking

"...not you to fluffybutt..." he looked at her, eyes filled with woe and saddness as his body seems to wilt with saddness. "But fine, I'll do what i can... though.. where exactly are we suppoused to be heading?" he asked looking around the area, and spotting the avatar following... what the hell was that?

...Whelp, none of his business.

"Alright, lets find us that... girl your looking for? Right? you said she, so... bah whatever lets follow this guy." he stated as he walked past the two men who were stuck in the ground and followed jeng. "hey guy, you know who Ina is looking for? i'm kinda stumped yea know?" he asked the avatar quite casually as he caught up with the man, more or less looking highly unaffected by the chaos that was going on at the moment.
jamaicanviking said:
Despite the seriousness of the situation, the Avatar couldn't help but notice that Mén's haircut had been turned into some sort of gelled-up abomination. "Mén, what the hell did they do to your hair?"
"A crime, Jeng!" Men shouted irritated as he swiped his hand across, producing barriers in a circular fashion around him, to protect himself temporarily, before they burst out from him and wrapped around some of the benders, forming cuffs. Where was that goddamn ringleader?He'd like to give him a piece of his mind. But right now he had to focus. He needed to lead Jeng to the tent where he could feel the fear radiating out from him, although once Jeng got close enough he was sure he could sense the very same terror that was palpable in the air. If not the avatar, then perhaps Raava within him would feel it, "Woah!" lightning suddenly shot up from the ground, causing Men to stumble back a bit. All of the barriers circled around him to his eastern side to blockade the barrier, and the bellows of thunder shocked Men as it roared up close, silencing the clanking of chains that came from the ground.


The arrow Men had created to lead Jeng to the tent had nearly reached its destination. It was growing closer, accelerating towards the tent faster and faster, before it suddenly broke.

"Aauugh!" Men's scream in the distance was not hard to hear. The spirit now had a metal collar clamped over his collar, and two earthbenders bent the chains that connected to the thick collar, yanking it down hard, along with Men by his neck. The spirit fell to the ground shocked, as more of the chains were bent around his body, before he crashed into the ground in a plume of dust. Blue lights suddenly erupted from within the cloud, along with Men's screams, this time, more agonizing than before.

"Stop this, now!" the ringleader's voice rang out through the announcement system within the staff grounds, just as yelps and screams screeched from within the tent the arrow had led Jeng and Cornelius right up to, "Or your little friend gets lightning to the face instead of the collar." the ringleader watched the entire scene from behind the walls of a portable building, speaking his orders into a microphone. Perhaps it was lucky that he got such a clueless rebel on his hands. If he hadn't shouted at Jeng earlier, if Men had been a bit more discreet, perhaps they would've succeeded, but he wasn't that dumb. He had noticed the kid and the avatar sneaking around the commotion Men was creating towards the tent where they'd kept the spirits, but as long as he could keep the avatar away from it, he wouldn't have to play any more dirty.

"Avatar, take that kid and step away from the tent and leave the circus grounds. Right now!" the ringleader commanded as a firebender next to Men began twirling his hands in a circular motion, preparing to shock Men with more lightning, "Leave, and maybe your inhuman friend won't be shocked again." for your faults that is. Why hadn't it struck him sooner that Men was a spirit. In fact, the acclaimed deity of protection! The very figure embellished upon the jade pendants, along with the other deities, that the temples sell to all the old people and the aging population of believers. What luck he had! With some training, he might be able to subjugate even a deity! Men attempted to push against the chains, but the firebender immediately shocked the chains once more, filling the staff grounds with Men's screams once again, "It's your choice."

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_03/57a8c894d511e_TsaiYang.png.7cf1a4ea6b77f5e98a6e87a24f661a2d.png" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="113204" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_03/57a8c894d511e_TsaiYang.png.7cf1a4ea6b77f5e98a6e87a24f661a2d.png" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Upon finishing his meal, his respects would be interrupted by the sound of a loud blood-curdling scream, having been a carnival It would have been normal to hear the members being "Whipped" into shape, though, something felt off.

Curious to find out where the scream came from, Tsai quickly finished his respects to the cook before paying for his meal and bolted towards the direction he'd heard the scream. Bumping into people left and right as he forced himself through the crowd of people that seemed to still be stuck in the tent like flies attached to a rotten piece of garbage. Then, there was silence within mind-shattering noise. People left and right of him, yet not a trace of anything of the scream he'd heard moments ago. Then, out of nowhere, he'd hear it again. That same scream crying out for help more than anything.

Deciding he'd had enough, Tsai knelt down in a squat before jumping about 10ft in the air. On his way up he'd draw his quarterstaff with the umbrella locked inside the tip of the staffs hollow core. Immediately as the umbrella shot open he'd begin to glide over the large group of people that were glaring at him from underneath. Their faces angered by the fact he'd openly using his bending abilities in a group of mostly non-benders. Finally, reaching the entrance of the tent he'd barge in only to further seek out the scream.





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Ina saw the woe on him face and felt a little bit badly. She was just playing especially since she was much older than him. Ina's ears flickered back as she heard the crackle and noise of the fighting behind them. She pointed to the tent "we need to get inside that tent. The spirit I'm looking for was part of the closing acts." While everyone had their attention set on the combusting blue bird she had her set on the small black cat with a white mask over its face who seemed to suck the soul of the spirit. Despising the fact that spirits were one again used for entertainment she hated even more that her sister was apart of such embarrassment. Although sister is a loose term, probably second tail would be better suited to describe their relationship. To find her second here, only made her worry about her third and especially her fourth. She had to know what became of them.

Walking behind the others, doubt began to grow in the back of her mind. Ina was growing worried that she'd be reduced to a one tailed fox forever. She knew her teacher knew best to split her tails, but with her passing at the hands of traitors, Ina was alone and weak. Suddenly, she turned her head to the scream beside her and loud booming voice of there ringleader. Folding her ear back and crouching down to all fours she growled at the three humans. She hadn't even noticed the God until recently. Inari's fall from godhood left her unable to sense Gods, that was a skill her third tail had.

Stopping Ina's eyes glowed with rage.


She turned to Cal and the others, "go and find my second tail. You have my scent she will know you." She turned back to the ringleader, "I'll take care of this fool." Ina took a few steps towards her new enemies and smirked. "So you're the ringleader of this little farce aren't you? Do you think you're more powerful than spirits because you can catch them." Blue energy encircled her crushing the ground below her with every step. Her breathing was steady as she once again faced off against a enemy who thought they had superiority over spirits. She glared at the ringleader. "Well you're dead wrong." She charged towards the ringleader with immense speed and sharp fiery blue talons. She was aiming for the chains on Men. Her intent to break them so they could fight together.


@Coriandr @Orikanyo

"...Your other.. tail?' he asked with a raised eyebrow... wait, spirit, explains it easily enough... What it looked like? he wasn't certain, however... he does remember seeing ina's fox form, a white masked fox... or at least something with a white mask would work, black fur.... he believe he had what he needed.

Little did Ina or that kitty know, she just unleashed a man on a task he could not possibly fail.

"I shall find it, give me but a moment and I will have it's position." he spoke, suddenly sharp and clean from his usual haze, or atleast he was on the surface.

he backed off from the group and around a corner, reaching up towards the headband he had covering his third eye, looking far to calm for his current alcohol level, but this was serious business... and a dangerous one at that. Throwing one's presence about looking for a spirit that was similar to Ina's was tough in this place, alot of energy flying about, and the benders flinging about their abilities didn't help in this either.

Regardless, they had to find that... White masked thing.

And so, he began.

Sitting down behind a box he crossed his leg, fitting them tightly together to make a suitable, stable base so he doesn't fall over, he placed his hands palm over palm, joined together in the middle of his body, turning firm as he began to concentrate on focusing what power he leaves cast in a fog of delirium. he hated this, it wasn't a nice thing to see or feel, especially to those who are


Within each shadowed nook and cranny within the tent, came them, little eye filled creatures made of an impossible black liquid, they went unnoticed by the general public, often getting stepped on or squished, only to reform but meer seconds later. In the shadows they lurk as a slithering mass of eyes, searching, watching, seeing, it was them Cal'vina saw through, and they peppered the tents of the circus grounds thoroughly, searching for a white mask atop of a spirit.

the search was rather swift, but didn't not fully come out to be what he hoped for, they had located the white mask, but atop of a black cat. Which was fine enough, he simply had to make his way there and get it for ina, easy enough... maybe...


The man stood up, picking his headband off the ground as he went. The eye still present as it followed the target wherever it went. This was the tough part, dealing with a crushing headache as he made his way to the creature.

"I found it, follow me if your coming!" Cal'vina began to rush off towards where he sees the spirit, it wasn't to hard... but there was two men he had to get rid of on the way... Now if only this damn god gave him something to smack his enemies around with instead of just seeing them... While that in it'self is beneficial.

@The Suspicious Eye @jamaicanviking @Otakuyaki @Coriandr @all the others.

"I see you."
Cornelius stopped his fighting at the threat to the spirit- he had no idea who it was, but it was still someone. He kept his defensive stance but never attacked, and cringed at every lightning strike sent down the shimmering metal chains. He looked back and forth, side to side, keeping his head on a swivel in case anyone tried to attack them.

Suddenly, someone - a canine-like spirit - yelled something loud enough he barely understood it, and then he charged. "WAIT!" He yelled, and reached out his hands as if to grab something. But it was too late. He pounded the ground and sent a tremor to the fire bender, hoping it would be fast enough to stop him from shooting lightning.

@The Suspicious Eye @jamaicanviking @Otakuyaki @Orikanyo
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<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_03/57a8c8955c6a4_TsaiYang.png.12647e91e564cf0626a072cab6f40cf9.png" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="113231" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_03/57a8c8955c6a4_TsaiYang.png.12647e91e564cf0626a072cab6f40cf9.png" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Eventually, he'd find his destination and stormed in just to witness a woman charging the ring leader who was handling chains used to hurt someone. Being unfamiliar with Spirits and not knowing what they truly are, Tsai's anger naturally grew immensely amongst seeing the Ringleader treating another life, being so cruel. Like some rabid dog, who was being dragged to its cage to be beaten and tortured into submission.

Though, what could he do? If he attacked there were three more lives that could get injured in the process, though, it seemed that reason alone wasn't enough for the woman who ran in with glowing white eyes. This whole time he'd of been watching from behind the bleachers watching, observing and timing when to come in.

As the woman plunged for the Mén's chains his time would be now because it was only a natural instinct for the ringleader to attempt to capture the second spirit or at most protect the one he already had. Whatever the intention, he was reaching in his back pocket to draw something out, chain or weapon, Tsai didn't risk the possibility and ran in firing the umbrella from it's locked in his quarterstaff towards the male. the umbrella would've spun so fast that the small sharp tips would become lethal blade if hit.

Tsai himself would appear behind the ring leader. Immediately, not wanting to offer the wicked man the grace a chance to react he'd perform a single roundhouse kick.

As his heel was being dragged back to the earth, a lash of forceful air would strike towards the males back with such a strong, blunt force if the strike were to land and thrash against his back the ring leader, he'd have no choice but to be shoved towards the umbrella hurling towards him. Though, if he would've somehow managed to of dodged the spinning orange wheel of death, he wouldn't go unphased, at most he'd of suffered several snapped and fractured ribs.








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"Wall behind Kyo, now!" the ringleader quickly shouted into the microphone, his voice ringing with panic and concern at the same time. The earthbenders, without turning backwards, lifted their arms in response, creating an earthern wall behind them, shielding Kyo, the firebender between them who was shocking their captive, from the odd wheel of spikes that was gliding towards them ferociously. Suddenly, lightning emerged from within the tent that housed the spirits, and the tent came alive with screeching as the lightning shot out of the tent at Tsai.

"Stay in position!"((hahaha a bit of a lead-in to the horrors inside)) the ringleader barked into the tent, and the lightning shot out immediately faltered, its force weakened as it still arced towards Tsai.

((Don't worry @Peaceswore nothing has changed. I'm just posting this so that the situation doesn't develop too quickly.))
Gantz had ignored the growl coming from Ina as his gaze went toward the tent, once again he sniffed the air his growl and look of anger getting even worse than before. With that he shot off once again leaving Takeo in the dust. "Oi! Gantz! What's going on!?" He shouted having no time to introduce himself to the avatar he ran after the spirit wolf who entered the tent. Dashing in after him, Gantz ran right by a few guards who turned to attack the wolf only to be blown into the walls thanks to Takeo's airbending. Soon he came to a halt and placed his hands on his knees as he took in a few breaths. "Geez, whats up wi-" Before he finished his sentence he looked up and there he saw the captured spirits. Gantz growled enraged while Takeo looked shocked at the sight.


Shing looked in the direction of Chen and listened to her question before shrugging. "I don't know... We are looking for him now." He responded as he felt a weight get off his shoulder. "Cyrstal?" He asked but didn't get a response as the water spirt flew to the tent. "Where did she go?" He asked unable to see exactly where the spirit had gone. Thinking she maybe flew off to get a bite to eat he shrugged it off. However a chill went up his spin as he looked at the tent, moments later a bolt of lighting came from it. He saw the flash and could hear the sound that came after. "What's going on??? Who's lightning bending?" He asked rather confused, after all lightning bending wasn't a technique you would use casually and he knew this full well.

@too much idea @Flutterby
<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_03/57a8c8957c556_TsaiYang.png.5a4f56f6d174dc6bd06da5386e139187.png" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="113235" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_03/57a8c8957c556_TsaiYang.png.5a4f56f6d174dc6bd06da5386e139187.png" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Just as the lightning would come at him at light speed, Tsai seemed to match it upon pulling out a blades handle with the blade itself still absent and he swung it upward splitting the lighting apart to arch around him.

Irritated he'd attempt to spot the fire bender casting lightning and bring an end to such a nuisance. Though, it'd seem to have an anonymous caster since Tsai himself was to focused on lashing at the ringleader to notice who it came from. Still holding the wind blade, he'd jump forward allowing the air to carry him at near blinding speeds as he'd take his first strike at this man the Ringleader called Kyo.



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Peaceswore said:
Gantz had ignored the growl coming from Ina as his gaze went toward the tent, once again he sniffed the air his growl and look of anger getting even worse than before. With that he shot off once again leaving Takeo in the dust. "Oi! Gantz! What's going on!?" He shouted having no time to introduce himself to the avatar he ran after the spirit wolf who entered the tent. Dashing in after him, Gantz ran right by a few guards who turned to attack the wolf only to be blown into the walls thanks to Takeo's airbending. Soon he came to a halt and placed his hands on his knees as he took in a few breaths. "Geez, whats up wi-" Before he finished his sentence he looked up and there he saw the captured spirits. Gantz growled enraged while Takeo looked shocked at the sight.

Shing looked in the direction of Chen and listened to her question before shrugging. "I don't know... We are looking for him now." He responded as he felt a weight get off his shoulder. "Cyrstal?" He asked but didn't get a response as the water spirt flew to the tent. "Where did she go?" He asked unable to see exactly where the spirit had gone. Thinking she maybe flew off to get a bite to eat he shrugged it off. However a chill went up his spin as he looked at the tent, moments later a bolt of lighting came from it. He saw the flash and could hear the sound that came after. "What's going on??? Who's lightning bending?" He asked rather confused, after all lightning bending wasn't a technique you would use casually and he knew this full well.

@too much idea @Flutterby
"What the hell are you doing here?" two firebenders, two earthbender, and a beast tamer appeared from behind the crates of spirits. One of the firebenders immediately began pelting the airbender and his wolf with plumes of fire while one of the earthbenders and the beast tamer ran out of sight, "Get out of he--" a wisp of fire brushed by one of the metallic crates sending the entire tent into another eruption of screeching and squealing. The spirits that had been stuffed into the metallic crates had collars on each of them, similar to the one that had been clamped onto Men by the metalbenders. Within them were a system of locks that were designed to be bent by the metalbenders, meaning that there were no holes to lockpick, nor were there any visible signs to show where the clasping ends locked together, making perfectly round and smooth collars of metal. Spirits too large for their cages resembled odd lumps, instead of their usual ethereal body shape. Their bodies were stuffed against the ribbed grills, poking out like flabs while the parts of their bodies in contact with the grills dulled in colour, visibly hurting from being constricted.

"Stop where you are right now!" the other firebender immediately ran behind the cages for protection, but behind the grills and translucent bodies of some of the spirits, as well as the crackling coming from her, it was obvious. She was preparing lightning, and one of the earthbenders ran to her side as well, metalbending the cages so that the grills bent inwards, compressing the spirits together until there was absolutely no room for movement, or even yelping. Perhaps the people outside of the tent of spirits could hear what was going on within the tent, but even if they'd discovered them, they would be ready to zap an entire tent of spirits in an instant. Sure, the littler ones might die, just like some of the spirits that were subjected to the ringleader's "training", but if they did, they might as well just get better ones for their act.

"You wanna try and test us, kid?" the firebender who had attacked Takeo((not the one sparking lightning)) created a dagger out of flame in his hand, and extended it to the metal cage. The flames hovered over the edges of the metal, but its warmth was still enough to send the spirits close to it into a silent hysteria, struggling against the grills as their mouths((if they had any)) were pressed shut by the grills and bodies of other spirits, "I didn't think so." he smirked as he readied his other fist to attack Takeo. All your attention on me? He laughed. Good. A metal collar suddenly lashed out, clamping onto Gantz before yanking it into the stacks and piles of spirit-filled crates. The first earthbender who had ran away with the beast tamer stepped out from behind the flaps of the tent, and he waved his arms in a circular fashion, sending metal chains wrapping around the crates and Gantz. Your move.

Peaceswore said:
Shing looked in the direction of Chen and listened to her question before shrugging. "I don't know... We are looking for him now." He responded as he felt a weight get off his shoulder. "Cyrstal?" He asked but didn't get a response as the water spirt flew to the tent. "Where did she go?" He asked unable to see exactly where the spirit had gone. Thinking she maybe flew off to get a bite to eat he shrugged it off. However a chill went up his spin as he looked at the tent, moments later a bolt of lighting came from it. He saw the flash and could hear the sound that came after. "What's going on??? Who's lightning bending?" He asked rather confused, after all lightning bending wasn't a technique you would use casually and he knew this full well.

@too much idea @Flutterby
Boom. A bluish flash appeared from the tent, a bolt of lighting with a buzzing sound that alarmed the public. The townspeople went into panic, sensing that there is something wrong especially with all the commotion from the closed tent. Add the lighting bending, with all the commotion with Men and Jeng and the two drunkies who disappeared, and Chen could guess what's happening right now. "Probably got something to do with our Avatar." Chen clicked her tongue, hesitating about what she should do next. But then she made a decision, as she started to jog toward the tent she waved her hand at Shing and Opal. "We should go there, quick!"

Flashing out her police badge, Chen shouted to the townspeople. "Police operation is currently in progress! Please evacuate yourself from this area, now!"

@Flutterby @Peaceswore
Otakuyaki said:
"Stop where you are right now!" the other firebender immediately ran behind the cages for protection, but behind the grills and translucent bodies of some of the spirits, as well as the crackling coming from her, it was obvious. She was preparing lightning, and one of the earthbenders ran to her side as well, metalbending the cages so that the grills bent inwards, compressing the spirits together until there was absolutely no room for movement, or even yelping.
"Oh, you pissed off the wrong guy today," Jeng muttered angrily as he swung into action. Thrusting his hands upwards, a slab of stone erupted from the ground and slammed itself into the lightning bender, hopefully knocking the wind out of her and interrupting the ever-important breathing process for such an attack. Rule number one of battle, he thought to himself as he kicked the dirt beneath him, keep an eye on all your opponents. The Avatar's kick ruptured the ground beneath him, causing a shockwave that was intended to make the earthbender attacking Takeo lose his footing. He still had the other metalbender to worry about, but the two most immediate threats were priority.

jamaicanviking said:
"Oh, you pissed off the wrong guy today," Jeng muttered angrily as he swung into action. Thrusting his hands upwards, a slab of stone erupted from the ground and slammed itself into the lightning bender, hopefully knocking the wind out of her and interrupting the ever-important breathing process for such an attack. Rule number one of battle, he thought to himself as he kicked the dirt beneath him, keep an eye on all your opponents. The Avatar's kick ruptured the ground beneath him, causing a shockwave that was intended to make the earthbender attacking Takeo lose his footing. He still had the other metalbender to worry about, but the two most immediate threats were priority.
A chance! Men suddenly thrust his head backwards, exposing his chin and neck as a barrier formed beneath the slab Jeng bent behind him, increasing its force as it slammed into the firebender's chin. The firebender was sent flying backwards at Tsai, who had leaped up with his airbending to traverse the wall the earthbenders created behind them. In her abrupt scream, fire shot from her knuckles, and the earthbenders stumbled back, turning their back to Jeng to dodge the wisps of flame. Men quickly took the chance and retracted his bound legs before pushing them both together at one of the earthbenders next to him, and a barrier immediately shot out. With a crack and a yelp, the earthbender fell forwards over his broken ankle, where Men raised both his legs and kicked him squarely in his head against the floor, knocking the earthbender out.


"Shit!" the ringleader cursed under his breath as he quickly stepped back from the microphone in the building. He needed to make an escape, so he opened the window behind him, grabbed whatever cash he could from the safe beneath the microphone, as well as an emergency bag, and clambered out of his private office window before circling around the grounds to the tent with the spirits, fishing for the master remote in his pocket that he used for training the spirits. If it was the spirits they were so concerned about... well... he had another trick right up his sleeve.

"Release them! Now!" the earthbenders in the tent heard the roaring voice of the ringleader behind them, and out of fear, they immediately pushed their hands outwards in opposite directions, busting the grills of the cages and letting the chains tying Gantz to the stack of crates dropped to the floor with the ringing of metal. The spirits stayed obediently in their squashed conditions, before the ringleader harked at them, "Fill! Now!" the spirits suddenly burst out of their cages in torrents of vibrant and dulled colours, circling around Jeng and all of the tresspassers. Some of the circus troupe members even screamed as they were taken by surprise by all the spirits around them. They shouldn't be able to see me well now... let alone attack me... He'll have to get away from here. Maybe he'll set up another circus somewhere else. But it'll be hard to find more orphans to raise... and now security among the cities is growing better and better. Guess I'll return to scamming.

"What a pain..." he groaned under his breath as he ran towards the circus perimeter, where something like a cat prowled the fence.
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"Here kitty kitty! Come back! I got a treat for you! And I know your friend/butt your suppoused to be attached to Ina! Here kitty kitty!" Cal'vina called out into the area, looking around for the... piece of his angry friend.

"Hmm... where could you be-" he stated as he froze on the spot... there it was! Clear as day! Well, not really, it was the same color as Ina so... clear as night? He pondered for a moment and shrugged, it was time to catch that kitty, of course he had to act fast, no sense for him to keep Ina waiting.

He just has to jog towards it and slow his approach once he gets near-

*Sounds of two people colliding with moderate force and piling atop of one another*

"Oh gods you smell like cheese and regret!" Cal'vina sputtered as he tried to get the man off of him, having dragged him down with him by the collar once he fell. "Get lost before you scare the bloody cat!" he growled with drink fueled rage, socking the man in the face to get some room from his attacker.

"Damn it... There goes my happy mood, first I gotta start watching next I... oh?" he gasped as he saw the large bag nearby... His eyes widened and shot towards the man... The ringleader it seems, atleast from what he saw earlier...

Kind of a dick really... Bad people don't deserve money like this! Best he put it to good use!

And get Ina's tail...

Snatching up the bag like a theif on the run he rushed outside the tent after the cat, looking more like a bandit then anything.

"Here Kitty! Come to Cally! He's gona bring you to your friend!" he called towards it with mischevious glee in his eyes, he should go on more princess saving jobs in the future!

@The Suspicious Eye @Otakuyaki
Ina charged for Men's chains she wasn't one to get involved, but seeing anyone in chains angered her to no end. Ignoring the electricity she clawed at the chains hoping to break them with ease. Breathing heavily she felt the lightening course through her body, it hurt but she powered through and snapped at the chains, breaking them.

Growling she turned around to the enemy and crouched down angrily. She was about to attack, but she watched as Men took down the enemies in their path. She was impressed, but hurt at the same time. Seeing his powers of a deity made her miss her own strength so deeply. It's all his fault..... I'll never forgive him. She clenched her fist tightly and growled through her teeth. "Dammit, dammit, dammit, dammit!!" Leaping up a top the boxes she could hear the yells of the spirits coming from the tent. Her face paled as she feared for her second's life. Ina hopped down and ran for the tent.

(Anyone is welcome to beat Ina down xD )


Meanwhile in the tent a small black cat wit strips of blue running across her back sat in a small cage and stared off into the distant. The cat wouldn't look so special if it were not for the oddly placed mask stuck upon it's face. The creature scratched at it's collar, still not used to the fell. The young cat like spirit yawned and looked to the other tourtured sports around it. She hated to see them this way, however they made for a delicious snack. Slowly sapping away at their spiritual energy the small cat like spirit only grew in strength although she is unable to use it. The other tails were all combat orientated, but she was control and spirituality. Nothing more than a tool, weak and powerful at the same time.

The spirit sensed something in the distance, something watching her. As she felt the presence she turned an looked directly at it. She could see the eye, it was somewhat familiar to her. The mask her her face, so she lifted a paw and waved to the eye. Suddenly she turned her head to the others who had broken through the defenses into the tent. Surprised the cat leapt up and began floating in her cage. She was scared the humans didn't like intruders.

The bars began to compress until she couldn't move, whimpering she tried her best to curl up into a small ball of fur and wait for help. The bars began to grow hot against her fur, singing it violently. She winced, although she was still a creature of death, she could feel pain. Giving a sad mew she trembled against the heated bars. I'm so scared, someone help me. Suddenly remembering the eye, she sent a mental message to the eye, "Help me, help me, help me, help me, help me, help me, help me, help me...."

Suddenly the ringleader appeared and her entire body froze. She couldn't help her self she must obey. The creature jumped from her cage and ran with the other spirits. Unknowing that she was helping the ringleader escape or making it harder for Cal to find her.

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_03/57a8c8996fdea_TsaiYang.png.6f25a209d3e5ecfcc36adbc8eea22cb5.png" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="113381" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_03/57a8c8996fdea_TsaiYang.png.6f25a209d3e5ecfcc36adbc8eea22cb5.png" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p> '

Having realized the ringleader had managed to find a way out, his new priority was finding him and getting him to submit, or if necessary... Die... Jumping through the window after the leader he'd chase him down like a cat chasing a mouse through an alleyway.



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"Dammit!" the earthbender yelled, failing to see anything through the whirlwind of spirits. There was no stopping the ringleader from getting away at this point--the only thing left to do was salvage the situation as best he could. "Uh, guys? Spirits? Glowing freaky dudes?" he spoke loudly, but there wasn't much in his voice that commanded any attention. "I know you're scared right now, but I need you to calm down..." Despite his pleading, the apparitions still flew about aimlessly in fear and confusion, but Jeng didn't want to outright yell at the poor things; they'd suffered enough already. Only one thought was on his mind at the present time: What the heck do I do?
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