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Fandom Avatar: Spirits Awaken

In moments a sphere of air surrounded both Jeng and Takeo. Takeo was dead in the center and was at the moment doing the needed moves to keep the air up to protect and slightly hide the two as the air was bringing up dirt and dust that made it so the spirits couldn't see them clearly. "Avatar." Takeo said calmly as he kept working moving as if he were dancing his arms in no rush to complete the task of bending as it simply seemed to go with the flow. "These spirits are frightened, hurt and angered." He said calmly as he looked at the man seriously. "I don't know what you are capable of, but don't you as the avatar have the ability to bend a certain way that makes the spirits calm down?" He asked as he kept the defense up some of the spirts attacked the sphere but they were blown away a bit. "...No... If you did you would have used it already............... You need to get the collars off of them and don't be meek. I know you don't want to here this from a stranger but you are the avatar so don't look confused, we need to hurry and rectify this situation before they get hurt or hurt someone else." Takeo said calmly as a bigger spirit started to push against the sphere making it harder for the air bender to keep up the defense. "Oh, incase you want to yell at me about how you know all of this already. The names Takeo." He said keeping his calm despite the fact his sphere was seconds from collapsing.

jamaicanviking said:
"Dammit!" the earthbender yelled, failing to see anything through the whirlwind of spirits. There was no stopping the ringleader from getting away at this point--the only thing left to do was salvage the situation as best he could. "Uh, guys? Spirits? Glowing freaky dudes?" he spoke loudly, but there wasn't much in his voice that commanded any attention. "I know you're scared right now, but I need you to calm down..." Despite his pleading, the apparitions still flew about aimlessly in fear and confusion, but Jeng didn't want to outright yell at the poor things; they'd suffered enough already. Only one thought was on his mind at the present time: What the heck do I do?
Peaceswore said:
In moments a sphere of air surrounded both Jeng and Takeo. Takeo was dead in the center and was at the moment doing the needed moves to keep the air up to protect and slightly hide the two as the air was bringing up dirt and dust that made it so the spirits couldn't see them clearly. "Avatar." Takeo said calmly as he kept working moving as if he were dancing his arms in no rush to complete the task of bending as it simply seemed to go with the flow. "These spirits are frightened, hurt and angered." He said calmly as he looked at the man seriously. "I don't know what you are capable of, but don't you as the avatar have the ability to bend a certain way that makes the spirits calm down?" He asked as he kept the defense up some of the spirts attacked the sphere but they were blown away a bit. "...No... If you did you would have used it already............... You need to get the collars off of them and don't be meek. I know you don't want to here this from a stranger but you are the avatar so don't look confused, we need to hurry and rectify this situation before they get hurt or hurt someone else." Takeo said calmly as a bigger spirit started to push against the sphere making it harder for the air bender to keep up the defense. "Oh, incase you want to yell at me about how you know all of this already. The names Takeo." He said keeping his calm despite the fact his sphere was seconds from collapsing.
The spirits continued to fill the scene like a flash flood, flying in streams and encircling the numerous people, troupe members and intruders alike. The orders of the ringleader were still fresh in their minds, and Men began to grow dizzy, not just from the colours. He had been freed by something quite ferocious, his chains literally ripped apart before his saviour disappeared as quickly as they had come. Although he had been wary for the last earthbender next to him, they took him by surprise when they suddenly puked, nauseous from the overstimulation of colours, and Men decided he couldn't knock him out. He couldn't find him in the sea of spirits anyway. But damn... where is the ringleader? He couldn't see anyone anymore, even the spirits got between him and the earthbender who helped chain him down, and now he was completely surrounded in streams of fear and hysteria. And it was terrifying. He felt like his head was adrift among these spirits, and he could be on the verge of going mad from being in the eye of the mad maelstrom.

"Jeng!" Men called out, "Jeng!" he called again, stumbling through the torrents of spirits, "Avatar!" he called out. This fear was getting worse... at this rate... his eyes suddenly widened at the glimpse he caught. In this storm of panic, some of the smaller spirits had already begun turning dark. This was exactly what happened when Vatu resurged. Not again... He suddenly pushed his hands towards the sky, and millions of tiny, coloured cubes were conjured around him, growing in number before they began pouring out in their own streams, interfering with the spirits' routes. The spirits began to twirl and scatter to avoid his cubes, some of them plunging right into his streams of barriers and being pushed along with it. And there it was. There was one location where his barriers couldn't enter, and now it was visible. A sphere of air, and within it was the avatar and the kid he was with, "Any benders who don't bend fire, please!" he called out, as he slowly made his way to Jeng while he invested all the power he had as a deity into slowing down the spirits, "Slow down the torrent of spirits gently! Don't cause them harm! Don't sharply stop them!" he instructed as he reached the dying sphere of air. He was afraid of just what they could form if they were fully overtaken by the whirling emotions around him, "Jeng! You need to calm the spirits! I'm trying to slow them down... but I'm a deity meant to stand up against the tide, not stop it." he panted. Indeed, this was something he never had to do before, controlling this many barriers. And if we can't calm them... Well... His thoughts stopped immediately as the tips of his shoes began to turn a dark shade, "Avatar! Please!" Not again.


Orikanyo said:
"Here kitty kitty! Come back! I got a treat for you! And I know your friend/butt your suppoused to be attached to Ina! Here kitty kitty!" Cal'vina called out into the area, looking around for the... piece of his angry friend.
"Hmm... where could you be-" he stated as he froze on the spot... there it was! Clear as day! Well, not really, it was the same color as Ina so... clear as night? He pondered for a moment and shrugged, it was time to catch that kitty, of course he had to act fast, no sense for him to keep Ina waiting.

He just has to jog towards it and slow his approach once he gets near-

*Sounds of two people colliding with moderate force and piling atop of one another*

"Oh gods you smell like cheese and regret!" Cal'vina sputtered as he tried to get the man off of him, having dragged him down with him by the collar once he fell. "Get lost before you scare the bloody cat!" he growled with drink fueled rage, socking the man in the face to get some room from his attacker.

"Damn it... There goes my happy mood, first I gotta start watching next I... oh?" he gasped as he saw the large bag nearby... His eyes widened and shot towards the man... The ringleader it seems, atleast from what he saw earlier...

Kind of a dick really... Bad people don't deserve money like this! Best he put it to good use!

And get Ina's tail...

Snatching up the bag like a theif on the run he rushed outside the tent after the cat, looking more like a bandit then anything.

"Here Kitty! Come to Cally! He's gona bring you to your friend!" he called towards it with mischevious glee in his eyes, he should go on more princess saving jobs in the future!

@The Suspicious Eye @Otakuyaki
Runakei said:

Having realized the ringleader had managed to find a way out, his new priority was finding him and getting him to submit, or if necessary... Die... Jumping through the window after the leader he'd chase him down like a cat chasing a mouse through an alleyway.
"Hey!" the ringleader extended his hand, wanting to catch the sudden thief, before he caught himself. He couldn't stick around to be caught. Quickly hopping up the fence, he was suddenly tackled by what seemed to be an air nomad, except he looked to be more "earthly" than the air nomads usually dressed. They often gave off an air of disconnection, but this one was clearly different, "Let me go!"
<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_03/57a8c89f0493e_TsaiYang.png.85c7d1283627e09d9477007a67f4044f.png" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="113600" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_03/57a8c89f0493e_TsaiYang.png.85c7d1283627e09d9477007a67f4044f.png" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Tryed his best to hold the male down into submission, "Look, I'm sorry pal. But I can't let you just run away to restart that torture fun house in some other province... We're going back... We're going to let the spirits you captured and tortured decide your fate." trying to stand while still holding the male made it difficult to keep his grip as firmly on him as he struggled to bring both of them to their feet.



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"...your not the kitty i'm looking for." he stated as the kitty playfully pawed his face with a content grin from the sudden attention it was getting. he had gone the comepletely wrong way it seems... Even with god-like perception, guess he still got lost regardless. "I told you to turn right." "Not the time, we already have lost so much time." "maybe you'd be faster if you ate one of those candy apples we saw awhile back." "yea they looked pretty good- Listen, we need to find the white masked thing! perhaps its a fox or-" "hold... I'm hearing a request for assistance... For which i am thankful by the by, seems binding myself to you has had SOME beneficial results." "Don't remind me..." "Silence.... it is coming... ah, i see it now.... within a maelstrom of spirits... it runs.. on orders... Calling for release..." "then lets go then, we've already wasted to much time." 'Follow the eyes... they shall lead you." "Good... it's going to lead me past the apples isn't it?' "I shall neither confirm nor deny that."

Running towards the area he last was, bag now filled with various candy apples from a nearby vacant stall he had one in his teeth as he zeroed in on his target, it was within the world of shifting colors... swirling spirits of all kinds. just seeing it from afar gave him a headache.. but he knew it was there, he could see it... it was just... surrounded. But he couldn't fail this one, just like how he had cheat at those carnival games way back when, he'll win this one!

Just... abit more deadly and much more of a risk to lose a limb...

Why did it have to be so far in...


he could...

"you are not thinking..."

"you know it!"

"this is foolish, it will not work."

"it will, just believe in me, and lady luck."

"And just how many times has she scorned you for another?"






The man yelled something that was a mixture of a warcry, a scream of pure hype, an alcohol induced courage wrapped in a fresh layer of foolishness. having created in record time a box raft out of a nearby hammer and a box, he jumped into the swirling mass of colors with about as much gusto as one man could sum up for such a foolish endeavor. the ride was in no way safe, infact the box pretty much broke from the moment it impacted the swirling vortex, however, it indeed left Cal'vina safe and sound on the back of a spirit ox who was exceedingly confused to why a man was on it's back.

"Don't worry! here to find part of a friend!" he ensured it as he looked around, occasionally batting a spirit... bat... out of his face. he hugged to the Ox's back as it continued on it's rampage, however... admist the swirling mass of colors and spirits... he found it... underneath all the noise... all the colors.. he could hear it as well, it calling for help... but it was to far... he had to...


Whelp he came this far!

Leaping like a frog, from the ox's back, just as it barreled into a stack of nearby boxes the man landed with a roll with the creature he was after in his hands.

Continuing to roll and just barely get knicked by a passing spirit bird's talons he reached the inside of the maelstrom, where the others were. "hey! ina! gotchyer kitty!" the man stated, looking disheveled and utterly happy with himself, he stood triumphant with his prize, the pretty kitty that was asking for his help so long ago. And he only took two rather nasty looking wounds in the process!

@The Suspicious Eye @jamaicanviking @Otakuyaki @Peaceswore
As she started to come closer, she heard screams from inside the circle. She run as fast as she could, leaping forward and rushes inside the tent, arriving with a cloud of dust and greeted with a storm of spirits of many size of many color and of many kind.

The spirits circled around the tent, seemingly getting faster by the seconds. Some of the spirits have turned pale, some turned dark already. One mistake all hell could break loose. But how did they even escaped from their cage? Where's their keeper? Where is the ringmaster?

"Jeng?!" She shouted, as loud as she could. "Anyone need help?!"

@jamaicanviking @Otakuyaki @Peaceswore
Cori was stricken by the changing colors of the spirits, almost blinding. He broke free of his trance as the Avatar started to yell something, and saw them blocking the spirits in an air ball. Should he help? Could he help? No, no... making an Earth barrier in chaos like this was far too dangerous. If he wanted, he could make one himself anyway, couldn't he? I mean, he was of Earthbending origin...
@Coriandr @Otakuyaki

"Hey! Boy!" Fei called out to a boy, who stood close to her as he just stand there with a concerned face as he watch the wave of spirits. "It's dangerous, get out of here!"

And that's when Fei noticed the tiny cubes, flying into the spirits as some sort of a barrier. The spirits are forced to slow down, in order to evade from whatever it is. And then come the fire, from some of the benders trapped inside. They didn't attempt to blow the spirit, nor scaring them. To Fei it looked like they are trying to calm them down. It's working, but there's too many spirits. She could help.

Fei crouched down and placed both her hands on the ground. In seconds, several tall pillar made of rock sprouts out and acted like an obstacle that blocked the spirits's path. It should work, right?
Cornelius was... unsure. He felt irresponsible or weak leaving, but... what was he supposed to do? Could he help in some way?

He decided against it. He ran out of the wave of spirits, but stayed in vision to see what was going on- he did get the Avatar into this mess in the first place with his stupid cockiness.
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Between all the chaos and the people expecting him to do something, Jeng was beginning to panic a little. But having listened to Takeo, his initially-confused face hardened into one of determination. "You're right, I need to be assertive right now," the Avatar agreed, moving his attention to the spirit now attempting to push through Takeo's shield. He took a strong earthbending stance and stared the creature square in the eyes, giving a clear message: 'You can attack, but I'm not moving.' Just then, the spirit finally broke through, straight into the boy's waiting arms.

"Gotcha!" he grunted, holding the spirit tightly while taking care not to actively harm it. As the creature struggled harder and harder, Jeng found himself digging his feet further and further into the ground to make sure he didn't fly off with it. "I'm not gonna hurt ya bud, just hold still and--aw, you've gotta be kidding me..." Of course, the collar being made of metal, Jeng was unable to bend it. "Uh...anyone know how to metalbend?"
Takeo kept his sphere up as long as he could but there was only so much the air bender could do. When the spirit pushed through he let his arms fall to the side to rest. His eyes now going to Gantz that was growling at him still in his smaller formed. "Gantz... Snap out of it.... Or no more bacon." He said seriously as he looked at the hound who ceased his growling as he looked at Takeo with puppy eyes. "Yeah that's what I thought. Now shift and melt that collar off, I think we should help the Avatar don't you?" He asked with a grin. At this the spirit shifted in his form, growing so the collar dug into his flesh. However soon it started to heat up till it glowed and with a swipe of the spirits paw it fell to the ground. "Good boy, I'll let you gorge yourself later." Takeo said now holding his spear/glider behind his back.

Looking around he watched as some of the spirits started to charge. He simply sighed and looked at Jeng and sighed. "Sorry mate, air bender here." He said calmly before getting in a stance. "You figure it out I'll keep as many spirits at bay as I can, if I were you I would hurry I can only do so much avatar." He said before suddenly sending a blast of air that made a lot of the spirits fall back though some still pushed through. Those that did had black flames shot at their feet by Gantz to make them back off, being careful not to actually burn them.
Ina was headed to the tent when a large stampede of spirits began to flood out. Stopping mid charge she turned and ran back the way she came. However she was not fast enough, the stampede consumed her. Paws, hoofs, feet and tails pushed against Ina as she tried her hardest to move through the masses. Tucking her ears and tail towards herself she ran through the masses of mind controlled spirits.

Ina dodged through the other spirits and jumped high in the air, landing beside Jeng. Panting she sat down feeling tired. Her second tail must be close she could feel the energy drain that her second was absorbing. Ears pointed back in anger and surprise, she growled and looked up at Jeng. "There are a lot of them Jeng each controlled by that filthy ringleader. You need to break their collars." She ran towards a wall and rebounded off it, back into the crowed of spirits to fight them off.

The small cat spirit bristled in surprise as someone grabbed onto her. Huh?! What?!! The spirit turned around and saw a human holding her. Squirming she tried her best to get out of the human's grip. She let out a surprised squeak and clawed at the man's hands. She sensed the faint energy of the sprit from earlier. Then a familiar scent caught his nose and she stood still Turning around the creature stared dead into the man's face. Her pale mask, now revealed to be her actual face. You smell like Ina... she thought to herself as the man began to shout.

The sprit flinched as he shouted for Ina. In fear the cat knew she had to get away. Ina was bad, murderer, I don't want to go back. She extended her claws and began to attack the man's face. She pushed off him and began to run through the horde of spirits. She still had the ringleader's control collar on, but could control herself well enough. Running she followed the most powerful spirit energy she could. Leaping into the air she landed on the Avatar's head.

The cat landed with grace and was wrapping it's tail over Jeng's shoulder. She looked down at the human surprised, odd he has Ravaa inside him too. Well more apart of him... how curious. What is this human? The cat batted at Jeng's forehead playfully "I know how to help you learn metal-bending young Ravaa. If you allow me to I can help you focus your senses and find the purified earth within the metal to bend. I warn you it will temporarily boost to your power. If you are not prepared you may loose control."

@Orikanyo @jamaicanviking
Jeng crossed his eyes to look up at the small cat spirit atop his head. "Uh...sure, I guess?" the boy grunted as the spirit in his grasp struggled some more, "That'd be helpful right now, thanks." Looks like my luck is turning around, Jeng thought, mentally preparing himself for the spirit to do whatever she was about to do.

@The Suspicious Eye
The small cat nodded "very well, I shall begin." The cat began to glow a bright blue as her body began to flow with purified spirit energy. Small strand of clear starlight began to float around both her and Jeng. With cautious grace the small cat lifted her paw and placed it on the avatars fore head opening his sixth chakra, the third eye. There would be a light tingling sensation before a feeling of something new being opened. Removing her paw there was a small glowing light in the middle of Jeng's forehead. The strands of starlight flowed into his head and Jeng would feel a sudden burst of energy and strength as his chakra nearly doubled. He would be able to see the energy around him. In every spirit and human, feel the elements moving around him, and even see the purified earth in metal. It would be a lot to take in, maybe even painful for the untrained. The cat spoke softly to the young avatar, "your third eye is expanded. It will close soon, but for now I will assist you. Now focus on the earth inside the metal and command it to your will."

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(Quick lame post to get Opal back in)

Opal got bumped around so much in the crowd that she lost sight of Jeng and her head began to spin. Suddenly, Chen was by their side, beckoning them in the opposite direction. Opal followed quickly, hoping to get out of the chaos of the circus crowd.. but they were lead right into even worse.

She stopped short to process what was happening. Spirits, angry. Ringleader, angry. Jeng, currently trying to wrangle a spirit while another one sat on his head. Once again, she found that she was more or less useless. Spirits didnt respond well to non-benders, usually.

What could she do? What could Jeng do? Her first thought, of course, was the Avatar state. That would get the spirit's attention. But that wasnt something that could just be summoned, and after jeng's last experience with that state, she didnt think he would be to keen on trying it again. Unfortunately, all she could do was stand back and wait for something she could do to come up.
As the cat spirit lent her powers to Jeng, a brief but intense migraine began to set in, followed by a moment of sudden clarity. "Woah," he muttered, blinking hard to try and reorient himself. He looked down at the control collar around the spirit's neck; sure enough, he could sense the particles of earth inside the metal, however small they might have been. "Wicked." Jeng focused on the small bits of earth found within the strip of metal, and instantly yanked the thing apart, freeing the spirit in the process. Letting go of the creature, it flew away unrestrained, and the Avatar turned his attention to the other spirits in assistance. "We've got some work to do, ladies and gentlemen." The boy then looked to the Police Chief, a confident smile on his visage. "Let's get the collars off of these things before my boost wears off, shall we?"

@too much idea @The Suspicious Eye
She saw Jeng, in the eye of the storm, a cat like spirit on top of his head and a collar made of metal around his neck. Before she could help, he yanked it off on his own. Fei watched with widened eyes, when did he learn how to metalbend? The young Avatar noticed her and approached her with a big, confident smile. So it's just a boost, probably from the cat. Fei blinked and returned Jeng's smile. "What about a competition? Whoever can take off the most collar off the spirits get a free treat?"
Cal'vina let out a yelp, a gasp, various "No kitty no!"s, and lost track of his concentration to keep his power in use. He dropped the kitty and covered his face with both hands out of pain, groaning a mumbling in pain from the many different little scratches across his cheeks. He winced as he began to recover, seeing the scene before him unfold. Suddenly, Jeng lit up like a fire work of spirit energy with the kitty on his head.

Next, the other person showed up, they had an air of... Law, so the man took a liberty to tighten the largeish bag that was tied to his waist... He could say it's just a travel bag or something, perhaps say that's where he keeps his money, feign to be very untrustful of banks?

...He's a nomad more or less, an adventurer... why would he keep this much cash on him?

...Best he not bring it up.

"You two... do your thing! Ina once this is over we gotta chat about something... and get something for these cuts, man they sting!"

@whomever wants to interact with the man who's trying to dodge spirits and not get caught by the law.
"A competition?" Jeng reiterated, "Just like back in Republic City, huh?" He was immediately brought back to the first day he arrived at the city. It ended in the city nearly getting destroyed by a ginormous spirit and him inventing glassbending; funny how seemingly mundane things always ended up being not so mundane. But now was not the time for reminiscing, as he had collars to detach. "You're on, Chen," Jeng agreed, rubbing his hands together in anticipation. The Avatar sprung into action, launching himself into the air with the help of an earthen column, and immediately yanked the collars off of two nearby spirits before landing safely on the ground below. "Just don't get too mad about losing two times in a row."

@too much idea
"I don't even try seriously on that one." Chen grinned, remembering the first day she went to escort Jeng. That time she was still an officer, but after the attack that wrecks the city she is now the chief of the republic city. She should be in the city right now, helping the reconstruction but here she is helping the Avatar chasing after smugglers and saving spirits. She licked her lips, raising herself with an earth pillar. She doesn't try to get too close to the spirits, not position herself right in the middle of the flow of panicked spirits. That would be suicidal. She opened her palm and focused on the collar of the spirits passing her, clenching her hand and pulled it back as she ripped the collar off the spirits. "I can't lose to the person who i am going to teach."

"Sure you can!" the Avatar shouted enthusiastically. Jeng motioned his hand towards the air, and suddenly a wedge of rock appeared slowly in front of the spirits' path. As planned, they didn't run into the obstacle, but instead some diverted from the original path, like chicken-sheep straying from a flock. Sure makes my job easier, he thought to himself as he stripped the stragglers of their metal bindings. "Better catch up Chief, you're lagging behind--!" Just then, Jeng felt the initial migraine from before slowly returning. Oh, come on, it can't be wearing off yet, can it? Perhaps the boost wasn't "designed" to support such extraneous activity. Me and my big mouth.

@too much idea
The cat rested on Jeng's head as he went to work destroying the control colors. The cat spirit knew that as long as she was with this young human Ravaa, her murderous third will stay away. She carefully listened as the two humans playfully bantered between each other. Somehow making this a game. The cat had no real reason to care she simply wanted her comrades safe. Regulating the energy in the humans system she knew that he would soon run out. Any more and his chakras may suffer irreparable damage. The cat perked up as she sensed the power draining from the young Ravaa, she spoke up. "Young Ravaa, you do not have much of a boost left. I recommend that you use the rest of your energy wisely. As I said before this is both temporary and very dangerous. Forcing the sixth chakra is not safe for humans. Even with Ravaa inside you. Please take heed." Her own collar still rested on her throat, but she did not mention it. The cat spirit would rather have all the other spirits freed first, before herself.


Meanwhile Ina was fighting her way through the spirits. She had heard Cal mention finding her tail and was trying to make her way through them. After pushing and clawing her way past the spirits she finally found Cal. Jumping over a large spirt she landed in front of him. "Cal, where is my second tail?"

With Ina's sudden appearance he gave a confident smirk, underneath the collection of open cuts mind you. He pointed towards the cat that was... still atop of Jeng's head... odd... how was it keeping it's balance? Cats are weird. Or perhaps it's simply spirits? Or both?


Spirit cats are strange either way.

"Found her in the cloud of the little things running around, wasn't to hard mind you, just a lot of luck involved." he chuckled slightly and looked towards the two benders trying to show each other up.

...Now that he thought of it... everyone else was being accosted by spirits, but he's staying relatively still and nothing has come his way. Perhaps they simply go after ones who are fighting them? Maybe he has lady luck still on his side?

"So...You gona go get it now? Make your butt even more fluffy?"

@The Suspicious Eye
Jeng stopped for a moment, taking to heart what the cat spirit had said. "You're right...I need to be more careful." Taking notice of the spirit's collar still on her neck, the boy thought it appropriate to assist her, and promptly broke the collar off her neck. I need to use the last of my juice wisely, he thought. Suddenly, the boy came up with an idea: He wouldn't need to engage the spirits actively, they could just as easily come to him. Wasn't the key to being an earthbender having the ability to stay still? Jeng immediately planted his feet firmly on the ground, allowing the spirits fly to past him; not being able to focus on all of them at once, he'd go one at a time, selectively yanking the pieces of metal off of them and throwing them onto a small pile in front of him. "Now'd be a good time to catch up, Chief!"

@The Suspicious Eye @too much idea
Fei didn't really pay attention to Jeng, and simply focused herself on winning. She does hear her taunting, amidst the chaos. But Fei does notice how Jeng planted his ground in the ground and increased his pace. Seems like he realized the most effective way to finish this, as an earthbender, and Fei couldn't help but to grin. Game on, Avatar. Fei cracked her knuckles and closed her eyes and then opening the palm of her hands forward. She senses the earth below and around her but then she focused herself on particles of the earth. She sensed the metallic collar, so many and floating in front of her in a steady pace. Fei clenched her finger, reaching for as many as she could sense, and swing her arms open. She figured out that yanking the collar off the spirit could hurt the spirit, anger them, or surprised them. So instead of yanking, this time Chen rips it open in the middle. She then opened her eyes, just in time to see collars that are ripped in the middle falling to the ground.

"I think that is all." Fei shouted to Jeng, she don't see any more spirits wearing a collar. She jumped down and approached Jeng. "You can do the counting... But after you explained to me what the hell is going on! Where's the ringmaster, i didn't see him?"

@jamaicanviking @Otakuyaki
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Takeo was taking a deep breath as he calmed himself after the fight, Gantz now at his side in his smaller form. "The ring master from what I saw ran like the coward he is." He said calmly as he looked at the people present. "I think another man went after him but whether he caught him or not I have no clue." Takeo pushed some of his chestnut hair out of his eyes and placed the glider/spear down so the tip was facing up. "Nice bending Avatar and police chief." He said with a grin.

Shing had been on the sidelines the entire time, unable to help in this battle in the least. He had to keep hold of Crystal to make sure she didn't get herself hurt, but by the end of it all he let her go as he used her to get to the others. Looking at them he sighed before nodding. "Yeah.... I think I felt someone run in the opposite direction, he almost ran me over. I didn't know who it was so I didn't stop him.....not that I would have been able to...."

@jamaicanviking @too much idea @Otakuyaki

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