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Fandom Avatar: Spirits Awaken

"Well, a wind spirit did try to kill us a while back, so I wouldn't put it behind us..." Joking aside, Jeng was eager to finally get inside the tent, and so followed Opal as she started walking.

For whatever reason, the inside of the tent seemed so much larger than it did outside; hordes of dozens (probably hundreds) of excited people were sitting in the bleachers, ready for the show to begin. A man in brightly-colored circus attire ushered them towards a booth right in front of the ring, presumably the VIP seats Chen had told them about. "Right where all the action is," he remarked before sitting down. The seats themselves were rather nice as well: comfortably cushioned, as opposed to the hard bleachers the other people were sitting in. "This is what we get beat up for," he said with a satisfied sigh as he wiggled further into his seat. Jeng noticed a man standing in the middle of the ring, obviously not part of the main staff, eliciting a frown from the earthbender. The man didn't really seem confused, rather he just seemed...curious. Like he used to be when he went to new places as a kid (only with no parents yelling at them). "Hey, you!" the Avatar shouted, "you might want to get outta there! Show's about to start soon!"

@Flutterby @Peaceswore @too much idea @Otakuyaki
"Huh?" Men merely murmured softly, looking around. He wasn't quite sure where he was, but the humans didn't seem to take a liking to it. It must be one of those rule things humans throw hissy fits about. Turning to the avatar, his eyes suddenly widened. What was this odd feeling? It was something he'd met in the past, "Raava?" he turned towards the avatar and made a beeline towards him, coming up to the partition between the circus ring and Jeng's booth, "I'm not allowed to stand here?" he mumbled as he began to digest what the avatar had shouted at him.
Jeng flinched a bit at the man's immediate reaction to approach him. "Well, er, not really. That's where all the animals and people perform. What, you wanna get trampled or something?" Must be a foreigner of some sort. Then again, I'm a foreigner and even I know you're not supposed to do stuff like that. "What, are you from the poles or something?" The Avatar asked jokingly,"you're acting like a fish outta water, man. All you gotta do is sit down and watch the show."

jamaicanviking said:
Jeng flinched a bit at the man's immediate reaction to approach him. "Well, er, not really. That's where all the animals and people perform. What, you wanna get trampled or something?" Must be a foreigner of some sort. Then again, I'm a foreigner and even I know you're not supposed to do stuff like that. "What, are you from the poles or something?" The Avatar asked jokingly,"you're acting like a fish outta water, man. All you gotta do is sit down and watch the show."
"Sit down and watch the show, huh?" Men rubbed his chin as he pondered about it momentarily, before he turned his back on Jeng and created a square barrier below him that lifted him above the ring, "Thank you, Raava!" Men called out below as he sat down and watched the circus show begin below him.
Jeng's eyes widened as the man levitated himself above the ground. Even further, he was more surprised to hear himself be referred to as "Raava." "Wait, Raava? You're some kind of spirit, aren't you?" Of course, now everything made sense; the reason why he acted so oddly is because he actually wasn't from here. Well, of the mortal plane anyway. That said, he was using some sort of energy barrier to levitate in front of a large crowd, and as Avatar he had to do...something to stop them from freaking out. Bridge between worlds, and all that. "Yo, I get that you don't exactly get how things work down here in the mortal realm, but uh...you can't do that here man." Jeng looked around at the increasingly confused crowd. "You're gonna freak people out." Jeng gestured toward one of the empty seats in the booth. "If you want, there's a chair you can use here. On the ground, where people normally stay."

jamaicanviking said:
Jeng's eyes widened as the man levitated himself above the ground. Even further, he was more surprised to hear himself be referred to as "Raava." "Wait, Raava? You're some kind of spirit, aren't you?" Of course, now everything made sense; the reason why he acted so oddly is because he actually wasn't from here. Well, of the mortal plane anyway. That said, he was using some sort of energy barrier to levitate in front of a large crowd, and as Avatar he had to do...something to stop them from freaking out. Bridge between worlds, and all that. "Yo, I get that you don't exactly get how things work down here in the mortal realm, but uh...you can't do that here man." Jeng looked around at the increasingly confused crowd. "You're gonna freak people out." Jeng gestured toward one of the empty seats in the booth. "If you want, there's a chair you can use here. On the ground, where people normally stay."
Men looked down at the avatar oddly for a moment. He was certain he was complying with their human rules now, but as the avatar had pointed out, the growing confusion among the human faces was a clear contradiction. The cuboid barrier he was sitting down upon slowly descended, and Men landed on his two feet in front of the avatar's booth before climbing in and sitting down on the empty chair Jeng showed him.

"Thank you, Raava." Men softly said as he dispelled the barrier that was still floating in front of them.
"No problem," Jeng dismissed, still slightly confused at the whole ordeal. "And the name's 'Jeng,' not Raava. She's the person sharing the body," he looked down at his chest, "and she doesn't even pay rent, to boot!" The boy found this particularly funny, and laughed for a good couple seconds or so before realizing what he said was entirely asinine. "Sorry," he said clearing his throat. "Anyway, yeah, I'd prefer if you called me by my birthname. Speaking of which, I didn't catch yours?"

jamaicanviking said:
"No problem," Jeng dismissed, still slightly confused at the whole ordeal. "And the name's 'Jeng,' not Raava. She's the person sharing the body," he looked down at his chest, "and she doesn't even pay rent, to boot!" The boy found this particularly funny, and laughed for a good couple seconds or so before realizing what he said was entirely asinine. "Sorry," he said clearing his throat. "Anyway, yeah, I'd prefer if you called me by my birthname. Speaking of which, I didn't catch yours?"
"My name is Men." Men introduced himself after laughing monotonously, noticing that Jeng was uncomfortable after making his own joke, "Deity of Protection..." his voice trailed off as he still tried to decipher Jeng's joke. He returned his attention to the show that was beginning in front of them, before he turned to Jeng abruptly, "What's a 'rent'?" he pulled out the human dictionary he had and looked through it, attempting to find the word.
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Deity, huh? So he's a like Ina, then. But with less homicidal rage. "Rent? It's, uh, when you pay to stay in someone's house for a certain amount of time." The question caught him off-guard (which by now he was used to); he hadn't expected to finish his little joke with a language arts class. "Just...forget I said anything. It's nice to meet you, Mén."

jamaicanviking said:
Deity, huh? So he's a like Ina, then. But with less homicidal rage. "Rent? It's, uh, when you pay to stay in someone's house for a certain amount of time." The question caught him off-guard (which by now he was used to); he hadn't expected to finish his little joke with a language arts class. "Just...forget I said anything. It's nice to meet you, Mén."
"Ah, I see." Men sat back as a gaudy man stepped forward, welcoming them as the more circus troop members arrived around him, "How come he's standing there?" Men asked, barely sparing Jeng a glance as he stared at the humans. How fascinating was watching humans perform flips and act silly supposed to be?
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Rashiri entered the circus tent just as the ring announcer began to speak. Her hushed voice was met with a few glares as she found her seat. "Excuse me. Pardon me." She scooted past the bent knees and feet of those who were prompt enough to already be seated, some moving from her path sympathetically, and others making it seemingly more difficult to get by. She tucked her brown hair behind her ears when she finally found her seat, a row up and a few rows to the left from the VIP section. She plopped down firmly as a boisterous man's voice shouted "Down in front!". Her voice was a whisper as she mumbled "Rude..." Beneath her breath. She unloaded her satchel from her shoulder and glanced over to see those in the plush seating, squinting her eyes to get a better look. Surely it can't be. She shook her head at the thought of the Avatar being in a place like this and crossed her legs politely. He would likely have better things to do. You've gone too long without rest, it seems. The ring announcer's jovial voice brought her attention back to the events at hand, and she reclined against the seat waiting for the show to begin.
"Welcome! Welcome, one and all!" the announcer had made his way to the centre of the ring, watching the last few people in the back shifting to their seats. Everyone seated? Check. Everyone hooked on my word? His eyes glanced across, from the last woman seated, to the avatar(of all people), to the man who had been floating, now seated beside the avatar himself(what trick did he use? He'll have to check it later). Their eyes were all on him, and now he was really feeling comfortable, "Today, you'll be amazed... by the wondrous, talented, extraordinary members of the Qiji troupe! And yours truly." he bowed quickly, his hand whirling down as he folded his arm across his front. Men and women in costumes came on stage as acrobats swung inside, while platypus bears and badger moles shuffled onto the stage with cute costumes strapped around them. Some children in the tent began making noise and running to the front of the bleachers to get a closer look again, but the ring master's voice cut through the mumbling of the audience once more as he walked around the ring to address everyone, "But stick around, you'll get to meet the rumoured, newest additions to our family! I bet you're all awaiting for the show to start! Families, please remember to keep your children away from the front, for their own safety." he stooped over the barrier that frame the ring, making a funny face at the children before turning around to leave the children to be picked up by their guardians and dragged back to their seats, "And now, without further ado! Let the show begin!" he turned around and bowed once more, before he disappeared in a cloud of smoke once more. Just as quickly as they had appeared, it seemed that all the troupe members, excepting the acrobats, had disappeared while the crowd was focused on the ring master, and the acrobats immediately began their act.
@The Suspicious Eye

"Don'tchyea be playin' like that or I'll scratch yer ears again fluffy." he teased slightly as he took a look around the area, his hazy eyes watching for any form of movement... the box had gotten them in this far, but now they needed to get moving inside... They COULD'VE just bought tickets and went inside... but... well... you know... Foxy god of death and a drunk man with a spirit in his head don't exactly make a duo that make good decisions.

"Cal'vina, I hunger again." the spirit called to the man's inebriated mind like a child telling it's mother he was hungry. "Bring us sustenance, i wish to taste the food here." Cal'vina sighed heavily as he wondered what could've set off the spirit this time... "Wha'-? You want food?" the man asked aloud to the spirit within his mind, who seemed to grow with need suddenly. "The wooden child consumes the fruit on a stick, it is over joyed, I REQUIRE THIS WONDERMENT ASWELL, CAL'VINA! AS MY VESSEL YOU SHALL OBTAIN THE FRUIT STICK FOR ME!" Cal'vina looked confused for a moment before he looked to the side, seeing an old sign for what was candied apples, honestly he wouldn't complain about having one of those... But they were in a storage area... doubt he could grab one of them here...

Thats when the sounds of the show starting caught up to them.

"Eh? Fluffy, the shows started, we gotta find a way to look over the crowd." the man stated as he mentally pushed away to grumblings of a certain spirit not getting it's candy apple. "...never do anything I want..."
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Opal scampered into the tent, following the usher down to their seats with a grin. She settled into a seat next to Jeng, and turned to say something to him, when something over his shoulder caught her eye. All the blood in her body turned to ice, and her eyes widened like she had seen a ghost. It took almost a full minute for Opal to realize that the man she was staring at was not the man she thought he was. Slowly, she turned around, as the ring master began to talk, and forced her mind away from the dark place it had veered. She focused on the sound of the crowd, the smell of cotton candy, and the feeling of Jeng sitting next to her. Soon, she relaxed again, and realized that they had been joined by another being, one that didnt feel all that human to her. Opal swallowed, and shifted in her seat, trying to focus on the show.
"He's what we call the 'ringleader.' I guess he just acts as the director for the whole performance. He announces the performances and stuff like that." Admittedly, he didn't know much more about the circus than Mén did, but it was nice to pretend like he knew what he was talking about.

The show was more or less what he expected: the ringleader introduced the performers and animals as they entered, they did their thing, and everyone seemed to enjoy it. He found the animals in the costumes to be particularly amusing, the badger moles strongly reminding him of Terra. "Do you think Terra'd object to wearing one of those--" the Avatar began to ask Opal, but she looked completely distraught. "Hey Opal," he said nudging her slightly, "Something wrong?" His face was full of concern, as was his voice.

@Otakuyaki @Flutterby
jamaicanviking said:
"He's what we call the 'ringleader.' I guess he just acts as the director for the whole performance. He announces the performances and stuff like that." Admittedly, he didn't know much more about the circus than Mén did, but it was nice to pretend like he knew what he was talking about.
The show was more or less what he expected: the ringleader introduced the performers and animals as they entered, they did their thing, and everyone seemed to enjoy it. He found the animals in the costumes to be particularly amusing, the badger moles strongly reminding him of Terra. "Do you think Terra'd object to wearing one of those--" the Avatar began to ask Opal, but she looked completely distraught. "Hey Opal," he said nudging her slightly, "Something wrong?" His face was full of concern, as was his voice.

@Otakuyaki @Flutterby
"Ah, I see." Men leaned back into his chair as the acts began to pass by. The acrobats had finished their act, and the beast masters were coming forth with numerous animals. Birds flew around the audience as platypus bears and badgermoles performed tricks and stunts. How quaint that humans always found ways to subjugate anything they came in contact with. Maybe Men would check what kind of barrier they had to keep these animals in, and maybe he'd find a way to crack them later. Their act was quickly passing, and the music was peaking as a tiger-like animal suddenly appeared, flashing its teeth before it jumped through a loop of fire, created by firebenders. The rhythm of the snap drums in the background only served to pique the audience's interest as the act finally went through its climax. How much time were these acts supposed to be? They seemed to be pretty short in Men's opinion((just note his long lifespan here)), "Is this what humans call entertainment?" he mumbled softly, his gaze transfixed on the act.
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Opal started a little as Jeng nudged her, and stared at him blankly for the briefest of moments before smiling slowly. "Im okay, it-uh, it was nothing." She reached over and gave his hand a squeeze, blinking quickly before returning her eyes to the ring. "And if you can get Terra to wear one of those-" she pointed to one of the outfits on the badger moles- "I would be even more impressed with you than when I saw your glass bending for the first time." Opal laughed softly, her eyes watching the animals and performers with as much interest as she could muster after scaring herself. She had enjoyed the acrobats, but animal performers had never really been her favorite. They often made her sad, to think animals were being used in such a way, much like Jeng had felt about Terra in the zoo.
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Jeng frowned with further concern, but decided not to press the issue for fear of upsetting her. "If you insist," he conceded reluctantly, returning his attention to the performance. He imagined attempting to put Terra in a circus outfit, but unfortunately all possible scenarios involved him getting slammed across the sky like a soccer ball. Those animal handlers must really know their stuff to get an animal like that to get a costume on, he thought to himself as he looked on. "I wonder what those 'new additions' the guy talked about might be? It seems pretty hard to top this."
jamaicanviking said:
Jeng frowned with further concern, but decided not to press the issue for fear of upsetting her. "If you insist," he conceded reluctantly, returning his attention to the performance. He imagined attempting to put Terra in a circus outfit, but unfortunately all possible scenarios involved him getting slammed across the sky like a soccer ball. Those animal handlers must really know their stuff to get an animal like that to get a costume on, he thought to himself as he looked on. "I wonder what those 'new additions' the guy talked about might be? It seems pretty hard to top this."
The act with the animals had finally ended, and the music in the background was dimming down to a steady, ominous beat. Men looked on as the animals began to left the stage, and opened up what the humans called a "programme". The acrobats and the animals have already finished their acts, and the next thing on the list was the "Phantom Troupe"... They ought to have put an actual name, Men wouldn't be giving this "circus" his fullest attention if there was anything else more vaguely interesting in this tent. He would have enjoyed being around Raava, but Raava didn't seem to be outwardly manifested in this "Jeng" human, like all the avatars, and "Jeng" himself seemed to be invested in these acts. All of the humans in the tent were. Would Wei enjoy this too? Maybe Wei could be watching in spirit with him... perhaps if this circus existed way back then, Wei and him could have done a lot more before Vatu emerged. If onl--

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_03/57a8c87cedc90_Merascyllaterrified.jpg.144b51c12b172074eaeb3d0a81bd13c7.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="112328" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_03/57a8c87cedc90_Merascyllaterrified.jpg.144b51c12b172074eaeb3d0a81bd13c7.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

What was that?

He hadn't felt quite like this since he had been taken over. What was this chill? This palpable fear? Men suddenly got up from his seat and looked around frantically, peering out of the booth when a voice filled the tent once more.

"And now... for the moment you've all been waiting for! Our latest additions to the show! The newest stars you've all yet to see... the Phantom Troupe!" a mental switch suddenly flicked on inside Men as a myriad of colours flew in from every crevice. They mysteriously appeared out of thin air to fly around the circus, making clicking sounds and harmonies and leaving shining coloured clouds in their wake. The Phantom Troupe? What kind of a sick joke was this? Even when spirits were superior to the humans long ago, they had never brought them to such low depths! Although admittedly, they did wreak havoc upon them... What was he going to do? Shards of his barriers coalesced around him forming into swords. It was no longer an oddity that humans could subjugate anything, to him it was a crime. I won't stand for thi--

jamaicanviking said:
"Yo, I get that you don't exactly get how things work down here in the mortal realm, but uh...you can't do that here man." Jeng looked around at the increasingly confused crowd. "You're gonna freak people out."
Jeng's words suddenly popped into his head, interrupting his train of thought. That's right... It's been epochs since I've been here. Wei's kind wouldn't have done this... He reassured himself naively. He was certain the humans back then would have done the same if they had the opportunity. But now, he was in their territory, next to Raava to boot. He couldn't act recklessly. <p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_03/Scowl.jpg.a02c0b8c061cbbd5362d23ed9eaa1526.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="112334" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_03/Scowl.jpg.a02c0b8c061cbbd5362d23ed9eaa1526.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>His arm fell limply to his side, and he immediately calmed himself down, sitting back with an otherworldly scowl on his face, while the spirits performed acts with the troupe members that had came on stage, going through hoops of firebending and metalbending before zipping above the audience's heads. A blue bird-like spirit in particular was whirling through the air, leaving a shimmering blue trail in its wake as it seemed to twirl through the hoops, until a feather brushed against the flame, setting itself alight. Its colours suddenly dulled as it felt to the ground, croaking in pain, slamming its wing against the ground to put out the flames by itself. Children in the audience gasped as adults looked on with a minimal frown on their face, only a few appeared truly stricken with concern.

"Oh no! It appears that one of our members has caught itself in an accident! Fear not children, for NiaoLi here will be back up on her feet in no time!" the announcement from the ring master permeated the tent as circus members came in to pick up the spirit delicately, bringing her out of the scene as parents comforted their children in the background.

"Hush hush..." a voice behind Men's booth soothed their child, "Accidents occur all the time... He said it, didn't he? She'd be back in no time." Men looked up behind him, before returning his attention to the ring. Despite all the consolation and comfort murmured in the tent, Men wasn't blind to the truth. As like all spirits, he was more susceptible to the spirits' emotions as they danced around the tent. It was like he was in a maelstrom of fear and insanity, and his mood couldn't be fouler.



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Opal swallowed, knowing Jeng didnt believe her, but returned to the show anyway. As the acts transitioned, she began to relax a little more. Suddenly, the tent was filled with bright, dancing colors and shining trails. For a moment, she thought it was the work of odd instruments and specialized firebenders, but then she realized they were spirits. Spirits? In a circus? Her mind went back to Republic City, where there had been a very major upset when captured spirits got angry, and how they had chased the smugglers here. She frowned, wondering just how these spirits had ended up in this circus, and if they really wanted to be here. Now that she knew they were living beings, their furious flight made her nervous, deepening her frown.

Her frown quickly turned into an expression of horror as one of the spirits hit the flames of a ring and went down. The ring master brushed off the accident, and the crowd seemed to accept it as the spirit was carried out quickly. Opal looked to Jeng, with concern. "Do.. do you think these spirits want to be here?" She asked softly, as she didnt want the crowd behind them to hear her.
After staring in utter confusion and silence at the the spectacle before him, Jeng finally mustered up the ability to say something. "I...I don't know. I just...don't know." Initially, one would probably come to the conclusion that they were there against their will, but upon further inspection...nothing really seemed to indicate they were uncomfortable. At least, nothing that was outwardly evident. But Mén looked completely appalled, as would be expected from a fellow spirit, and as Avatar Jeng was obligated to do something. "Hey!" he shouted aggressively, trying to get the ringleader's attention, "what the hell kind of circus are you running here?!"

Shing had made his way through the circus having a rather touch time with it all. The having hard of seeing was truly bothersome to say the least. But he was able to follow them (all be it at a slower pace) to their seats. Arriving there he sat down in one that was available to him. Looking in front of him he had a rather blank look for he couldn't see anything that was going on. It was too far, too blurry, and not to mention fuzzy to make anything out. Instead he just listened to everything going on. He listened to the gasps and the sound of applause as well as a few cheers every now and then. However when he heard the gasps that seemed to be more distressed he looked around confused. "what happened?" He asked as he petted Crystal who was looking around curiously at the sight before her. When Jeng suddenly shouted he jumped feeling a bit surprised. "??? What's going on???" He asked once more thoroughly confused as he internally cussed his lack of vision.

@jamaicanviking @Flutterby @too much idea @Otakuyaki

Takeo had made it to the village in record time having left a bit earlier than he thought. He had arrived moments before the circus arrived and after pickpocketing some tickets he got into the circus easily. Walking in it he looked around (while Gatnz shifted back to normal size dog so he wouldn't attract attention) for a seat. Soon he found one, sure it wasn't in the VIP but it would due. He had to get used to not living in the lap of luxury anyway. Sitting down he got comfortable while Gantz sat in a seat next to him so he could watch the show. As he waited his attention was taken from the empty ring to a girl that maneuvered her way to a seat next to him which seemed to be the only available seat for a few rows. She had accidently stepped on his foot and he shot a glare at her feet before moving his foot away.

A small smile graced his lips making the glare leave him instantly as he looked at the women. "Hello miss. I'm rather new to this place so I'm curious. Do you think you could tell me what to expect? Is this place popular? Have any interesting fellows passed by?" He asked curiously wanting to see if he could get a little info on whether or not he missed the avatar.

jamaicanviking said:
But Mén looked completely appalled, as would be expected from a fellow spirit, and as Avatar Jeng was obligated to do something. "Hey!" he shouted aggressively, trying to get the ringleader's attention, "what the hell kind of circus are you running here?!"
"Why, a circus that fulfils everything you'd expect of one, avatar." the ring master appeared out of nowhere behind Jeng, a microphone in his hands as he pointed out to the ring, "See for yourself! We pride ourselves on entertaining, not only the audience, but each other as family! Accidents do occur, and I'd thought you'd understand that better than anyone else, as the avatar." he smiled sympathetically, "We are a circus! A family! When someone gets hurt, we give them our utmost concern and care! And the best way to do that is to continue the show while we attend to them behind the scenes. If we were to go broke, we wouldn't be able to help them now, would we?" he raised down his hand between Jeng and Opal, showing a blue bird-like spirit in his hands, chirping happily. Men, however, glared out of the sides of his eyes at the spirit, then up at the ringleader, shocking the spirit and the ringleader with the murderous air he seemed to be exuding.

"And you, I'd be very interested in talking to you about those waacky effects you pull outta nowhere!" he wrapped an arm around Men, placing a business card into Men's hands before he exited their booth and left the scene.
Orikanyo said:
@The Suspicious Eye
"Don'tchyea be playin' like that or I'll scratch yer ears again fluffy." he teased slightly as he took a look around the area, his hazy eyes watching for any form of movement... the box had gotten them in this far, but now they needed to get moving inside... They COULD'VE just bought tickets and went inside... but... well... you know... Foxy god of death and a drunk man with a spirit in his head don't exactly make a duo that make good decisions.

"Cal'vina, I hunger again." the spirit called to the man's inebriated mind like a child telling it's mother he was hungry. "Bring us sustenance, i wish to taste the food here." Cal'vina sighed heavily as he wondered what could've set off the spirit this time... "Wha'-? You want food?" the man asked aloud to the spirit within his mind, who seemed to grow with need suddenly. "The wooden child consumes the fruit on a stick, it is over joyed, I REQUIRE THIS WONDERMENT ASWELL, CAL'VINA! AS MY VESSEL YOU SHALL OBTAIN THE FRUIT STICK FOR ME!" Cal'vina looked confused for a moment before he looked to the side, seeing an old sign for what was candied apples, honestly he wouldn't complain about having one of those... But they were in a storage area... doubt he could grab one of them here...

Thats when the sounds of the show starting caught up to them.

"Eh? Fluffy, the shows started, we gotta find a way to look over the crowd." the man stated as he mentally pushed away to grumblings of a certain spirit not getting it's candy apple. "...never do anything I want..."
Ina rolled her eyes and looked around for any people. Making her way over to the exit flap she heard Cal say something. Turning her head she looked back, "what?" As he didn't respond she shrugged and continued to look around the room. Her ears perked up as the sounds of the performance began to blare. Turning back to him again as he spoke, she nodded. "Alright let's go."

Crouching down to all fours she poked her head outside the open tent flap. There was a lot of things here she didn't like, spirits, humans, metals and something she couldn't put a finger on. It set her on edge her fur bristled as she sniffed the air, trying to catch the scent. Something began to well up inside her and rise to the surface. Something big and ominous and... *Burp!!* Ina fell back falling onto her tail in surprise.

From the pain of landing on her tail she gave a staggered yip! Before quickly jumping up to her feet again. Her tail bristled up in anger and snapped at the ground. Growling angrily she stomped on the ground and sighed. Turning back to Cal she pouted, "don't you laugh!"
Cornelius and his family sat around the left-ish side of the VIP booth, maybe three or four seats across from it. Someone was in the center of the circus ring, and he thought it was about to start. Alas, it wasn't... but it was better; someone was floating! He watched in disbelief as him and someone unbeknownst to him in the booth were talking, and she floated into the VIP seats with him. "Who's Raava?" He asked his mother, who was sitting by him. "I'm... not sure, honey." She had an odd face he couldn't describe- maybe she was thinking? He wasn't sure. Later, someone came in late and tried to scoot past him, and he pulled his feet up absent-mindedly, not paying much attention to anything but the stage as he waited impatiently for the circus to really start. He put his feet back down, pulled them back up, put them back down, kicked them around, tapped them, and generally just fidgeted while he waited for the circus to start.

Once it did, he watched in awe. The animals and the tricks they performed astounding him, but not as much as when the spirits came out. Bright and dark lights dancing before his eyes, he reached out his hand to try to touch them, but realized they were way too far to do so. Suddenly he gasped- one of the spirits was caught on fire! It didn't seem like much, but fire is fire and it worried him and his teeth chattered. The ringleader reassured them, but he wasn't quite assured. He felt sympathetic for the spirits- who would want to do something like that? Be caught on fire? His eyes started to tear up, but he wiped his face and stopped, trying to act stronger than he was inside.

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