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Fandom Avatar: Spirits Awaken

Cal'vina let out a yowl of pain. "owww! owowowowoowowowow! Stop it cutie I'm just trying to be nice!" he yelped as he attempted to pull his finger out, but to no avail... "I was just tryin' to get yea awake is all! Ow! Stop biting! Please? pretty please?" he asked as his eyes scanned for a possible way out of this. She was a fox spitirt right? kinda like a dog.. so... maybe... worth a shot.

With his free hand he lashed forward to scratch behind the ears of this insane spirit.. just maybe he could get her to gasp or soemthing... or maybe make a friend? hell if he knew, seriously this fool doesn't know when to stop!

@The Suspicious Eye

(Well he got to pet her somehow, if hes to die.. which good luck to whatever possibly succeeds, he can go peacefully.)
A small smile grew across her lips as he pleaded for her to let go. I'm not picky, a small victory is still a victory. She crunched down ever harder, still not breaking skin. The last thing she'd want is to taste human blood, ick. Priding her skill at defeating a human with just her jaw power, she didn't notice the other hand until it was too late.

She jolted as he touched her head and then began to scratch behind her ear. At first she froze out of shock, is he insane?! She let go of his finger and began to tremble uncontrollably. She clentched her fists "you stupid human!" A blush grew across her face as her tail began to wildly wag in happiness. She glared at him, but with that crimson blush and wagging tail, looked in no way intimidating. Her voice squeezes with every word as she strained not to give in to the feeling "Do..... you....... know.... what.... I.... am.... going.....to...do.... to.... you... once.... you.....stop?.... I'm.... going...... to....kill......you!..... Grrrrrrrrraaaahh!" She tried to shake him off but her body completly froze except for her tail.

@Orikanyo (well played....well played)
Cal'vina rejoiced at his newly realeased finger... however he did find something rather interesting aswell.... The fox had a weakness it seems.... "Ah... i see... so it does work then, figures as much, even cats love it sometimes... when they're in the right mood of course... fickle things eh?" he spoke as he continued to... "torture" the poor spirit with one hand(that sounds REALLY bad now that i reread that part..oh dear).

"Well... I suppous I can let you go, if you do only one thing for me." he was grinning like a content cat as he checked over his no worse for wear finger. "Appologise for biting into me, and then I'll let you go and never tell anybody about this~!" he chirped, happy to get some sweet revenge back at the girl... Sure he wasn't looking for it, but he had to get back at her for all the trouble today somehow... Plus it was oddly comforting, reminds him of his dog back home... Mind you she is hardly as fat as he is... hope the girls aren't letting him pig out still.

"So? or am I gona have to use my other hand aswell?"

@The Suspicious Eye (Oh deary me~!)
(Wow...... that does sound terrible.... Pffftttttt hahahahahahahaa xD )

Ina was not about to let a human get the better of her! She could see the smugness on his face. Should have bit that finger off when she had the chance. Her tail, still wagging, puffed out in anger as she stammered out "N-N-never!!!!!" Of course it would be easier to apologize and then kill the man, Ina was not one to apologize ever. The last time she did, she had her face ripped off and was demoted from divine spirit to undead soul collector.

Her face now red as a apple, made by a mixture of anger, embarrassment and unwanted comfort. She growled, "When... I.... get..... out..... of this..... I...... will..... murder you!!!" She glared at him her eyes glowing golden with anger. She was storing up all her hatred for strength. She wagged her tail a little slower now, slowly gaining control. The only thing she has to worry about is imprinting, but if she didn't give in, it should be fine. Biting her lip she glared at him and clenched her fists even tighter.

@Orikanyo (Bring it on!)
Cal'vina tsked with a finger wiggling in the air. "Such a angry fox... relax... were all friends here." he chuckled a bit before his other hand started to scratch behind her other free ear... Such a strong effect on her... wonder how it feels on her end? "Listen, I'll let you go when you appologise for nipping me, then I'll give you the prize for defeating that evil spirit okay? So just say the word sorry, and thats it, you'll be back to normal and with a new bottle of booze! surely spirits can drink, Or.. was that only ogres? ...are ogres real though?" he deepened his scratching as he drifted into thought...

"So, if your not gona say sorry, whats your name? Call me Cal'vina, or bastard seems more your style huh? if yea don't tell me I'm just gona call yea cutie, that okay?"

@The Suspicious Eye (A trial of endurance! Can ina last until Cal gets bored!?)
Ina watched the finger move back and forth as he wagged it a her. Then cringed as he stared scraching her other it. It felt heavenl......horrible! Throught gritted teeth she hissed "I am not your friend!" Her legs began to quiver as they were about to go out, her tail, twice it's normal size, rapidly wagging. She looked at her foot willing it to move as he spoke.

Her ears twitched as he said the word booze. She hated humans, bit she sure did love their liquor. Of course nothing is compression to divine spirit liquor. But there was enough on earth th at she could stand to deal with. On the plus side, drinking means drinking challenges, and challenges equal bets. Gambler at heart she, never backs down from a bet. She couldn't stand much more of this scratching, she'll go mad if he doesn't stop. If I can get him to bet his life in a drinking contest I'm sure to win. Then he'll never speak of this to anyone. Perfect! She closed her eyes trying to gather the power to move, but it was to no avail. Then her ears caught onto what the fool was saying. As he said cutie She went crimson and used that energy to finally raise her foot and bring it down hard to stomp on his.

Needing only a instant Ina pulled away from the human and hissed ar him angrily. "Now...hufff....hufff... you.... haa..... are going..... to get it......" she crowded down low to the ground ready to pounce. Leaping towards him she grabbed his collar and pushe'd him to the ground. Sitting on his chest she glared at him "I want my prize!...haaa.... you... bastard....!" Completely winded from thw strain of moving she breathed heavily ad she glared down at the jerk face.

@Orikanyo (I can't write endurance let's drink instead!l
(So you wish, so shall it be!)

Cal'vina gasped and yelped as he was suddenly beaten and pinned to the ground, however his grin never left his face. "hehehe, alright alright cutie, heres your prize... perhaps your up for abit of a game eh?" he asked with a devilish smirk... She was a fighter, she wouldn't resist the chance to make him eat crow on his upper hand earlier.

Wiggling his arm out from under her leg he rummaged around in his shirt and pulled out a large flask that smelled rather... rank... strong even for alcohol's standards. "Listen up cutie I'll only say it once." he stated with his face suddenly serious and his tone dramatic. "We'll both take turns drinking from this flask, good gulps, no cheating with a small sip or that person chugs, the first one to call mercy loses and has to do anything the winner wants, in event of a draw, we both try again another day alright?" he asked out loud as he examined the flask's side... a pity to see it go... but it's the strongest stuff he has.

"You seem tired, and I'm abit tipsy already, so we should be on even ground... Figuratively speaking of course." he mentioned towards his current predicament. "So, whos first eh cutie?"

@The Suspicious Eye (No need to make it a winner this round, lets end it with a draw, maybe a time skip to even so the others can start playing to... and a drunk Ina and cal can go to the circus and save the princess/Zira from her captors.... oh dear god that would be hilarious. And if we end it on a draw we got a stunt in line down the road.)
Catching her breath she looked down at the human. The grin on his face pissed her off, but his proposal intrigued her, "a game huh?" His smirked made him think he was up to something, every human always was up to something. She twitched her tail, if she could she would have punched that smug look off his face. Sadly het limbs are pretty numb, she didn't know if she could even get up off him.

She jolted a little as he pulled out his arm abd went for the bottle. I guess I can move my solders, that's a good start. She looked at the bottle and sniffed it, pulling her head back a little. "Oh gross that smells like someone drowned in alcohol and bottled the remains in that." Holding back the urge to vomit she weakly tried to lift her hand only yo be able to move it a few inches . "Great..." She hissed under her breath. Her body was exausted, much more human than spirit. She hoped her immortal liver would last against this drink, if it doesn't heal quickly then I might get drunk like a human would. No matter I can still win.....as soon as my arms start working again.

She loozed at the bottle and glared back at him as he told her the rules. He I'm constantly calling her cutie was starting to pissed her off. "You can set the pace, human. Anything you can do I can do better." She said full of pride, for a girl who can't move.

@Orikanyo (Kay)


She'd spent the entire afternoon cooking and cleaning for tonight's dinner. What was supposed to be a small intimate gathering between her housemates and her husband soon extended to a village wide party. Mayu didn't mind of course. She loved being surrounded by people especially when they were people she cared for. All Mayu could think of right now was the happy faces of the villagers that would go home with a full stomach. Something some of them haven't experienced in a while.

"Dinner is ready!" Mayu called out as she finished setting the roasted chicken on the table. She'd moved her small kitchen table outside to the front of her hut. Her house was too small to hold the entire village, so an outside dinner would have to do. With the help of her husband, Mayu brought out every flat surface she could find to use as tables. From the short hand made coffee table in the living room, to the drawer less dresser that had been sitting in her room for years. It wasn't much, but it was all she had. A bright smile formed on her face as the villagers began approaching and she began serving.

"Hello Shang, how are you doing today?"

"I'm doing fine Mayu, how about yourself?"

"Good thanks for asking. Any plans tonight?"

"A few of the villagers and I are headed to the circus after dinner."

"A circus huh? That sounds like fun."

"Hoping it will be. See you around Mayu and thanks for the food!"

"Any time dear."

@jamaicanviking @Flutterby @too much idea @Peaceswore @Dakup @The Suspicious Eye @Songbird500 @Guilded Clover @theunderwolf @Orikanyo @Sinister Clown @Archdemon
Chen sat in a corner, watching the hungry villagers surrounding the table with a plate on their hand. Chen could tell that their dinner is a delicious one just from the smell. She patiently waited for her turn to get some of the chicken, and when she finally did she took a couple of slices and put it on her plate.

Chen ate one and can't stop grinning while chewing it down slowly. As she has expected, it's really tasty. It reminded her of home, of something that her mother would cook for dinner. She saw Mayu talking to one of her guests, and approached her.

"Mam, this is very good." Chen lifted her thumb. "You should try to open a restaurant in the city."

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Zira Ishihara

After everything was over, everyone remained in shock for sometime. The guards and Togai came out of the car to inspect the damage the spirits caused, with Togai mumbling all the while how much he hated spirits. There was a huge crater in the ground and branches were scattered everywhere, but other than that, everything remained intact. The three began to clean up and settle in for the night. "When morning comes, we are getting the hell out of here!" Togai wasn't happy.

Zira remained in the car and watched the rest clean up. Thoughts ran through her mind; thoughts of the spirits' true power, the Avatar, and the thought of dying a horrible death came and stayed in her mind. Should I do this? Should I leave? Maybe my parents were right; the world is a dangerous place that I'm not ready to deal with yet. Then she remembered: the drunk guy was supposed to be coming to get her soon. Zira sighed and leaned back in her seat. Guess it's too late now. She was both nervous and excited for this... adventure.

@Orikanyo @The Suspicious Eye (You guys can respond now if you want.)
Opal took a deep breath and tied the bow carefully at the end of her long braid. She could hear the bustle outside of the small house as the village began to gather for Mayu's meal. Bolts of anxiety flashed through her golden eyes, but the fighter quickly quelled them as she set she shoulders. A smile fixed onto her face, the smile her mother had trained her to use. And after only a moment more of hesitation, Opal opened the door and stepped out, joining the crowd. She mingled with the villagers, ignoring the aching fear at the back of her mind, fielding questions about her, the group, the Avatar, and their adventures. As she did, she cast her eyes around for the familiar faces, eventually finding only Chen. Where were the others?
@The Suspicious Eye

@Guilded Clover

*Spelling mistakes are intentional*

"And they said it wash foolish! I shaid otherwise, ain't nobody gona expect a box near a circus." Cal'vina announced to himself as he sat within the box with his faithful, and equally drunk, fox companion, it was abit stuffy in the box but was big enoguh to house the two with relative ease. Poking his eyes out of the small slot he created with a liberal use of his foot earlier he gazed out into the circus area, it was soon time for them to start the mission.. just as they planned it over the last few mouthfuls of the second bottle they drank.

"hey... hey cuties... You *hic* you *hic* think Zira will be happy to see us? Were like.. like.. two warriors, goin' to saaaave the princess right? Wait... wait do we *hic* need hroses or something? Maybe... maybe we could get one quick... I don't got money for one though... You smell cabbage? I.. I think theres some in the next box over."

Speaking in hushed(kinda) whispers the man talked to his foxy sidekick, trying to figure out what to do next... or atleast make conversation while they sit around for the show to start.
Jeng waited on the other side of the door to the hut, adjusting his clothing for what seemed like the billionth time. Was he really that nervous? It wasn't that large a group of people, after all, and they'd be heading to the circus soon anyway. No, it wasn't the people...but what could it be, then? He couldn't help but feel a sense of unease at events to come (whatever those might entail). Relax, man, he reassured himself, you'll have a great time. Exotic animals, eating junk food with your best friends...it'll be great! Hopefully. On that note, Jeng took a deep breath and opened the door, stepping outside. The boy was pretty hungry, and he wasn't about to let his gut override his stomach.

"Geez! You couldn't even get a simple package without getting in trouble? I figured you would be attacked after getting my item." The voice of the boy was familiar, but Ryo couldn't turn to see who is was. The old woman still had a grip on him. "Hello Lu! Looking young as ever!" Ryo saw the Mayumi coming into view. Of course it was him and he seemed to know the woman who was attacking him. "Ah! Could you please stop blood bending my errand boy? We are already behind schedule." The old woman just smiled lopsening the grip on Ryo, but not completely letting go. Ryo could now move his head and speak. He turned to the Mayumi. "Errand boy? You know I would be attacked? Are you trying to get me killed?" Ryo was pissed, was getting to the fire nation really worth this? "Oy! Errand boy! If you insulted her in some way I suggest you apologize! Or she's going to do things you didn't know were possible with blood bending!" Ryo rolled his eyes, "I ain't apologizing to that old hag. I didn't do anything to her. " Ryo's spat towards the Mayumi being stubborn to follow his orders.

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Shing sat alone inside the house he had a plate of food but he had hardly touched it, which of course worried his water spirit. He was too busy thinking to even care for the food he was given. Holding out his hand he once again tired to ignite it but nothing worked. It would spark a bit and a blue flame would leave him for a split second only to disappear with a blink of an eye. He let out a sigh as he looked at his hands which were starting to blurry every now and then. That was another thing he noticed, not only could he use his flames, but things seemed to get blurry more often. He didn't address this of course since he was pretty sure he was just sleep deprived. So he simply sat in the corner of the house and tried his best to ignite his hand longer then half a second.

@Anyone that wants to talk to Shing.

Takeo let out a groan as he now floated upside down in front of Ryo. "Don't be like that. Don't you know you should respect your elders. Geez had I known you would be so rude I wouldn't have hired you." He grumbled with his arms crossed. He then let out a sigh and scratched his head. "Okay how about this. If you apologize then we will go straight to the fire nation. I won't stop and dump you anywhere. I will give you a one way ride and we will get there at record speed. Of course you have to apologize and get me my package." He said not really wanting to go all the way back to his body and then come back to get it himself. "Come on now, being stubborn can be a charming quality. But being smart is something I much rather see in a being."

Opal glanced behind herself, plate in hand, as the door to the hut opened and shut. At the sight of Jeng, her smile relaxed into a truer grin. "Jeng!" She called, waving her hand above the heads of the villagers to get his attention. Their group seemed to have scattered, but she was less than willing to be separated from her boy for too long, for many reasons. The fighter wove her way over to him, golden eyes alighting on his nervous expression. "You should grab some food before its all gone." Opal said, pointing to where the food was. Out of habit, she reached up and pulled a badger-mole hair off of his chest, amused by the fact that all his clothes seemed to have at least a few of them.

As he shuffled slowly through the crowd, Jeng heard the familiar sound of Opal calling his name. Quickly turning to face the girl as she approached, his mood immediately changed from its concerned state to a much more relaxed one. At her mention of food and her subsequent fussing over his clothes, the boy couldn't help but comment, "You remind me of my mother. 'Eat, Jeng, you're skin and bones! Stop playing with those dogs, you don't know where they've been!'" Beaming down at the girl, Jeng put one of his arms around the girl, gesturing towards the food table with the other. "But, you're right. No need to starve ourselves for no reason, now is there?" With that, he began walking towards the table; maybe the day wouldn't be so bad after all.

"Jeng!" A familiar voice called out to another familiar name. Chen glanced and see Opal welcoming Jeng, who arrived late to the party. Chen chewed the chicken meat while observing the two youngsters with curiosity. Thanks to her work, Chen noticed that something something is going on between the two of them. The easiest to notice is how Jeng put his arms around her and looked more relaxed compared to from how he first came to this place. Opal looked happier too, for some reasons. Chen couldn't help but to grin. "Hey, lovebirds." Chen decided to greet them, lifting up her plate with a grin on her face. "Have you tried the food, yet? It's really delicious."
Opal made a face at Jeng's comment, wrinkling her nose in mock displeasure. Then, with a smile, she murmured, "Well someone has to take care of you while you're galavanting across the world." There was a brief moment where her body refused to respond to his touch, just an ever so slight freeze, in which her smile faltered. But in the next instant, she forced her mind to go blank, and she tucked herself more comfortably under his arm and beamed up at him. "Of course not." She agreed, moving with him toward the food. There was a twinge of pain in her gut as they turned, but she ignored it with a small grimace. That grimace was gone as Chen approached, greeting them and making Opal's cheeks flush pink. "Always a pleasure, Chen," The fighter said, shaking her head a little at the teasing. "Where is everyone else? We seem to be down a few."
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"I don't know. You two are the first one i see tonight. They should be around, couldn't be far. With all these people around us, it's quite hard to find someone. I'm pretty sure that we are going to meet all of them after dinner." Chen replied as she looked around but it is indeed hard to find familiar face between all the strangers. She grinned and raised her hand a bit, to show her excited she is. "The circus! They won't miss it, of course! Oh, i always wanted to visit a fire nation circus! I have heard about the fire dancers, the komodo rhino show, and the fire dance- Whoops i almost mention them twice."
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Jeng took note of Opal's discomfort with a slight frown. I hope I'm not hurting her, he thought to himself, half-consciously loosening his grip a little. His attention shifted to Chen as she walked towards them, and the boy nodded in greeting. Watching the two girls express their excitement for the circus, Jeng couldn't help but reconsider if things were really going to go as planned later. Everything up until now had gone smoothly; perhaps TOO smoothly. Usually something would've tried to kill them by now, given their luck. Then again, it was just a circus, so what could possibly go wrong? "The Fire Nation has some really weird animals," the Avatar chimed, "so I'm looking pretty forward to those. I mean, back home we've got groundhogs that make musical tones, but I hear the circuses have lion vultures. As if armadillo lions weren't scary enough, now they have wings. Do you think they eat alive or dead things? Cuz, vultures usually eat dead carcasses but lions hunt their prey, and--" Jeng stopped himself mid-sentence, as he realized he was probably weirding the two girls out. "Sorry, I'll shut up."

@Flutterby @too much idea
Opal nodded enthusiastically with Chen, laughing lightly when the officer mentioned the fire dancers twice. She hadn't been lucky enough to be a true fire dancer, so watching them was equally as enjoyable. It combined grace and beauty with fierce strength. In her opinion, that was a combination anyone should be excited about. And then Jeng piped up, and started chatting happily about the animals they would see. Opal looked at him with a soft smile as he gushed, thinking fondly of their first morning together, when she had taken him to the zoo as a favor to Chen.. and then later helped him steal himself a badger mole. Oops, she thought with a smile, even though she didn't regret to decision at all. "You two are so cute. But I'm super excited too. I havent been to a circus since I was very, very young." She said, a twitch at the corner of her mouth the only sign of the sadness that tinged the memory of going with her father. She very much doubted she would be allowed to return home again. With a quick blink, she poked Jeng in the chest lightly. "You need to eat. Im going to check to see if anyone is still inside. Keep an eye on my boy, Chen." With that, the fighter gave his arm a squeeze and slipped away, pushing the door of the small house and stepping inside with a soft "hello?"

@jamaicanviking @too much idea

@Peaceswore @Dakup @Songbird500 @Guilded Clover @theunderwolf @Sinister Clown @Archdemon (not sure if you're all still in, just copying and pasting from Nessie's update post, but here's a good spot to jump back in if you are. If not, just ignore me lol)
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Shing was still in the house as he ate his food....more like nibbled it. He was in a corner of the room his hand raised in front of him as he tried to ignite it, but just like the entire day. It sparked and blew out in seconds. He let out an irritated sigh and ran one hand through his hair as he tried again. "Come on." He growled as he tried again only to fail once more. At this he suddenly swung out his hand and punched the wall in his irritation. At this time Opal walked in. Hearing her Shing froze for a moment and relaxed his muscles a bit letting his hand fall to his side ignoring the fact his knuckles were bleeding because of how hard he had punched the wall. Looking at her he gave her a smile that didn't have his usual confidence or even mischievousness. Instead it was a bit sad and with the scars that decorated his face it made the sight all the more pitiful. "Hey Opal." He said in a quiet voice as he looked down at his food. "Need something?"

@Flutterby (Not out of this just yet~)
Opal stepped into the dim interior just in time to catch movement out of the corner of her eye. Her gold irises flickered over just as a 'thud' reverberated softly through the space. Shing. Punching a wall. Looking dejected. She frowned, biting back a smart retort about being a gracious guest. Her eyes followed his hand as it fell to his side, and with a sigh, she went to her pack. "I was just looking for everyone. The whole village is outside, but somehow our crew doesn't seem to have joined the party." The fighter said as she withdrew a small flask and a bandage from her bag. She padded to Shing's side, moving almost silently with her graceful steps, and sat down about an arm's length away. "Lemme see that, you're bleeding all over the place." She said dryly, unscrewing the cap on the flask before taking his injured hand. She knew there was a chance he would snatch it away and deny her help, but it didn't seem likely in his state.

"Cleaning it might sting, but its better than an infection." Opal explained, as she dropped her eyes to his knuckles. His hand looked large and rough compared to hers. "You're not yourself, Shing. You've been gone most of the day and now you're hardly eating and moping inside when there's a party. There's something weighing on you" Her comments on his behavior were spoken in an even tone as she took a look at his injury, almost as if she were talking about the weather. The fighter didn't want to ask what was wrong, but felt some kind of dialogue about it had to take place. He had just punched a wall.


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