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Fandom Avatar: Spirits Awaken

"Wonderful I so want to be as stress free as possible." Yushi muttered as she sat down with them, happy to be welcome for some reason. Normally she wouldn't care but, the Avatar was throwing her normal atitude for a loop. Korra was one of very few people she respected and like many things it transfered onto Jeng. She picked at her food, moving it around like she was eating , she really didn't need food to live so she usually didn't eat. The others seemed to be digging into the table with such gusto she felt like There was good tea though which she drank with serene sips. Tea was pretty much the only thing that humans put into their body that she enjoyed, the scent calmed her. As she sipped she listened to the conversation. Sogata had apparently been asleep for a week. Out from injuries apparently, Now that she looked around, everyone seemed a little beat up. Opal had an injured hand And Jeng looked like he was hurting. "Well if its just keeping a flame lit I doubt it'd be that strenuous," She said, "But from the look of you all I'd say you'd have trouble getting grocerys without stumbling on a fight."

@jamaicanviking @Dakup @Flutterby
Noticing Tadeka's disapproval of Terra's jokes she decided it would probably be best not to try it again and attempt to stay on her hosts good side, something she was really working on since finding out by many others that she had a tendency of "rubbing them up the wrong way". Terra had never noticed this apparent trait but had taken it into consideration and was now acting on their so called constructive criticism.Terra nodded as Tadeka talked and glanced back and forth from the buildings he showed her and himself. She took note of every alley and building and couldnt help but pick up on Tadeka's obvious anger at something when mentioning his home. "Full huh ? Got the extended family over ?" She joked before instantly regretting it and looking at the ground.

"...did... they just say avatar?" Cal'vina froze in his tracks for a moment... yes, that person might be able to help him with his situation! And from what it sounds like he... or was it she this time? Seriously have to keep up with the news man... "Jeng, thats what the avatar's name is." "Eh? you sure?' "You dare doubt my ultimate powers of observation?" "You saw it on a newspaper didn't you?" "YOU DARE DOUBT MY POWER TO SEE ALL!?!" "No no no just keep your shirt one buddy i'm just trying to get everything settled." "I DO NOT WEAR CLOTHES YOU IMBECILE!" "No need to start name calling we just need to figure out where in town the avatar could be... getting it out of that fox is gona be harder then withstanding a full day sober... hmm... maybe I can.... ah, theres an idea, I'll tail the spirit! or maybe Zira and her entourage, depending if they get the info out of her..." "Why do you not ask to join them in their search?" "What? that would be awkward, I just walked away, seriously do you have any idea of social conventions?" "Fool! I lived sealed in a dark abyss for a millennium!" "No excuse for poor social courtesies, now come on and help me make a disguise... ah ha! perfect!"

And after ducking behind a small pile of boxes Cal'vina donned his disguise... a...another box! 'Fool proof, now all i need to do is wait and follow them when they move." "this... is genius! This box is capable of blending in in all urban areas, not to mention it being cardboard means you can fold it to use at a later time.. impressive material you humans have created..." Cal'vina smirked, impressed by cardboard.. huh... figures as much. Well atleast what he says is true, ti will come in use.. now then.. to get abit closer...

Moving up the way towards the trio he laid down just behind a small ledge, enough so he could hear... and hopefully stay out of sight. "Listen closely.. the faster we get separated, the better..."

@The Suspicious Eye

@Guilded Clover


just abit of espionage never hurt anybody.

Following a guy grocery shopping was not what Ryo had had in mind. There was a moment where he grew tired of waiting for the guy to walk out of a store and lost track of both him and his spirit companion. It took him a while before he found them again thanks to the spirit. Had he not grown the size of a bison, Ryo would have never spotted the two and his plan would have been ruined. As the guy stopped to start loading, Ryo finally decided to make his move. He uncapped his water pouch not really intending to use it, but he was prepared in case he had too. Taking a deep breath Ryo closed his eyes briefly and walked over to the guy. Careful to not sneak up on him, ironically, Ryo cleared his throat before he was at a comfortable talking distance. "You're a Mayumi aren't you? I recognized your spirit..." Ryo hesitated. He had too much pride to be asking for help, but the voice of his lost sister inside his head humbled him. "I...I need your help."



He faintly remembered the scene. Given he had been in terribly bad shape and had made poor decisions, it was no surprise he wanted to forget all about that night. "Anyway the one asking is the guy that helped you get out of the freezing cell. If you don't remember me then you have a worse memory then a senile geezer. I doubt you are that old...right?" Riichi smirked, "Doesn't ring the bell..." He lied throwing the bucket to the side once the flames had died down and the bush was smoking. "You are obviously a firebender so I figured you may know something. Has your fire, ever...just stopped? Like one battle it is working fine and the next it's moment it's refusing to light?" Riichi stopped moving and just stared at the guy. It was a terrible thing to think about, ones bending stopping. While it hadn't happened to him, Riichi's sensei had warned him many times of what could cause bending to stop and was very implicit about teaching him techniques to relax his mind and prevent that from happening. "No." Was all that Riichi said. He turned away from the kid and began scrambling through his bag as if searching for something, but he wasn't. All Riichi was doing was looking busy so the guy could go away. Then it hit him. The same guilt that had appeared as he was running away from the base. He mentally cursed himself before looking at the guy. "...but I might be able to help you."



The last thing the little boy saw was Cal'Vina leaving and then the floor. As the spirit swung him back and forth Kenji smiled and laughed as if he was riding a roller coast. "Wee!!" His land was a bit rough. He stood up rubbing his butt, "Owwy....you didn't' have to thwow me. That's not vewy polite." He stuck his tongue out at the spirit as Zira scolded both of them. Kenji looked down on the floor with his hands behind his back, "I'm sowwy miss Ziwa." The spirit was a very mean spirit. When the tall man came to ask for the Avatar, the spirit began calling him names. "Daddy says those awe bad wowds. You not suppose ta use bad wowds." Kenji spoke to the spirit.

@Guilded Clover @The Suspicious Eye


Unamused by the girl's comment Tadeka decided not to answer. It was bad enough he wasn't fertilizing his crops he wasn't about to start telling his life story to a stranger. If those tomatoes don't grow don't blame it on me! Tadeka thought as he continued showing Terra around. Once they reached the center of the city he stopped. "So this is were the tour ends." He pointed to an old lady talking to a hooded woman. "That's my wife. She has food if you're hungry. Just go up and ask. If there's ever anything you need, our hut is at the end." He pointed in the direction of his home which was hard to miss. "If you'll excuse me." Tadeka walked away stopping with his wife first and gave her a kiss on the cheek. The man kissing his wife was completely different than the one Terra had met. With his wife, Tadeka had a warm smile that reached his eyes. Once Tadeka was out of sight, the old woman waved towards Terra.



There was a kind smile in the lady's face. "Of course dear. I must assure our travelers as well as our citizens have their best stay. Though this is a humble village, we're do our best to make it thrive. I'm Mayu Sama by the way. Leader of the village." As Mayu continued talking to the woman her husband appeared from behind placing a kiss on her cheek. Mayu flushed bringing her hand to her mouth to cover her smile. "Oh Tadeka." They conversed a bit about the girl who had just arrived and after Tadeka left Mayu waved the girl over before turning back to the woman, "So will I be seeing you at dinner today?"

@too much idea @Songbird500

Izumi had expected a small bunny spirit or bird spirit not what came out of the bush. He was a tall human looking spirit if you didn't count the antlers. His eyes were hidden with his hair which only scared Izumi more. She felt herself take a step back from the initial shock of such a tall creature standing before her, but she stood her ground not letting fear get the best of her. "Hello" he said and though his words weren't threatening, Izumi didn't trust him. "Who are you and what do you want?!" She was fiesty, but giving the trembling penguin behind her and the slight fearful look in her eyes Izumi wasn't much of a threat.
Terra nodded at Tadeka as he left and then couldnt help but notice the change in person he was when he was with his wife and started smiling unknowingly. People didnt find love like that everyday, most people would go their whole life without ever finding it and this small fact lightened Terra's spirits. So much so the dull colours of the city soon brightened just a little and didnt dim like that usually did. By the time Terra had actually walked over to Tadeka's wife she was almost beaming and not because she was getting ready for a fight but because she had seen two people happy in each others company. Terra had heard Tadeka's proposal to the other women and naturally checked the women with the hood over You could never be too careful.

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Takeo saw the man approaching but didn't mind him much till he was called out. He didn't stop loading but he did glance over at him. "My spirit? He is a friend not a possession. As for being a Mayumi... If you are here to interrogate me then I may as well save you some time. I didn't do it, I have an alibi and no I'm not coming to the station I'm busy." He said believing Ryo was one of the policemen who are almost always hounding him.

I...I need your help." This sentence however got Takeo's attention. Now sitting on the back of Gantz he raised a brow and took a closer look at Ryo. ".... Waterbender... In your twenties, long hair. Hmm I heard of you. Haven't you been causing a bit of troubles with some unfriendly characters? Are you some sort of vigilante...no, you want my help and my family is known for doing some supposedly not so good stuff.... What do you want and more importantly do you have anything that's worth my time?" He asked with a smile though his tone was full on business right now as he remained on the spirit wolf.

Shing blinked when the man said no to his question. 'This... This isn't normal?" He asked in slight surprise his mind going back to what Ina said only to shake his head at it. "Help me...? Hold up. This isn't something firebender just face in their teenage years? There's nothing wrong with me besides my few injures." He said in a slightly worried tone though it mainly was stoic. "My flames were working just fine no less than four or so days ago. WHy are they just sputtering out?" He asked as calmly as possible trying to understand why his fire wasn't lighting.

Zira Ishihara

Zira was able to get her arm out of Togai's grasp before he was knocked to the ground by Ina. Scared out of my wits three times in a row. She stepped out of the way while the spirit spoke. A pang of sadness and fear went through her as she looked at Ina. She then looked back at Togai, who was getting helped up by the two guards. "You ungrateful little twit! How dare you attack a noble like that! Ugh," he took a breath and looked at the spirit with fury in his eyes. "If you kill me, I'll make sure the whole fire nation goes after you; I will make that a mission. I don't need advice from you. You'll regret what you did, you savage!" Togai limped back to the car, but not before barking orders at Zira. "Zira! We're leaving. Say goodbye to your 'friends' and get in the car. We'll find Avatar Jeng ourselves." Zira stood in shock and disbelief. She had never seen Togai like this before. She almost couldn't move; she just stared at him with her mouth open. "Didn't you hear me girl? Get in the car now!"

"W-Wait! Just hold on for a second." Zira stepped in front of Ina and looked at her sympathetically. "Look, my father wanted me to talk to Avatar Jeng for business-related reasons. But I want to talk to him so I could join him. I can't take the babysitting anymore. You don't need to listen to Togai, but hopefully you can listen to me. I understand your anger and I will make sure he won't yell at you again. If you don't want to help, I understand. Goodbye Ina." Zira backed up from Ina and made her way towards Kenji. She kneeled down and gave him a hug. "I'm glad you're all right. I'll do my best to be at the circus tonight. Bye Kenji." With that, she got up and walked towards the car. She said no words to Togai when she passed him; she, rightfully, was too disgusted with his attitude. Sitting in the car, Zira pulled out the flyer and looked at. I hope you save me a seat.

@NessieAlways @The Suspicious Eye @Orikanyo


Fai could feel Izumi's fear the closer he got to her. She's not a threat. "My name is Fai. I heard you crying. You need help. I can help you." He wasn't too big on using long sentences; keeping them short and honest was the way to go. "You are not from here, are you?" He inched closer to Izumi, being careful not to chase her off. He was starting to become concerned for her. Did she come here by herself? Was she thrown here as a punishment? He held his hand out. "You are not safe here."

@NessieAlways @Songbird500

Chen politely listened to the old lady, who turns out to be the leader of this village. It was lovely to see her husband approach her and greet her with a smile.

"Yes, mam. See you at dinner." Chen smiled, that means she doesnt need to ask for her permission to stay for the night.

Chen was about to walk toward the couple's hoof when she sensed someone observing her. "What are you looking at?"
"Eh? Zira's moving." "Follow her you imbecile!" "Hey, no need to be rude I'm going I'm going.. sheesh..." Cal'vina sighed, taking another swig of medicine before lifting the box of the ground enough to warrant quick movement. "keep an eye out for anybody who sees us." "Fine mortal, you shall have my watch, for I wish to be rid of you as well!" the spirit stated as it shifted it's sight to above the box's top, scanning the area for people who see them, this of course set off another "ping" of the watcher's presence, his form was one not to be ignored in truth.

"I see the carriage... keep an eye out for that fox again, i don't want the sweetie catching on to us, bad enough you've got enemies of your own." "No enemies! Only those who are jealous of my almighty perception!" "Ah yes of course of mighty seeing thing. For a thing with so many eyes you certainly can't shut up and keep watch can you?" *various grumbles and curses hidden under neath a "breath"*

Cal'vina chased after the carriage a few shop keepers around the area spotted him, giving him nothing more then a confused look and a few words with their neighbor. "Is... is that a running box?" "What? a running box? how can a box run yea fool?" "I see it right there, look at it!" "I ain't lookin' and I ain't listenin to liars!" "tsk.. fine... still... who would be as foolish to use a box for a disguise?"

@Guilded Clover the box-man is coming for you.

@The Suspicious Eye if you wish to spy this going on, not hard to, i mean the guy is running around with a box over him.

@NessieAlways kid might get a laugh outa this.
Terra glanced up at the hooded woman before tilting her head to the side a little bit "I was just admiring your hood" She replied nonchalantly and smiling slightly. Terra was trying her hardest not to come off as rude but felt she was maybe overdoing it with the niceness act so she stopped smiling, nodded at the women and then turned to look at Tadeka's wife "So happy to be here" She started, taking little glances now and then at the other women who she'd really hoped she hadnt offended in some way.
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theunderwolf said:
"Well if its just keeping a flame lit I doubt it'd be that strenuous," She said, "But from the look of you all I'd say you'd have trouble getting grocerys without stumbling on a fight."
Jeng chuckled at this as he took another bite, though deep down he felt that it was at least partially true. There weren't many instances where they could just relax without someone or something trying to kill them in new and exciting ways. "I wouldn't joke about that if I were you," he warned, "we get into some pretty crazy stuff doing what we do. You're gonna jinx us, or something." Though clearly said in a jovial manner, Jeng secretly suspected that the universe was actively trying to murder him. Well, I ain't gonna let you win, universe, he thought to himself, finishing up his meal. Looking to Sogata expectantly, he finally said: "So, we gonna start training, or what?"

@theunderwolf @Dakup
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Songbird500 said:
Terra glanced up at the hooded woman before tilting her head to the side a little bit "I was just admiring your hood" She replied nonchalantly and smiling slightly. Terra was trying her hardest not to come off as rude but felt she was maybe overdoing it with the niceness act so she stopped smiling, nodded at the women and then turned to look at Tadeka's wife "So happy to be here" She started, taking little glances now and then at the other women who she'd really hoped she hadnt offended in some way.
Chen replied with a smile. The girl looked confused when Chen sternly asked that question (Can't be helped, she's a police officer) and thought that she was being rude, and Chen feel bad about it. She waved a little at her as she continued her journey to the old couple's house. She heard some voices inside, one of them reminded Chen of someone. She suddenly hesitate, but think that it's impossible for him to be here in this small town, so Chen knocked on the door.

"I'm coming in, on the invitation of the Village Leader." Chen announced, as she opened the door. She saw several people sitting around the table, and see one familiar face. "... Avatar?"

Sogata placed five candles in an "X" formation. "Since we can't work on physical discipline, then we are going to have to focus on your emotional control." He lit each of the candles. "This is something that I have been thinking would work with your control over fire." He sat down with his legs crossed. He left his palms open. "Mirror me." He said as he focused on his palms. A small fire in both palms formed. "Fire will feed off of the emotions that you pour into it, but mostly from anger."

THe fire in his palms grew a little. "I want you to focus on the candle that's in front of you and try and make it bigger, as big as the flame that is in my palm." He took another deep breathe and let it out. The fire moved with the breathe, it grew then shrank. "Focus only upon the fire on the candle, and nothing else."
Jeng did as he was instructed, staring intently into the flame. At first, nothing happened and the candle stayed as it was. Concentrating harder on the small wick, he furrowed his brow in frustration, which inadvertently caused the flame to get larger (if only slightly). Encouraged, the Avatar tried to enlarge the flame to the size Sogata specified, and at first it was working; however, a sudden knock at the door pulled him out of focus, and the candle's flame shrank back to its default intensity. "Ugh, really?" he groaned in exasperation, turning his attention to the door. "Who could that possibly be?" Upon the voice announcing their entrance, however, he soon got his answer: the door opened shortly after the knock, and standing before them was Police Chief Chen herself, in the flesh. Completely bewildered at the chance encounter, all Jeng could muster out was a simple "Officer?"

@Dakup @too much idea
Tremki woke up in his chamber within a large mansion that resided within the Capital of the fire nation; Slowly getting up Tremki's hair was mess but then again, it normally was he was tired like most hard working teens his age in the morning rubbing his eyes he let out a loud obnoxious yawn stretching his arms out wide.

"Jeez, I guess we better start getting to work right?...Right..." He was talking to himself..

Getting out of bed Tremki put his jacket on although leaving his hood off, walking out of the mansion he said goodbye to his mother who at the time was tending the kitchen and cooking breakfast

"I hope you do your chores, and that you've had something to eat.." her mother said with a stern tone.

Tremki just wove towards her shouting
"Yaaah!" as he sped out the door into the streets of the Capital and decided to go to a nearby inn he was pretty thirsty and although he was meant to be 'working' he often was able to have a drink and complete his chores anyway. If you don't believe it, you'll soon see. Walking towards the center of the city there was an inn, looking at the sign which read 'Flying Dragon Inn' he thought in his head 'What a cliche name..must have been thought of on the spot.' Walking into the inn he spotted a man who sat at the bar, he seemed fairly large of size and his appearance was a clear give away he was definitely some sort of thug.

"Oi, hurry up and get me my drink I haven't gotten all day.." The man said in an angry manner slamming his forearm onto the bench as the bartender made his drink and handed it to him, The large man got out of his seat taking the drink and shoving it in the bartenders face "Make another one..Go ahead boy." a sinister grin creeping up his face he waited for the bartender to begin making the drink before grabbing his head and ramming it through the bench laughing maniacally "You fool! Who do you think I am?! Huh!?" he picked him out of the broken bits of timber, despite what just happened the man seemed fairly intact only coming out with a few scratches and a bit of blood on his mouth but was out cold.

Seeing this Tremki sighed and nodded "He's definitely the one.." he took out a piece of paper which turned out to be a picture of a man who resembled the thug man, the name below his 'mugshot' picture stated "Kusan" the last name being unknown it was still enough information to go off from, swooping in at an impressive speed Tremki flew and dug his knee in Kusan's head and landing on the other side of the bench that remained standing he gave off a cheeky smirk towards the thug "Why hello there Kusan, care to dance?" he launched himself forward attempting to punch Kusan again. Kusan stepping aside and swaying out of the way he waited for Tremki to fly passed him before grabbing onto his ankle and tossing him towards the exit with relative ease "Aren't you the cocky one? Alright then, try not cry too easy." Kusan said with a smile cracking his knuckles. Tremki landed on the wall lightly and bounced off it and flipping onto the ground, he taunted Kusan by giving him a gesture with his hand as if saying "Bring it", Kusan accepted this as a challenge as expected and ran towards Tremki, as he exited the inn he drew the fight in the open and coming back at him with a flurry of punches and kicks leaping around showing great agility and attacking from all sides, Although Kusan was still hit a dozen times at least he still seemed to stand in a defensive position waiting for his opportunity and ceasing it at the perfect time, grabbing Tremki's head his hand was able to wrap around it like a ball, Kusan laughing like a maniac thinking he had won at this moment applying a lot of pressure on his head, it could be enough to fracture his skull but before being able to do so, Tremki grabbed onto the mans hands "Damnit, you're tougher than I expected..I need more training." using his fire bending he set the mans arm a lit by burning his arms, as the man lost his grip, Tremki used his arm to pull him self up and over enough to land a kick on his head and forcing Kusan into the ground knocking him out unconscious as the flame on the man's arms went out. Tremki used some binds on Kusan to make sure he couldn't get anywhere dragging him back home and tossing it in the kitchen where his mother was, at this time breakfast seemed to be ready and she smiled as Tremki told her "Chores done!~" his mother took the man to a separate room for the next procedure of their family's work.


Chen screamed inside her mind. She's officially an idiot, for blowing her cover just like that. But at the same time, that's not her fault. She can't possibly know that Jeng is here. If there is Jeng and Sogata, then it safe to assume that Opal and the rest of the gang probably here too. Chen replied Jeng's question with an awkward laugh and waved at them. Chen probably had a stupid look on her face right now.

"'Sup?" Chen greeted. "Uh, long time no see?... Also, can i sit over here?"
Zira Ishihara

Zira looked up slowly with the flyer still in her hands. No doubt people were looking at me. Judging me. She wanted to cry and to scream, but her conscience was trying to keep that from happening. So instead, her face was contorted into a pout. "Stupid spirit. I tried to ask nicely, but then it attacked me. Can you believe that, Zira?" Togai complained. Zira didn't say a word. "Zira. There's no need to be mad at me. I didn't do anything." Zira looked out the car window, trying to ignore him.

That's when she saw something move. Is that a box? The box was stumbling around and getting closer to the car. The car wasn't moving yet so the box was probably trying to just look inconspicuous. But of course it failed to do so. The girl was rightfully puzzled; who would be hiding in box and thinking that was a good disguise? Seeing the box in motion brought back that uneasy feeling. The thing in that box was watching her intently. Almost as if it wanted her for something. She shuddered at the thought and looked away from the window. She hoped the box was gone or empty, but it was still there, slowly making its way towards the car. The feeling became stronger and it made her scared. What am I gonna do? Very soon, the feeling was overwhelming her and she got out of the car and made a huge gust of wind blast at the box. The box fell over and blew Cal'vina's cover. "Cal'vina!?" Zira stood flabbergasted. "What do you want?"

Cal'vina stared up at the woman with surprise and the awkwardness of a child caught with his hand in the cookie jar.... well... she caught him.... may aswell spill the beans. "I..." he cleared his throat as he stood. "Well when i was walking off i heard you were searching for the avatar, many folk are of course, nothing to new, thing is the fox there said something like hes in this town.. so... yea... thought she whispered it or something to yea... See I got me a.. how to put it, spiritual problem? And who else knows the spirit world like the avatar eh? So I thought if I followed you guys i could find out where he is and just bump into you guys all conveniently like."

he explained what was to be his plan to the shocked woman, best to put on the charm. "Listen i know I shoulda just asked, but..." he glanced behind her to the other folk. "yer present company don't look to kind to drunken fools yea see, and can't just sober up on command, also health risks involved with doing so, so i just... well yea know the rest, thought it was a good disguise to..." he frowned sadly at his poor up turned box.. poor thing... kinda looks sad like a turtle that somehow got turned upside down. "Look I'll just leave yea alone alright? ain't no one alive.. or dead for that matter, who likes being followed, I'll just find the bloke on me own, get outa your hair, maybe go to that fair the kids always talkin' about.. you think the Avatar likes the circus?" he explained in a flurry, the watcher going dormant once more as he started to rationalize everything he could in the time he had her attention.

@Guilded Clover
"Uh...sure, I guess," Jeng managed, gesturing to an unoccupied space on the floor. "What, um...what are you doing here?" the boy asked, dumbstruck. The last time they had even seen Chen was back in Republic City, when she had volunteered to stay behind to maintain the Police Department. Jeng had assumed that they woldn't hear from her until their visit to Zaofu, but alas, here she was with the group once again...and in attire very unbecoming of the chief of police. "And what's with the getup? Didn't know it was Dress Casual day at the police office."

@too much idea

Chen walked slowly toward the unoccupied space, while trying to find something as an excuse. I'm worried so i'm visiting? Opal is not sending any messages so i track you down? I'm here on vacation? All those reasons look lame and fake, especially the last one. Chen sat down on the floor, and decided that it is best to tell Jeng the truth. Even if she give him a fake answer, one day the truth will come out.

"I'm hunting someone. One of the high ranking smugglers, i received his information from the smugglers we caught in the city. He's a strong bender, do not speak and presumed to be mute, and wear a red mask as well as wearing a hood to cover his true identity." Chen answered. "I heard that he is seen somewhere around here, so i decided to disguise my self and come to this town to look for any information i can find. Last time i heard that he's heading for Earth Kingdom."
Returning to the kitchen, Opal hunted down a piece of fruit for herself. She came back to find Officer Chen had suddenly joined them and was speaking of why. Opal's entire body stiffened. "He was here, but left in a blimp." She confirmed in a tense voice, before quickly trying to hide her discomfort by peeling the fruit with her dagger.
"Uh, hi, Opal. Long time no see? I don't know why you are not sending me updates, but since you get into a lot of trouble with Jeng i understand that you may have forget or unable to find any place to sent a report to me." Chen greeted, it's unsurprising that her appearance have changed make the situation very strange and very awkward. Chen straightened up her body at Opal's answer. "You all fought him, don't you?"

"Listen, that man is dangerous. I know that you guys are the Avatar Team and all, but please leave that guy to me and the police." Chen looked uncomfortable.
Opal dipped her head catiously in greeting. "We hit the ground running when we got here. Things did not go as planned." She said, in explanation of why there were no messages sent. "We managed to free many of the spirits he was holding. But not much else was truly accomplished." She said softly, bitterness creeping into her tone. The fighter dropped her eyes back to the fruit, slicing off a bit and eating it off the blade. "In any case, his operation has been weakened slightly."

Ryo clenched his jaw as words kept spilling out of the guys mouth. He sure does talk a lot he thought as the guy went on about his spirit and family. A simple no would have sufficed. Ryo leaned back and crossed his arms over his chest. "The only problems I've caused are those I've been instructed to do. Unfortunately rumors grow like wild fire." He recalled doing the dirty work of many less than respected individuals and most of them not being able to put up their end of the deal. "What I want..." Ryo thought about his next action. It was a simple question, but one he had trouble answering. He had already been wronged many times would one more be any different? Still the idea of ending up as the spirit's dinner was not enticing either. With a stern gaze Ryo began, "I have some business with people in the Fire Nation. I need transportation. In return...just name your price." It had been Ryo's mistake this entire search. The price...he didn't have valuables to give so he ended up doing unlawful things. For some reason he hoped this time would be different, but one couldn't completely trust a Mayumi.



Riichi spat a laughter, "Ha! You mean like firebending puberty? Give me a break." Riichi looked at the beat up guy trying to figure him out just as his master had thought him, but there was something Riichi just wasn't sensing. "The unablity to bend has to deal more with the inner self than the physical. A few measly wounds don't stop your bending." Riichi stopped catching the guys eyes. "There's something else you're not telling me. What's really going on inside you? " As he looked into the guy's eyes he finally understood what it was the guy was missing, confidence. There was fear in the boy's eyes causing his fire to extinguish although Riichi wasn't going to tell him straight up. That would be useless. No, the kid had to figure it out himself. "What really happened in that base?"



The exchange between the spirit and the man was a bit scary, Kenji had to admit, but hearing Zira she'd be at his father's show really put a smile on his face. "I'll be looking fow you!" He yelled back as the girl retreated. Kenji punched the air feeling successful of getting one person to the circus. It meant he was doing his job right. From the corner of his eye Kenji noticed Mayu beginning to give out breakfast, this was his chance! Kenji grabbed hold of the flyers and ran towards the center of the gathered villagers. "Come see the show! Last week in town!" As he was giving out flyers Kenji couldn't help and look back to were Zira had been. She was a very pretty girl and she smelled nice too and she was coming to the show tonight. Kenji's cheeks flushed as he thought about seeing the girl again and then out of nowhere, Kenji spotted a box running in the direction Zira had gone off to. Kenji blinked a couple of times wondering if a spirit had possessed the box. "Now that's a show..."

@Guilded Clover @Orikanyo


Seeing as the woman left for Mayu's house, Mayu stayed with the newcomer. "Hi dear, I'm Mayu the Village leader. I'm sure you met my husband already. Did he treat you right?" Though Mayu already knew the answer to the question, she thought maybe the girl needed to vent her feelings about her husband's aloofness. While she appreciated his help in every way there were times where she just wished he was more pleasant around people. "Did he show you around town?"



As the spirit got closer, Izumi began to tremble ready to make a run for it. Although his words weren't menacing at all, she still didn't feel comfortable enough to answer the spirit's questions. Although she put up a brave front, she was scared. "What do you mean not safe?" Izumi took a step back from the spirit's hand not sure if she could trust him. He seemed nice and he hadn't attacked her yet, so Izumi was off to a good start. But she knew spirits too well. They were the monsters that took her parents. "Speak spirit! What do you mean not safe?" She wondered if the spirit was talking about her not being safe around him, or her not being safe in general. What ever the case was, if she wasn't safe, Izumi needed to change that.

@Guilded Clover

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