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Fantasy All Out War: An Apocalyptic Roleplay

"Ehh... Again, and again with this repulsive grind." A faint voice muttered from the heavy foliage of a forest, hardly a kilometer away from the prison another group was stationed.

The greenery of the surrounding area had grown tremendously in the time span of the world's end, an apocalypse as most survivors called it. The dead have risen, the living have fallen, and civilization has taken large steps backwards to make survival the priority. Most have taken to living off primal instincts, even some attacking fellow survivors instead of undead. For what? An extra ration of food? Water? The undead, which to the inexperienced seem like the largest threat, are minor in comparison to the threat fellow survivors can be.

However, it currently is not the case. The stench of the rotting flesh of those undead could be detected meters away by those with keen sense of detection. Or more commonly, by the nonsensical grunting and moaning. Their feet heavily stepping into the moist undergrowth of the woods, survivors nearby would have easily been able to detect their approach.

A male, hardly in his early twenties, stood from his collapsed position beside a fallen tree trunk. His clean grey coat sullied by the earthy residue of wet earth, as most common in their climate. A puff of his breath and a light dusting of his coat uncovered a twin set of sword sheaths clipped to his hip, a rustic and perhaps unorthodox fighting style when taking into consideration the dangers of approaching the walking corpses. He flicked his head to the side, swiping away stray strands of hair from in front of his face to uncover a unique set of mismatched irides. His left a green while right an amber yellow, it gave his features an ethereal look. His right hand quickly, yet subtly, grasped the grip of the uppermost sword to reveal a tarnished double-edged blade. Its length measured a forearm and a half, yet gracefully unsheathed as if it were flower being presented to a fine maiden. The duller edge of the blade clung to the forearm of the male, following along it with the tip extending from his elbow.

The male was unable to detect how many of the corpses were approaching, but he knew they had already taken a whiff of his scent. Flesh, their only known diet. They counted five, however that was information he would hardly be able to assume. Of course, as mindless bodies run only by their sense of hunger, planning an attack was never a thought on their mind.

The first made its approach, a direct assault on the prepared fighter. "You'd think evolution would have kicked in by now.." He hardly was able to finish his sentence as a loud grunt cut him off, a lunge made for his midsection easily sidestepped. As the torso of the corpse made its way past the position of the male, his arm jerked backwards to impale the attacker at the occipital section of its skull. "I mean you've all failed to kill me this long."

Talking to the undead had hardly become unusual to the male as they were the only sense of motion that would elicit some kind of response, albeit they were always a negative one. The next two burst from the surrounding growth in tandem, yet their movements were hardly as fluent. The male drew the second blade with his left hand, swiping at the nearest undead with his right blade. The tip caught onto the right corner of its lip, tearing through the dissolving flesh and severing the right side of the jaw from the skull. An effort that hardly phased the dead, he flowed into a spin to dig the corner of his left blade into the temple of the same corpse. The momentum tossed the now-lifeless corpse atop the next, causing a stumble that gave the male ample opportunity to bring his knee upward and into the neck of the falling undead. A heavy snap signaled the disconnection of the vertebrae near its skull, severing all connection the corpse had to its limbs. Its groans of hunger however, remained.

The following undead approached similarly to the initial, a thoughtless lunge driven only by its hunger. A downward swipe drove the hilt of the blade into the back of the attacker's head, knocking it into the dirt only to be followed by a heavy heel stomp onto its facial bones. Maxillae, zygomatics, and all, grinded off their places as they were struck by a hammer. Blood matted brown with infected cells poured from the opening, covering the edge of the male's shoes with the substance.

The idea of being covered in the fluid wrenched a look of disgust over his features, but the near silence allowed him to presume the rustling of the growth in front of him would reveal the final undead. Of course, his time for experience had grown, and the undead made its approach at a crawl. Partially corrct, it looked like its lower half had already been torn away. He could only assume that a car had hit it, or perhaps its lower half had been eaten away when this had been a survivor. Either way, its death was not recent, as decay had already begun to eat away at its innards and the blood was clotting in an unnatural shape. The male flicked his grip on the blade, now holding it in the traditional overhand, to drive it straight downward into the head of the fallen.

He flourished both blades in the air, the tarnish on his blades revealing to be dried blood from its constant use. The sticky liquid that had clung to both swords flew into the trees as he swung them around him, only to finish with sticking the two blades back into their sheaths. The male let out a sigh, right hand reaching up to scratch at the top of his head. His left knee bent at an angle while his right maintained most of his weight. "And here I thought a walk in the woods would be a good place for a nap. Guess not." He paced towards his original position before the attack, scooping up a drawstring bag from the ground and hanging it over his chest. From within it, he withdrew a roll of crackers and a small glass filled to the brim with an orange-gold liquid, marmalade. He uncapped the jar, a small crackle of the wrapper as he pulled a cracker out from the stack. 

The make stepped over the fallen corpses as if they were nothing, avoiding dirtying his clothing any further but continuing to find a new spot to rest at his leisure. The bag still hung over his chest, but between his lips clung a cracker with slight glistening residue at the corners. "The sweeter things in life.. Damn, always worth treasuring.." He thought to himself, savoring the unique taste of sugary consumables; a delight hardly ever found in the lifestyle all survivors had adopted.
"Hmm! I guess my intuition was wrong this time"

The green haired female brought a hand toward her cheek, her fingers brushing against a minor cut which she had acquired earlier within the hour, curious of the wounds current state.

As she lowered her hand from her face, she moved her gaze along her fingers.

"It's always the smaller wounds which irritate me the most..”

Kaede spoke aloud to herself, slowly allowing her hand to move back toward her side, as a sigh hinted in her own disappointment escaped her now parted lips.

She had slowly walked around the disappointingly scarce apartment, which she had attempted to unsuccessfully loot, but the lack of remaining goods made her search for the items she currently lacked greatly in difficult.

On top of that, she was starving due to the lack of food within her possession, making her usually friendly and approachable demeanor that of someone grouchy and overly exhausted, she was desperate for food, and would definitely appreciate a nap.

Although she did have the necessary free time needed for the nap she longed for, she was too anxious to sleep, which also went alongside her concern for the fact the ornament, which to her surprise, still hung from the far wall began to appear almost appetizing to her.
Although Kaede wasn’t entirely surprised by this, her childhood was filled with scoldings from her mother after her attempts at eating household objects such carpeting and curtains, she once aimed for the TV before being familiarly slammed in the forehead with that of a sandal belonging to her Mother.
Though she had never found these objects appetizing before, she was just an, unfortunately, curious 3-year-old.

“I should probably get going... I’ve probably been in here over 2 hours, and It’s just been a waste of time… though I did find those magazines…

She rubbed her eyes, fondly remembering the times in which she’d  allow herself to sleep almost an entire day away at ease, sadly comparing it to her current state of a lack of sleep within the past 48 hours.
She then paused, hesitating on her path toward the doorway.

“Argh! I get the feeling I’m forgetting something!!”

She scratched her head, glancing around the area before brushing her paranoia off, continuing to approach the doorway as her eyes slowly scanned the room cautiously.
She slung her bag over her shoulder, a hand resting on the doorknob before coming to a realization as her gaze moved toward the kitchen table.

“Ahh!! That’s right! The Maga-

Though before she could finish her sentence, her foot hooked around an object sticking out from the storage room on the left of the doorway, sending her harshly toward the door, and a body followed by a rack of winter coats, which she assumed had been resting against the door of the storage area she unintentionally opened, unexpectedly flung out, roughly hitting an inch away from where Kaede had landed.
Fortunately, the body was covered by the stack of winter coats which had followed it on its way out, only bare feet and long hair were visible, and she presumed the object which she had tripped on had been previously holding the storage room door shut.

“Haha! Nope!!”

A startled Kaede made a run for the doorknob, she groaned as she used it as a means of pulling herself upward, as her back had begun to ache terribly.
She quickly twisted the doorknob as she successfully pulled herself up against the door, then foolishly threw herself out it without much hesitation, full on slamming into a passing male of a surprisingly short height.

The group was finally heading towards a much more, forest-ridden area of town, littered with various general stores and apartment buildings that seemingly sprouted from the sidewalks. With Xi nervously tugging on Chess' sleeve, inquiring where they were going and if it were safe, the only response he recieved was a lengthy sigh.

"Mmhm, there should be an awfully cute cafe somewhere here.."

"Why are you like this?"

"Hey, I need to know my date spots." "You know, for places for people to gently break up with him." "..."

Despite their sharp fire back, he managed to stay headstrong, looking among the buildings for anything that they could take time to scavenge. Many have collapsed, unmovable foundation rock guarding the door, making it impossible to go through. Others have been visibly looted, numerous windows broken, footsteps seemingly scaled up the walls between the small crevices among the alleyways. It wouldn't serve to do anything to loot an already empty building. The poor conditions as they walked forward, not surprisingly with the taken turns of the apocalypse, started to drain what hope that there was. Well, except for one building, which seemed promising. The door wasn't as decimated as others, and bits of broken glass littered the broken ground, as if someone had broken in through a window, or at least been thrown out of one. Go seemed to perk up at the realiziation, like a dog, quickly jogging over ahead of the group to the building. With a wide, toothy grin over his face, he drew the training sword away from his shoulder, tapping it against the door a few times, enthusiastic to destroy whatever was inside it's walls. 

"Hey!! Can we go in? Can we?"

"Be careful... what if someone's insid-"

Cutting off his sentence, the door indeed did swing open, flying into Go's face, causing him to stumble back as he grabbed onto his nose. Yanking him behind them, Chess' hand was immediately drawn out of their pocket, hands tightly but firmly would around the handle of a colt revolver, ready for any signal taken needed to fire. Gripping part of his face, Go glared at the green-haired women, immediately raising his weapon once more, taking this as no hesitation to fight.

"You fucking kale whore, I'll--"

Swinging down his blade, it stopped merely centimeters away from her head before he immediately jumped backwards, a fragment of glass grazing his nose where his head last was. Small drops of red surfaced to him, and looking at the source where it was, he was met with the stern gaze of Chess who had flung the glass to separate him from the girl and a very flustered Xi, flailing his arms in a turnabout motion. It didn't take Go long to fathom what that meant, with Jeson no where in sight. Frantic, he attempted to spin around, but the rough texture of a rope around his neck stopped him. With his free hand, he grabbed onto the rope around his neck, attempting to stop it from cutting off the circulation of air to his head. Coughing, Go gritted his teeth as the 6'0 male looked over his head at him, both ends of the rope tightly in his grasp.

"Down boy down! Where are your manners? At least ask her for her name first."

"Y-you fucking..."

Straining to finish his sentence, Jeson let go of one end knowing well enough if he kept it up, Chess would have surely sent him to hell for it. Gripping onto his throat as numerous short coughs trailed from him instead of his voice, his prominent angry expression remained plastered on his face as he glared hard at the girl that he was aiming to hit. Flustered around the appearance of a girl his age, regardless of the scenario it was from, Xi nervously took small steps over towards Go with slightly flushed cheeks, small mutters of "Are you okay?" and "You'll be fine, deep breaths" would repeat from him, as if trying to calm the short young man down before he decided to go on a fit again. Chess' aim immediately set straight back towards the girl, an indifferent scowl with the intent of intimidation reflected in her eyes. Their hand was steady on the trigger, the barrel aimed towards her forehead, as if figuratively binding her to where she stood.

"Name and arms."

Their voice was rather ambigious of gender, their appearance seemingly clashing with an effeminate voice, or snarl in their case. Clapping his hands together after his rope was drawn back into a neat loop around his shoulder, Jeson gently attempted to fill the woman in from the mess of events that had just occurred, nonetheless leading to at least some sort of confusion, and having a gun pointed at her throughout the entire experience wasn't anything better. With an amiable tone, the curly-haired man scarcely raised his voice over the hushed background of Xi's concern and Go's struggle to speak, which seemed much opposed to the open "friendliness" he had with the group earlier, as if he didn't want to startle her.

"Ah, you have my apologies. This happens a lot, especially if you're a group that tends to get ambushed a lot for supplies, so we're rather weary of other survivors. Something consciously choosing to hurt others is much more dangerous than some animalistic savage, don't you think? I'm sure we're-"

"I sure as fuck am not."

".... I'm sure we have our condolences for this, miss. What's your name?"

Struggling through the heavy foliage of the wood, the male's right hand was braced in front of his face to keep the smaller branches away from view. During this time he had shifted the drawstring towards his back, but kept the jar of marmalade clutched in his hands. The crackers, of course, were held between his ring and middle finger because.. who eats marmalade by itself?

He eventually made his way to lesser-dense areas, even seeing the receding tree line lead to actual buildings. Not that he liked entering areas with buildings, as they were often claimed by different survival groups as territory. Against the undead he could, more often than not, hold his own. Against other survivors? Perhaps, not so well. People are smart, instinctive, and actually use their brain. And it doesn't take much to see that a gun if much more effective than a sword when at a distance.

"C'mon, Ray. I know killing leaves a rancid aftertaste, but y'gotta save some for later.." The jar of marmalade was sealed with a gentle twist, a subtle motion to slip it into his bag along with the crackers soon followed.

Raymond continued to speak to himself, eyes constantly wandering off to gaze at the surrounding area. Buildings, abandoned at the early stages of the apocalypse for shelters. Which were eventually overrun. The trees, which provide no form of shelter whatsoever from both the forces of nature or the undead. No where for him to hide safely, but perhaps the houses would still hold some value in a sense that they may be unlooted. Slim, however it was worth a shot.

Coming to a conclusion, the swordsman made his way to the nearest building. The windows looked to have been shattered long ago, as the roots of the surrounding green had already begun to creep its way over the sharp edges. While this may alarm others, the male instead had an unusually calm gait; traversing across to the other side of the street to leave him mere meters away from the window. Silence had been a recurring theme since the beginning, enough that those treading gravel could hear their footsteps grind heel to stone. Enough that even the wind, no matter how minor, would whistle a haunting tune that reminded those that this was their end.

His brows perked up slightly, curious with the silence coming from within the building. It looked to be no different than any other corner shop, however the silence may have told a story on its own. There were countless possibilities, like whether it was abandoned by the undead, hardly touched by looters, or worse yet that the looters were recuperating with a short nap. He only hoped it was clear.. 

First peering from the corner of the window, he was crouched at an angle that left him diagonally staring into the darkness within. One of the least useful positions, as his heavy head of silver hair would reveal his presence to anyone in the room. Luckily for him, the room was empty enough that he would be able to enter. A storage room, perhaps, but anything slightly recognizable was already strewn across the floor. Cardboard boxes and plastic wrap was destroyed and scattred. Their places along any metal racks had been lost, as the racks themselves were on their side or balancing against one another. 

He took this opportunity to pull himself over the ledge, avoiding getting cut over any residual glass. Raymond hardly rested his bottom on the window ledge before he triggered any sound of alarm. His foot had caught the corner of one of the racks, kicking it to its side and freeing the others leaning against it. The metal collided with the floor, creating heavy clangs and a racket thwt was sure to alarm anyone still within. Raymond could only wince and bite his lip as the consequences ensued, pulling his head closer to his shoulders slightly like a turtle hiding from its predator. 

"Damn it, Ray.." Was all he could muster in a quiet whisper, trying to carefully tune his ears to catch any other noises that may dangerous.

(Open for interaction. Hope nobody minds, but I have little clue as to where the setting is aside from the prison. And I hardly had enough imagination at the time to think of some action there.)
Zee was sitting with a few other rabbits, all about a deck of cards.  One of them was the man chained up from earlier.  The chips seemed almost entirely piled up in the middle of the circle, Zee and two of the other rabbits all in.  The final card fell against the table.  "Straight flush!"  One of the rabbits cried out triumphantly, groans falling from the other rabbits in the circle, save for Zee.  Zee kept a sly smile on his face, laying down his cards.  

"Three aces."  Zee replied confidently, lounging back against the stone ground, his hands behind his head.  The other rabbits exchanged confused looks.  Upon hearing the lack of applause, Zee pushed himself back forward, a look of mild concern on his face.  "That wins, right?"  He glanced around at his three compatriots, one of them returning a solemn nod.  "Oh..."  He lowered his head, giving a defeated sigh.  The winning rabbit pulled the pile of chips to himself, the previously chained up man shuffling the cards back together.  

"It's just a game..." The man told Zee, in his best effort to comfort him.  "You'll get to play it again."

Zee lifted his head, giving a slight nod.  He drew a smile.  One of the rabbits began to deal out another hand, though Zee was now out of the running.

Zee flew to his feet upon hearing the two enter, accompanied by the soft drip of blood.  "What in the hell were you thinking, killing Oli-"  He stopped upon making eye contact with Reed.  He bolted over to the kid, taking a knee and wiping the few specks of blood from the child's arm and face.  "Are you ok?  What did he do?"  He looked up at Zen.  "Where did you get a kid and..."  He looked up at the girl, gulping down a breath of air.  He took a second to refocus himself.  "Where did you get a kid?"
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[SIZE= 36px]Joseph Walker[/SIZE]

[SIZE= 36px](Complete with M4, Beretta 92, and a PB Shield!)[/SIZE]

Joseph saw as the light flicked on in the prison and knew something was going down. He went over to Emma. "What's goin' on, Em?" He asked as he walked up the stairs, shield in hand. His M4 hit against his side and his Beretta was safely tucked in it's holster. "Lights are on and it's blinding me through my visor." He joked.

@Kitty_Lover (in case my post was lost)
"we uh.." Zen paused looking at Reed " we decided to 'barter' for some supplies" he then shrugged "we found this kid and his sister and Jacob decided to give them a chance" as Zen spoke he removed his blood soaked shirt throwing it into a near by corner. while his body was extremely fit it was littered with scars and permanent stitches. a scar ran from his left collar bone down all the way past his waist line, small stitches were strewn across it at irregular intervals. "Jacobs still there he should be back soon" he walked over to where the other group of rabbits and zee were previously sitting and sat himself "my names Zen by the way. what's yours?" he asked in an oddly cheerful tone.

(Guys, everyone, we have a rival RP. Looks like there is another Zombie based RP in the "Modern" section of RPN. It doesnt look like they have any true antagonists in their series, so it might fall)

Joseph Walker

"Jack!" Joseph called out as he searched for the man, his M4 hitting his side. He finally found him and he set down his shield against a wall. "What's the occasion, boss? These lights all blinding me through the visor." He said.

"Remember the horde we took out not that long ago? Thats what everyone is celebrating about. But listen, I have a little task for me and you to go on. I hear there is a national guard checkpoint around these parts. You up for it?"
"Zee."  He replied, giving a little chuckle.  "That's gonna be hard to remember."  That remark seemed to set off scattered chuckles throughout the warehouse.  He looked back down at the kids.  "I'll keep ya' safe, ok?  Whatever Jacob did to you, I'll make sure it doesn't happen again."  Reed gave him a big hug, though his sister seemed a bit more hesitant to embrace happiness.  Zee tussled Reed's hair, standing back up to talk to his sister.  "I know I'm not the most trustworthy person to you right now, but I was-"

"You're not." She interrupted.  "I don't know what you expect from me, but trust won't be part of it."  She glared at him, her eyes bouncing to Reed every once and a while.  

"Wow..."  Zee seemed caught off guard.  "I didn't... I mean."  His eyes seemed locked on her, dumbfounded.  "Wow..." He repeated.  He took a deep breath, trying to induct the newest member properly.  

"I don't want your brother hurt, and to do that, I need you to at least pretend to trust me."  Sincerity coated his speech, along with an uncharacteristic expression of sadness.  "I don't know about the new guy," he stole a glance at Zen, "But people here don't fear death, much less murder."  He took a step back.  "Just... try to make yourself comfortable."

Jacob sat next to the man.  "Ya' know... I got a kid of my own.  My sister's actually."  He turned to face the father next to him, who was now sipping one of the beers that had remained unseen by the rest of the Rabbits.  "No matter how awful you get to be... you can never hurt em'."  He shook his head, motioning to the man in the hopes of a swig.  The father handed him the beer.

The father drew a smile.  "And you've been pretty awful!"  They both laughed, the man glancing around the camp.  "Treat Reed and Lilly well.  They're the lights a' my life."  He had tears in his eyes.  

"You earned that request." Jacob said between swigs. He stood up, the man doing the same.  Jacob took the hunting rifle from next to him on the ground.  "You ready?" He asked the father.  The man nodded, the *pop* of the rifle echoing throughout the emptied streets.  The father's head lay in pieces over the already bloodstained ground.  Jacob rifled through the man's pockets, taking from it his wallet.  He stood over the corpse.  "I love sharing a good drink."  He poured out the rest of his beer for the man, before walking out of the camp, a song in his heart.
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Zen watched as zee spoke to the two children and chuckled hearing the girls response "man she's feisty" he said half to himself half out loud. he sat with his scythe leaned up against his shoulder and the wall.As he stretched the cracking of his bones was awfully loud. he spoke up "we have any towels or anything? i should probably wipe all this blood off my face.." he hadn't realized just how much he had gotten on him and it was starting to coagulate.

Joseph heftedmup with shield and grinned under his mask. "Hell yeah! Been awhile since it was just you and I." He said, turning to walk down and get outside to the cars that consisted of the truck, two prison buses, and a few grey sedans.
Zee shot Zen a dirty look.  He turned around to Reed.  "Ya' wanna play some games?"  Reed seemed more than elated.  Zee coerced him towards where the men had been playing Poker before, Lilly following shortly after.

Jacob had taken out a few corpses with the hunting rifle, and was now only a few blocks away from the warehouse.  "Such empty streets..." He mused, though only to himself.
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Zen shrugged and went to pick up his bloodied shirt using it to wipe of his face it got most of the blood off but in turn gave his side bangs a nice dye of red"...well I guess that works" he spoke as he pulled a few strands of his hair examining the new highlights. he took his place back near zee and reed. He had figured out by now that zee and Jacob were like yin and yang which was why Jacob kept zee around. he kneeled behind reed not saying a word but with a slight smile on his face.

It was at that point Hank was running down the street, applying honey mustard to a chicken patty with a sesame seed bun and bacon. The reason he was running? A zombie in full military gear. Including a bulletproof helmet.

"Why did this have to happen when I was making my sandwich!?!" He asked nobody in particular.

His running eventually led him to where a girl and four men were seeming to be having difficulties. Across from them was a bench. Pulling out a napkin from within his robe, he placed the napkin on the bench, the sandwich on the napkin, and quickly ran at the zombie with a pipe about as long as his arm plus half.

One could tell by looking at the pipe that it had been used for a decent while. There was duct tape (duck tape is a brand of duct tape) wrapped around where he was gripping it, both tips were hammered down to a point and sharpened, and it was obvious just by looking at the man that he'd been using it for quite a while, as he spun the thing with his hands to knock the zombie's arms away, then did a quick jab upwards through its neck directly into the skull and it's brain.

Hank grabbed the helmet from its head and hid it somewhere inside his vest, cleaning his pipe with a piece of cloth that he'd gotten out while walking back to the bench with his sandwich.

Not a drop of blood was on him.

@Ikki @Entarriance
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(Sorry, been really busy with school stuff lately and haven't had a proper chance to get online, but it's settled down a bit now so I think I can come back if its ok with you. I'm not sure how to explain the absence of my character - either he's just been kinda quiet lately or he's been missing)
Name: Fuyu Yukino

Age: 20

Gender: Female


Weapon: Bow and Arrows

Personality: When she was younger, before the apocalypse, she a go-lucky girl, who enjoyed anything and everything. Though as time went by and the apocalypse came, she soon learned not everything was just fun and games... as much as she cares for the people around her, she is mysterious, distancing herself from everyone and everything. Not much is known about her.

+Hobbies: She is known to love cooking and cooks for everyone

+Likes: Food, Dogs, and Soft Blankets

+Dislikes: Insects, Insects, and.... Insects

+Extra: All that is known is that she had a younger brother who died in the beginning of the apocalpyse

((Does this work??))
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