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Fantasy All Out War: An Apocalyptic Roleplay

Zen was smiling. It had been a while since he had seen any excitement. His right arm was twitching slightly. It was the arm he used to put power into his swings."ready when you are" he whispered 

The front gate had a guard atop a fenced platform on a thick section of wall.  Jacob began, "Line the left wall, when I shoot the guard, break the door and do what you do."  He turned to Zen, "I'd like to see that thing in combat..."  He motioned to his scythe.  Jacob silently moved to the wall, training his gun on the tired lookout and waiting for everyone else to move to the perimeter of the camp.
A satisfying *Pop* rang out from where Jacob was standing, followed by the thud of the guard.  Commotion could be heard from inside the camp, and Jacob began to move towards the front gate.
Jacob walked into the parking lot, a few tents lined the edge of the camp. 5 or 6 people, weapons in hand, were standing around the campfire.  They seemed a mix of sad and horrified.  Jacob put a bullet through the head of the woman to the far right of the campfire.  "Let's go boys!"  His men ran at the congregation of survivors Jacob loosed his knife, dropping the pistol against the concrete ground.
Zen was upon the man nearest to him before he knew it. He ran just to the right of him and swung his scythe in an upward angle. As the scyth's blade connected with the mans lower abdomen it sliced amazingly well and rended the man in two. As the body fell in two pieces and coated Zen and his scythe in blood a wicked smile spread across his face as he lunged at the next, a woman this time. Using the carried momentum he continued his swing this time at a downward angle. From her left shoulder all the way to her right hip ,she was cut in two.

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Jacob was dealing with a man clumsily swinging a baseball bat.  THe man swung and Jacob dodged back, lunging forward and catching the man in the stomach.  The man stumbled back, swinging at him again.  Jacob ducked the strike with ease, taking the knife to the man's stomach once more.  The man fell to his knees, closing his eyes and waiting for Jacob's final strike.  Jacob stabbed the man in the back of the knee, chuckling as he walked away from the broken, slowly dying man. 

The bald rabbit was already raiding the supply caches, while the other rabbit fended off two of the men.  He was felled by a strike to the throat from a crowbar.  Jacob gave a sporadic laugh.  "You two!  We might actually need a few more of our gang, and you seem good enough at fighting.  His gaze switched to his dead subordinate.  "Better than him, at least..."  He glanced back up at them.  One ran at him, crowbar in her hand.  He dodged to the left, grabbing her arm and driving his knife into her hand.  He headbutted her back against the ground.  "Get up.  You're coming with us, both of you."  He motioned to his remaining man.  "Tie her up."  The last of the men in the camp stood there, unsure of how to make it out alive and non-captured.  The woman was to her feet, her hands tied behind her back, and her legs tied at the knees. 
Zen walked over to Jacob covered in blood and smiling. He looked like a ghost and the fact that he was licking the blood off his fingers didn't make the image any less nightmare invoking. He stopped beside him "so we got two?" As he spoke the blood from his scythe was collecting in a small puddle on the ground."we killing the rest?"

"Knock yourself out."  Jacob said, confident in his takeover of this place.  "In fact... we could have some of our men over here.  The warehouse is getting packed."  He turned to the man, still tightly gripping his machete.  "How many more are here?"

The man's eyes were tearing up, in a choppy movement, he let his weapon clatter to the ground.  "O-our son, he's here... Down with a fever."  He broke down, falling to his knees.  Jacob chuckled.  "He's only 10!" the man yelled through tears.

"Killing a kid wouldn't be the best for morale..."  He shook his head.  "But we only have enough supplies for two of you."  He looked around the bloody mess of the camp.  "Zen, I think it was?"  He looked up at his scythe wielding compatriot.  "Get the kid out here."
Zen nodded licking his thumb and setting his scythe on his shoulder. He walked inside the nearby tent and shortly after came out carrying the child his scythe now on his back. He stopped in front of Jacob and gently setting the child on the ground "here he is" as he spoke he returned to his position beside Jacob looking down at the child. He wasn't exactly sure about this but he wasn't going to stop Jacob, whatever he was going to do.

Jacob walked over to the child, now awake and wearily standing on the ground.  Jacob knelt in front of the kid, a warm, human smile across his face.  "What's your name?"  The child looked up at him, and back at the bloody ground he had called home.  

"What did you d-" The child started, but was cut off by Jacob, a bit more commanding, but still worlds nicer than he had been to anyone else.

"It doesn't matter, it doesn't matter.  Your name."

"R-reed." the boy replied, worry in his eyes.

"Well Reed, I hate to have to do this to an innocent, but I'm going to give you a choice."  Reed seemed confused at this.  "I need you to pick one of these two that you want to go to my camp with you.  But you can only pick one, the other one has to stay here."  The boy looked at the two in front of him.  

"D-dad, what's he doing with you and Lilly?"  Reed looked at his father, then his sister, unsure of his choice.  

"Choose quickly, Reed." Jacob interjected.  "We'll leave them both here if you don't choose soon."

The boy's father pointed to his daughter.  "Leave me here.  Take your sister Reed, take her with you."

Reed nodded, an expression of duty struck across his face.  He pointed to the already bound girl, no older than Zee.  "My sister."

Jacob nodded, his expression still that of a much less vile thing than himself.  "Very good, you did very good."  He turned to his men.  "You two take them back to base.  If I see one more scratch on either, I'll kill you both."  He waved them off, the bald rabbit grabbing the girl by the ropes around her arms and walking out behind her.
Zen watched this no expression on his face. Though he nooded In agreement with the boys choice. "Quite noble indeed" he spoke looking up at the boys father then to Jacob " so who takes this one to To grave. You or me?" He asked nonchalantly , bouncing his scythe up and down on his shoulder.

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He glared at Zen, the kid still in earshot and in front of his father.  

"To the grave?" Reed asked, seeming on the brink of tears."

"No, no no... no one will die."  He turned to Zen.  "You take the child."

He sighed, glancing around at the camp, now swathed in crimson.
Zen sighed "alright then.." A hint of dissapointment in his voice as he turned and took his place walking beside the kid. He was humming a tune he had heard a while ago.

Jacob sat next to the father.  "You have a couple of wonderful kids.  Your daughter's a wonderful fighter, and your son..."  He chuckled, "Kind as any in the apocalypse."  

"Just kill me already." The man replied, now sitting cross legged.  "That's what you're going to do.  You're going to murder me."  

Jacob drew a smile.  "All in due time, my friend.  But for now, we talk."

(Switching over to Zee for a while.)

[SIZE=18.6667px]Kaede Lockerby.[/SIZE]

[SIZE=9.33333px]  STRENGTH[/SIZE]

[SIZE=9.33333px]█ █ █ █ █[/SIZE][SIZE=9.33333px]  [/SIZE][SIZE=9.33333px][5][/SIZE]


[SIZE=9.33333px]█ █[/SIZE][SIZE=9.33333px] [/SIZE][SIZE=9.33333px][2][/SIZE]


[SIZE=9.33333px]█ [/SIZE][SIZE=9.33333px]  [/SIZE][SIZE=9.33333px][1][/SIZE]


[SIZE=9.33333px]█ █ █ [/SIZE][SIZE=9.33333px]  [/SIZE][SIZE=9.33333px][3][/SIZE]

Age: 17

Gender: Female

Sexual Orientation: owo?

Strengths and Weaknesses: Kaede's main strength would easily be

her incredible physical strength, which is usually uncommon for

someone her age, as she took part in various sporting clubs such as

rugby, football, etc... before the events of the apocalypse.

Although Kaede has basic survival skills and can easily adapt and

accept new situations, she lacks common sense and tends to

do the majority of her actions on impulse.

Height: 5'5

Inventory: Kaede's inventory consists of an old antique camera

which isn't in the best of conditions, a baseball bat, a half empty

water bottle, a worn out over-sized sweater and a pack of children

colouring markers, the majority dried out or close enough to the

end of its run.

Personality: Kaede is an overly friendly and uninhibited individual

who could easily be described as unintelligent, or just plain stupid.

Due to her carefree nature, she tends to speak bluntly without thinking

much into the possible impact of her words, which occasionally results

in an unintentional fight caused mainly by her own stupidity.

Although Kaede is brainless, she has taken a strong interest in

photography from an early age, and can surprisingly shift into a more

serious demeanor when she's speaking on the topic.

art by me
"... and there's a lot of neuroscientific factors when you think about it. For example, let's think of pop culture. A Zombie's main characteristic in pop-culture is to drive and to eat human flesh. Like now, if that were the case, than we can theorize that zombies would be hungry because they've lost some hypothalamic function, which controls one's satiety. You know that illness with satiety damage that effected some humans? It causes people to drink and eat nonstop, and with zombies, it'd make sense because they'd never truly be full. And if they were, it'd be a state of shemomedjamo. They probably have damage in the parietal lobe which focuses on terrible attention span, and focusing on what's right in front of them.. and that could probably be linked to Balint's Syndrome!!! Aah, that would make so much sense!! In that case, that's why hordes move together like that! They'd observe a person running across the room, not the group of people standing in the corner... so if we came across one, it'd be better to stay still. And then you have their movements, too! You notice how they walk with a specific gait, lumbering?! That'd be caused by atrophy in your cerebellum... and this gives you slurred speech, balance problems, awkward movement... yeah, it makes sense now.. and-"

"Why the fuck are you establishing this shit now?"

"I like talking to myself, it helps me build morale,"

"You guys are being awfully loud~" "Do you see anyone?"

Down the wide, abandoned street, the subtle houses that grew out of the sidewalks, trees towering overhead. It was eerily quiet among the streets, enough that running would disrupt the silence, bouncing off the tall buildings and resonating throughout the entire state. It was an empahsis, but anything breaking the silence now other than the playful, bickering voices of the 3 men half-hushedly between each other, like brothers. Straining their hearing, Chess listened for anything. It was faint, it was too far for anything that they could find themselves approaching, though there was the sound of a gunshot as well as muffled, distant panicked voices. Whatever it was, they were walking in that direction. And that wasn't something that they wanted to deal with. It wasn't the zombies that they viewed more as threats, it was rather the concept that, like them, there were other savages rummaging around for supplies. Stopping in their footsteps, they turned their head, eventually gaining the attention of the rest of their gang. Getting the cue to quiet down, they all hushed their bickering, Chess' voice still barely making it over a hoarse whisper.

"Don't you hear that?"

"Existential dread?"

"No that's just you. It's hard, but I'm pretty sure there are people up ahead. And I don't think we're in a position to deal with survivors right now."

"We can take 'em!" "I guess we can walk closer to see if we can scavenge remains, though I don't think we're going to get anything."

Cocking their head a few times in the direction they were walking, Chess took lead with cautious strides, with the other 3 trailing behind them, playfully elbowing the other as they jogged up ahead. As dystopic as the world was, it didn't do much good for them to take realism fully into account, even with the thought of death as a constant survival factor always in mind. Looking up towards the sky, Xi raised both his hands together, breathing into a gap between them, which warmed his hands. It appeared to be bright now, though it was a matter of time before they needed to find any sort of shelter that they could. This sector of Virginia appeared to be rather rural, littered with trees as much as their were houses, both evenly populating the area. While it was refreshing to not be drowned completely in a city among the streets of Virginia, it also was something to be cautious about. There was no telling what could be around every twist and turn. With their hand tentatively dug into their pocket, Chess raised their gaze, ready to react to any little movement. The rather short, red haired male that guarded the quartet near the back had a wooden training sword armed, repetitively bouncing it up and down on his shoulder as he walked. Despite his height, he had a formidable and intimidating expression on his face, seemingly ready to draw his weapon at anyone and anything. Between the two threatening bodies, there was a tall, appealing young man, merrily humming to himself as rope was necklaced around him, as well as a timid, concerned young man with a softer expression on his face, both neither seeming to be the type to engage in violence. Among the wide, emptily populated streets, Chess waited to hear anything other than playful banter, or even a sliver of movement that would ease them of their paranoia.

@openforinteraction @isthathowthisworks 

[SIZE=18.6667px]Kaede Lockerby.[/SIZE]

[SIZE=9.33333px]  STRENGTH[/SIZE]

[SIZE=9.33333px]█ █ █ █ █[/SIZE][SIZE=9.33333px]  [/SIZE][SIZE=9.33333px][5][/SIZE]


[SIZE=9.33333px]█ █[/SIZE][SIZE=9.33333px] [/SIZE][SIZE=9.33333px][2][/SIZE]


[SIZE=9.33333px]█ [/SIZE][SIZE=9.33333px]  [/SIZE][SIZE=9.33333px][1][/SIZE]


[SIZE=9.33333px]█ █ █ [/SIZE][SIZE=9.33333px]  [/SIZE][SIZE=9.33333px][3][/SIZE]

Age: 17

Gender: Female

Sexual Orientation: owo?

Strengths and Weaknesses: Kaede's main strength would easily be

her incredible physical strength, which is usually uncommon for

someone her age, as she took part in various sporting clubs such as

rugby, football, etc... before the events of the apocalypse.

Although Kaede has basic survival skills and can easily adapt and

accept new situations, she lacks common sense and tends to

do the majority of her actions on impulse.

Height: 5'5

Inventory: Kaede's inventory consists of an old antique camera

which isn't in the best of conditions, a baseball bat, a half empty

water bottle, a worn out over-sized sweater and a pack of children

colouring markers, the majority dried out or close enough to the

end of its run.

Personality: Kaede is an overly friendly and uninhibited individual

who could easily be described as unintelligent, or just plain stupid.

Due to her carefree nature, she tends to speak bluntly without thinking

much into the possible impact of her words, which occasionally results

in an unintentional fight caused mainly by her own stupidity.

Although Kaede is brainless, she has taken a strong interest in

photography from an early age, and can surprisingly shift into a more

serious demeanor when she's speaking on the topic.

art by me

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