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Fantasy All Out War: An Apocalyptic Roleplay

Zee pushed himself up from the log h'd used as a makeshift seat.  "He's not back.  Why isn't he back?"  He muttered to no one in particular.  He glanced around the camp the Rabbits had set up, He turned to Zen, huffing.  "You make sure they don't kill one another while I'm gone?"  He walked off in the general direction he'd seen Jacob go with as much discretion as possible.


Jacob had made it around halfway through the walk when his vision began to blur.  He could hardly walk already, but he just crumpled onto the ground.  He almost whispered "A good day to die in the apocalypse."
Zen gave a nod as he watched zee leave. He stood for a moment streatching." Ugh...my back is stiff...I'm not even old yet." He muttered afterwards picking up his scythe and putting it back in its resting position on his shoulder @11254man (sry I dissapeared for a while ^_^')
Jacob stumbled off his feet, a deafening ring coming and going as it pleased.  He ran his hand along the ground, looking for something to prop himself up with.  He clasped his hand around a branch, grunting as he pushed himself to his feet.  He supposed he'd lost too much blood by now, but what kind of leader would he be to die out here?  He pushed forward, both hands now wrapped around the makeshift walking stick.  He felt almost too weak to walk, even with the stick, and certainly on his own.  "A beautiful day to die in the apocalypse." he muttered to himself, drawing a smile.  

"Jacob!"  Zee yelled, running to hug him.  Jacob was nearly taken off his feet, but managed to stay up, even in his condition.  "I suppose the rest are..."  Zee broke off, Jacob's lack of smile being enough to tell Zee the outcome.  "Well, we can regroup with rabbits that stayed back," he said, propping Jacob up under his shoulder.  

Jacob finally mustered up the energy to speak, looking up at Zee and saying: "That was fun."  

Zee didn't respond, still straining under the weight of fatigue and the stress of carrying Jacob back to camp.

They walked in silence for a minute or two, Jacob finally breaking the sullen atmosphere, "I'm sorry I gotta be such a-"

The sound of a rifle discharging, followed by a 'NO!' from the distance stopped the duo in their tracks.  Blood trickled to the ground, Jacob's eyes seemingly locked on the woods ahead.

"Did you hear that?" Zee asked, turning to see a look of surprise frozen on Jacob's face.  A moment passed in still silence, before Jacob crumbled to the ground, blood pooling around the hole that had seemingly appeared in his chest.  He began to cough, blood erupting from his throat.  He drew a smile, unable to keep his eyes open any longer.  He thought to himself,

It's a beautiful day to die in the apocalypse. 

Jacob's body went limp, blood continuing to pool around his body.  Zee fell to his knees, propping up Jacob's head.  He stared at the body, still in shock.

Reed and his sister, Lilly snuck out the back of the camp as soon as the Rabbit set to guard them was too drunk and tired to keep watch over them.  Lilly slid the hunting rifle's sling over the man's neck, throwing it over her shoulder and backing up from the camp and into cover.  Reed and Lilly had been walking for a bit before they heard in the distance 'Jacob!'  Faint as it was, Lilly knew exactly who it was.  She ran towards the sound, pulling back the bolt and placing her hand under the ejection slot.  She glanced down at the bullet now in the palm of her hand.  Unused.  She slid the bullet back in the chamber, sliding the bolt back into place.  She knelt down, the duo coming into view.  

"Who is it?" Reed asked, standing over his sister's shoulder.  He squinted, trying to make out whether or not his sister's targets were zombies.  Lilly took aim at Jacob, Taking a deep breath out.  As soon as Reed was able to make out the figure of Zee, his sister had squeezed the trigger.  "No!" he yelped, now sure that Zee, his new best friend, was sure to be dead.  Jacob fell to the ground, and as Lilly broke out into a delighted chuckle, Reed froze in fear.  Lilly dropped the rifle, hugging her little brother.  Reed, scared for his friend, wrestled out of his sister's grasp, running towards Zee.

Zee cocked his head up, hearing two pairs of footsteps becoming louder and louder behind him.  He turned around to see Lilly and Reed standing behind him, a cocky smile struck across Lilly's face.  Reed seemed on the verge of tears, but Zee's mind was elsewhere.  Lilly crouched down next to Zee, placing her hand on his shoulder.  "The bastard deserved it!  He killed-"  Something had cut her off mid-sentence.  She began to choke, unable to form words anymore.  She tried to gulp down a breath of air, but Zee had already plunged his uncle's knife into her throat.  Her eyes locked with those of her tear-stained assailant.  Zee didn't say a word, apathy having taken the place of sadness and anger.  He cleanly removed the knife from Lilly's throat, cleaning it off with the arm of his t-shirt in the matter of a few seconds.  Lilly fell over, unable to comprehend really what had just happened.  She fell next to Jacob, her face, like his, going pale.  

"You're right..."  Zee said, moving to his feet, looking down at her, "You both did."  Reed tried to run, but he stumbled over the uneven terrain.  By the time he got to his feet, Zee had grabbed him by the scruff of his hair, beginning to walk back towards camp, and sliding the knife into his pocket.  Reed tried to glance back at the bodies of Jacob and his sister, but Zee snapped him back to attention.

After a minute or two, Zee's rush of adrenaline subsided, his breaths becoming uneven and heavy.  "Oh god..."  Zee began, "Oh my god, Reed... I'm... I..."  He continued to mutter, letting go of Reed. Zee had killed her, he'd killed her without the bat of an eye.  He stopped, Reed having stopped with him.  Zee could really only think of one thing to say to the boy.

"I'm sorry."

Zee couldn't look Reed in the eye.  In fact, he could hardly muster the energy to keep his eyes open.  He glanced towards the camp, which was now in sight.  Zee felt something against his chest.  He looked down to see Reed, a good foot and a half shorter than Zee, clinging to him.  Zee chuckled a bit, tears dripping from his chin.  "It's ok Reed.  It'll all be ok.  

"They're back!" the lookout yelled, alerting the rest of the camp.

"They're back!" he repeated, turning back to face the encampment of unconscious rabbits.  Zee looked towards the illuminated camp, standing up and taking Reed by the hand.  Reed looked up at Zee, afraid of what who he had thought of as a friend was willing to do. He'd decided, however, that running would only get him killed more quickly.  The duo began to walk towards the makeshift camp, both of them trying to regain their composure and, admittedly, failing.

(@zenreaper I know it wasn't the most well written thing ever, so if you don't feel like reading, here's a sort of TL;DR: Jacob died, and now Reed and Zee have come back, Reed and having sneaked away with his sister, who also died.)
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