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Fantasy Academy For The Supernatural & Gifted Humans

Jasmine was outside, sitting in the grass, thinking. She knew that no one was around, and it'd be a good opportunity to expand her elemental powers.

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Sparky the elemental tha usually accompanied Dru appeared in front of her "Jasmine Can you help me by explaining something to me?" Sparky sounded cute and sweet like a little kid.
Jasmine looked up in a little confusion. “Uh, yeah, it'd depend though. What do you need explaining for?"

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"Well noted." Xander wasn't to fond of the idea of being followed by a storm cloud, that exasperated rain..

"Sadly, you are correct I was never of the magical affinity, surprisingly I had been blessed/cursed however, you wish to take it with my father's battle prowess, and not my mother's magical ability.. Well except the original Bible, it was the only gift I managed to salvage before her premature death, it holds her divine will; great magic ability for the holy affinity."

Xander turned his gaze to the Bible, then back to Dru.

"It would be impossible to completely mimic holy energy, as it isn't one of the elemental affinities most elementals can learn. Holy Water? I've never actually tried, as that is also a magical capability, but where the reagent of water is needed. I can try, but succession is also not a guarantee."
"Top secret mission to hell Dru needs to learn how to master all the elements so I wanted ot know how you did it?"

Dru whistled and a little orb of water that took a vauge shape of a woman appeared in Dru's palm. "Try it and energy is energy you never know till you try besides I am basically magic in my existence so potato potato." Dru shrugged and the water elemental spun in his hand, @Xander Catastrophe
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Jasmine thought about this. “Well, um. To be honest, I don't know. I just, always had it I guess.."

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sparky seemed sad at hearing that his orb got smaller and his voice quieter "Ok... thank you I won't bother you anymore have a nice day." Sparky then turned and began floating away slowly.
Jasmine nodded, feeling guilty knowing she can't help. She sighed and stared at the ground.

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"I'll give it a whirl" Xander sighed once again, he cursed his genes, why couldn't he have been equal in both magical, and combative skill? He over to one of his many belt sheaths, uncapping one shaped like a book cover. He took out its containment; the Bible, which then upon him opening its contents began to float as it usually did.. His mother's magical residue must've caused the book to levitate, or that was his theory anyway. Xander flipped through the pages, until he found one on holy water.

"Ah.." Xander then began to chant, cupping his hands over the miniature water woman. "May I?" Xander then began to chant:

“Those who walk righteously and speak uprightly,

who despise the gain of oppression,

who wave away a bribe instead of accepting it,

who stop their ears from hearing of bloodshed

and shut their eyes from looking on evil,

they will live on the heights;

their refuge will be the fortresses of rocks;

their food will be supplied, their water assured.”


His hands glowed a bright aura, his hands had become hot, extremely hot like they always had when casting an enchantment. Xander quickly removed his hands away from the water woman's presence, she was glowing.. Glowing brightly, like the sun in the Heavens.

"Looks like it worked Dru." Xander slightly smiled, he was for one proud of what he had just accomplished, and two because the small women was dancing excitingly.
The water woman bowed and spoke to him in a voice that sounded like a bubbling brook "Thank you sir now lets end some demons." Dru only chuckled then tossed her a bit and she flew into the cloud causing it to glow faintly.
"half an hour maybe more but if I turn you into well molecules almost I can take you with me and well it would take like 5 minutes. Your choice." Dru shrugged.
Jasmine decided she should try a calming method, like meditating. She got into position, and closed her eyes, focusing on her elemental powers. Soon vines followed after vines started rising around her, eventually forming a protective dome.

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Amazement was all that had gone through Xander's head when Dru had said about an hour.

"I prefer not to be disembodied." Xander wasn't one for flying, hence why he never developed his angelic wings back in Heaven, though flying beat being turned into molecules any day.

"On our way to Turkey we'll be searching for the Gateway to Hell."


"Through those gates lies.. Well Hell. Think you can handle the job Dru?"
"I can move at the speed of light and take steps that move me 50 feet easily, I think I can spot a giant flaming pit with angry red energy while moving at half that speed." Dru chuckled then he appeared behind Xander and tossed him into the air as Xander took off he could feel a rush of air from where Dru was standing and feel his ears popping because Dru had broken the sound barrier to touch Xander not taking any chances with his reflexes then Xander landed on the cloud feeling like he fell onto one fo the softest beds he had ever felt only this one was a bit damp by the time he landed Dru was already there and the cloud was moving.
Jasmine kept her eyes closed, more elements forming around her. Water waved around the dome, covering it, and then freezing into ice. Dark shadows hovered near the sides of the dome, and Jasmine shivered a tad, but not opening her eyes. An orb of light started floating inside of the dome, and flammable thorns grew from the vines. Small flames appeared on some of the thorns, warming the place up a little more. Jasmine then layed down, going into some kind of chamber sleep.

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Xander after being thrown onto the air at such a quick speed, his ears popped, then landing on the softest cloud-pillow he'd ever had the pleasantry of feeling turned to Dru.

"One, don't ever do that again. And two, don't ever do that again." Xander let out a sigh of relief, he hated flying. Hated it..

"I hate flying. Sure I once was an Angel, but I never liked the feeling of being thousands of feet in the air, away from the ground. It was why I never developed wings. Alright, first off, since we don't know each other all to well, we should.. You know, get to know one another."

Xander was never good at being friendly.. He was always the loner, the mysterious rebel.

"Your powers.. What can you do exactly?"
"One I don't take orders from people who can't even be civil two you couldn't fly so how else would you get up here? As for powers I can manipulate lightning... so far that is all." Dru shrugged unsure of what else to say.
"On this mission you will see me as the superior. That is a given Dru, rather you believe so or not, reckless behavior will get you killed against Raum, and any stray from the plan, and Raum escapes back into Hell, then we're all doomed. Understand me god dammit?!"

Xander brought his palm to his face, trying to simmer his temper down.

"So you have total control of Lightning? Alright, that can be useful."
"Total control is right also I understand you and can understand you in 15 languages so you should probably calm down besides we are moving at jet speeds on a cloud don't push your luck. you may not die but it won't be fun. Also if you have ever read harry potter you would understand plan's are fuuny that they sometimes don't work, can your mind process all the possibilities and make a plan in the moment?"
"Dru, do not make threats towards me." Xander glowed a bright golden, his aura shook the cloud, as if it were momentarily on the brink of dissipating into nothingness.

"I was a battle strategist in the many wars of Heaven, those books are utter fiction, do not compare such asinine literature to my prowess. Understood? Now if you are done with your nonsense, I'd like to deduce a plan according to your abilities."
Dru smiled and then sank into the cloud and xander could hear Dru though he was muffled."thanks man do your planning in peace."
Xander had racked his brain against all the possible scenarios, every single route this encounter could go down. Dru's prowess was create, and in this case might be their ultimate advantage.

"Dru. Is your water elemental capable of manipulating all states of water? Like turning liquid water into a solid? Also is she capable of bringing the water from beneath the ground onto the surface?"

Xander had to know all the ins, and outs of Dru, and his companions capabilities. One miscalculation, and Raum would re-enter Hell, and they'd have a full scale war on their hands; ultimately their own demise.

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