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Fantasy Academy For The Supernatural & Gifted Humans

Drumonkey said:
(can do and we shall see also your enhanced senses verses actual lightning senses) "I wish I knew all this crap before. Also I am a humble lightning elemental why would I bother learning to master the other elements? Look you met me 5 minutes ago and deem me unworthy while my friend here basically stood there and did nothing and was deemed unworthy." Dru raised his eyebrow at the man.
(Indeed we shall my friend. Where is everyone at so I can jump in)

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Xander had awakened near a gigantic plum tree. His latter pain gone, thanks to Dru, a young man he'd only met just yesterday. He uplifted himself, colorful leaves fell from his chest, down to his thighs. Yesterday had really taken a tole on his physical state, well as mentality, he'd fought against Raum (one of Hell's many Counts, as well he ruled over the 30th Legion), and his demonic army, nearly died at the hands of a demonic pawn, was awkwardly saved by some stranger who he'd never even got the name of, healed her, then was ditched having to outsmart Raum, and his servants with a barrier which would only last a little over a week..

Damn Xander had thought to himself, his life really was a mixture of misfortune. He remembered the young man named Dru who was eager, and quite impatient to fight against Hell's legion. He must've had a death wish was the only thing Xander had running through his mind at the time, though he did have heart, and if anything he admired such a quality as it was a lacking trait in the majority of this world.

Xander arose from his position, feeling guilty for his testing demeanor against Dru, going out to find him was the his current motive.. So that he could apologize, as well make sure he wasn't doing something reckless.
There was a storm cloud just inside the protective barrier, the major difference was that it didn't strike the ground or drop rain and the lightning in it was green not white. It wasn't that high up so someone could easily yell up to it or fly to it.
Xander walked on, noticing that outside of the barrier the sky was crystal clear however, inside was a different story. A huge storm cloud had somehow found its way inside of the barrier. Interesting Xander thought, moving closer to the dark clouds. As he crept closer it was void of rain, thunder anything your average storm would prove, this lacked. He then remembered Dru had specifically said that he was an elemental, a lightning elemental was it he said? Xander couldn't remember, his memory was still hazy from last nights unfortunate events. He decided to test his luck, sure he'd look crazy shouting at a cloud wh0 was possibly a person, but it wouldn't be crazier than a four-armed demon named Raum, and an army of demons chasing him; Which was sounded more believable?

"Dru, that you?" Xander shouted at the cloud above him.
There was a loud almost deafening clap of thunder and a bolt of lightning dropped out the cloud slower than normal then a few feet from the ground formed into a rough shape of Dru then began rumbling like the thunder of different lightning strikes before stopping then speaking again "What do you want church boy? Actually sorry fallen church angel man? Some of us are trying to be 'worthy' so tell me what exactly do you need and or want?"
Xander looked at Dru, the guy had just appeared out of a storm cloud, not the most awkward thing Xander had seen in his life, but sure it was in his top ten.

"Mind your insults boy. As I said before I would not hesitate in destroying you right here, and now." Xander was serious, Dru agitated him, but he gathered the little restraint left in his soul, and let his conscious take over.

"In a week's time, Raum may return, to not only destroy me, but this academy. I do not care much for this place, but it's taken me in, given me a place to.. A place to explore my mind I suppose. I cannot just let it be destroyed by a power hungry demon. I propose a solution."

Xander inhaled heavily, then began to speak once again.

"Come with me to the Gates of Hell; Every demon must pass through them to enter Earth's realm. There.. There we will confront Raum, and slaughter him where he stands. For the protection of this school."
Dru shrugged his insubstantial shoulders, "why would you want me, go talk to nightmare if you like also your body produces colored energy when you talk to me let me guess it is irritation or annoyance correct? Well sorry we can't all be as pure and holy as thou. If you want to zap me out of existence go for it you already hurt my feelings and questioned me besides as you said I can't kill a demon because I have not received a holy blessing or been deemed worthy." Dru said all that in a rush that had a slight buzzing under it like it was a live wire.
Xander let out a deep sigh. This young man was right, he was a bit abrupt in their previous confrontation, and he was the one who had saved him from an eternal slumber. Xander owed him that, he never really trusted those who weren't of the same race, but those times were over the Angel's were whipped out, and God imprisoned. If the world could change, so could Xander.

"Listen.. Dru." Xander calmed himself, as Dru could apparently notice his earlier energy spike out of irritation.

"I want to apologize for yesterday.. You saved me, and you didn't even know me, as an Angel.. Well, Ex-Angel I sincerely am grateful to you. I never was one to trust another race on the mortal plains however, the times are changing, and I cannot be narrow minded any longer. You are the only one who's shown promising ability.. The ability to aid me in battle. Yes, you may not be able to completely vanquish the demonic souls, but I shall try to imbue your powers with holy energy if you follow me on this journey to rid Raum, and save the academy."

Xander wasn't sure if he could completely enchant another person's power with the divine affinity, and if he could it'd only be for a limited time, as he himself was never magically gifted, more-so he was a ruthless warrior, a savage in the arts of combat..
"I accept your apology but know that if you do that again after I help you fight those demons off I will never talk to you again and I will call in a favor so that you have a storm cloud over your head complete with rain 5 days a week for the rest of your life. I like people and I like to help but acting like a butt when people are kind isn't very virtuous. Now I am sure this divine blessing won't last long but if I can understand how it affects lightning I could potentially mimic the effect probably on a smaller scale but still. Also you can make water holy right? If you make the water elemental holy you have holy rain and you can ride in on my cloud causing chaos and wide spread damage that way." Dru then sighed a strange feat since he was lightning then touched the ground returning to his normal form.

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