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Fantasy Academy For The Strange And Gifted ((Always Accepting.))

Vaskar sighed as he sheathed the blade and went to his pack to pull out a small leather book and pen. As he was about to turn away the horns on Dominic's head caught his eye. Just like the fathers and yet his skin was pale. He was a hybrid Vaskar determined. Although he did not see the child's mother. He sighed at the though of how much the boy probably missed his mother. 
His brow furrows and he tucks his knees up closer to his chest with a

pathetic wimper. He seems to having a horrible nightmare
After a while Zafrina starts to wake up and looks at Vaskar blushing immediately. "oh I didn't know you were halfly undressed." she turns onto her side to look at Dominic seeing the small horns on his head. "What kind of demon is he?" she asks trying to distract herself 
He continues to have his little nightmare, swatting at the air half heartedly every once and awhile and shifting his position, as well as yelping in apparent pain. He eventually wakes himself up after accidently smacking himself in the face in his sleep. Opening his dark red eyes, he saw Zafrina staring back at him. He squeaks In fear and covers his entire body in the blankets, making a quivering heap in the corner of the bed

"m-mom? Was that you?"
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Gripping his shoulder he smiled as he heard Zafrinas voice. "I'm not sure but I know he is a hybrid species with vampire." Walking over to her he put on a shit and sat down and kissed her on the cheek. Holding her hand he watched as Dominic slowly woke from his nightmare. "Are you alright Dom?" 
Zafrina looks at him confused. "M-mom? no I am not a mother" she straightens her act "I am not going to hurt you I promise." she goes to the boys side tugging the cover.
the boy shrieks as he scrambles to cover the horns on his head with a

pillow he looks ashamed and a bit scared

"h-hey... I'm sorry m-madam, I was dreaming... You can do whatever you want with me, I promise I won't scream too loud."

he lays out as if he where about to be beaten, with his thin and scrawny chest and stomach exposed and his eyes shut
Vaskar smiled as he watches the two of them get along. "You two are getting along just fine, huh?" Replacing him self at the office chair he watched as Zafrina cradled Dominic.
"My name is Zafrina, please call me that" she suddenely felt for this child as if he were his own. "its okay" she looks at Vaskar her eyes brimmed with tears.
As he watched her eyes water, Vaskar made his way over to sit next to them and pull them both into his arms. "No one will hurt you now. This I swear." Softly stroking her long hair he kissed her on the cheek and look her in the eyes with his silver and blue eye. 
Jutting his head over he looked into the mirror on the wall and gasped. Touching around his eye a sad expression came over his face. "My powers are growing outside their boundaries." Taking his thumb he wiped the tears away from her face. "It's going to be okay love. Your both safe now." He petted Dominic on the head and kissed her, trying his best to make her smile. He needed to go back to the sparring bot soon enough however. With his powers boiling over he could be a hazard if he had a bloody rage again. With the bot he would be able to develop his body to suit his powers. 
Pulling them both into a hug again he smiled. "Thank my ancestors they led me to you. Both of you." He smiled wider and teared up softly.
Dominic basically purrs and nuzzles his head into Zafrina's stomach, almost like a cat would as it seeked warmth. His two tiny horns poke her stomach, luckily not yet being sharp enough to stab or impale someone

"sorry, Zafrina. Your crying... D-did I do something wrong? A-and if I may ask, w-will you feed me? I-I'm a vampire... S-so I need blood..."

he tenses up again, expecting a beating as his gut makes a feeble cry for  sustenance. You see what little flesh was draped over his weak little bones quake from the noise.
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Zafrina nods and slowly pulls her dagger from her almost knee high boots not wanting to scare anyone. She takes the knife and drags it across her skin and gives her arm to him...
He reluctantly takes her arm and lightly licks the wound, trying not to make it worse. You feel his fangs, noticeably larger than the rest of his teeth, brushing up against the wound as well
Vaskar smiled as Zafrina holds and feeds the child. Standing up he grabbed his sword looking in the mirror at his now unique eye set.
Dom gets up and walks over, looking in the mirror at his own two white horns he desperately tries to hide from the both of them

"S-sir? If I'm a demon, doesn't that mean I'm evil? Why would you take in a demon child, if you knew that? You can leave me, I'll understand..."
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