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Fantasy Academy For The Strange And Gifted ((Always Accepting.))

The kid is severely malnourished, seemingly being deprived of food for incredible periods of time. You can easily see the beating of his tiny heart through his chest and make out the fine details on his rib cage. You see where the bones Seperate and flesh dips into the gap like a depressing canyon as well as a testament to some kind of mistreatment or misfortune 

"d-don't worry about healing it, I'm not worth those supplies anyway, save them for yourself. You'll need them much more than I ever will anyways."
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Vaskar waved the boys depressing voice away. "Nonsense child you need treated and you need fed." Gripping the bowl he looked the boy in the eyes as he treated his wounds. Taking the herbs he pressed a small pinch into the center of the puncture and covered it with the bandages. It would sting but would treat the wound within a couple days. After he treated all of the child's most urgent wounds, he went to his pack to pull out of loaf of bread covered in cloth, a small pot and hot burner, and his canteen along with a small container of a powder broth mix. Soon he had the pot full of steaming water adding two spoons of broth mix along with a few small bites of the load he broke off to throw in. "What is you name? Where did you come from?" This boy had abviously been abused for a long time. They were lucky to find him when they did. He could have died out there.
"M-my name is Dominic. I'm f-from a pit kid merchant ring, basically a man has many children and sells them to trainers. They tie my hands and feet up and allow the people to beat me up...  I-I'm sorry, but I'm a vampire... I can't eat that... Please don't hurt me."

he he curls up into a ball and squirms into a corner, trying to take up as little space for the possible incoming beating. He was used to it, honestly. It was his father that got him into this mess in the first place.
Vaskar watched as the boy curled up and took into accordance what he said. He reminded him of himself when he was a young lad. Losing his clan he was sold to those that needed him to fight wars for them. He was never happy. Sighing, he spun a knife out of its scarab, he slashed through his palm and squeezed his hand as blood seeped out. "The is for me after I feed you. Blood loss and all. Now drink but do not bite." 
"P-please... Please..."

he reaches out for your arm, too weak and in pain to stand up. His little hand is so thin and weak you could probably cut it apart with a butter knife. His face begins to burn slightly as the sun begins to shine through the window, causing him to lightly hiss at the pain
he gets this expression of shock and almost anger toward her remark

"how dare you even think about that! I would never hurt him! He's my own flesh and blood!"
Vaskar sat down next to Dominic to block the sun and cradle him as he let the blood drip onto his lips. "Hang in there child, you now taste a powerful blood of a true warrior. You will be stronger then ever before." As he held the boy he thought of Zafrina hoping she was okay with all of this. He did not want her to get hurt if these people came to finish off the boy they were definitely abusing. Squeezing and unfolding his hand he dropped a good size able amount of blood for the boy. Gripping the curtains he closed them to block the sunlight and went to sit at the office chair as he began to down the broth  mix. 
He latches onto your arm, cradling it as if it where his most prized possession. He licks the wound repeatedly, eventually stopping when he's satisfied

"s-sorry... I just don't know when I get to eat again..."
Vaskar smiled as he softly patted him on the head. "As long as you dont bite me you may feed from me as much as you need. Now tell me where you are going?" Slowly eating the bread he wrapped his arm up to stop the bleeding. He wasn't sure what happened to this boy but he was iching to kill whoever did it.
At the mention of where he was to go, the kid tears up, a single bloody tear running down his face as he attempts to hide the weakness and cracking in his voice

"I... I don't have anywhere to go... I-I think my dad killed my mom, and he tried to sell me. He stabbed me with that stick when I tried to get away, I stumbled around and fell down, w-which is when you found me.... I-I just wanna go home, But I don't have one..."

he sobs once and hides his face with his hoodie, which was the only garment he had covering his chest. You can see the throbbing in his weak and exposed lungs through his thin and pale skin, nearly transparent
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The man looks absolutely livid. His expression literally exudes hatred and a vengeful overtone as he growls something to himself

"where... Is... He."
Vaskar was almost brought to tears as he learned the terrible truth of this poor soul. As he finished the food he pulled off the rest of his battle gear and boots. Sitting down next to the boy he gently pulled the him into his arms to protect him from the sunlight and to give him a protective embrace. "You may stay here for as long as you need Dominic." He thought for a moment as he wondered where the father was now. "Was your father chasing after you?" 
"N-No... He thought he hit heart and left me for the crows... Th-thank you for the offer, but I d-don't want to waste your time or food or anything... I-I'm worthless, so I'm used to curling up in the corner to sleep, making sure I'm not taking up too much space for the Tallwalkers. I-I'm not good at anything, so I'm used to not getting fed. You don't have to feed me either, if you don't want..."
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He felt the blow of the child's insult to himself. He must have been treated like this for a very long time. "Everyone is good at something, you just have to know what it is. You are not a waste Dominic. I want you to stay here with me. I will talk to the head master and you shall be put under care. We are here to help you." Sitting up he helped to tuck Dominic in. "You must get some rest now for your strength to return. I shall return to feed you and show you around when you wake up okay?" Pulling the covers over him, Vaskar half smiled. After fuckjng the boy in, he pulled on all his gear and over coat. Gripping his sword he walked out of the room to look back at the boy as he closed the door. Strolling for the entrance once more he seeked only one thing at this moment. Vengeance for his new found friend. Stepping outside, he looked to see if Zafrina was near by. Maybe she was onto something with the stake.
Dom curls up and moves toward the top right corner of the bed, up against the wall. He looks to be in a position as if he where ready to be kicked, curled up in a ball with his knees tucked up into his chest and his hands covering his face. As soon as Vaskar left, Dom pulled a small, already burnt out match from his pocket. He draws the word thirteen on his arm with a spare pen laying around. He lit the match using his own arm to set it ablaze, charring his hand slightly.

"happy birthday Dom..."

he blew out the tiny match as quietly as he could. It was indeed his birthday, yet it was strange he didn't let Vaskar know...
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As Vaskar walked along the path of the boys blood droplets, he thought of how he would get the boy in to the academy. Surely the head master would take him in and take care of him. He began to feel for Dominic, not as a father but as the brother he never had. He had a sister that was older then him, but she was now gone along with the others. Gripping his sword he smiled at first as he saw the rainbow hair of Zafrina, to have his expression go grim when his gaze went to a man dressed in gleaming garments. As he watched the man growl at her, his sword was in his hand and himself a few feet away as Zafrina burst into flames like before. "Dare not threaten her for I shall remove your head before you can move." 
Zafrina turns around and smiles. "Hello darling" she smiles and turns her attention back to Dominics Father. "Now you, my dear friend. You are getting smitted by a demon." she growls happily
"I just want my child! What did you do to him?!"

the man draws a knife from his hip. Yet, you see he isn't really looking at you....

the hood on his head folds back, to reveal two massive ram like horns that curl around his ear like a sort of protective shield. He was clearly a demon, you could see it in his eyes... Which begs the question, what exactly is Dom? He's clearly a bit vampire, but if this man was his father...
"Relax! I just want my kid!"

he has a knife drawn toward Zafrina as he is noticeably full of fear. He begins to back up and you notice his slightly red tinged skin. What mostly tips you off are the massive red horns on his head, obviously that of a demons. But if Dom was part vampire, does that mean the other part is Demon? You didn't have time to think, the man was clearly about to lunge at Zafrina if she made a move
Growling low in his throat Vaskar now watched as this demon dared to draw a knife toward the only person that truly showed him kindness. Spinning his samurai sword, Vaskar stepped between him and Zafrina as his eye changed from gold to blue showing his powers now active. He was about to slice this man into pieces. Judging by the horns he knew he was demon. But Vaskar had fought many before and now to this day still remains. Without a shake to his structure, Vaskar leveled the blade infront of his body as he drew a combat knife at his side. "You only have one question to answer now...Red or black." Vaskar spoke in a serious and very deadly tone. He could feel the warring drive of his old self driving through his veins. The power pulsing through him.

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