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Fantasy Academy For The Strange And Gifted ((Always Accepting.))

"What? I just want my kid! What did you do to him?!"

he he shifts his attention to you, obviously terrified. You see his red cat like eyes, similar to Dominic's. You see Dom's face on the man in front of you. This truly was his father. It blew your mind to think a father, the one person a boy should look to for guidance and support, would sell his own flesh and blood at a moments notice for a few dollars, then lie and Try to play it off as if it never happened. Dom said he was a pit kid, a practice dummy for the other children to beat apon. You remember all the scars you saw on his thin little chest and the tear stains on his face, forcing your imagination to go wild with horrific imagery of the poor boy being beaten and slashed with just about everything under the sun. This was the man who caused the boy all this pain. It would be for the best that you put the man down.
"What? I just want my kid! What did you do to him?!"

he he shifts his attention to you, obviously terrified. You see his red cat like eyes, similar to Dominic's. You see Dom's face on the man in front of you. This truly was his father. It blew your mind to think a father, the one person a boy should look to for guidance and support, would sell his own flesh and blood at a moments notice for a few dollars, then lie and Try to play it off as if it never happened. Dom said he was a pit kid, a practice dummy for the other children to beat apon. You remember all the scars you saw on his thin little chest and the tear stains on his face, forcing your imagination to go wild with horrific imagery of the poor boy being beaten and slashed with just about everything under the sun. This was the man who caused the boy all this pain. It would be for the best that you put the man down.
Vaskar slowly raised up his hand as the demon shouted and repeated the question. "Red. Or. Black? I have seen what you did to your son and I will bring him vengeance and justice for his suffering." Growling he spun his sword around his body with the speed of lightning and grace of a tidal wave. "You shall not step a foot near your son. You tortured him and tried to sell him. I shall take care of him now under the order of the head master. I am sworn to protect the lives of those that reside under the academies care." Spinning the combat knife in his palm, Vaskar stood now in a tight defensive stance. Ready for the demon man to strike so he could cut him down.
The man looks insulted by your words, he was a very skilled liar 

"I just want my kid! Stand aside, or I'll push you aside. I'm not going to leave him to you Monsters!"
Before Vaskar would let him say another word, he quickly flicked the combat knife deep into the mans knee smashing in the blow before anyone could blink. "Your a good liar demon. But a warrior can always call a bluff." Gripping his sword, Vaskar smiled politely even in the matter of the situation. "If you go anywhere near that child I will open you from head to toe and allow him to feed off you." Stepping to the left and around the man at the speed of the wind he pressed his sword against the mans throat as his sapphire eye glimmered with a flame inside. Showing the power rooted to his soul. "You are clearly no match for me. Do I make myself clear." 
as you stand above him he drives the knife into the back of your knee before you can draw the sword

"No! Dom! You fucking monsters probably killed him! You'll pay for this!"
As Vaskar lunged back he dug the knife out of his knee. Nothing made him bleed and lived, he reminded himself. Spinning his blade he waited for the man to give up. Soon Vaskar used his training to calm himself and take the stance of a traditional samurai, bowing to the demon man. 
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The man slowly bleeds out

"I swear to god you'll pay for this..."

the adrenaline administered by Vaskar's body could only keep him running a bit longer, and there's no way the man was surviving that stab to an artery. It was best for him to head back to Dom, possibly he had a form of healing for him...
As Vaskar opened his eye slowly he made his move exhaling. Within a split second he was now standing past the demon man. As a drop fell from his knee he bowed his head as the man toppled over. In a flash he spun his sword into its scarab all the way to the guard, slamming it in with a loud click. Turning to the man that now lay, exhausted. Without saying a word he bowed holding his hand over his sword in a sign of honor and respect. "May you rest in the afterlife." Pulling out a long cloth he quickly tied a tight knot on his thigh to slow the flow of blood to the wound. Stepping to Zafrina, he did not dare look her in the eyes. He wished now she had not been standing there as he put the demon mans life to a halt. The man was right. He was a monster underneath. He could not count the amount of lives he had taken for the wrong people. Gripping the hilt of his sword he dropped to his knees slowly and bowed to hide his face. He could feel the monster under his skin wanting more. More vengeance, more adrenaline, more lives to be taken. As a tear slid from his eye he remembered why he left. Why he chose to come here. 'I want to redeem myself for the red in my ledger.' He had spoken to the master as he stood over a battle field. Horrified by the work of his powers once more. He swore his loyalty to the academy as a student and a guardian, given his unique skills, of strength and destruction. Now he sat here on his knees shaking under the pressed thumb of his power. The warring past clawing at his sanity. 
"S-Sir... Are you okay..."

a sad little voice chimes from behind him, putting a feeble little hand on his back. Dom walks out from behind him, wearing his hoodie with the hood over his head. You see yet another tear streak down his face, following among it's precursors which have already drained his face in a

permanent manner. He full body hugs you and says in a muffled and weak voice

"I-I'm sorry sir... None of this would have happened if I had just left you alone. I-I can leave you and your lady... Or I guess you could sell me again if you'd like. I-I don't know how much I'd be worth Now, but maybe they could get one last use out of me. I'm sorry to put you through that..."
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Zafrina stares at Vaskar and turns to the boy. "I am Zafrina, and this may be the last youll see of me, so take care of him please." she informs him and turns to Vaskar She stares at his wound focusing on repairing it from the inside out as she does her vision get blurry and she wobbles a little and as she finished ten seconds later she passed out on to the cold ground her rainbow hair no longer glowing, and the fire set out. She turned icy pale and her skin was frigid.
His red eyes widen to the size of saucers as he witnessed her possible death. He begins to panic, hyperventilating 

"o-oh my god... I just killed someone... W-what do i do? What do I do?!"

he runs over and checks for a heartbeat, pulse, breathing, anything to indicate she was even in the slightest bit alive
Pulling up next to the boy, Vaskar looked to Zafrina as he pulled her into his arms gently. "Zafrina." He said with a shake to his voice as a tear fell from each eye. "Please don't die for me. Please don't do what others had to, to keep me alive. Save your strength." Holding her close he sat down as he cradled her against his chest and brushed her hair. He looked to Dominic as the boy as he began to panic. "Don't panic, she will be alright." He hoped what he said was true as he returned his gaze to her eyes. With his left eye now shifting. It now showed two colors. Half sapphire and the other half a stirring silver to signal his powers were growing. "Don't leave us like this. You are the only person that has showed me true kindness." He quivered as a bright blue tear fell from his eye to land on her cheek. 
Dom covers his face with his hands and remains silent for an incredible amount of time. He seems to be


"it's all my fault... I've killed an innocent woman and it's all my fault..."
Zafrias pulse begins to quicken in a rapid, she smiles lightly in Vaskars arms. "Dominic, you didn't kill anyone," she tries to open her eyes and shakes her head at the sensitive feeling and turns her face into Vaskars chest. "Hey honey I love you." she whispers so quietly that she can barely hear herself. "I am basically immortal, so you probably wont ever get rid of me.." she adds jokingly.
I-I'm sorry for nearly killing you, madam..."

Dom looks at his feet, his entire figure shrouded by the hoodie that was at least two sizes too big
At her words Vaskar almost bursts into tears of joy as he pulls her in closer. "How am I suppose to know that if you don't tell me." He laughs and slowly stands with her in his arms. "Will you both sleep now?" He asked knowing both would probably fight sleep again. But he didn't care. He was just happy they were both okay. He smiled at the thought of what she first said. Kissing her cheek he slowly walked back to the academy. "Your going to kill me one day darling." He spoke joking. She wasn't the only one with an extended life. The head master had explained how fast his cells grew. Four times faster then normal. Meaning he healed faster and he could live an extra hundred years. Looking back to Dominic he smiled, motioning to his back. "Climb on." Looking at himself now he smiled. For the scars of war covered his soul. But he now had two most precious things he never had. Love, and a friend. 
The timid little boy looks at the corpse of his father, the one who should have loved him... And giggles. Something about seeing a corpse laying in the street with shocked onlookers frozen in their place gave him a certain boost in happiness. He turns to Vaskar and continues to walk toward them, staring at the massive building ahead of him

"are you sure they'll let me in?"
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Zafrina wipes his tears, and turns to the young boy. "Damn right they will" she giggles dazedly. "I don't wanna sleep I want to be with you.." she protests holding Vaskars arm with her small hands. Her vision gets blurry and fixes it self showing she needs sleep. "Never mind I  will sleep.." he sighs
He timidly follows behind them, scared and hiding behind Vaskar only peeking out for a few moment each time. Zafrina notices the peculiar boys... Features. Two tiny bulges poke up from under his hood, and you can easily notice his pale skin, red eyes, and tiny fangs
Smiling at Zafrinas word Vaskar slowly made his way inside and to his room carrying her all the way." I'm not leaving either of your sides into you both rest." Smiling he opened the door to look back at Dominic. "Do not fear child they will except you or may they feel my wrath." Stepping inside he lay Zafrina down on the spare bed and covered her with a blanket, kissing her softly. "Sleep darling." Helping Dom into his bed he covered him up as well. "You too. Now we're like brothers. I'll be the little one." He winked at the boy with his visible eye and smiled. Pulling off most of his gear but his sword, he set down in the office chair at the desk.  He was happy they were both okay. Checking his now healed and scarred wound over his knee, he sighed. One more for the collection he thought to himself.
Zafrina sqriums in her sleep at first then she finally falls into a soft sleeping state, where any noise would wake her but she was resting, she could feel the energy building back up so quickly...
Vaskar smiled as both of them finally fell to rest. Sighing he pulled off his over coat and tunic. Showing hundreds of scars on his back and chest, he was well built when it came to muscle. Years of training and fighting had sculpted him into a warrior. Pulling out his naginato sword. He slowly examined and cleaned the blade with a long cloth. Thousands of swords and enemies had crossed this blade and yet, not a scratch dared to mark it. Sighing softly he stared down at the engraved hilt showing the symbol of a hand barring a signal rose in the palm. He had taken this blade when his father died. Carrying on the legacy of his clan. And his bloodline.
Dom falls asleep rather quickly. Strangely, he seems to be purring almost like a cat. He was curled up in the corner, in the same position he was before, taking up very little space.  you realize the two bulges on top of his head. You realize you never actually saw what they where. Sure enough, after he brushed the hood off of his head, it reveals two tiny horns growing from the top of his head, curling slightly much like his father's.
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