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Fantasy Academy For The Strange And Gifted ((Always Accepting.))

As he could feel her soft hands the blue in his eyes began to shift back to gold and he placed his hand over hers, calming down. "Im sorry." He spoke in a soft voice. "Nothing makes me bleed and lives after." He pulled into him to hug her. "Are you alright?
Lifting her up into his arms, he held her close to him as he walked down the hall. "You need to rest." He carried her along as he made his way to the girls dorms. Soon he stopped in front of a door with her first name and an initial behind it plated across it. He smiled at her and held her close as he opened the door for her.
Vaskar smiled as he watched her protest at his simple demands. Bending down he took her hand and kissed her on the cheek. "Do not worry I will be here when you wake up." He winked to her and smiled more following by kissing her on the lips. "Thank you." He was thankful he had found someone that now cared for him. He would not let those things hurt her. He gripped his sword as the thought of those things hurting her and stealing her powers cross through his mind. He would destroy them. But now he needed to rest and recharge.
She blushes intensely when he kissed her cheek then even more when he kissed her lips. she looks at the ground blushing "good night" she whispers

With a warm smile and one last goodnight. He closed the door behind him and strode down the hall with his hands crossed behind his back. As his boots clicked along the floor he thought of how to play this out. He wasn't sure how many there were outside but he knew if they weren't careful someone could get hurt.. Or worse. Gripping his sword softly he stepped for the boys dorms and for his room. 
Zafrina waited til the click of his boots disappeared from her ears. She ties her hair back puts on shorts and a tanktop and falls asleep
Gripping the door knob Vaskar slowly walked in to his empty dorm. The bag that had sat on the other bed was now gone. His roomy must have left he decided. Sitting down at a desk he slowly took off his leather over coat to show several scars across his arms and shoulders. Taking off his tunic he bared his chest, showing many more scars that rest over his chest and back. He was a warrior. A trained samurai, taught to wield a blade with grace and deadly skill. He had been in as many battles as he had hot meals. But is warring days were over. He came

here for a better life and to hopefully one day. Hang up his sword for good. But for now those things had to be dealt with he pondered. He was going to need some help from anyone else willing to help him and Zafrina. Pulling off his blades, boots and other battle gear. He went to slowly sit on his bed. Almost gasping at how soft it was, his eyes widened. He had not sat on a bed let alone sleep on one in ages. Smiling wide he lay down, thinking of how the day's events had went by. Thinking of Zafrina. She was so innocent, but if push comes to shove he knew she could be deadly. Good thing he wasn't rude to her. He smirked, knowing he could never truly be rude to anyone. Laying his head on the pillow and shifting slightly, his eyes slowly closed as he drifted into sleep.
As the night went on. Vaskar tossed and turned in his bed having bad dreams of his past. Watching a bear claw for his face followed by an army to slash through his

body like it was ribbon. Gripping his chest as a dagger was stab through his heart by a cloaked figure dressed in black plate armor. The man gripped his hair that now lay in a long braided ponytail that reached to his lower back. The man laughed as he took the knife and slashed his hair off. "You do not deserve this honor, Samurai. You are nothing without your clan." As the man barried the knife in his chest again, Vaskar flashed out of his sleep gripping where the dream man had pressed it in. Looking around the room, he was in shock to see he wasn't in battle. Looking down he could now see his sword in his hand. Gripping the hilt, Vaskar sat up in his bed as a tear beaded in his eye. He had fought for years under the banner of Anyone else then his own clan. Grabbing and equipping his gear and pulled on a black t-shirt and leather overcoat. Stepping into the hallway he gripped his sword as he walked for the entrance of the school.
Having his sight set on the outside he almost jumped out of his skin as Zafrina bumped into his side. Looking down at her he could see her now in a tank top and shorts. Blushing he smiled as he could see how beautiful she was with her hair up and missing the hoodie. "What are you doing out of bed my lady." He bowed using his charm on her to make her blush as well.
Vaskar smiled as he kneeled down next to her. "I couldn't sleep either. So I decided to take a stroll. The sun will be rising soon." He gripped her hand and kissed it before pressing it against his cheek. He wanted to tell her the truth of why he could not sleep, but he feared if she knew the true him from his warring days. She would never speak with him again. Kissing her cheek, he smiled as he spoke. "Please get sleep my lady, you used too much energy earlier. You will need your rest for the day." 
She almost yawn but stops herself. "I don't need to sleep" she lies. She starts to pull down her hair  trying to make herself look better
"H-hello? Anyone? P-please, someone... I'm lost and I can't find my way back home.."

a feeble little boy looks at the front gate to the Academy, looking genuinely and horrifically distressed. He couldn't be much older than ten or eleven. He seems to be wearing a very large black hoodie with the hood up, shading his face from the sun, and you could swear to god you saw two white little objects poking from his upper lip. His bright red eyes sealed your suspicion. Yup. He was a vampire all right. Yet, he didn't seem to be a volatile beast as many of the stories you where told as a child would lead you to believe. His pale face was covered in tear stains and little scars, his big red eyes pleading and full of fear as he slowly loses hope of

finding his way back to his mother and the safety of his home. He seems to be impaled by something... A wooden stake, just through his shoulder. He gradually slows down, until he hits the ground with a loud thud, from the blood loss or simply exaustion had yet to be deciphered 

"s-someone... Please..."
Vaskar was about to speak and plead her to go to bed as he heard a faint voice coming from outside. Looking out the window he could see a small figure stumbling and collapsed on the ground. Gripping his sword free, he ran for the door as several of the shades began to attract to the figure. As he made his way outside he activated his power and with the speed of a falling star began to cut through three of the shades. Spinning on his heel he made quick work of the small group as he now stood over the small figure guarding him from these shadow demons. Waiting for the sun to rise just enough to drive them away, he slashed down any shade that dare come close enough. Vaskar sighed in relief as the sun finally broke through and drove the shades away. Sheathing his sword he looked down at the figure. He looked to be a young boy, but judging by his pale skin and fangs he could tell he was either a demon mix or vampire. Leaning down he pulled the wooden stake from the boys shoulder and lifted him up into his arms. He would help this boy to his room so he could heal the wounds he beared. Stepping through the doors he walked to Zafrina. "The poor child. Whoever did this should be hunted down." He pointed to the wounds. "I'm taking him to my dorm to heal his wounds and let him rest. Who knows how long he had been walking." 
The boy shrieks in excruciating pain as the stake is removed and his skin seemingly begins to boil as you make the short walk to the front doors. He looks up at you with his big red eyes, opened wide like those of a lost puppy trying to find his way back home

"i-it's okay, you don't have to waste anything on me..."
Zafrina picks off a sent from the stake. "okay darling be careful" she smiles. When Vaskar leaves she goes out and looks for the sent, their near here somewhere...
she finds A man, dressed in elegant clothing and with an upstanding personality a few blocks away, searching for something
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Vaskar smiles as she calls him darling and kisses her in the cheek, walking away carrying the boy in his arms. "Do not fear child. We are here to help you." As he walked to his room he opened the door and lay the boy on the empty bed next to his. Pulling off his sword and over coat he went to his pack to pull out a powder bowl with several herbs and bandages. Crushing a small herb root into powder he went to the boy. "I need to remove you hoodie to treat the wounds. It will only hurt for a second I promise." Pulling away his tunic from his shoulder he bared a similar scar to the impalement he had received long ago."This stuff made me feel better as well." 
the man wears a similar large black hoodie, shrouding his face to a degree. All you can notice is his mouth, contorted into an expression of worry and an anxious fear. He turns to you and looks at you with similar massive red eyes, this time, widened in fear and distress.

"H-hello, I'm just searching for my son. I haven't seen him in days and I think something may have happened to him. Sorry, did I disturb you?"

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