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Fantasy Academy For The Strange And Gifted ((Always Accepting.))

Amaro saw mason getting ready to fight but ignored it. Even if Amaro wanted to fight his leg hurt like hell and he had lost a good amount of blood. His vision was a bit blurry so his accuracy would be crap and he didn't have enough energy to do a full transformation and maintain it with out serious problems. His only hope was that things went smoothly from here on out.
"Thank you ivory and ebony" Ryan ran Behind a trees and changed back to her normal self she then got dressed and then walked back to the wolfs and rubbed the back of the one to her left and the one to the right. She then walked forward to the knife and wiped the blood off on a leaf and put the knife in her back pocket " now what do you need and why are you here amaro"

"Well what I need and why am I here are to completely different things.Nice wolf pack you have their but wait they can't be yours since I remember you saying that your not a werewolf and to trust you.Either way I have what I came for. Mason I believe its time for us to leave." Truthfully he wanted to know more but he was already pushing his luck farther then he liked. He kept a neutral expression as he waited to see what the others first move is.

@Nathan22 @Ravensmikey
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Ebony and Ivory looked at the girl. Ebony first reaction was "You're pretty...." Ivory glared at him. Ebony quickly realized his mistake and said "But not as pretty as Ivory! Sorry Ivory.... Hey you should meet our master! Maybe he could be your alpha male?!" He started getting excited.
Ryan chuckled "maybe later ebony" she rubbed ebony behind the ears "a girl has to keep her cover in order to make thing interesting. At least you still don't know my name" ryan now walked back up to amaro but not as close as she usually does "now agin why are you here and what do you need. Oh and by the way I'm keeping the knife"

"Do as you please with the knife. it's served its purpose and does it really matter why I am here? I discovered what I wanted to discover and confirmed what I wanted to confirm and that is all that matters." Amaro turned and began to walk back towards the school letting loose a string of quiet curses as he tried to hide the fact he was limping."See you around Miss Wolf."
"You know it not that hard to tell your hurt" Ryan went over to amaro " let me help and don't give me no snobby comment or I will give you even more pain then you already have

@Dante Verren
Amaro thought of arguing but decided to go listen to his brain not his pride. Amaro nodded his head to show that he would accept her help though he was holding back about a hundred snobby remarks.

@ashlyn heckman
Vaskar scoffed at what she had said. How could a mother do that to her own child. He held her hand tight. "That's terrible." Reaching out his hand he went to touch her hair, and stopped to look at her. "May I?"

Dante Verren]Amaro thought of arguing but decided to go listen to his brain not his pride. Amaro nodded his head to show that he would accept her help though he was holding back about a hundred snobby remarks. [URL="https://www.rpnation.com/profile/10287-ashlyn-heckman/ said:
@ashlyn heckman[/URL]
The wolves skeptically went with her and Ebony licked at the mans feet. "We'll help?" Ebony said unsure. Ivory rolled her eyes and licked the actual wound.

@ashlyn heckman
Ryan pick him up on her back making it look like a piggy back ride "this will hurt for while but once we get to your room things should be better" she started walking back to the school "same rules apply amaro"

@Dante Verren
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Her eyes widen and nodded her head to nervous to speak, no one ever wanted to hang out with her, much less to her hair. "She left after she put the curse on me" she looks at the ground remembering the day she walked out even though she was an infant. @VaskarTheHunter
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Now his pride really kicked in "Really you couldn't have just helped me walk. Carrying me like I'm a helpless child is not necessary in the least." He turned his head to glare at the two wolves who where following him. "I can't belive I'm about to say this to two wolves but if you so much as bring this up to anyone I swear I will turn you into a new fancy wall rug."

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Vaskar instead of just touching her hair pulled her into a caring embrace touching his hand on the back of her head. "I'm sorry for your rough past. And the rough future to come." Vaskar sat there as alarms went off in his head. /what the hell are you doing. You don't hug people you have never hugged people.\ He thought to himself. But he could not help himself but feel for her. She had been through so much as had himself. They both carried the burden of a rough life on their shoulders. Touching her hair now as he held her head he could feel it was so soft and smooth.
Ryan got really irritated and grabbed the knife out of her back pocket and stabbed his foot and then pulled it out. "I told you not to say anything snobby and now I guess you do need carried"

@Dante Verren
Amaro struggled to not bite his tongue from the pain as his body tensed and he ended up tightly wrapping himself around her. He let out a very long and unfriendly wave of silent curses inside of his head and decided not to say anything out loud.

@ashlyn heckman
She blushes deeply and hugs him back. "It might be rough but I am strong. and so are you. Literally!" she adds jokingly she pecks his cheek and holds his hand.
Vaskar blushed bright red as he felt the touch of her lips on his cheek. Cursing the redness in his face he laughed. "Well strength isn't everything. It takes the will to go on as well." He sighed and leaned her against him as the sun began to set.
Ryan walked in the doors and got to his room laying him on his bed she took his shoes and his socks off. Ryan grabbed the first aid kit and started to patch up his foot. "What no snobby comment"

@Dante Verren
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Amaro bit his lip to hold back the torrent of cooments he had stored up. instead he decided to focus on something different and pointed to under his bed. "Grab the case and please be careful with it and no it is not a snobby request so don't stab me."
Dante Verren] [COLOR=#000000]Now his pride really kicked in [/COLOR][COLOR=#ff0000]"Really you couldn't have just helped me walk. Carrying me like I'm a helpless child is not necessary in the least." [/COLOR][COLOR=#000000]He turned his head to glare at the two wolves who where following him. [/COLOR][COLOR=#ff0000]"I can't belive I'm about to say this to two wolves but if you so much as bring this up to anyone I swear I will turn you into a new fancy wall rug."[/COLOR] @Nathan22 [/QUOTE] "Try it I dare you." Growled Ivory. Ebony just glared as he barked "Our master would kill you after our spirits made you their personal chew toy!" [URL="https://www.rpnation.com/profile/10287-ashlyn-heckman/ said:
@ashlyn heckman[/URL]
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Ryan got down on her knees and reached under the bed for the case when she got it she set it on the bed "what's in the case and I'm not going to stab you again I was just sick of all the snarky comments"
Amaro pulled off the key that hung around his neck and used it to unlock the case. Inside where at least 50 clips of ammo. Two spare side arms a slot for the holster that he had on his chest and a second case. He unlocked the second case and very carefully unholstered the gun he had on his chest and gently placed it into the case. "This is my weapons case and the second case is where I keep my pride and joy." He kept the second case open long enough for her to get a decent look at the gun before clossing and locking it. He then unstrapped the harness/holster and placed it in the first case before closeing and locking that one. "Put it back please under the bed please."

@ashlyn heckman
Ryan did exactly that Ryan then listened to what the wolves had said and laughed and kneeled down to them and said to them "maybe he deserves it"

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