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Fantasy Academy for the Extramundane

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Lucario entered his and Kishi's dorm room, "Here we are. Ah try not to touch anything. I don't want you to get hurt". After that, he picked some clothes up and took a shower.
"Yeah yeah yeah" replied Kylia sarcastically, she had heard that cheesy line about a million times, and was sick of it. Kylia started to hum to herself as she turned on the T.V to keep herself from being bored.

As Melody and Tanna walked through town, Melody took in everything in through Tanna's eyes, the town was quite nice. "So see anyplace that looks good?" asked Melody.
From the back of his mind, Lucario connected to the television screen and blurred out the screen. "Listen...t-teacher..e-emotio-...love" His voice was choppy due to the interference his unconscious and lovey mind was sending to his struggling conscious one. "P-pppower...P-polo" He added. Suddenly the screen returned back to normal. That was all Lucario managed to say. Yeah, he wasn't aware and wouldn't remember the situation and the spell. Perhaps some nanites influenced his mind as well. Lucario hoped Kylia would understand.
Kylia gave an expression of confusion, that was weird thought Kylia as she flipped through the channels. "Hey Lucario! I think something might be wrong with you T.V! It went all weird for a sec" shouted Kylia as she stopped on the news.
Did he just hear Kylia shout? Lucario finished his shower and quickly dressed himself up. He ran out the door to Kylia, "Huh?" His gaze shifted to the screen, "Nothing's wrong with it lo-...". He grimaced as he tried to stop the feeling. It was painful, "S-spell. C-callahan". Suddenly, he snapped out of the pain and went back to being his enchanted self again. "Sorry about that love. So what do you want to do now? You want to go somewhere?"
"What are we? Australian or something?" replied Kylia, seemingly unphased by what he had just said, but giggled out of pity for, what seemed to her, a poor imitation.
Lucario smiled a little, "No". He looked into her eyes, "Well? Any ideas on what we should do my princess?" Stop! No, she's lovely. RAH! Shut it. I LOVE HER! NO! The teen blinked a couple of times as a head ache started to occur with his conflicting thoughts.
"Princess? Trust me I am the farthest thing from one" replied Kylia as she jumped from the couch. "Let's go get something to eat, I'm starved, maybe we will run into your little girlfriend, Kishi was her name?" replied kylia as she started to walk outside the room.
Lucario followed Kylia out the room, "Kishi isn't my girlfriend. I was hoping you would be mine". Honestly, if Lucario knew what he was saying...eh. "You're talented and nice and pretty an-" Lucario's regular self attempted to interrupt again. "Kylia that teacher put a spell on me t-to" He moaned in pain returning another time to his enchanted self. "I love you" The teen swooped Kylia off her feet and carried her bridal style.
Kylia let out a sigh, so something happened to this guy? thought Kylia to herself. "I was hoping I didn't have to do this..." sighed Kylia again before taking a huge breath of air, then preceded to use her Sympakinesis and let out a crippling Sonic Screech. The Sonic Screech would force anyone to here it to fall to the ground in painful agony, allowing Kylia to get out of the clutches of Lucario. "Sorry Lucario..." said Kylia in a whisper, her Sonic Screech took all the air from her and she needed to sit down and catch her breath.
Kishi started to jump on her toes where she stood, feeling something coming. The blood she had must've spiked her defenses against magic because she could sense she would be changing back soon. She began running down the hall towards her room, kicking the shoes off of her feet. The moment it came into sight, she began pulling the clothes off as she ran, starting with the pants. The long hair she had began to shrink and she increased her pace. She darted past Lucario and Kylia, tripping over the ends of the falling pants in the doorway. She landed on her stomach, pulling her legs from the clothes and bouncing up from the floor in haste. Kishi ran to her room and quickly got changed into a pair males underwear before collapsing into the ground in relief.

That would've been extremely uncomfortable..

Kishi felt his chest and hair. Flat. Short.

"Made it in time.." He huffed, giving himself thumbs up before sitting up and pulling off the bra as well. Kishi left the room, shuffling on a pair of pants. He kept the sweater on, however, because it was comfortable.
"Kishi?" Lucario watched the transformation from girl to guy. "AAAAHHH!" He fell to the ground at the sudden screech Kylia emitted. His hands flew to cover his ears. Pain and more pain. His enhanced hearing didn't help especially in situations like these. "AUGH" He shut his eyes tightly while continuing to cover his ears.
Kylia stopped her Sonic Screech a few seconds after falling to the ground, panting heavily, but she got her result as now she was free. "Sorry Lucario, but that was the only way to stop you besides kicking you in the head" stated Kylia as she slowly got up after a few minutes of resting on the ground. Noticing he was in even more pain then he should be, Kylia sighed again and took in another breath before singing a Siren Song in Japanese, the Siren Song ability she was preforming would ease the pain. She finished a few minutes after starting.

((Night, won't be on till 6 P.M tomorrow, got me some drum line practice)
Kishi stepped closer to them when he heard Lucario yelling. Yellow optics stared at them as his porcelain features twisted into a look of confusion. "What happened?"

Kishi wasn't effected by Kylia's previous screech because of the mages magic, so he didn't know what to think of the situation.
(K g'night)

Lucario's hands dropped from his head. Her voice was so soothing and relaxing. He sat up as he heard another voice. His gaze shifted to Kishi who had just turned back to his regular self. No, actually Lucario's mind didn't allow him to see Kishi as his normal self. He had seen Kishi running as a girl before he she transformed into a boy. Lucario smiled, "N-nothing".
Kishi arched a brow, bitting his bottom lip. Something was obviously wrong.

"Well, are you guys ok?" He crossed his arms along his chest as he leaned against the doorframe.
"Yeah we're okay" Lucario pulled himself up and looked back at Kishi. He saw him as his her. Did that make sense? Since Lucario first saw Kishi in his girl form during the spell, that's how he was seeing Kishi at the moment. She had beautiful blue hair with golden eyes to bring out her evident awesomeness. (Almost typed Kiki ha)
Federoff said:
"Yeah yeah yeah" replied Kylia sarcastically, she had heard that cheesy line about a million times, and was sick of it. Kylia started to hum to herself as she turned on the T.V to keep herself from being bored.

As Melody and Tanna walked through town, Melody took in everything in through Tanna's eyes, the town was quite nice. "So see anyplace that looks good?" asked Melody.
Tanna shrugged. "Every place looks good to me. I just love food in general." She then grinned and pointed at a sushi place. "Do you like sushi?" She asked smiling.
Falmet, still unsure, managed to say at least something, though his words were stuttered quite dramatically from the shivers of fear that ran through his body.

"P-p-please hel-help me..." he whimpered, trying to adjust his hooves underneath him to relieve the slight strain on his neck from his pulling against the hold the tree had on him.

Brutis's smile seemed to not help Falmet's nervousness, if fact it appeared to have made it worse. The poor deer had taken a liking to the wolf man before they'd even had a chance to speak and now here he was, making himself look like a jittery fool in front of the teacher. He hoped that the man would help him, because he clearly wouldn't be able to get out of this mess on his own. He seriously was debating whether or not he should just stick to his human form once he was freed but at the moment he didn't exactly have pants so that was out of the question.

"I'm...Fal-Falmet, by th-the way..." he added under his breath, trying to calm himself down as best he could, rubbing his forearm out of habit, irritating the mess underneath the fabric of his hoodie so the burn of his cuts that were trying to heal would distract him from his anxiety.

(( Don't worry about slow posts, you're talking to a sloth poster. xD @Reference Wolf ))
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Brutis watching him realized it might have been his appearance as it has scared people away before. Either way he had to help him out whether it made him nervous or not. Brutis started by removing the easier branches minding that he could make the situation worse very easily. As he was removing the branches he realized some wouldn't be removed without snapping the branches off. Brutis knew it would induce bad reactions doing so but it would be the only safe way of removing the branches around his neck, giving some warning he said "Now Falmet I'm going to need to break a few branches to get you out but you'll need to stay still to be safe". After a few quick snaps Falmet was free and he stepped away to give the shaking student some space. Brutis looked over and asked if was injured by what happened.
He stayed perfectly still while Brutis was untangling him from the mess, not exactly wanting to get hurt.

Once Falmet was freed from the branches he reached up to pull any that were clinging to his person off and pull his antlers out of the little twigs that were wrapped around the dangerous objects on his head.

He looked to Brustis, though his eyes refused to meet the other's, as he said softly, a bright red flush creeping its way onto his cheeks as well as his ears which were laid back in embarrassment, "Th-Thank you, sir."

He seemed to be calming down some, enough for him to realise his awkward fur problem and forced it to revert to regular piebald deer fur instead of wolf fur on a deer body. He then leaned down some to retighten the straps of his saddlebag so it wouldn't slide off. He really needed to start paying closer attention to his surroundings. He hated how unobservant he was most of the time.

All of a sudden he blurted out, "I'm sorry for wasting your time, sir. You probably have better things to do than free a clumsy deer from his own mess..." He hung his head, biting his bottom lip.
Brutis grinned seeing him reverting back to normal . He also checked himself making sure nothing got caught on him but glanced and when hearing him apologize he countered with saying " Don't worry at all we all have our own issues,I have to replace so many things I scratch up all time... the important thing is we always have to help out if we can" Brutis laughed thinking back to a lot of things he's shredded by accident. Though he started wondering why Falmet would be sleeping in such a place and questioned " If you don't mind me asking why are you sleeping out here, is anything wrong with your room?".
Falmet couldn't help but chuckle in agreement to Brutis's first statement, giving a little nod. He seemed to be calming down quite a bit now, ears perked up and not looking down at the ground anymore.

At his question Falmet laughed and shook his head, looking up with a smile, though his cheeks still quite pink. "I was just meaning to sit down for a spell but I guess I dozed off. I...actually forgot what I was going to do before I did so."

He tapped his chin in thought before frowning, shuffling his front hooves slightly before muttering, "Maybe it wasn't a nap...another complex partial seizure possibly. No...I wouldn't have dozed off, I would have just keeled over. Hrmmm... Never mind! Is there anything I can do to thank you, Mr. Weylyn?"

He offered that bright smile again, actually quite happy now that his anxiety had passed and his wolf wasn't bothering him, not really seeming to care that this man was indeed a wolf and Falmet himself was currently technically a deer. His own wolfstate had complications with his deerstate. It was odd being in the body of your own prey and sometimes your own predator.
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RyanJXavier said:
"Yeah we're okay" Lucario pulled himself up and looked back at Kishi. He saw him as his her. Did that make sense? Since Lucario first saw Kishi in his girl form during the spell, that's how he was seeing Kishi at the moment. She had beautiful blue hair with golden eyes to bring out her evident awesomeness. (Almost typed Kiki ha)
(Ha, I've typed Kushi before. XP and Sorry, I fell asleep.)

Kishi scratched his head, cocking it to the side. "You sure about that? You seem kind of off." He crouched down next to him and poked his face.
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"Yeah we're ok, Lucario almost made the worst mistake of his life but we are good" replied Kylia as she continued to stand there.

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