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Fandom A Bizzare Out-of-Character Chat!

hey y'all, i finally got my character up. i apologize for the hold up too.
Nah, it’s okay. I’ll try and get the IC up soon, but I’m kinda sick right now (with a sinus infection) so I’ll attempt my best.
It's here! Your intro post should be about their morning, maybe even arriving at the ceremony to watch or act as security for the place. It's very open-ended at the moment. After everyone makes at least one post, I'll begin the series of actions which lead into the first action sequence, and the start of the mystery.
Gravitational Force Gravitational Force Gaius Danius Griinia Gaius Danius Griinia Xcelgamer Xcelgamer Feywild Feywild Aleph Null Aleph Null Roxasarass Roxasarass
Also, sorry for the lack of pizzazz, I don’t have access to my computer currently so this is best formatting I could come up with.
Also, welcome back Feywild Feywild ! I love your CS, and I can I ask where you got the idea for your stand? I think I may have seen it before somewhere...
Hi, sorry for the lack of activity, is it okay for me to try get a cs out for today or is it too late?
And no, you’re not too late! I’d say after everyone makes their intro post is when the ‘due’ date would be.
Also, welcome back Feywild Feywild ! I love your CS, and I can I ask where you got the idea for your stand? I think I may have seen it before somewhere...
I got it from Reddit, I can link if u want. They were letting people use their stand idea in their fan fictions and other writings and I really liked the concept. I don’t claim the stand as my own and sorry if it came across that way :)
I got it from Reddit, I can link if u want. They were letting people use their stand idea in their fan fictions and other writings and I really liked the concept. I don’t claim the stand as my own and sorry if it came across that way :)
No, it’s fine! I was actually asking because I remember seeing that exact thread and thinking it looked nice. I hope you enjoy the RP!
Let me just say: I can totally understand why ‘Araki forgot’ is a well used term. I’m over here wrangling a plot and didn’t even realized that I left out six(teen) plot details I had established previously.
I'm actually very surprised at how fast four of you guys posted on the IC. I once ran an RP where nobody posted on the main thread until after a week, and now we only have two people left. Maybe this'll actually be a successful story???

I hope it is anyways, as I've never had quite this much fun with Stand name before.
Everyone Else: Waking Up and doing IMPORTANT THINGS

One Simple Boi: Punches Vending Machine For Sour Skittles
Please tell me this actually what's about to happen, I need this content for the day I've had
Also yes, Irene can carry a whole ass ladder on her shoulder like it was nothing

She is strong enough to YEET grown men across rooms yet looks like a dainty maiden
My reasoning? Its hilarious
Also yes, Irene can carry a whole ass ladder on her shoulder like it was nothing

She is strong enough to YEET grown men across rooms yet looks like a dainty maiden
My reasoning? Its hilarious
Erina Requiem

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