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Fandom A Bizzare Out-of-Character Chat!

Also do our characters only gain stands during/ the beginning of the roleplay or can they be born with them or unlock them before the time period the roleplay takes place in?
Also do our characters only gain stands during/ the beginning of the roleplay or can they be born with them or unlock them before the time period the roleplay takes place in?
I’m going with either they are born with them but don’t know about them, or they get pierced by the arrow in the prologue
Speaking of which, do you guys have names you want for any businesses/the school?
Wait so for the born with a Stand part
Is it like Kakyoin where we've had it all our life but never pushed it or like Giorno in which it took a while to manifest properly?
Wait so for the born with a Stand part
Is it like Kakyoin where we've had it all our life but never pushed it or like Giorno in which it took a while to manifest properly?
Well, everyone is technically going to ‘awaken’ close to the same time. It’d be like Giorno, then, where the people (if anyone) will awaken to their ability around the dame time others are pierced by an arrow.
So what are we doing as the naming theme? For our Stands
I think earlier people decided that it was based on Movie Names, but I'm not sure. To me, it's honestly up to you guys for a group theme, so I left it up in the air
Well the name is You Only Live Twice and it's the name of both a Bond movie name and the name of the song in that movie
Yeah so do I, I thought it might be interesting if her and the stand were fundamentally different. With the user being Samurai styled while the stand is Ninja styled

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