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Fandom A Bizzare Out-of-Character Chat!

Okay, I'm gonna ask: So Rox and Feywild may be busy, but I want to touch off the ground for this very soon. So what should I do?
  • Wait for them longer, and just have patience, or
  • Re-open the Interest check to get two new people in?
oh im still here, just been working on my character. i should be able to get it up tomorrow
Oh, thank you! Sorry, I've been getting a lot of people ghosting on other ones I'm running right now, just wanted to make sure.

Although FeyWild is still a case in of itself...
We seem to have a good team here! A somewhat-healer, a trickster, a suit stand, and an escape route! Almost sounds perfect an operation or robbery or something...
It just seems to work so well will what I already have planned, almost like Fate... well, I'm sure it's nothing. Unless of course the next Stand is like [LOCK AND KEY] or something.
Do you guys think five Player Characters is a good number for the cast?
Got it! Then after Rox posts their character, I'll probably work out the IC!
That way, if Fey still wants to join, it won't be leaving them behind.
Hey Squad, would it be ok if I Haru got shot by one of the arrows, trying to protect the intended target?
jax stand hasn't full awakened yet and acts as more of an annoyance than anything but at least it saved him from being run over that one time. Although he doesn't even know it's a stand or that he can control it yet...

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