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Fandom A Bizzare Out-of-Character Chat!

Better question
Can these guys SEE Jumper?
Do they have Stands?

Can I hit them with a Stand Rush?
Or just....teleport them into the wall via punching?
Better question
Can these guys SEE Jumper?
Do they have Stands?

Can I hit them with a Stand Rush?
Or just....teleport them into the wall via punching?
I means it’s really up to you, but remember for combat to only say your intentions so the enemy can react (or die) appropriately
Keep in mind that from now on, you can interact with eachother. I'll be splitting the narration up into segments to describe the reaction the world has to the actions of each character. Whenever you sue your stand, remember that you should describe the action you take with your Stand, and not the result, so the actual cleverness can be used to decipher a situation. For instance 'Dio threw knives in stopped time which pierce Jotaro and kill him' should be written as 'Dio threw knives at Jotaro in stopped time' and could be replied with 'They hit Jotaro, but the books he hid under his clothing (which should be mentioned earlier by the way) stopped a few of them'.
Gravitational Force Gravitational Force Gaius Danius Griinia Gaius Danius Griinia Xcelgamer Xcelgamer Feywild Feywild Aleph Null Aleph Null Roxasarass Roxasarass
Keep in mind that from now on, you can interact with eachother. I'll be splitting the narration up into segments to describe the reaction the world has to the actions of each character. Whenever you sue your stand, remember that you should describe the action you take with your Stand, and not the result, so the actual cleverness can be used to decipher a situation. For instance 'Dio threw knives in stopped time which pierce Jotaro and kill him' should be written as 'Dio threw knives at Jotaro in stopped time' and could be replied with 'They hit Jotaro, but the books he hid under his clothing (which should be mentioned earlier by the way) stopped a few of them'.
Gravitational Force Gravitational Force Gaius Danius Griinia Gaius Danius Griinia Xcelgamer Xcelgamer Feywild Feywild Aleph Null Aleph Null Roxasarass Roxasarass
"I punch a guy with my Stand"
"To injure him or teleport him?"
Ezra: "Okay, there is a step by step process when it comes to doing anything. This is no different."
Step 1: Yeet chairs at enemies.
Step 2: Spray them with nails.
Step 3: RAGE!!!!!
I think I finally found the right formatting pattern for the narration posts. Arial can be the best sometimes and I have no idea how.
Hey so I was wondering would You only Live Twice be like Sex Pistols or Echoes 3 in that while somewhat controlled by Haru as it's own personality?
Hey so I was wondering would You only Live Twice be like Sex Pistols or Echoes 3 in that while somewhat controlled by Haru as it's own personality?
I mean that’s really your choice, it would be an interesting element though since there’s usually one Stand like that in each Part.
I mean that’s really your choice, it would be an interesting element though since there’s usually one Stand like that in each Part.
I think I might do that then especially since she and her Stand are opposites in the ways they would fight if seperated

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