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Fantasy ๖ۣۜ༻яєα¢н ωιтнιη (Closed)

@arialc[/URL] and @akumashioni we'll swing by and lower a rope, you can get in or burn the rope and not and itll be cool, just want to make sure you know theres this)

(Sorry im rushing but we wanted to be at HQ sorta soon ish i thought )
Traveling by the airship, Locke looked around the cabin and stared nervously at the injured passengers. They were all in terrible shape. One poor soul's face was covered with bandages. Underneath it, there were deep burn wounds with boils protruding out of the gauze. Roma was not the only one in danger of dying! Locke, putting his head down, held on to his bronze pin that Luka had give to him at the inn.

Rubbing the pin obsessively, Locke weakly muttered to the pilot, Ulysses, "Thank you sir."

Turning his gaze to Luka, the boy humbly said, "Thank you for helping Roma and me. I- it was very decent of you Luka."

The boy smiled sheepishly at the nice woman and her hummingbird as he stroked the unconscious raccoon with his free hand.

"I wounder if we will really find the rest of team Alpha?"

Scaver said:
"Ok, Florence it is. I hope you have as strong stomach or your going to regret rushing. Also I recommend everyone sits down" Amos said as he pulled his head back through the hatch. He quickly blinked to the control room to gain a bit more altitude and get away from the city. Before blinking backwards into a room at the center of the ship, just on top of the reactor is a circle with two handles on each side and a series of evenly spaced pylons around.
Once Amos had stepped into the circle and grabbed the handles he could feel the ship and everyone inside so he just pictured the airship flying above Florence and then used his power to make it true. This was followed with a gut wrenching feeling for all who are teleported that feels like a cross between being sucked through a plughole while falling off a cliff.

There was a thunderous sound as the airship arrived in the sky above Florence, and Amos immediately collapsed into the circle "Wow, that was a lot more energy than normal" he muttered as he pulled himself up and shambled in a very dazed pattern bag to the cockpit and used the joystick to slowly pilot the skyship down to Anderson street. He also pulled out a notebook and noted down that more people requires a greater energy.

@Ayane @Shiro kurogane @Comet @Devious Dilbert
(I think this is the first time our characters have interacted, lol im so sorry)

Cereth Pavette

"Liafort, you heard the man. Come down from my shoulder, you'll regret it."

"Yeah, yeah." The bird flew down into her lap. She enclosed her hands around him.

"Are we accelerat-"


But in an instant the very peculiar sensation was over.

"Wha- What was that??!!" Cereth shouted. She looked around, utterly drained and confused.

She saw that they were above Florence.

"Oh god. I'm dead." Liafort was quite literally stunned.

"What just happened? How are we in Florence?!" She questioned the pilot, in a voice of stupefaction.
Edgar saw the airship blink above Florence, patting yvon on the shoulder, "That us?" He was quite excited, never having been in an airship before. "Hope they're all as accepting as this guy." He thought to himself.

@arialc @Scaver @everyone in the ship
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Caleb stormed past everyone to get to the inn. He was scared that something could've happened to his Conor. Bear followed behind him feeling the same concern for Snow. "Let us in," he said.

"Yeah, hurry up!"

They were acting like children at Christmas wanting their presents.
Zuri followed dutifully with Luka behind her. There was another team? She wanted to meet them. Of course, she wouldn't trust them as much as she trusts the first people she met, but if they're the good guys, then she can learn to trust them.
Ayane said:
Thea was shocked. They were in Florence, already? "How...what..." She watched Amos is suprise. "That was impressive." She felt the ship land, and shook his hand. "Thanks for the ride. And, you're welcome to join us." Thea nods at him and she gets off and stretches. Julia follows with Reinhardt who looks around carefully. Thea pulls out a key to open the inn to see that the innkeeper wasn't present.
@Shiro kurogane @Epax @Miracle Corgi @Devious Dilbert @MuffinRPs @arialc @akumashioni @Comet @anyoneelse
Yagyo Suo & Ori

Gyo followed everyone off the teleporting ship. The feeling hadn't effected him as badly as it seemed for everyone else. Then again the troops 'training' he'd been through when he was undercover was beyond what words were able to explain. Gyo spaced himself away from Thea mostly he figured she'd get annoyed at him for always being near her. He looked at his sister, Rei. Who was currently leaving the group for a bit.

Ori snorted awake from the sudden teleports and looked around confused. "did someone just slam something into my stomach?"

Rei Kira & Kori

Rei and Korina walked away from the Inn. She'd had enough of being around people for now. Rei still wasn't used to the group aside from Thea and her brother. So she wanted a break from everyone.

(I can't add tags on my phone. can someone tag the others for me?)
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Amos got out of the chair as soon as the airship touched down besides the inn and stumbled, half walking, half falling down the stairs to the main cargo area. He was still a little dazed as he shook Thea's hand, wow that teleport took a lot out of him but he knew he couldn't afford to rest so he just shook his head to clear it. He heard someone ask him about what happened so he turned to them "Cereth right, we teleported" he said shrugging, he didn't want to quite reveal all of Nemisis's secrets yet. Seeing how Cereth was a little stupified Amos turned and ran after the girl who he'd rescued from the thugs just before they left.

He braced himself before blinking in front of her, this was immediately followed by a slight feeling of dizzieness, he hadn't recovered enough quite yet as he began to wobble Sariah blinked next to him and leaned into him as well as supporting him with her "head tails". "You really shouldn't blink so soon after using the teleport its not good for you" she mumbled quietly. "I'm fine" Amos said waving a hand at her, he then turned back to the girl "Sorry for not introducing myself we had to get moving before that girl tried to fly herself. My names Amos" he says gesturing at Thea before reaching a hand out for a handshake.

@Comet @Ayane @Devious Dilbert
<p>Zuri took his hand with a warm smile, the teleporting didn't faze her much. "Nice to meet you, thank you for saving me." She said, a kind southern accent popping out. Luka, her Hippogriff walked out slower, clearly dazed. "Never... Again." He breathed and collapsed on the floor dramatically, making Zuri giggle at him. "That's Luka by the way." She said, introducing her Hippogriff to Amos.</p>


<a contenteditable="false" rel="external nofollow" href="https://www.rpnation.com/profile/34298-scaver/" data-mentionid="34298">@Scaver</a></p>
"And this is Sariah" Amos replies gesturing to the large cat like animal by his side "Now if you'll excuse me I have to find out who the hell I just transported and who us is". Amos then turned and ran towards Thea as she was opening the door "Excuse me, Thea could you please tell me who the hell you guys are and why you were chasing someone through the streets while firing fire balls at them and who the hell is ghoul?" He says doing rapid fire questions in very quick succession.

Sariah ran alongside Amos thinking to herself what the hell he'd gotten them into now.

@Comet @Ayane
Scaver said:
"And this is Sariah" Amos replies gesturing to the large cat like animal by his side "Now if you'll excuse me I have to find out who the hell I just transported and who us is". Amos then turned and ran towards Thea as she was opening the door "Excuse me, Thea could you please tell me who the hell you guys are and why you were chasing someone through the streets while firing fire balls at them and who the hell is ghoul?" He says doing rapid fire questions in very quick succession.
Sariah ran alongside Amos thinking to herself what the hell he'd gotten them into now.

@Comet @Ayane
"Oh, hello." She opened the inn door, and pointed a thumb against her chest. "We are the Defenders of Arcandia. We were chasing Ghoul. And Ghoul is the mastermind of the troops of New Arcandia...who also took my persona, Sana, a nymph." Thea sighs and signals the guy to follow her inside. She flipped on the lights, and took a deep breath. Thea sees ear devices on the table, the one the innkeeper (Ima call her Yvonne), ordered for her, and some gear with a emblem she made up (I'll make one later using some software). She loved friends. Hopefully it'll make up for her recent...failures. They can now actually communicate amongst each othet. "This is our HQ. I should call it 'The Nest.'" Thea looked to see if Gyo was around. She was a bit cold to him on the ship, and sighed with that thought. Today was a disaster. She sat down on a chair with her head down on the table. Good going Cynthia.

Julia looked over at Cereth before getting off the ship as Reinhardt sniffed the ground. She then went to Amos, "Ghoul is my sister...well brother."

@RPMarshall @Devious Dilbert @MuffinRPs @arialc @Epax @Shirokurogane @akumashioni @Miracle Corgi @Comet @anyoneelse
@Ayane ((Umm, how may i enter? 0.0 sorry i never replied, got caught up in things))
Cereth Pavette

Cereth got up and walked out of the ship and back into the inn.

"Finally back!" Liafort exclaimed.

"Yes. I can't want to rel-"

But Cereth then noticed that group Alpha was nowhere in sight.

"Oh- I hope they're okay... I hope they come back soon. What do you think could have happened to them?" She asked Liafort.

"I don't know. I bet they're fine though. I know Alpha is strong. They wouldn't go down easily!"

"Please don't say 'go down' ... I hope they didn't have to face anything too harsh..."

Cereth sat down at a table. "Then there's also Sana..."

"Don't worry, Cereth. Wait for them to come back to us. Then we'll discuss what needs to be."

Yagyo Suo & Ori

Gyo was in a chair the moment Thea unlocked the Inn or, 'the nest'. As Thea had just told the new guy with the teleporting ship. Gyo still hadn't tried to learn any other group member's names... except for Cereth, the girl with the healing power. He glanced at Thea who was face-down sitting at a table. Gyo made his way over and half-laid his upper body over Thea's so that his head was right beside hers. "tired?"

Ori was asleep again the moment she was in the Inn's door.

Rei Kira & Kori

Rei was sitting at a place just outside the Inn. She much preferred open spaces to buildings. Plus she was sleepy and a nap in a warm sun-covered spot was the best.

Kori sighed in defeat. He was always being used as a pillow by his master.

@Ayane @Comet @Scaver @Miracle Corgi @Devious Dilbert @(anyone I forgot)
Caleb and Bear pushed past everyone in front of him to get inside. He looked around disappointed, "They're not back?" He sat down and put his head in his hands. He was scared. Conor was out there and anything could happen.
While Locke traveled with Luka's @Miracle Corgi friend back to Florence, the concerned boy went through his memory to figure out the whereabouts of the rest of team Alpha.

"So, Yvon @arialc was battling with that lady and her skeleton persona, just before I broke open the water tower and I blacked out. Who knows where Yvon is now! Ian @Epax , fought with a member of the Troops of New Arcandia, who was condemning the Arcandia government. Where did he run off to? I hope he's okay! Luka is with me and Roma. Now who's left?"

MuffinRPs said:
Caleb and Bear pushed past everyone in front of him to get inside. He looked around disappointed, "They're not back?" He sat down and put his head in his hands. He was scared. Conor was out there and anything could happen.
"Sergent Nero!!! We forgot about Conor?! Is he alright? What are we going to tell Caleb?! My God! Why the hell did we separate? Some Defenders of Arcandia we are! We can't even keep our own safe. Stupid!"

Locke beat his head violently with his fist, frustrated not only at his team but at himself.

"Idiot! You should have protected them!"

Roma's face was pale and feverish No sign of recovery was visible.

"We need to find Cereth @Devious Dilbert . She's the only one that can fully heal Roma!"
Ayane said:
"Oh, hello." She opened the inn door, and pointed a thumb against her chest. "We are the Defenders of Arcandia. We were chasing Ghoul. And Ghoul is the mastermind of the troops of New Arcandia...who also took my persona, Sana, a nymph." Thea sighs and signals the guy to follow her inside. She flipped on the lights, and took a deep breath. Thea sees ear devices on the table, the one the innkeeper (Ima call her Yvonne), ordered for her, and some gear with a emblem she made up (I'll make one later using some software). She loved friends. Hopefully it'll make up for her recent...failures. They can now actually communicate amongst each othet. "This is our HQ. I should call it 'The Nest.'" Thea looked to see if Gyo was around. She was a bit cold to him on the ship, and sighed with that thought. Today was a disaster. She sat down on a chair with her head down on the table. Good going Cynthia.
Julia looked over at Cereth before getting off the ship as Reinhardt sniffed the ground. She then went to Amos, "Ghoul is my sister...well brother."
Amos nodded to both of them "OK that makes sense, I'm going to go and get some sleep" Amos then turned on his heel and left the inn before climbing back into the Nemisis. Once inside he sealed and locked the doors before going to the cockpit and moving it from beside the Inn to on top. Once it was in position he shutdown the hoverpads and walked through the ramp to a small hammock in one of the workshops on board. A soon as his head was down he fell asleep.

Sariah quietly moved to the corner of the inn to curl up, she would keep an eye out for anything that Amos would need to know

Scaver said:
Amos nodded to both of them "OK that makes sense, I'm going to go and get some sleep" Amos then turned on his heel and left the inn before climbing back into the Nemisis. Once inside he sealed and locked the doors before going to the cockpit and moving it from beside the Inn to on top. Once it was in position he shutdown the hoverpads and walked through the ramp to a small hammock in one of the workshops on board. A soon as his head was down he fell asleep.
Sariah quietly moved to the corner of the inn to curl up, she would keep an eye out for anything that Amos would need to know

RP Marshall]While Locke traveled with Luka's [URL="https://www.rpnation.com/profile/35871-miracle-corgi/ said:
@Miracle Corgi[/URL] friend back to Florence, the concerned boy went through his memory to figure out the whereabouts of the rest of team Alpha.
"So, Yvon @arialc was battling with that lady and her skeleton persona, just before I broke open the water tower and I blacked out. Who knows where Yvon is now! Ian @Epax , fought with a member of the Troops of New Arcandia, who was condemning the Arcandia government. Where did he run off to? I hope he's okay! Luka is with me and Roma. Now who's left?"

"Sergent Nero!!! We forgot about Conor?! Is he alright? What are we going to tell Caleb?! My God! Why the hell did we separate? Some Defenders of Arcandia we are! We can't even keep our own safe. Stupid!"

Locke beat his head violently with his fist, frustrated not only at his team but at himself.

"Idiot! You should have protected them!"

Roma's face was pale and feverish No sign of recovery was visible.

"We need to find Cereth @Devious Dilbert . She's the only one that can fully heal Roma!"
MuffinRPs said:
Caleb and Bear pushed past everyone in front of him to get inside. He looked around disappointed, "They're not back?" He sat down and put his head in his hands. He was scared. Conor was out there and anything could happen.
akumashioni said:
(What happened?)
They are at the inn, @akumashioni aka HQ )

Thea looked over at Gyo and nodded. "Definitely. And upset that this didn't go well. We have no idea where Connor is." She put her forehead against the wood table again and sighed. "I think I might have to disband to Defenders. I can't anyone else get hurt because of me." Thea softly pushed away Gyo as she gathered up the stuff Yvonne beought for her, and puts it into a bag. "After all, I'm next to useless right now." Gah, she's being sadistic right now. She though needs to help Roma and Locke. Thea then called for Cereth's help.

@Devious Dilbert @MuffinRPs @arialc @Epax @Shiro kurogane @akumashioni @Comet @Miracle Corgi @LilyannaGaming
(someone can control Yvon while im gone, i'm working overtime today. I'll try to be on whenever possible.)
Ayane said:
They are at the inn, @akumashioni aka HQ )
Thea looked over at Gyo and nodded. "Definitely. And upset that this didn't go well. We have no idea where Connor is." She put her forehead against the wood table again and sighed. "I think I might have to disband to Defenders. I can't anyone else get hurt because of me." Thea softly pushed away Gyo as she gathered up the stuff Yvonne beought for her, and puts it into a bag. "After all, I'm next to useless right now." Gah, she's being sadistic right now. She though needs to help Roma and Locke. Thea then called for Cereth's help.

@Devious Dilbert @MuffinRPs @arialc @Epax @Shiro kurogane @akumashioni @Comet @Miracle Corgi @LilyannaGaming
Yagyo Suo & Ori

"Thea, just because your the leader of our group. doesn't mean you have to bare everything alone. you have me and the others. there are two types of leaders, ones who are born with the ability to inspire others and the ones who are supported by their followers." Gyo still hugged Thea stubbornly despite her trying to push him away. "besides, everyone is here of their own free will. you never forced them to join."

Ori rested a hand on Thea's shoulder. "your not to blame for friends getting hurt." Was all she said.

Rei Kira & Kori

Rei finally walked into the Inn, rubbing the remaining traces of sleep from her eyes. She saw Thea being hugged from behind by Gyo and Ori who had a hand on Thea's shoulder. "what did we miss?" She whispered to Kori. Hoping her persona would know.

"i dunno." Kori responded, "but i don't thing Gyo is hugging Thea for the sake of holding the one he loves... this time."

@Ayane @Comet @Scaver @Miracle Corgi @Devious Dilbert @MuffinRPs @arialc @Epax @(anyone I forgot
Julia saw Yvon, and told the guy apparently named Locke, "Hey, by any chance is that him?" She was trying to deem useful as her stag circled around her protectively.

Thea realized that he wouldn't let go, and gave in to his embrace. "Mm." She only said. She was still a bit upset, but maybe Gyo was right. They'll do better next time. Thea felt her confidence rise, but slowly. She made this organization for a reason. "Alright, alright." Thea turned towards him to give him hug back, and smiled up at him. "Maybe, this---" She signalled the both of them, "can work out..." Thea then cleared her throat. "Away from everyone though." She took the device from the bag, and looked up at him. "Wireless communication device, WCD. It goes in this ear." She placed in in his ear, and said, "Just tap it and there. We are communicate with each other. Hopefully there's enough." Thea gave him a smile.

Sana somehow managed to escape the troops' HQ, though she had no idea where she was. She ended up in Whisville however. It was almost completely destroyed with some troop recruits taking over the place with their personas. She had to tell Thea and the others! Sana walked around Whisville, avoiding the troops the best she could. That was when she spotted @Devious Dilbert Lance.

@Shiro kurogane @RP Marshall @MuffinRPs @arialc @akumashioni @Comet @Miracle Corgi @LilyannaGaming @Scaver

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