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Fantasy ๖ۣۜ༻яєα¢н ωιтнιη (Closed)

Edgar stood up quickly, regaining his composure and waving.

"Uh, sure! It'll give me a way to meet everyone!" He wanted to make his presence known, hopefully everyone would like him, he didn't really care though..

She-lob climbed onto Edgar's back, laying her body flat against him like a back pack.

@Shiro kurogane
With his weary head laying sideways on the table, the exhausted boy watched as another new addition @akumashioni to the group began distributing earbud headphones to the others. With a dull look, Locke recalled the destruction he and his team were unable to prevent. Balnor was up in smoke and Whisville, for all he knew, was probably in the same condition. With so many dead, the boy wondered if he was even on the right side? Yes, the Troops of New Arcandia had started the fire but it was the Defenders of Arcandia who did not take the time to save more of the innocent civilians.

"What are we even fighting for, Roma?" Locke said to himself in delirium.
Zuri giggled when She-lob pulled him to the ground, seeing her jealousy. "Don't complement Luka then." She giggled then smiled at the spider. "She's really pretty, if that'll make her less jealous." She looked up when she heard someone address her. Gyo was it? "Hand out ear pieces? Sure.. What are they for exactly?" She asked, taking a few and walking around, handing them out to people. She also put on herself, seeing that if everyone else is getting one, she was to get one too. She handed one to Locke with a kind smile, seeing his was still upset over his persona.

@RP Marshall @akumashioni @whoeverelse??
Comet said:
Zuri giggled when She-lob pulled him to the ground, seeing her jealousy. "Don't complement Luka then." She giggled then smiled at the spider. "She's really pretty, if that'll make her less jealous." She looked up when she heard someone address her. Gyo was it? "Hand out ear pieces? Sure.. What are they for exactly?" She asked, taking a few and walking around, handing them out to people. She also put on herself, seeing that if everyone else is getting one, she was to get one too. She handed one to Locke with a kind smile, seeing his was still upset over his persona.
@RP Marshall @akumashioni @whoeverelse??
Looking at the stranger, Locke reluctantly took the ear piece.

"Thanks. *sigh* You're new here aren't you?" the boy said as he slipped the headset in his ear and pressed the on button. A loud ringing sound beat at his ear drum, causing him to jolt from his set.

"Lord! That hurt! Where did Thea @Ayane by these things?"

Locke rubbed his ear in pain and lowered the volume.

"So," the boy said to Zuri after he fixed his ear piece. "Your persona's name is Luka huh?"
Zuri looked back at her Hippogriff before nodding to the boy. "Yeah, I grew up with him. He's always been by my side since I was a baby and my family was always busy with their business." She replied, handing out the rest of the ear pieces before heading back to Locke and talking to him.

@RP Marshall
(I'm going to dump these kids off for the weekend here, if you need them please feel free to use them bc it's totally okay!)

Luka Vandevelde

Luka, upon her entrance, wanted to comfort Locke but felt a sharp pain in her abdomen. She kept a wince under her breath but stepped off to the side quickly. She had forgotten most of her scratches from battle in the commotion, and she figured it ruptured the wound further when she had helped lift one or two patients into more comfortable positions in the airship ride. She had put her hand to the injury to hold it, and now finally lifted it to look at the wound. The blood had collected on her shirt, making the wound noticeable now. She put her hand back on top of the wound, knowing it'd be in the best interest of the team if it went unnoticed. She quietly walked from one corner to the stairs now, and as she began her climb to the second floor she swore she heard her name from Locke @RP Marshall and quickly spun her torso around to look for him. She felt the wound sting and tightened her grip on her shirt. It was nothing, it seemed, and she continued to climb up the stairs until reaching a room. Stepping inside quietly, she closed and locked the door.

Jonah Sunore

"Well, the closest town now is Summerfields, right?" the young man asked his persona, who was currently perched comfortably at his shoulder. "It'd be faster if you could fly." She teased, which in return lead Jonah to grumbling. "There are alternatives to that, you know. I don't need every ability you posses to be timely, just a few." He said, an idea suddenly coming to his mind. "Can you hear that?" He asked, suddenly whispering now. He put a finger to his lips, politely asking her to shut up, as the two heard a far off train whistle. The pair looked off to their side now, noticing a humble train station bustling with horns for the last trips of the day. "You think we could probably stow away on a commercial car?" He asked, a smirk on his face.

Within moments the pair darted and sped themselves up to quickly approach the trains. "How will we know where we'll be going?" Rauda asked him as they paused before the back side of the station, ready to jump a train car and hide. "Wherever is fine for now, besides, they can't go further south than Balnor, at least not cargo trains these small." He replied, picking one of the cars of a train about to leave. Just as it's wheel's began to turn on the track, he jumped up, quietly sliding open the door and slipping in followed by his persona. He left the door cracked, letting the low night lighting in as he and his persona nestled together among the luckily comfortable cargo. On route to Summerfields unknowingly, the two fell into a light sleep there.
Edgar finished with his task, returning to his corner.

"Damnit lob.. You made me look like a goofball!"

"You don't need them.." She clicked softly, stroking his cheek with her front leg.

"Lob.. We.. "I" want to meet new people.. I love you, you know that! You can't hurt me everytime I compliment someone!"

"I beg to differ..." She replied, slightly joking.

He stayed there, petting his persona and whistling the tune of his theme song.

@Comet (Goodmorning) @whoever
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Ayane said:
Sana nodded, and continued walking. What an odd pair. "Fair enough. It's this way." She sees the exit in the distance, and stops. "Take that bus right there to Summerfields. I'll wait for a taxi." She turned to face them with a smile. "And, we can always use more help. My master would gladly accept you." Sana nods at them before seeing if anyone in town needed help. She might as well help whom she could.
Lance Rhenson

"We're not going to your base." Lance called out.

"Thank you for helping us. Please excuse him. He's undisciplined." Reinen spoke. "I wish you good luck."

The two walked over to the bus stop, routed to Summerfields.

"...Reinen- We can't..." Lance spoke softly.


"...We don't have money..."

The lion sighed and turned back around.

"Sana, may we ask another favor?"
[QUOTE="Devious Dilbert]
Lance Rhenson

"We're not going to your base." Lance called out.

"Thank you for helping us. Please excuse him. He's undisciplined." Reinen spoke. "I wish you good luck."

The two walked over to the bus stop, routed to Summerfields.

"...Reinen- We can't..." Lance spoke softly.


"...We don't have money..."

The lion sighed and turned back around.

"Sana, may we ask another favor?"

She turned around, and tilted her head. "Yes, what is it." Sana asked. What is it now? "Mm, you're going to have to owe me another favor another time." She combed a hand through her long black hair and looked at the duo.
Ayane said:
She turned around, and tilted her head. "Yes, what is it." Sana asked. What is it now? "Mm, you're going to have to owe me another favor another time." She combed a hand through her long black hair and looked at the duo.
Lance Rhenson

"I don't suppose personas carry money on them, do they? If so, I certainly don't, do you?" Reinen asked Sana.

"Just forget it." Lance said. "She wouldn't help us anyway."

"Why don't we see?"
Cereth Pavette

Cereth had finished healing Roma, but she had no idea if she had done the job or not. The persona still lay motionless, but breathing.

"Well? Did you do it?" Liafort asked.

"There's really no way to tell... But I personally think that she looks better..." Cereth answered.

She glanced around the inn to find Locke, "Locke! I- I think I..." She shouted at first, but gradually lowered her voice.

"I think I did it..." She said softly, but only to herself.

"Don't worry, Cereth. I know you did your best." Liafort reassured her.

Cereth remained silent for some time.

"But what if my best doesn't cut it?" She asked.


"Liafort, what if it was you instead?"


"Then I'd understand. And maybe I would have done a better job... It sounds selfish, but-" She paused.

"What if I didn't- What if I wasn't... What if she doesn't wake up?" She spoke again.

"Cereth, She's breathing right now. You did it."

"That could change any second. And it would be because of me."

"Why don't we wait to find out?"

Cereth wiped her face, removing some of the sweat.

@RP Marshall
Comet said:
Zuri looked back at her Hippogriff before nodding to the boy. "Yeah, I grew up with him. He's always been by my side since I was a baby and my family was always busy with their business." She replied, handing out the rest of the ear pieces before heading back to Locke and talking to him.
@RP Marshall
"Funny. There's a member here that has the same name @Miracle Corgi. My name's Locke by the way."

Locke glanced at the other new members in sadness @akumashioni @LilyannaGaming @Ayane @allnewcharacters. Why did they join the Defenders? Did they really what to help the people of Arcandia?

@RP Marshall[/URL]
Locke, hearing Cereth saying she had finished healing Roma, scurried to his persona and looked for any sign of life.

"Uhh..." the raccoon moaned as she shivered on the table.

The persona's wound had shrunken in size and her fever hand gone.

"Roma," Locke whispered softly in her ear. "I- I'm so sorry... I will never hurt you again. I won't let anyone hurt you again. But you have to do something for me. You need to get better. Please get better my dear Roma. Your son loves you!"

Roma's eye fluttered open, making Locke tear up yet again.

"My boy!" the persona said weakly but in delight at the sight of her son.

Smiling with delight Locke lifted up the raccoons body and cautiously took her upstairs.

Before leaving the dinning hall, the boy bowed his head to Cereth and said, "Thank you ma'am! You too Liafort. I- can't thank you enough. Roma will need to rest in her room. I'll make sure she's safe. I have my earbud if anyone needs me... Thank you!"

Locke left the group, happy to be reunited with Roma.
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Cereth Pavette

The raccoon's eyes opened.

"I did it!!!" Cereth exclaimed in victory! "She's awake!!!"

"See? What did I tell ya'?"

The boy ran upstairs carrying his persona in his arms.

"Liafort!! We did it!!"

"He thanked me. Psssh. There was no need to, I knew I did a good job. He even bowed to me. Hah- I'm a hero."

"Liafort, you did nothing."

"Nonsense! You wouldn't even have those powers without me! In fact, I deserve the credit, not you!"

"Ugh... Now I really do wish it was you..."

Cereth trudged over to a chair.

"I'm so exhausted... But I'm so glad that I saved that raccoon." Cereth whispered.

"Rest a bit. You really deserve it."

"Imagine how that boy would feel if his friend had never woken up-"

"Well- I imagine he'd feel really bad."

"If that were to happen to... I wouldn't be able to even..." Cereth got quieter and quieter until she finally drifted to sleep.
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The next morning, Thea had woke up early. She hated sleeping late. Thea was talking with Yvonne once she went downstairs, and looked at the group's next task as Yvonne made breakfast. She looked at the tv in alarm. It had the headline, "Linewall preparing defenses against fae, faeries, and forest nymph population." Well, her plan will have to wait. The creatures must be angry if they are attacking. She knew the history of Linewell pretty well back in school. This could destroy the town. Thea's head clicked. Of course, Ghoul. Speaking of Ghoul, Julia came downstairs with an urgent expression on her face. Thea asked what was wrong, and Julia answered quickly. This was something the group had to know. Problem.

"I happen to carry some silver, here." Sana handed over the money to Lance, and saw a taxi. Thank goodness. "I'm off, you better take care of yourselves." She says, as she nods at the boy's persona before getting into the taxi. That was when Ghoul callled Lance, "Lance, did you put the tracker on the persona?" (@Devious Dilbert hopefully that's okay. They can lie or whatever, idc)

@Devious Dilbert @MuffinRPs @arialc @Epax @Shiro kurogane @akumashioni @Comet @Miracle Corgi @LilyannaGaming @Scaver @anyoneelseimissed
The military men woke up with their personas laying at the bottom of the bed. Bear and Snow jumped down and sat next to the door. They changed and walked down stairs with the dogs and sat at a table.

(Sorry for my inactivity. Been busy)
Roma licked her lips as she woke up from her traumatic concussion . She was hungry but too tired to leave the comfortable bed. Lifting her head torso off of the pillow, Roma saw a tray of sliced tomatoes by her side. Next to the tray, the boy lay asleep with his head draped on the edge of the bed. He had purchased the tomato from the dinning hall, earlier in the morning, and had fallen asleep in a chair next to his persona. The raccoon tenderly patted her boy's dirty mop of hair, smiling in deep happiness. She had her boy's love again.

"I love you Locke," Roma said in tears. "You have become a responsible adult and a hell of a lot more mature than I ever was!"

Locke snored loudly in his sleep, still exhausted from yesterday's problems.
Ayane said:
The next morning, Thea had woke up early. She hated sleeping late. Thea was talking with Yvonne once she went downstairs, and looked at the group's next task as Yvonne made breakfast. She looked at the tv in alarm. It had the headline, "Linewall preparing defenses against fae, faeries, and forest nymph population." Well, her plan will have to wait. The creatures must be angry if they are attacking. She knew the history of Linewell pretty well back in school. This could destroy the town. Thea's head clicked. Of course, Ghoul. Speaking of Ghoul, Julia came downstairs with an urgent expression on her face. Thea asked what was wrong, and Julia answered quickly. This was something the group had to know. Problem.
"I happen to carry some silver, here." Sana handed over the money to Lance, and saw a taxi. Thank goodness. "I'm off, you better take care of yourselves." She says, as she nods at the boy's persona before getting into the taxi. That was when Ghoul callled Lance, "Lance, did you put the tracker on the persona?" (@Devious Dilbert hopefully that's okay. They can lie or whatever, idc)

@Devious Dilbert @MuffinRPs @arialc @Epax @Shiro kurogane @akumashioni @Comet @Miracle Corgi @LilyannaGaming @Scaver @anyoneelseimissed
Rei Kiro & Kori

Rei came down stairs with a very annoyed look on her face and it was clear to see why. Her brother, Gyo was draping himself on her and hugging her. Rei had kinda hoped her brother half-asleep hugging habit had gone away, but no it hadn't. She walked over to Thea, "you take him." It was the second time she'd ever spoke as she gave Gyo a gentle push towards Thea.

Kori yawned, "i forgot how Gyo gets when he's half-asleep. good luck Thea." He chucked and followed Rei away.

Yagyo Suo & Ori

Gyo didn't know what was happening to him. He was still half-asleep but he instantly latched onto Thea after his sister had pushed him.

Ori unlike her master walked over. "is he doing the sleep hugging thing again? goodness, i thought he had gotten rid of that habit."

@Devious Dilbert @MuffinRPs @arialc @Epax @akumashioni @Comet @Miracle Corgi @LilyannaGaming @Scaver @Ayane @anyoneelseimissed
Comet said:
(Going to be off all day. Sorry for inconveniences)
No problem )

Thea spotted Rei and said, "Morning!" She then sees Gyo, and couldn't hide her laugh. How cute. When Rei passed him onto her, Thea playfully scowled at Rei. "Great, I'm stuck with this half-asleep guy. Wakey wakey Gyo." She said as she softly played with his hair. Thea then replied to Kori, "I guess not. I didn't know he did this. I would pour water on his head...if Sana was here."

"I'm here, Cynthia." Thea instantly turned to see her (second) favorite person standing there. "Sana! How...where, what?!" She quickly detached herself from Gyo (which took several attempts), and hugged her persona, who happily embraced her back. "I really thought I lost you." Thea said softly as she stopped herself from tearing up.

"No, dear."

@RP Marshall @Devious Dilbert @MuffinRPs @arialc @Epax @Shiro kurogane @akumashioni @Comet @Miracle Corgi @LilyannaGaming @Scaver
Ayane said:
No problem )
Thea spotted Rei and said, "Morning!" She then sees Gyo, and couldn't hide her laugh. How cute. When Rei passed him onto her, Thea playfully scowled at Rei. "Great, I'm stuck with this half-asleep guy. Wakey wakey Gyo." She said as she softly played with his hair. Thea then replied to Kori, "I guess not. I didn't know he did this. I would pour water on his head...if Sana was here."

"I'm here, Cynthia." Thea instantly turned to see her (second) favorite person standing there. "Sana! How...where, what?!" She quickly detached herself from Gyo (which took several attempts), and hugged her persona, who happily embraced her back. "I really thought I lost you." Thea said softly as she stopped herself from tearing up.

"No, dear."

@RP Marshall @Devious Dilbert @MuffinRPs @arialc @Epax @Shiro kurogane @akumashioni @Comet @Miracle Corgi @LilyannaGaming @Scaver
Yagyo Suo & Ori

Gyo felt Someone playing with his hair and telling to wake up. He nearly instantly recognized Thea's voice and gave a sleepy smile. When he suddenly was dislodged from Thea he grabbed into a random stranger, still a oblivious to what he was doing.

(short/ no replies while im driving)
Ayane said:
The next morning, Thea had woke up early. She hated sleeping late. Thea was talking with Yvonne once she went downstairs, and looked at the group's next task as Yvonne made breakfast. She looked at the tv in alarm. It had the headline, "Linewall preparing defenses against fae, faeries, and forest nymph population." Well, her plan will have to wait. The creatures must be angry if they are attacking. She knew the history of Linewell pretty well back in school. This could destroy the town. Thea's head clicked. Of course, Ghoul. Speaking of Ghoul, Julia came downstairs with an urgent expression on her face. Thea asked what was wrong, and Julia answered quickly. This was something the group had to know. Problem.
"I happen to carry some silver, here." Sana handed over the money to Lance, and saw a taxi. Thank goodness. "I'm off, you better take care of yourselves." She says, as she nods at the boy's persona before getting into the taxi. That was when Ghoul callled Lance, "Lance, did you put the tracker on the persona?" (@Devious Dilbert hopefully that's okay. They can lie or whatever, idc)

@Devious Dilbert @MuffinRPs @arialc @Epax @Shiro kurogane @akumashioni @Comet @Miracle Corgi @LilyannaGaming @Scaver @anyoneelseimissed
Lance Rhenson

"Thanks-" Lance mumbled as he took the money from Sana.

"Was that so hard?" His lion asked.

Sana had left and then suddenly, "Lance, did you put the tracker on the persona?"

I still had the communicator?!

Lance grabbed the device and spoke into it. "No-" But he stopped himself immediately.

"Yes. I did. She has it on her right now."

He clicked it off.

"Hm? What was that?"

"Consider this our repayment."


Cereth Pavette

Cereth awoke with serious bedhead and a little drool.

"You look terrible." Liafort chirped in the morning.

"I can already tell..."

She got out of bed and got dressed.

She came down the stairs and into the lobby.

"Good morning everybody." she yawned softly, still groggy.

She noticed Thea and Gyo hugging up on each other early in the day.
@Shiro kurogane @Ayane

Cereth smiled. "I bet those two had a lovely night." She said to Liafort.

"Ugh- It makes me sick."
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"And normally it's the gay couple creeping everyone out," Caleb said.

"Don't think like that!" Conor raised his voice. He never liked it when someone was saying bad things about their self. He kissed the private's cheek and pet Snow's head.
Amos had been tinkering with the Nemisis for a couple of hours before he heard movement and voices coming from within the inn. He straightened up and walked to on of the side doors listening, when he was sure that it was members of the defenders and not some random strangers he walked back inside. "Sariah come on we have to go meet these people" He said while leaping head first out of the door and then blinking from mid air to the floor. The first thing he noticed when he landed was the overcast sky and the slight drizzle in the air, he scowled rain made flying annoying especially at speed. Once Sariah landed next to him he pressed a button on a remote in his pocket causing the door to close. He then walked into the inn "Good morning all, how did everyone sleep" he says in a soft but cheery voice.

Sariah sighed to herself when she heard Amos shouting before getting to her feet and blinking to his location. She then followed him inside greeting the other personas with a slight bow of her head.

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