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Fantasy ๖ۣۜ༻яєα¢н ωιтнιη (Closed)

Ghoul then said to Lois, "Meet me in Linewell. We have some.....issues."

Golith then added, "Ghoul has screwed up once again." Ghoul kicked at some rubble as he was frustrated. He didn't like failing. "Good news is that the device works, however." He got onto his own skyship, and waited for Lance. "I need a better plan."

Thea smiles at Gyo with a wink and said, "I tried to sound convincing." She then nodded at Amos. "I'm Thea, you can say the leader. Although I am as useless as a rock right now." She then pointed to the others...well tried to. Cereth's heals made it easier to move. "Gyo, Rei, Caleb and Cereth. We are the defenders of Arcandia." She looked over at the lady, and told her to come on. Thea sensed Rei's uneasiness. "She can help us. Come, was it Julia?" Julia returned Reinhardt to her mind as she climbed on board.

"What do you know?" Thea asked.

"I know that Tyra was never like this. Something changed her. When that happened, I ran as far as I could from her. That was when I started looking up things about her persona, Golith." She paused. "Tyra never had a persona. She was born without one." Reinhardt appeared as he looked over at Kori and Ori. "We mean no threat."

"Wait, what?" Thea asked with confusion. She then asked Amos, "How long until we get to Balnor?"
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- Yvon

Yvon had looked up at the person asking for his name. He grabs his pole arm, activating it. "Yeah, it is. I dont recognize you well, who is it?" He asks.


- Lois

"Damn. Alright, O.M.W." Lois replies, sighing. "Golith don't rub it in his face!" Lois says as he heard the comment. "Yay device."

Edgar raised his hands, palms up, signifying he was harmless. His get-up kinda failed to accomplish this..

"Names black spider! I can patch up that arm of yours? Not that you need any help or anything! I saw your battle! Great stuff!" He gave a thumbs up and what would have been a smile under his mask.

"Lob?" The spider scurried from the shadows, climbing up his body and perching on his shoulder.

Ayane said:
Ghoul then said to Lois, "Meet me in Linewell. We have some.....issues."
Golith then added, "Ghoul has screwed up once again." Ghoul kicked at some rubble as he was frustrated. He didn't like failing. "Good news is that the device works, however." He got onto his own skyship, and waited for Lance. "I need a better plan."

Thea smiles at Gyo with a wink and said, "I tried to sound convincing." She then nodded at Amos. "I'm Thea, you can say the leader. Although I am as useless as a rock right now." She then pointed to the others...well tried to. Cereth's heals made it easier to move. "Gyo, Rei, Caleb and Cereth. We are the defenders of Arcandia." She looked over at the lady, and told her to come on. Thea sensed Rei's uneasiness. "She can help us. Come, was it Julia?" Julia returned Reinhardt to her mind as she climbed on board.

"What do you know?" Thea asked.

"I know that Tyra was never like this. Something changed her. When that happened, I ran as far as I could from her. That was when I started looking up things about her persona, Golith." She paused. "Tyra never had a persona. She was born without one." Reinhardt appeared as he looked over at Kori and Ori. "We mean no threat."

"Wait, what?" Thea asked with confusion. She then asked Amos, "How long until we get to Balnor?"
Yagyo "Gyo" Suo & Ori

Gyo listened vaguely at the conversation between everyone. He main focus was still on Thea while he worried internally for her. "tried, but failed." He smiled back, planting a kiss on her cheek. Knowing it wasn't the time for it.

Ori looked at Reinhardt, "..." She was silent. Ori didn't thing anyone was a threat unless they tried something. So she nodded. "fair enough."

Rei Kiro & Kori

Rei still was quiet... not like she talked much anyways. But she did spot glaring so hard at the new girl after Thea said something.

"whatever, your not a threat unless you do something... thats Ori's logic by the way. mine is that until you prove your not a threat, stay away from Rei." Kori said neutrally.

(short replies, im at work now.)

@Shiro kurogane @Ayane @Devious Dilbert @akumashioni @Comet (@Scaver, srry. i keep forgetting to add you to the tags.)
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Amos keeps whirling his head around trying to always look at the person who is speaking with an evermore confused expression creeping onto his face. However as soon as Thea addresses him his head whips around to stare at her "That depends how urgent it is to get there and how comfortable everyones stomach is feeling at the moments".

Sariah nods in greeting to all the other personas on the ship before going and lying down next to Amos's feet and blinking with him as he blinks.
Scaver said:
Amos keeps whirling his head around trying to always look at the person who is speaking with an evermore confused expression creeping onto his face. However as soon as Thea addresses him his head whips around to stare at her "That depends how urgent it is to get there and how comfortable everyones stomach is feeling at the moments".
Sariah nods in greeting to all the other personas on the ship before going and lying down next to Amos's feet and blinking with him as he blinks.
@Shiro kurogane[/URL] @Ayane @Devious Dilbert @akumashioni @Comet (@Scaver, srry. i keep forgetting to add you to the tags.)
Julia nods as she puts her curly hair into a ponytail. "Fair enough. After all, I sound just like Ghoul, don't I?" She beckons Reinhardt towards her to not approach Kori and Ori. "How can I prove myself?" Julia rubs Reinhardt's body as she gives a smile to them. Reinhardt purrs (deers purr?) softly.

Thea smiled when Gyo kissed her cheek, and cleared her throat to hide her blush. "Pretty pretty urgent and perhaps urgent enough to endure?" Great, an aching body AND stomach sickness. Two in one, like Ghoul said.

She looked over at Julia. "How does Ghoul not have a persona? That's like...not being born with ten fingers." Julia shrugged as she pet Reinhardt. "I'm not sure, but sh...he was bullied back in Balnor quite often."

Then, Thea asked the trillion dollar question. "Who is this Golith then?" Julia shakes her head. "I have no clue." Reinhardt looks over at Amos's persona and then Ori and Kori. He was bit bored, so he sat. He didn't really talk much unless Julia forgot something to say. Reinhardt's a calm one.

@Devious Dilbert @MuffinRPs @arialc
Ayane said:
Julia nods as she puts her curly hair into a ponytail. "Fair enough. After all, I sound just like Ghoul, don't I?" She beckons Reinhardt towards her to not approach Kori and Ori. "How can I prove myself?" Julia rubs Reinhardt's body as she gives a smile to them. Reinhardt purrs (deers purr?) softly.
Thea smiled when Gyo kissed her cheek, and cleared her throat to hide her blush. "Pretty pretty urgent and perhaps urgent enough to endure?" Great, an aching body AND stomach sickness. Two in one, like Ghoul said.

She looked over at Julia. "How does Ghoul not have a persona? That's like...not being born with ten fingers." Julia shrugged as she pet Reinhardt. "I'm not sure, but sh...he was bullied back in Balnor quite often."

Then, Thea asked the trillion dollar question. "Who is this Golith then?" Julia shakes her head. "I have no clue." Reinhardt looks over at Amos's persona and then Ori and Kori. He was bit bored, so he sat. He didn't really talk much unless Julia forgot something to say. Reinhardt's a calm one.

@Devious Dilbert @MuffinRPs @arialc
Cereth Pavette

"I think understanding how ghoul came to be, would help us better understand her actions and the way she thinks. This may allows us to be able to somewhat predict her." Cereth said.

"I agree, Cereth. Smart thinkin'." Liafort added, cheerful as ever.

"Oh please..."

"Julia, You seem to want to help us... Well, now is your time. Let's talk about this."

"Woah, what's with the sudden boost of confidence?"

"Wh-What? I just- I think this is a good idea."
[QUOTE="Devious Dilbert]
Cereth Pavette

"I think understanding how ghoul came to be, would help us better understand her actions and the way she thinks. This may allows us to be able to somewhat predict her." Cereth said.

"I agree, Cereth. Smart thinkin'." Liafort added, cheerful as ever.

"Oh please..."

"Julia, You seem to want to help us... Well, now is your time. Let's talk about this."

"Woah, what's with the sudden boost of confidence?"

"Wh-What? I just- I think this is a good idea."

( Cereth is adorbs xD )

Julia and Reinhardt nodded, glad to have someone on her side. "I think it will too. Your persona is so cute!" Julia gushed at Liafort as Reinhardt grunted with jealously. "Reinhardt only talks to be smart."

"That's not true." He remarked.

"Told you!" She pets Reinhardt as he walked away from her.

"Hm...Ghoul. Well, we were great siblings. Just something in her changed when she went all transgender. She...or rather he went and cut his hair, straightened it. Tyra looked exactly like me. That was around the time when Golith appeared. He influenced her actions so much."
(Well.. I'm gonna continue.. xD )

Zuri kept walking, her shoes clicking on the metal stairs as she walked up them. She heard voices above her, but she couldn't make them out. Maybe it's the people she's supposed to meet.. Luka stayed by her side, not liking the looks of everything around him. He kept bumping into her. "Luka stop.." She said, gripping the side as he bumped into her again. The voices got quiet when whe said something, then footsteps came towards her. Two men rounded the corner and looked at her. She said, "um, hello, are you the two I'm supposed to be meeting??" Grins slowly spread across their faces as they nodded, stepping towards her. Luka jumped in front of her, growling, not trusting them. By the looks on their faces, Zuri wasn't feeling so trusting of them either..
Ayane said:
Julia nods as she puts her curly hair into a ponytail. "Fair enough. After all, I sound just like Ghoul, don't I?" She beckons Reinhardt towards her to not approach Kori and Ori. "How can I prove myself?" Julia rubs Reinhardt's body as she gives a smile to them. Reinhardt purrs (deers purr?) softly.
Thea smiled when Gyo kissed her cheek, and cleared her throat to hide her blush. "Pretty pretty urgent and perhaps urgent enough to endure?" Great, an aching body AND stomach sickness. Two in one, like Ghoul said.

She looked over at Julia. "How does Ghoul not have a persona? That's like...not being born with ten fingers." Julia shrugged as she pet Reinhardt. "I'm not sure, but sh...he was bullied back in Balnor quite often."

Then, Thea asked the trillion dollar question. "Who is this Golith then?" Julia shakes her head. "I have no clue." Reinhardt looks over at Amos's persona and then Ori and Kori. He was bit bored, so he sat. He didn't really talk much unless Julia forgot something to say. Reinhardt's a calm one.

@Devious Dilbert @MuffinRPs @arialc
Yagyo Suo & Ori

"we gotta get you fixed up first. otherwise we're all gonna hinder rather than help our friends." Gyo spoke up. He turned to the girl with the healing power. "uh... Cereith right? can you heal Thea?" He asked.

Ori sat off, away from the group. She had no reason to. Just that she had nothing else to do.

Rei Kiro & Kori

Rei sat with Ori and Kori. She whispered so only the two persona's could hear her. The three were apparently deep in conversation about something.

Kori often shook his head either in a yes or a no motion. As he, Rei and Ori talked.

(almost off of works, just another hour left! also, srry everyone. i don't have time to put in the other tags for people.)
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Ayane said:
( Cereth is adorbs xD )
Julia and Reinhardt nodded, glad to have someone on her side. "I think it will too. Your persona is so cute!" Julia gushed at Liafort as Reinhardt grunted with jealously. "Reinhardt only talks to be smart."

"That's not true." He remarked.

"Told you!" She pets Reinhardt as he walked away from her.

"Hm...Ghoul. Well, we were great siblings. Just something in her changed when she went all transgender. She...or rather he went and cut his hair, straightened it. Tyra looked exactly like me. That was around the time when Golith appeared. He influenced her actions so much."
[QUOTE="Shiro kurogane]
Yagyo Suo & Ori
"we gotta get you fixed up first. otherwise we're all gonna hinder rather than help our friends." Gyo spoke up. He turned to the girl with the healing power. "uh... Cereith right? can you heal Thea?" He asked.

Ori sat off, away from the group. She had no reason to. Just that she had nothing else to do.

Rei Kiro & Kori

Rei sat with Ori and Kori. She whispered so only the two persona's could hear her. The three were apparently deep in conversation about something.

Kori often shook his head either in a yes or a no motion. As he, Rei and Ori talked.

(almost off of works, just another hour left! also, srry everyone. i don't have time to put in the other tags for people.)

"Hah- Cute? Of course." Liafort puffed out his feathers.

"Oh great- Now he'll brag about this for the rest of the day."

"You're just jealous that nobody calls you cute."


Cereth looked at the man who spoke her name.

"Yes, I can. Of course I'll help Thea."

She moved to Thea. "Are you still hurt? I'm sorry I didn't do this before..."
[QUOTE="Devious Dilbert]"Hah- Cute? Of course." Liafort puffed out his feathers.
"Oh great- Now he'll brag about this for the rest of the day."

"You're just jealous that nobody calls you cute."


Cereth looked at the man who spoke her name.

"Yes, I can. Of course I'll help Thea."

She moved to Thea. "Are you still hurt? I'm sorry I didn't do this before..."

( I thought she healed her already )

Thea nods but then sighs. "I'll still be pretty useless without Sana." She sees the approaching Reinhardt, and smiles. "Ah, he seems to like you." Julia said with a smile. "Sorry about the persona thing." Thea shrugs it off, but really cared about Sana. Who knew where she was. "Cereth has light heals however. I'm pretty sure Ghoul almost broke my arm." Julia gasped. "Tyra would never hurt anyone." Thea frowned, "It looks like he kills for fun."
Ayane said:
( I thought she healed her already )
Thea nods but then sighs. "I'll still be pretty useless without Sana." She sees the approaching Reinhardt, and smiles. "Ah, he seems to like you." Julia said with a smile. "Sorry about the persona thing." Thea shrugs it off, but really cared about Sana. Who knew where she was. "Cereth has light heals however. I'm pretty sure Ghoul almost broke my arm." Julia gasped. "Tyra would never hurt anyone." Thea frowned, "It looks like he kills for fun."
(I guess not)

Cereth Pavette

"Ghouls followers aren't any better either... Especially that boy that she left behind... He seemed so young..." Cereth paused.

"I don't understand their motives. They claim to be changing Arcandia for the better. I don't see how burning cities and attacking civilians fulfills that goal. ...I would hate to disagree with you, Julia, but Ghoul has hurt a lot of people- killed quite a bunch too. The fall of Whisville was indeed her doing."

"They're the bad guys, that's for sure." Liafort said.

"They just... They seem like... a group of very unstable people..."

Perhaps their 'upright' cause is just a mirage. Maybe they really are set to destroy Arcandia in actuality.

But why?

(btw aren't we standing in a burning city)
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Ayane said:
( I thought she healed her already )
Thea nods but then sighs. "I'll still be pretty useless without Sana." She sees the approaching Reinhardt, and smiles. "Ah, he seems to like you." Julia said with a smile. "Sorry about the persona thing." Thea shrugs it off, but really cared about Sana. Who knew where she was. "Cereth has light heals however. I'm pretty sure Ghoul almost broke my arm." Julia gasped. "Tyra would never hurt anyone." Thea frowned, "It looks like he kills for fun."
Yagyo Suo & Ori

"your not useless. you got me and Rei, we'll protect you until we retrieve Sana." Gyo said, laying Thea down carefully after Cereith finished healing. He then sat down beside Thea.

Rei Kiro & Kori

Rei sat quietly with Kori and Ori. She had nothing to say and didn't feel like talking either.

(short reply because im lost on the conversation... didn't keep up well enough when i was at work)

@Epax @Miracle Corgi @MuffinRPs @arialc @RP Marshall @akumashioni @Comet
Ayane said:
(They are on Amos's airship (i think))
"Again, they never said they are changing Arcandia for the better necessarily." Thea says as she thanks Cereth for the heal. She watched Julia look distraught. "Hey, we'll stop him." Thea gave her a thumbs up. Julia nods as she paces. Thea then added, "We just need to figure out who the hell Golith really is." Reinhardt nuzzled Thea's hand softly. "She's just suprised." Why was the deer so cute, yet talked like an adult? Julia then spoke up, "I would like to join you guys, if you don't mind. I'm not too useless."

@RP Marshall @Devious Dilbert @MuffinRPs @arialc @Epax @Shiro kurogane @akumashioni
(ooohhhhhh I always thought their goal was 'Noble')

Cereth Pavette

"Yes, of course Julia. You can join us." Cereth smiled.

"We're always growing!" Liafort exclaimed.

"But to more serious matters- Oh- but not to say that you aren't important, Julia-"

Oyyy I should just stop talking...

"How will we get Sana back? We don't know where they took her... Though, I don't think they would harm her. She can only die if you do. ...What was the point in taking her? Anyway... We must get her back."

"Yep. Nobody gets left behind on our team!"

"I hope our friends in Balnor are fine..."

Cereth looked over the carnage of Whisville. There was no hope for this city.
"Stitches? Not my forte." He leaps down gracefully and approaches yvon a bit more casually. Cool, he must be a defender.

"Scared of spiders?" The large black widow crawled down his leg and to yvon, attempting to web up the wound.

"It's adhesive, and numbing. So? What was that fight all about?"

Zuri backed away from the two guys then started running away with Luka behind her. Se wasn't paying attention before she ran into someone, bouncing off of them and slamming into Luka, flattening her Hippogriff behind her with a "oof"

(My chance of interaction and finally joining in. xD )
Epax said:
Ian went up to the building Jonah was at. "What you are doing actually doesn't seem that bad. I think it's good that somebody is going to pay attention to this dump. But that doesn't change the fact that you are using other people. Hell DEAD people's persona. I'm not gonna stand for that." Ian drew his sword. "I challenge you to a duel. You get first strike" EDIT: @Miracle Corgi
Jonah Sunore and Luka Vandevelde

Jonah rushed his sprint to a halt, looking at the young boy before him. "If you understand my cause, then you understand that people have been used and put to death long before any of this. This town was living proof of people using each other for themselves. There's also the chance that the persona here fighting were once the persona of the abused and dead as well." Jonah began, drawing his sword. He was going to take the first strike, his eyes narrowing like a hawk's as he studied his opponent. He didn't want to hit a vital organ, but he had to finish the match as fast as possible.

Luka quickly rushed in, closing in on both Ian and Jonah. "You're cornered." She said, coldly. Her rapier drawn and pointed towards Jonah. Jonah froze, analyzing the situation as Rauda gave out a strong cry overhead. It was a retreat signal, Rauda had noticed Lois' retreat and was trying to get Jonah to do the same. He could probably handle one, but given the stances between the two, both Ian and Luka, they both intended to do some damage. He'd either have to choose to retreat himself, now before anyone else came, and hope to make it to the rendezvous point, or try to reason with him and be taken hostage. His eyes fluttered up and watched Rauda circle, as he did this, the synchronized an ocular and mental link.

"I'll humor you." He muttered, staring back at Luka now. His eyes studied her stance, she was shaking and nervous, but despite that her stance and grip were well trained. She looked as if she had prior experience being an assassin, how comfortably she held her thin blade. She was rusty though, he noticed, her knees buckled with anxiety and ankles weak. He had a plan. He turned to face Ian, hoping she'd fall prey to his plan. "First strike?" He smiled, nodding his head, "very kind of you." Jonah charged, lifting his blade for a swing. Swiftly, Luka followed behind at incredible speeds, preparing to stab Jonah in the back. Jonah's own persona abilities activated, giving him aided agility in hastily dodging Luka's blade just as he was about to strike at Ian. Jonah side stepped and took off running down an alley, thinking of what he should do next.

Luka screamed, seeing her blade miss Jonah and head for Ian. She threw her blade down instantly, causing herself to trip and fall as well, but avoided stabbing Ian as best as she could.
Jonah Sunore

Epax said:
"Thanks for trying to help but you need to work on speed and accuracy. I've got this" Ian Shut his eyes and focused 'From the persona within me lend me your strength!' He thought. Ian felt a felling of being light as a feather. He rushed down the ally and jumped over Jonah. "Bullshit" Ian said "I've lived here my whole god damned life. Sure we have been neglected and forgotten. But I've never seen anybody from Balnor abused. Or murdered by a higher class in the 'food chain'. Any other propaganda you have for me?" Ian asked @Miracle Corgi
"So the businesses running corporations here haven't abused the people of Balnor? You know they should be paying more, or at least sending aid, to the people of Balnor subjected to low income and grueling labor!" Jonah retorted, holding his blade and waiting for Ian's movements. He was fast, faster than Jonah, but he hadn't given up yet. "The murder isn't literal at all, but they profit off Balnor." He tightened his grip. "Just see, in the next few days, what aid is actually going to come to Balnor?" He continued, his teeth gritted, feeling his blood rush. There was no other choice, he had to fight. He studied Ian, his gaze piercing as he looked for an immediate opening. With a sudden movement, he dashed, just as Rauda had dived and hunted with her talons earlier, he moved with violent speed as he swung his sword low to meet the boy's legs. If he was a runner, he had to slow him down.

Luka Vandevelde

Luka got up from the dirt, feeling like a failure as she looked around for where the two ran off to. She picked up her rapier and studied the area, breathing heavily. She heard the young man's voice coming from an alley and darted down in, searching for Ian and Jonah.

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