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Fantasy ๖ۣۜ༻яєα¢н ωιтнιη (Closed)


- Yvon & Lois

Yvon jumps off of the airship once close enough to the ground, sprinting to the source of the flames which have already spread plenty. As he got closer and closer, that heavy feeling in his heart grew even heavier... He pulls up his hood and mask, soon encountering his sister. "God dammit, I was REALLY hoping you were gonna be a different whore." Yvon says, groaning. Lois lets off a laugh. "Aha?! You really think I am a Whore just because I left you fuckers behind a dozen years ago?" Lois asks, drawing her blade. "Pretty much. Now I just hope no one intervenes." Yvon says, taking out his pole arm and getting into the proper stance. "Bleeding Widow. How about you?" Yvon asks. "Blind Justice." She replies. "Fun." Yvon comments sarcastically. They began to fight, pretty evenly matched, especially with the stances. Yvon focuses on a blend of rapid strikes, holding his pole arm typically at the 1/4 mark to the 1/2 mark, focusing on rapid and leaping combos. Lois held her sword reverse grip, emphasizing slashing strikes and having plenty of mobility, focusing on stronger combos. In combination with the powers, Yvon had focused on lighting his polearm on fire with the orbitting flames rather than shooting them. Loid had typically used her Famine ability just lightly, to avoid going into famine herself. Her persona was really greedy.
Edgar had barely arrived, already witnessing a brutal fight between two skilled warriors.

He hid in the shadows, analyzing the battle. "Which one of them is the good guy?" He whispered to himself.

"We must help the defenders!" She-lob clicked, the spider was clung to his chest, ready to go in case he moved. @arialc

(Hi. :D )
Scanning the streets for his alleys, Lock and Roma noticed Yvon @arialc surrounded by scorching flames. The 28 year old was wielding his polearm, swinging it at a person obscured by the flames. Squinting his eye's Locke noticed that the person was a young woman holding a katana. A monsterous skeleton creature stood next to the woman in red.

"Yvon!" Locke called out, concerned for the man's safety.

The boy, pulling out his knife, ran towards Yvon, hoping to aiding him.

"Locke don't!" Roma screamed at her foolhardy boy. "It's too dangerous. STOP!"

Locke did not listen to his persona as he charged forward.

"Oh boy, here we go!" Edgar noticed the new guys show up, and the intruder of the duel. She-lob scurried away, setting up a sneaky web that would surely aid "black spiders" plan.

"Black spider" left his shadowy hiding spot, slowly climbing along various inconspicuous surfaces. Once he had a good vantage point, he waited to strike.

"I don't recognize any of these guys.." He thought to himself. @arialc

@RP Marshall
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Ayane said:
( sniff, you called Ghoul a creep. feelings hurt. tears > :) )
Ghoul stopped short, and looked at the male. "I let you go because I didn't want to kill you. Someone also asked me to not kill you." He looked over at Ori, then at Kori. "Golith tells me you both have a deep connection with your personas." Ghoul looks over at Rei. "You have a smart sister as well."

"Ghoul, we need to go."

"I'll borrow her persona. In the meanwhile, I don't recommend you attacking me unless you want her on a kabob." With one swift kick to her back, Golith made the two disappear, this time to leave. They've work to do.

Well that hurt. A lot. Thea laid on the ground once the man left, and struggled to get up. So this is what it feels to really be powerless. Both as a failure and literally powerless. "Hey, I'm fine. We should meet with the others in Balnor." She moved an arm, and winced. That felt broken. Thea was about to call Sana when she remembered. Whelp. "I can use some of Cereth's heals right now." She might've not looked like it, but honestly losing her abilities and her pride and courage ruined her. She endangered everyone she loved. Good going Thea.

@Devious Dilbert @Shiro kurogane @Scaver @arialc @Miracle Corgi
Cereth Pavette (Sorry I haven't been posting as much, I'm job searchingggg it sucks)

"Thea!!" Cereth shouted. "Sana!"

"This isn't good..." Liafort said right after.

"You don't say?!"

After Thea had fallen to the ground and Ghoul had disappeared, Cereth ran to her side.

"They took Sana! Are you okay?!" Cereth was almost freaking out.

"Are we really in a good enough position to head to Balnor? Who knows what's going on over there? You- Our leader just lost her persona!" Her dove companion yelled.

"If it's already bad enough over here- imagine Balnor... What if they need our help? We can still fight. They could be in trouble!"

Cereth suddenly remembered Thea mentioning her healing powers.

"Of course, Thea. I'll help you." Cereth said.


Lance Rhenson

Would you look at the chaos?

...Wait a second-

Ghoul left me here!!

"What the hell?!" Lance shouted.

"Lance, keep calm. We've gotta get out of Whisville."

"She left us!" (I know about her gender issues, but Lance refers to her as a girl because that's how he views him)

"We've gotta find a way back to HQ." His persona roared.

I can't believe this!

He looked at the party in front of him. He had been following Ghoul around for the whole time.

Whisville looked to be crumbling. He didn't want to stay with these guys, but his way out of Whisville had just left without him.

"What the fuck??!!" He yelled out.

(I'm shamelessly fishing for more chances for interactions with him)
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- Yvon and Lois

Yvon has put his focus into Lois, the skeleton sysying stationary due to the nature of the persona. He traveled through the flames without and hesitation, his persona giving him protection deliberately. Then he noticed Locke. With a sword, of all things. Lois giggles. "Oh~! You need to have friends to help you win, huh?" She asks as she fought, not taking his eyes off of him. "Shut up!" Yvon yells, pushing him back with the end of his polearm, roughly. Likely to leave quite a bruise, and Lois took this advantage with a leap. Yvon barely hsd recovered from saving Locke, nlocking just enough to prevent a fatal attack but not a Laceration inside of his bicep. "FUCK!" He yells as he was cut. He returns to the fight, aiming to push her back, ignoring the pain of the deep flesh wound.

After hearing the conversation over the sensors in the cockpit, Amos decided that he should try and get these people out of here. He couldn't do any more to help Whisville and his workshop is far enough out to be safe from the fire. He slowly dropped the Nemisis so that it was hovering just over the roofs as close to the ground as it could get without hitting the ground.

After setting the autopilot Amos quickly moved through the ship to the lower ramp and dropped a set of lines to allow the others to get on board. He then summoned his power and blinked to the ground directly behind the group at the same time he shouted for Sariah to follow him. In the main cargo area of the craft Sariah uncurled and stood up before quickly teleporting to Amos's side as he reached the ground.

"Everyone grab onto a rope we need to get out of here before the fire spreads, and anyway it sounds like you guys have somewhere you need to go." Amos said in a loud voice to make himself heard over the loud hum of the hoverpads over his head.

@Shiro kurogane @Ayane @Devious Dilbert
arialc said:
- Yvon and Lois
Yvon has put his focus into Lois, the skeleton sysying stationary due to the nature of the persona. He traveled through the flames without and hesitation, his persona giving him protection deliberately. Then he noticed Locke. With a sword, of all things. Lois giggles. "Oh~! You need to have friends to help you win, huh?" She asks as she fought, not taking his eyes off of him. "Shut up!" Yvon yells, pushing him back with the end of his polearm, roughly. Likely to leave quite a bruise, and Lois took this advantage with a leap. Yvon barely hsd recovered from saving Locke, nlocking just enough to prevent a fatal attack but not a Laceration inside of his bicep. "FUCK!" He yells as he was cut. He returns to the fight, aiming to push her back, ignoring the pain of the deep flesh wound.

"Damn it!" Locke yelped, grasping his chest in pain where Yvon had pushed him away from the fight.

"That's enough, Locke!" Yelled Roma in rage. "Yvon can take care of himself! Why are you doing this?!"

Noticing another water tower directly above him, Locke shouted at his persona, "So I can become a responsible adult, you damn rodent!!"

Locke put his knife in his teeth and swiftly climbed up to the tank.

Unscrewing the hinges in a flash, the boy yelled out to Lois, "Hey, ma'am! Get away from my friends! Watch out Yvon!!!"

The tank split open and out of it burst a heavy tidal wave hurdling directly at Lois and her skeleton.

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Ayane said:
( sniff, you called Ghoul a creep. feelings hurt. tears > :) )
Ghoul stopped short, and looked at the male. "I let you go because I didn't want to kill you. Someone also asked me to not kill you." He looked over at Ori, then at Kori. "Golith tells me you both have a deep connection with your personas." Ghoul looks over at Rei. "You have a smart sister as well."

"Ghoul, we need to go."

"I'll borrow her persona. In the meanwhile, I don't recommend you attacking me unless you want her on a kabob." With one swift kick to her back, Golith made the two disappear, this time to leave. They've work to do.

Well that hurt. A lot. Thea laid on the ground once the man left, and struggled to get up. So this is what it feels to really be powerless. Both as a failure and literally powerless. "Hey, I'm fine. We should meet with the others in Balnor." She moved an arm, and winced. That felt broken. Thea was about to call Sana when she remembered. Whelp. "I can use some of Cereth's heals right now." She might've not looked like it, but honestly losing her abilities and her pride and courage ruined her. She endangered everyone she loved. Good going Thea.

@Devious Dilbert @Shiro kurogane @Scaver @arialc @Miracle Corgi
Yagyo "Gyo" Suo & Ori

Gyo wanted to run after Ghoul, after the creep (> :) ) Kicked Thea. Instead he ran to Thea since she ment more to his than the bastard. "Thea..." He keeled next to her while the giirl who'd healed him, healed her. "sorry..." It was the only thing he could think of to say, seeing as he couldn't do anything to help her. Gyo started to doubt himself now and it showed via Ori's form becoming unstable. He offered to carry her since he was the only one at the moment who could do so.

Ori said nothing as her form flickered in and out.

Rei Kiro & Kori

Rei was also instantly beside Thea. Rei showed the first emotion since meeting up with her old friend... sadness and tears. "Thea... i couldn't... sorry." She spoke for the first time in a while, echoing her brother.

Kori watched silently... he was sad about losing Sana, his friend.

@Shiro kurogane @Ayane @Devious Dilbert
Cereth Pavette & Lance Rhenson (Featuring Liafort and Reinen)

"You!!" Cereth called out to the boy, she had a really bad habit of doing this. "You're that boy from the Severed Tops!!"

You're with them aren't you?!" Liafort added.

Who the hell are you to talk to me like that?" He said in return.

Lance-" His lion persona, Reinen, sighed. "This is no time to be-" He was itching to leave Whisville.

Shut up." He interrupted his persona. He looked back at the woman speaking to him and her dove. "Yeah, I'm with them. There a problem? What's a weakling like you got to say about it? You guys got in the way of our plans back at the Severed Tops. Not this time. We won this time. Whisville is burning. And so will Balnor." A memory of his hometown flashed before his eyes.

He knew he was being irrational... but he wanted to pin the blame of Ghoul's abandonment on them. Perhaps it was a coping mechanism.

Cereth was suddenly angered.

And you're proud of this? What's your goal anyway? I thought the troops of New Arcandia meant to change the world. They're only destroying it! You hurt my comrades and the thousands of others in this city. What is there to be proud of about this?!"

We *are* changing the world! We're ridding it of weaklings like you, so that Arcandia will rise to strength!"

The weak are meant to follow the strong. Why do they defy this?

Lance! We have to go!" His persona ferociously roared.

"You're the weakest one here. Your leader fled and you remain here. It seems you aren't important enough." Cereth had stood up over Thea.

"You shut the fuck up-" Lance broke eye contact with the woman. He really had nothing else to say.

Cereth turned back to Thea.

"If you're done, let's move!" His lion prodded him.

"I kinda feel bad for the kid... Just look at 'im." Liafort said.

Lance turned around to walk in the opposite direction. He refused to let what the woman said get to him. He refused to lose to her.

"We're going back to Headquarters. We'll find a way." He spoke in a monotonous voice, void of all emotion.

"Finally, you begin to think rationally again."

"Thea, what are we going to do without Sana?" Cereth asked her friend.

(Holy shit that was so typical and dramatic, but i've been waiting for the chance for them to interact)
Black spider watched as the tidal wave from the water tower struck, marveling at the craftiness of the "Locke" guy.

"Maybe I should just stay outta this."
Caleb put his sword back in his scabbath, "I'm so done today,"

"What's wrong," Bear said.

"I'm thinking too much. I can't get work done," He ran a hand through his dark, chocolate hair

"Is this about Conor," He cocked his head to the side.

"No, like it isn't obvious! It's always been him since day one! He was the first person I saw when I walked into that base and the first boy I fell for." He sighed, "M-Maybe I'm not cut out for this. Maybe I shouldn't be here."

"Don't think like that!"

"What? It's true. I'm by far the weakest private on base and I'm not doing very well out here, am I? Maybe me and Conor should just... settle down. Adopt half a dozen kids. A family. It could work. My Dad did it and my Dad's Dad did it. Eventually I'll do it so why not now?"

"Because you've worked your ass off your whole life and now you're gonna just give in?! That's not the Caleb I know! He would never give up and he would never give in! So what are you? Caleb or your Dad?!"
Zuri was soon in a different town, a factory looking, steampunk kind of style town.(can't think of the nam) she walked around with Luka by her side, heading to her next business meeting with a few people here in this town.
Jonah Sunore (hi im sorry if ive overstepped my bounds with this one, but i sorta daydreamed this and thought it would give the situation some weird depth, if it is not what you wanted if can just be forgotten and Jonah couldve just set a brothel on fire or something.)

Jonah admired Ghoul and the others, he saw them as incredibly powerful individuals that he believed could change Arcandia. Of course, they had the brute strength and ability to do so. As Rauda reunited herself with Jonah in the crowded and burning streets of Balnor as it burnt, Jonah knew he wasn't as strong as either Ghoul or Lois, there was even the possibility that Lance was much stronger than him as well. But, Jonah believed he had something they lacked. He saw groups of villagers congregating in major squares, looking for safe places and watching what little they had burn.

He took the chance to make up where he thought the others lacked in constructing a new Arcandia, or what he believed was the new Arcandia they were building. The Flag of Arcandia in hand, he climbed up the next building to be burned and suddenly projected his voice to the groups of villagers in the area.

"To the rest of old Arcandia, this town was only a cheap resource!" He began, yelling over the chaos as best he could. "They didn't see you as people! They never tried to help you! This is why we're going to burn their economic crutch up! We will force them to notice you, to finally look at the town of Balnor and no longer ignore it!" He was yelling at the lop of his lungs. "And we'll change Arcandia, for the better!" He finished, looking down now to see he got the attention of some. He pulled a lighter from his pocket and lit the flag, and held it in the air. After a moment, Rauda rose and grabbed the part not yet burnt by the flame, and took the cloth flag from Jonah. She began to fly about the city, spreading the propaganda. Jonah frowned, seeing the town burn. It was sick, but he believed that what he said was true. Balnor could not be ignored, the movement for a new Arcandia must be realized. He hopped off the building, and then continued to spread fire. He passed an alley way and noticed Lois fighting. He bit his lip, she was getting distracted. He drew his sword, holding it ready knowing that the resistance was present and could attack him at any time.

Luka Vandevelde

Luka felt alone, having lost the group. She charged smaller undead personas, taking them down and protecting civilians as best she could, but her heart was still pounding. She hadn't had time to think until a moment ago, though. She had cleared an alley way full of undead alligators and serpents, barely doing so at times, and took up dashing through town again, looking for conflict. She didn't know where anyone was, the thought of her team members running through her mind with worry. They could be hurt, even dead. Her heart stopped when she saw a second water tower fall, this time close enough to see a familiar figure that had knocked it over. There was at least someone left other than her. She would've sighed with relief until she was met again. At the same time, her eyes fixed on a soaring bird carrying a flag.

@akumashioni[/URL] @Epax @Miracle Corgi @MuffinRPs
The gliding persona suddenly changed it's stance, the goshawk now beginning a fast dive down to the pair on the platform. Swiftly, it's talons released the burning flag and gripped for the racoon persona, attempting to pick it up by its back skin and fur, sinking it's talons in deep. Luka couldn't focus her eyes, she couldn't see if the raptor bird had successfully grabbed Roma or not, but it continued it's flight across the low skyline of Balnor, with something in it's talons. Luka's heart was racing, she would've ran straight to the scene but was caught up battle more undead persona in the streets. In the corner of her eye she saw Jonah sprint past her and continue to set buildings aflame via what he had left of gunpowder, oil, and bombs. Luka paused, parried the attack from the persona, and then retreated to pursue Jonah, the two running through the city.

It was as if Rauda was carrying a conversation as she flew with whatever she had in her talons, what she was flying towards was a burning part of Balnor to drop the object into a fire, but acted as if she was begrudgingly told otherwise. She lifted her right wing to spin and fly back to the object's pick up spot, or Locke, and dropped the mass forcefully onto his back and took off again, returning to scout the skies during the conflict.

( I thought if Rauda grabbed and threatened Roma it would be interesting and stuff, but I didn't want constrict you or force you so she couldve grabbed the scarf or a bag or from trashing dropped her earlier and not noticed or never picked her up at all. its up to you. Sorry if I overstepped bounds again )
- Yvon & Lois

Yvon had been well pissed at the fact Locke had distracted him, but Lois and Yvon has been focused on each other. Jonah had been yelling out at the citizens, Lois and Yvon didnt care, especially Lois. There was a persona diving in their area, one Lois had needed to avoid. And then, there was a water tower with Locke warning them. Lois and Yvon had dashed out of the way of the wooden tower, the drinking supply pouring out at a rapid pace to eliminate a large portion of the flame. "Doesn't even matter! A ton of the flame is still alive!" Lois yells out. Yvon was remainging silent, charging after Lois. Lois had backed up quickly, getting away from all of the commotion from the defenders... She would have to retreat soon, but not without taking Yvon down. They had continued to fight, the loss very slowly going to Yvon due to his cut bicep.
Thea looked over at Rei with a smile. "Hey, I'm not dead. Everything will be fine." She honestly had no idea if it will be, but she kept the smile on her face. She was in a freaking lot of pain without Sana to soothe her. Maybe she did rely on her too much. She nodded gratefully at Amos for the ride, and asked, "And you are?"

Thea was glad that Gyo would carry her and she gave him a smile. "I'm fine. We need to go to Balnor for the others..."

"Wait, you guys!" A blond lady as old as Cereth ran towards them. She resembled someone in particular....

"Who are you?" Thea asked with a frown.

"I'm Julia. Julia Harper. This is Reinhardt." The white stag dipped it's head towards the group and said, "Nice to meet you."

"Ghoul, is he gone?" Julia sighed.

"You know Ghoul?" Thea asked with puzzlement.

"Yes, he's....well she's my sister. Younger sister. I'm sorry to say, but we are in a lot of trouble." Julia looked at the group and said, "Balnor...I just came from there. It looks like a fire swept through that place. I think I saw your friends." She worringly looked at Reinhardt. "There's a lot to explain."

Ghoul cursed to himself as he looked at his wound. It looked worse than it actually felt. He called Lois, "Retreat for now. The device works." He looked at Golith who seemed to approve. "What is it?"

"Arcandia will be rebuilt on greatness. That's all." Golith said as he followed her. "Oh, Lance. We left him." Ghoul then called Lance, "Meet us at the enterance."

@RP Marshall @Devious Dilbert @MuffinRPs @arialc @Shiro kurogane @Epax @Miracle Corgi @akumashioni @Comet
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{Don't worry. I love the idea. Great post!}

Seven years early...

"Stop you bloody thief," yelled a shop owner to a small raccoon who had stolen a single tomato from the produce stand.

Ducking into an alley, the persona breathed deeply in fear. Her heart was racing as she returned to the crying boy. Handing him the ripe tomato, Roma smiled feebly at him.

"Locke, I brought you some food. Are you hungry?"

The boy, still weeping, grabbed the tomato and began eating it while his salty tears mix with the wonderful taste of the fruit.

"Roma," said Locke as he took another bite of the delicious tomato. "I want my mom! Why aren't my parents hear with us?"

The persona sighed in despair and said, "I'm so sorry Locke. It's going to be just you and me now."

How can I take care of this boy by myself? I'm not a parent. Damn it! Should I just leave him? I could try and search for Summerfields. His parents wanted me to stay with them. I don't want the boy to be hurt but I just can't do this! I'm not responsible enough...

Roma grabbed her throbbing head, unsure about what she should do.

"Roma," Locke said, as he handed the raccoon the last remaining bites of the tomato. "Do you want some?"

With that, the persona finally made her decision. She would stay with the boy! As she bit into the fruit, she started crying herself.

"Are you okay Roma?" the boy asked.

"*Sniff* I'm fine... Locke... I'm going to take care of you. I am you're mom now. And I love you!"

Present day...

@Miracle Corgi[/URL]
While the boy wept in anguish, Ian was in the distance with his sword drawn preparing to fight the man who had been making a speech to the people of Balnor.

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- Yvon and Lois

Lois had been winning slowly, but Yvon was stubborn. He couldnt summon his persona in such wet conditions, so he didnt have much of a choice. Yvon kept fightimg, focusing on a blend of rapid and strong attacks. Then Lois leaps to a halfway burnt ceiling as Ghoul had called her to retreat. "Alright, Boss~! Bye bye, Yvon. I dont have time right now, call yourself lucky." Lois says, running off and retreating from Balnor.

- Yvon

Yvon hisses as Lois retreats and insults him... Yvon sits on the ground, retracting the polearm and covering his laceration. "Dammit..." He says, his chest heavy with anger.

- Lois

Lois had remained on the call with Ghoul. "Hey, where are you at, huh?" She asks, sheathing her blade. Her skeleton had gone invisible way long ago, so she didnt stand out.

Edgar: "black spider" saw his opportunity, he could patch up that laceration for him..

He waited for the enemy female to leave before calling out.

"Yvon? Is it?" He stood, waving a hand at the sitting warrior.

Hope he doesn't try to kill me..

Ayane said:
Thea looked over at Rei with a smile. "Hey, I'm not dead. Everything will be fine." She honestly had no idea if it will be, but she kept the smile on her face. She was in a freaking lot of pain without Sana to soothe her. Maybe she did rely on her too much. She nodded gratefully at Amos for the ride, and asked, "And you are?"
Thea was glad that Gyo would carry her and she gave him a smile. "I'm fine. We need to go to Balnor for the others..."

"Wait, you guys!" A blond lady as old as Cereth ran towards them. She resembled someone in particular....

"Who are you?" Thea asked with a frown.

"I'm Julia. Julia Harper. This is Reinhardt." The white stag dipped it's head towards the group and said, "Nice to meet you."

"Ghoul, is he gone?" Julia sighed.

"You know Ghoul?" Thea asked with puzzlement.

"Yes, he's....well she's my sister. Younger sister. I'm sorry to say, but we are in a lot of trouble." Julia looked at the group and said, "Balnor...I just came from there. It looks like a fire swept through that place. I think I saw your friends." She worringly looked at Reinhardt. "There's a lot to explain."

Ghoul cursed to himself as he looked at his wound. It looked worse than it actually felt. He called Lois, "Retreat for now. The device works." He looked at Golith who seemed to approve. "What is it?"

"Arcandia will be rebuilt on greatness. That's all." Golith said as he followed her. "Oh, Lance. We left him." Ghoul then called Lance, "Meet us at the enterance."

@RP Marshall @Devious Dilbert @MuffinRPs @arialc @Shiro kurogane @Epax @Miracle Corgi @akumashioni @Comet
Yagyo "Gyo" Suo & Ori

"your still a bad liar." Gyo chuckled and picked up Thea, bridal-style. He then grabbed onto the rope the new stranger had dropped down, still easily hold Thea carefully. Gyo looked at the new girl who's just ran up to them.

Ori grabbed onto the rope, holding Kori like a puppy.

Rei Kiro & Kori

Rei stopped crying... as much, but she still cried... just softer. She moved to follow Gyo and Thea, but paused and looked at the new girl claiming to know Ghoul. Rei had to fight herself to not stab the new irl with ice and pin the other girl to the wall and torture the info out. But Rei just looked away and walked to her brother's side.

"oi, easy Ori." Kori complained. He hated being held like this.

(short replies, im at work now.)

@Shiro kurogane @Ayane @Devious Dilbert @akumashioni @Comet
"My names Amos" he said nodding at Thea. "So who are you guys and why were you chasing after that other woman" Amos said blinking up next to Thea. After the other woman arrived HE blinked away to be next to her "Ghoul, who's Ghoul they sound scary. Is she the person that these guys were chasing earlier.". Sariah just stood at the outskirts of the group watching for any threats while Amos continued to speak exceptionally quickly.

"Oh are we going. All right then we can talk on board" Amos says noticing Gyo grab the rope before blinking back up onto the boarding ramp. "Lets go Sariah we need to get these guys to Baranor". As Amos got onto the ramp he hit a button causing a winch attached to the ropes Gyo and Ori were holding to begin reeling in pulling them up and into the cargo area of the Nemisis.

@Ayane @Shiro kurogane

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